Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Aug 1917, p. 11

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(OF RUSSIA. In One of Them Is a Royal Tomb Made of Two Tons of Silver. Russia is a lund that is full of fascl nation for the tourist, and among its notable sights are the churches of the big cities. The Kremlin at Moscow is in itself worth a journey across half the world. Guarded by its battlement- ed walls are pumerous churches, an- clent and modern palaces of the czars and a thousand historie mementos. The whole of Moscow is a picture never to be forgotten--especially if seen In Its winter setting of snow. White streets pursuing their way by the side of convent walls or through historic gateways bum with thé sound A FEW LINES OF HEINZ 57 Pure Olive Oil, Peanut Butter, Prepared Mustard. Pork and Beans, Spaghetti with Tomateés and Cheese. Mustard Sauce. Kidney Beans (Red). P. H. BAKER Princess & Frontenac St. Phone 1016 Aris, A me ---- ATR HARVEST HELP EX. CURSIONS TO WEST- ERN CANADA $12.00 To Winnipeg, Man., plus 3 cent per mile yond. Return, 3 cent per mile to Wine nipeg, plus $18.00. Going Dates, August 21st and 30th, For further particulars apply to J. P. Hanley, C.P. and T.A., G.T. Ry. Sys., Kingston, Ont. CANADIAN PacirFic VISITORS Teo the WORLD'S GREATEST Annual Exhibition TORONTO (Aug. 25th to Sept. 10th) Will Find the Canadian Pacific THE CONVENIENT ROUTER From 'All Points in Cannda EXTRA TRAIN SERVICER To and from Parkdale Station and Exhibition Grounds from principal points on certain dates. CUNARD LIN Passenger Service Between Montreal and Londo (Calling Falmouth to land passengers) --and--- Montreal and Bristol For particulars of sailings ana rates Soply to oon agents y to a Boker The Hydro Electric offer the Tren- on + Am ene Agen ton em to the town for 0 King. Street Fast Toronto. $20,000 and agree to accept the of swiftly movlug slelghs: churches, | Jor' SF We town for same at fve fantastic, Irregular, immense, with cu- polas of dazzling gold or shining, be wildering, dark blue, stand out free of and isolated. Nearly every spot has its |] history.' There is, for instance, one famous chareh erected centuries age by Ivan the Terrible, who brought an architect from Italy to design is and superintend its erection. A remarkable building was the result, and the czar expressed his pleasure. "I like your building so much," be said, "that I Intend to take precautions to preveut another like fit from being erected anywhere. I am therefore going to put out your eyes." And he did. It will be an unimagina- tive visitor who misses going to see that church, In Petrograd numberless interesting sights await the tourist. | will men tion but two. In the Alexander Ney- ski manastery's principal church is the tomb of Alexander, who some hun- dreds of years ago was a great fighting chief and whose remains were brought from Lake Ladoga. They are incased In two toms of silver. The pile of sil ver is to be seen by all who visit the church, and above it Is & tiny light which never goes out, symbolizing the human soul. Nearby is a church whose tombs are only for the very rich. The cost is beavy--about $5,000. Strange indeed is = the spectacle as one enters the door. The tombs are raised like little tables. and on all of them appear the lights, never allowed to go out, symbolizing the souls of the departed, and on each table are fresh flowers: People kneel at these beflowered and romantic 7 tombs daily.~New York Times. | wife and baby, Toronto, at Walter] sion to the Burg on Clogg"s. Mrs. Murphy and children, Kingston, at Pdward King's: Jessie Campsall, Hartington, at N. Gra- ham's, ay last. Miss Florence Johnston spent the week-end at Lyndhurst. Mr. and | Mrs. G. Scott, Gananoque, at R. Johnston's; Miss Ella Johnston vis- iting Miss Clara Jackson; J. J. Shortall, New York, at Thomas 8hortall's; Mrs. Donaldson, Kings- ton, at A. E. Donaldson's; Miss Jes- she McNeely visiting her sister, Mrs. Joseph Spence. » MOUNTAIN GROVE Aug. 23.