Automobile Headlights New Standard Headlights Corning Conaphores Light never more than 42 inches above the road. Headlight range of 500 feet with a 21 c.p. bulb properly focused. Cuts out all the glare, yet uses all the light, complying with the law of the city and state in glare laws. or Penetrates fog, dust or smoke so you can drive 25 miles an hour under adverse weather conditions. Has strong side-light which illuminates the roadside. The noviol heams make the green stand out so you can distinguish bushes and ditches, ' Never clogs with dust or mud in sum- mer or with ice or snow in winter and is eas- ily put on any car. ~ You'will have to get them. Why not now and have the pleasure of good light and not bother the other fellow. TREADGOLD Sporting Goods Co, Phone 529. "88 Princess St. McGRAW SELDOM CALLS MAN BACK Demaree's Return is Another Evidence of Giant Mana- ger's Eccentricity. Al Demaree's return to the Giants is another evidence of the eccentric whims of John McGraw, writes Jack Veiock. When Demaree went to Philadel- phia in a trade with the New York club" Gotham fans thought they had seen the last of him in a Giant uni- form, for McGraw seldom turns a player loose unless he is satisfied that the player has outlived his usefulness as a Giant. and he seldom calls a man back. Because of this Demaree's "come- back" marks a peculiar turn in the administration of the Giants. Only a few times im the history of the Giants under McGraw"s management has a player been sold or traded and later' brought back to the fold. Charley Herzog is serving his third term as a Giant. He was brought back from Boston and la- ter turned loose to manage the Cin- cinnati club, After his fling as man- ager in Cincy Buck figured in the trade for Mathewson. Red Murray came back, having been sent to the Cubs, but at that was not considered as a likely candidate for a regular job, CAN CANCEL DRAFT Major League Clubs Have Right if Player Enters Military Service, Thé enrolling of ball players in the United States army and navy will have little effect financially on those clubs desiring to purchase or obtain by draft the players in leagues of lower classification. The National Baseball Commission has issued a notice to the effect" that the status of all players obtained by recall un- der optional agreements would re- main the same, no matter when the player was recalled for military or naval duty. With men drafted from the ranks of the minors the draft price shall not be paid over until the player ac- tually enters the service of the club which purchased him. In case the drafted player enters the military or ndval service between the time he is drafted and the time he is ordered to report, the club which would have obtained his services has the privil- ege of cancelling its draft. Demmit Back in Majors. A del has been completed between the St. Louis Americans and the 'Columbug American Association Club by which Bar! Hamilton, pitcher; James Park, pitcher, end Grover Hartley, catcher, are exchanged by the St. Louis Club for Grover Low- dermilk, pitcher, Ray Demmit, out- fielder, formerly of Toronto, and Montreal, and Walter Gerper, short- stop, George (Knockout) Brown, =a Greek middleweight boxer, passed the physical examination and was accept- ed for military service at Chicago. He did not claim exemption, * * 4 ORDINARY BETTING + - ILLEGAL IN CANADA # + in - TRY 5c. Poet Cigar 5c. Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Cigar, S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. 807 Princess Street. > 'MONUMENTS JEFF HAS NO BUSINESS BUTTING IN ON Ra us oo The use of the expression % # "prohibition of betting" in con- # # Yiectlon with the reports of the # # operation of Sammy Holman's # Maisonneuve meeting indicates # a complete. misunderstanding + of the situation. Betting, on # horse races, commodities, vals ues, produce, elections or any- thing under the shining sun fs not prohibited in Canada, and never was. The order-in-council referred to did nothing more than withdraw the protection afforded to organized betting on racecourses during the periods # fixed by the Miller bill. This i left the situation as it originally & was, and there is no law or pro- # hibition of any kind against '|4 betting on any possible eventu- % ality, On a racecourse or off # is all one now. People who go # to Maisonneuve can bet all they # want to, andspe within their *» # legal rights, but no one can % # make a business of it, nor carry # ® on his trade there, or else- ¥ 