--The Women's Institute met yesterday at the home of Mrs. Gorr and spent the afternoon sew- ing and knitting for the Red Cross, after which the hostess served a dainty luncheon. Pte. George Bev- erly, who has heen convalescing at (Gananoque is holidaying at his home here. Miss Minnje Parker and Miss Isabell Cronk are home from Wel- land. Mrs. J. M. Cox and Miss Nora Grey are spending the week in King- ston -- Miss Evalena Price spent Sun- day with friends at Brooke. A. W. Thompson made a. business trip to Harrowsmith last week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hayes motored to Nap- anee on Bunday, Misses Evelyn and Elsie Coulter are visiting friends at Newburgh. Earl Youmans is spend- ing the week at Petworth. Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Barr have returned to their home in the west after spend- ing some time with relatives here. They were accompanied by Mrs. Wal- ter Barr. Mr. and Mrs; A, C. Abbott spent the week-end at Madoc, Sev- eral from here attended the Ladies' Ald tea at Long Lake on Saturday evening. Mr, and Mrs. D. Youmans spent Bunday at Mr. Whittie's, Pet- | here have their harvest nearly finish- worth, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey | ed. Loyst at J. Jeffrey's, Oak Flats, Re- cent visitors: Mrs. Snider and Mrs. Percy, Verona, at Mrs, Yorke's; Mr. Kennedy and son, Godfrey, also Mr. Campsall, Harrowsmith, at AW, Thompson's. Mrs. Somers and Mrs. Temple at William Barr's; Miss Della Drew, Long Lake, at D. Drew's; Miss Vera McDonald at J. E, Price's; Mrs. Meeks and Mrs. James Bellrock at John French's. SANGSTER Aug. 20.---Mr. and Mrs. M. J Cochrane are the proud posseswers of a baby girl, born on Aug 2nd. James Murphy, Syracuse, and sisters Katie, Kingston, and Theresa, nuise- in-training Brockville, are visiting thedt parents here. Mrs. M, O'Bryne and baby are at T. Young's. BELL ROCK Aug 21.~The vecent mains have given the corn and potato crop a fresh start. Sidney Grant's barn is compléted and is a finé buflding. T. J. Doyle and P. 8. Doran, Ottawa, called on customers liere this week, Miss Estella Timmins has returned to Toronto after spending her holi- days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Timmins, Recent visitors: Mre. J. Meeks and Mrs, E. James spent a few days at Stockdale last week. Mis, M. Percy and daughter, Stella, with friends at Echo Lake; Mrs. E. M. Yorke, Verona, and C. G. Yorke, Rodney, at D. L. Amey's, A. Hyatt, Picton, recently solid a miich cow to F. Mutton for the sum WASHBURN'S CORNERS of $150. Aug. 24--The recent rains have greatly improved vegetation Corn and potatoes promise to be a fair Crop. Saperton cheese factory, which was burned two weeks' ago, is being rebuilt. A large sumber from here attended Brockville fair and meport the exhibits fine. Mrs. M. Coleman of Saskatchewan visited relatives here this week. Master Rubert Ham- blen spent a few days this week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Shaw, at Maple Avenue. Mrs, George Whaley and Miss Lea visited friends here on Wednesday. A band of gypsies passed through here on Thursday, going west. Mrs. S. A. Webster, who has been afflicted with rheumatism is reported better. Miss Shire, who was struck by Heght- ning during the storm of Tuesday evening, is recovering, Wellington Ear} left to-day with a shipment of live stock for Montreal. Farmers AA Ap 36,000 Harvesters Wanted $12.00 TO WINNIPEG gt Salgars, ~Edmouton or Return Fare Half Cent per Mile to Winnipeg #ill Novembe* 30th, 1917, plus $18.00 to Original Starting Point Plus Half a Cent per Mile beyond to any Station East JOYOEVILLR Aug. 23.--Monday evening, Joyce- ville -was visited by an electric thun- der storm accompanied by hail, The stones came dowm in torrents for some minutes, The stalks of grain ware broken in the fields. Communi- cation by and telephone were interrupted by the grounding. Born to Mr and Mrs, Bernard Mul- len-a son on August 18th. The friends of F. P. Mullen, Seattle, Wash, are glad to see him In Joyce- ville again visiting bis old home. Miss Myrtle Sikiley has returned to Kingston after her vacation at home. The stone ¢rusher is doing rushing business on James Wilson's farm. Many from here took in the lawn social 'ef Brewer's Mifls on Tuesday evening, Special Through Trains Leave Toronto (Union Station) 10 p.m., August 30th. The Best of Equipment and Lunch Counter Cars OUTLET Electric Lighted Colonist Cars, Aug. 23.--A severe electric storm visited this place in the early morn- ing hours of Monday, when a tree was struck and split by a bolt of lightning right at the corner of I. Watson's drive shed. Nelson Fodey received quite a heavy shock while in bed, He and Justin Mood were sleeping 'with their window open and when one crash came it threw Nelson against the wall and left him so stunned that he eould not stand alone for some moments, but he soon recovered from the bad effects, Mrs, Annie Vanderburg and children, Miss Vent and Master Gerald of Avon- more, who have been Visiting friends here, left on Monday to visit her parents at Osnabruck Centre, before returning to her home at Avonmore. Mrs. J. H. Babeook and einer more: PERILS OF PEARL DIVERS. turned on Saturday from Arden, ngers Beset kers where they had apent a few weeks Dung That Bos. Native War tn With friends. On Monday afternoon, The lot of the native peariers of the Aug. 20th, Martin Cross, an aged | Persian guif is a hard one, for all run nd oy ) a much respected resident passed the of g scurvy. from the -- ea Suddeiy. hi Baugh Me, lack of fresh food. Ice, of course, is sometime, he was still able to go|Ubknown in the fleet, and the impure around among his friends so that his| Water breeds worms, The boiling' and sudden death was a great shock to|fitering of water do not appeal to ori- 'his children amd friends, The fu-|ental people as yet. The saibs, or rope neral took place on Wednesday af-| pullers, get palms gs hard and cracked ternoon, after whicly the friends pro-| as an aneient Bedouin's heel: 'They ceeded with the remains to Halstead could prevent this by wearing gloves, Bay where interment took place in| but that would be a sign of effeminacy the family burying ground. The de-|ang bring ridicule upon them. parted leaves to mourn the 108s of a] The exposure in the water gives kind and loving father, two sons and : ome daughter, Vernal and Clarence Cross and one daughter Mrs. G. W. Stacey. Special Accommodation for Women rticulars from 'F, Conway, OP, A, City Ticket Office, Princess and Wellington streets, Phone 1197, For Tickets and Leaflet showing number of laborers required at each point apply to "A. B, Scott and amily. Smith's Falls, are moving to Niagara Falls M. C. Dunn, City Agent, or General Passenger Department, where he has become a member of the firm of Landy-8cott, manufac- Toronto, Ont. SN -- turers of coapsible fruit baskets. ane RS -- ? 7 Sf PERTH ROAD. Aug. 25.--The frequent showers of the past week have delayed the farmers in their harvesting. The remains of the ldéte Wells Ranolds was brought last Friday from Kings- ton to Wilmar vault. Gebrgeé Lees, who was ill, is better. A panty of young people from Maple Leaf, Opincon and Perth Road = motored to Deseronto on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Smeaton, Kingston, are renewing acquaintances here and at Maple Leaf. Mr. and Mrs. George Leggit, Newboro, spent Sunday at William Raymond's. Mr. Votary is quite ill. Mrs. R. Lee, Toronto, 'is visiting her brother, H. Babcock. Miss Bessie Green is visiting at Rosedale. Miss Winnifred Wallace and Miss Louise Shales spent a day in the city this week. Mrs. J. Rousehorne and Yr. and Mrs. Robt. Rousehorne, Pine Grove, were the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- llam Wallace. Mrs. William Shales visited friends at Westbrook re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Loupe, of Montreal, are spending a few. days at Mrs. George Greems. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Simkins spent Wednesday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Smith's, Elginburg. Mrs. R. Fer- guson, Leland, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Walter Ritchie. Mrs. Willlam Tallman and Miss Myrtle HARROWSMITH Aug. 25.