2 where. * PEEP LLII ELD fl, 4 BEER ER PRR REPRE er SIEEEEIEPIEI EPIL IEEE : -W Trying to escape from the cellar has developed into a three-cornered battle between the Browns, the Mack- men and the Senators, second in in- terest only to the big fight between the two Sox teams for the pennant. Outfielder Camp, signed by the Yankees after the South Atlantie league blew up, has been turned over to the Newark club for further sea- soning. He has made a pronounced impression with his new team and probably recalled at the close of the International League. Amos Strunk, of the Mackmen, is one of the fastest men in the game, but he has done little this season on the bases, - He has pilfered eight bases, as against twelve for his old team mate, Frank Baker. The lat- ter has equalled Stuffy McInnis's work on the paths. The final heat of the school scull- ing championship at Eton College was a battle between P, G, Kennedy and G. O. Nickalls, sons of two noted row- ing men, and both coached by their fathers. Kennedy won by several lengths. '""Ham" Hyatt, of Chattanooga, has widened the gap between himself and Covington, of Little Rock. for hon- ors as leading run-getter of the Sou thern Association, Hyatt having scor- ed eighty times. Owner James T..Collins, of the New Haven club of the Eastern Lea- gue announces the sale Of Pitcher Harry Weaver to the Chicago Cubs. Ray Demmitt, the former Toronto po ago sold to the St. Louis Cardinals, is .the leading hitter of the Ameri- can Association, with "a mark of .823. Jimmy Viox, another former Leaf, is second. In Alexander and Evers thé Phil- lies are carrying two of the highest salaried men in the National League. Alexander is drawing $12.- 000 and Evers $10,000. Mooney Gibson's Thumb, Broken. Catcher Mooney Gibson, of the Giants, will be on .the bench for gome time. An X-ray examination yesterday showed that the thumb of his. right hand had been broken by the accident in Saturday's game against St. Louis. Gibson hopes to be all right for the world's series jn October. MONTHLY INCOME Surest way of providing for your old age or your beneficiary is the Monthly Income Policy of THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA, S. Roughton, 60 Brock St., Phone 610. we fr ' Palma Beach Suits Fine English Worsted Suits Large stock of Indigo blue serge and wor: : sted suitings. Summer Weight Rain Coats "JOHN TWEDDELL Civil and Military Tailors 131 Princess St. player; whom Columbus several days ---- Are hurrying here to take advantage of which ends Sept. 1st. With good merchandi lief, and with Woolen prices doubling over night, us to cut oux former low prices as we have, but re ] 1 are determined to make a complete clearance so that nothing shall be carried over to another season. Let every man and young man who needs clothing to wear take advantage of this extraordinary clothes event, for not in years to come--as 1t looks now--can even this live store offer such extreme values again. Come now, while the range of choice is still good. "The National Smoke" Eighteen million "Bachelors" sold annually in Canada. The "Bachelor" is as good a cigar as clear Havana filler, selected Sumatra wrapper, and skilful hand rolling can a Withal you get imported value for 25¢. Everywhere at a domestic price. Cheaper by the Box. on ---- Every Dollar's Worth You Buy Now Will Represent More Than Two Dollars Worth to You Later. . This sale ends Sept. 1st, so hurry. for fall. $15.00 Sale price $9.95. @ MENSRAINCOATS very newest Tweed Raincoats Guaranteed. value. See those two MEN'S SUITS . specials we are selling this week for $12.50.and $15.00. These suits are extraordinary value. $4.50. Special -- Boys' good school suits. Sizes 26 to 33. $6.00 value. Sale price, ed Men of Action! the great savings made possible by this great sale se so scarce and no prospects of imgpediate re- it takes an unusual amount of courage for gardless of present or future conditions we Men's Trousers, regular $2.25 value, extra strong. Sizes 32 to 42. Sale price $1.75. Men's Felt Hats. Regular $2.00 and $2.50 values. Sale price, $1.39. "Men's extra good working shirts, regular 75c¢ values today. Sizes 14} to 164. Sale price, 59%. = % Men's extra good weight black hose, Only 10 dozen of this hose for sale. Sale price, 15c¢. Our new fall samples have arrived. Come in and be measured by our expert. Satisfac- or no pay. The Lion Clothin RE The Bargain Spot of Kingston. Look for the Live Lion in the House, | indow. 347 and 349 King St. NAVY SECRETS AT THAT.