--Several of the farmers in this vicinity their crops har- vested and their ing done. C. 8. Lee is preparing to go into the butchering business sagain and will run his routes by auto delivery, Miss Laura, Phillips has been engaged as public school tedifher here for the ensuing year, Mma. John Clow, re- tuned home on Saturday, after spending a few days in Kingston with friends. Miss Martha Martin, has returned home from Port Elm- sley, after apending three weeks with her sister, Mrs. Elmer Pixley. Mrs. (Dr.) Lockhart has returned home to Toronto after spending several weeks with her mother, Mrs. Mec- Lean. Miss Effie M. Clow is visiting fojends in Napanee. John Cowdy has sold his farm and is thinking of buying a Youss In thé village. A few from here attended the Sunday sohidol picnic at Holleford last week. 3 in tuberculosis, and many of them be- LELAND. come deaf because the weight of the Aug. 22--Fdrmers in this vicinity have about finished "harvesting and . report a good crop. A number of the boys have stanted for the west to help with the abundant harvest there. F. Corkey's horse ran away on Saturday while going to the faec- tory, leaving the milk cans along the road. After running about a mile it took into the swamp with the re- 'Conlin, Toledo, spent a few days at Mrs. Ross Guthrie's. The M. I. M. Circle will meet at Mrs. William Ritchie's, September 6th. The Help- ing Hand is holding a grand rally e-- on Wednesday afternoon at the home of 'Mrs. Leroy MeCrimmons, Wilumur. On Tuesday a pienic will be held at Phillips' Landing, Buck Leeds ATKINSON Aug. 23.--The farmers have fin- ished baying and are busy with the OUSHEN : harvest which promises to ben heavy | A SAT or os cs ws, Gt Ton i tof Sd © afl abundant-one in this locality, is 1 about harvested and the farmers are! Si0den death. Sincere sympathy is By at their grain which is all very, Sieded to the bereaved family, - friends of Joseph] Many from here took in the excur- to hear 'he is im~ & after & long ma serious fi.| PRRFECT HEALTH IS EVERY ; Mr Kirkpatrick baptized! WOMAN'S BIRTHRIGHT. A auains of the milk wagon. Mrs, H. Kellar had the distinction of find- ing it, as the men had completely lost track of it. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kellar a sofi on August 28nd. Mr and Mrs. J, D. Cosgrove, 'Wolfe Island, are visiting at. W. Koeg's. Miss Mary Kellar is visit- } ing Miss Marion Lindsay, Inverary. | E. Johnsen is having his home reno- vated. "e is doing thé park. |, 'The pegple hope the new bridge at the cheese fagtory will soon be com- P'sted as the temporary one is not very safle, YOU would fit into this scene- > You will enjoy this boat trip as you've never enjoyed a vacation be- fore. The Saguenay trip is one long delight. A 24-hours' sail from Mont- real, reached by magnificent steamboats, the Saguenay River, is one of America's most sublime scenic wonders. Stop off at Quebec City---quaint and full of old world charm. Stay a while at Murray Bay : or Tadoussac, where summer hotels are conducted by the Canada Steamship Lines. Golf links and salt-water swimming pool at Murray Bay. These and a hundred other features compel your interest in the trip we call "NIAGARA TO THE SEA" Points of Interest in thls 1.000 Mile Trip: Niagara Falls Old Quebec. 1 in estitfintod there were over 500 people there. The proceeds were $303. Mrs H. M. Calver of Pont Colborme and Miss Edith Calver and Mrs. J. N. Osborne and daughter of Napanee, have retumed home af-. ter visiting at W. J. Calvers. Mr. Fergie of Toronto, has returned home Sifter ing a few days with Rev. | i | i £ ¢ i HH i i HH or "Ni to the Sea" is a agar mile fresh water route covered by our magnificent steamers, Send 2 cents postage for Illustrated Toronto, Booklet, Map and Guide. : - Thousand Islands. John F, Pierce, Adafftmi Nez. Tadithe Rapids, ~ Canada Steamship Lines, Ltd, Montreal, Building, Montreal, Canada. Shrine of St. Anne. and Eternity. 2 on a "This is the year for an Inland Water Trip." . | examinations were Suogedol, (two of them with hon- k i i 3 i | it £ if § : ifs Sela i i Et: | I 1 EH i i fi Prescription That From Girlhood Old Age Has Been to As o Blessing } £ 5 i : { ! i : g i a : ; When a I who visited at Mr. week, has returned to an iI | Ae) X nat fend eo and Ee eh . Y's Favori fEargRey 2 i

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