PAGE TWO Mes ot r f f THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1917. Ordered or Purchased This Month. John | McKay 149-157 Brock Street, Kingston. Type * writers All kinds, from $25.00 up. Check Protectors, $10.00 and $27.50. Envelope Bealers, $3.60, |ENDOWNENT OF $100,000 QUEEN'S SUMMER SCHOO: HOPES TO RAISE IT. {In Order to Add to the Curriculum, and to Lesson the Cost of the Course te the Students, A plan is being considered by the executive of Queen's University Sum- mer school to raise an endowment of $100,000 for the purposz of ad- ding four more classes to the cur- riculum of tae school, to make a re- fund of $10 to each registered stu- {dent to spend $1,000 annually in advertising, and to be able to divide $1,000 in railway refunds to stu- aew.s coming irom the martime pro- vinces, or west of Winnipeg. The"dbjects of the fund aré to les- son .the cost of the course to the student earning less than one thou- sand dollars a year, to increase the number of classes to include all those necessary for a pass degree to pro- vide facilities for post graduate work, to increase the honorarium to professors teaching at the summer school and give assistance to these students who come from long dis tances. © i Standard Patterns Are handled in New York, Chi- | cago, Cleveland, Detroit and other {large cities only by the best dry | goods stores in those cities. A com- | plete line, is now carried in stock by the College Book Store, and Mrs. Gibb, of the Standard Pattern Com pany, will be in charge for the next few days, and would be pleased to meet every woman interested in dressmaking. IS BEST SOLVED BY COMING TO US. You are assured a thorough scientific examination and ac- curate glasses at Asselstine's. Consult J.5. ASSELSTINE D.O.S. King Street. 'STANDARD® PATTERNS For Sale at COLLEGE BOOK STORE. At the Golden Lion Grocery In one sections, 25 cents each. Juicy ... ... 10e, 1230, 15c. Ib. Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25¢c. Evaporated Kvaporated sos +us 480 Ib, Sweet Cider ... 40c gal. { W. J. Crothers Co. . 'MacGregor, Mundell, Fancy Clover & W. R. McRea & Co A CANVASS MADE BY THE BUSI- NESS MEN. The Special Committee Made a Good Start, as the Subscriptions Dis- clese--~More Results to Come. Some time ago a special com- mittee, acting gn behalf.of the Board of Trade, and composed 'of "Mayor Huges, J. A. Minnes and R. Meek, undertpok to canvass the business men of the city in the interests of the Industrial Fair. They have made a very good sta¥t, as will be ticns which have been made during be considerably enlarged by further appeals. J. M. Hughes, mayor Macnee & Minnes 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 20.09 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.60 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 A. Davis & dom .. .. .. .. W.G.Craig& Co. .. .."7.... Kingston Locomotive Co. .. J. Laidlaw & Son J. F.Sowards .. .. .. .... Geo. Robertson & Son .. .. W. B. Dalton & Sons G. A. McGowan & Co. .. Fenwick, Hendry & Co. Robertson Grocery Co. . S. Anglin & Sons .. .. .... FP. G Lockett .. .. .. .... McKelvey & Birch, Ltd. . C. Livingston ... .. .. .... Wormwith Piano Co. . Jackson Press .. .. .. H.-D; Bibby Co. 0 J. Redden & Co. .. .. .... A, Chown & Co, .. .. .. N. E. O'Connor .. 5.00 Rees Bros. .. .. 5.00 J. B. Mcleod .. .. 5.00 B. Meek .. .. ..-. .. .. 5.00 Mahood Drug Co. .. .. .... 5.00 J. Meal vi vr vite. 5.00 BASEBALL AT CAMP The Medicals Defeat The Engineers By 8 to 6. "The best yet'. These three words cover the game of last evening be- tween the Army Medical and En- gineers baseball teams at Barriefield camp, © it was a nip and tuck affair all the way through and had the spectators keyed up to the limit, The pictures of both teams met their signals well and pitched good bail throughout, same béttery as used in Saturday's exhibition game. The Engineers lined-up on the field dressed in their natty uniforms, and looked the part of experienced leaguers. Both teams have been practising consistently and therefore it would be hard to pick evenly balanced were .bgth.. teams. All the players were out to win and Medicals were therefore lucky to register the win. This is the first game that Engineers have lost, but they have a good chance to redeem themselves before the season closes. Umpire Cavanagh of Special Service was called upon to give many close diecisi but he did his work well, while base umpire Minnock also ol "Specials" acted in an efficient man- ner. The fielding on both sides de- serves special mention, and award of ning would not be amiss. lined-up as follows: Medicals--McCartney, Woodley, Macdonald, Wilson, Lavocque, Chepmen, Au- Porter beau. ~--Spare , Engineers--Beswick, Quack, Kel- vey, Savage, Jamé8, Graham, Martin, Ch Smith The score by innings: ve +. 3.20021 0-8 100041 0-6 - Attendance approximately 400. neers-- . .. seen from the [following subscrip-| the last few days, and the list will} "Medicals" worked the an individual 'star on either s'de, 0 INCDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAl: NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~--What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. The Model School will open in Kingston on August 20th. The farmers are still busily en- %aged with their hay. * K. F. Cooke, Earl street, left on Tuesday for a vacaton {trip to Windsor. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, {ey's Book Store. The Alexandria Bay baseball team has closed its season. ' Lack of funds necessitated the action. W. Swain, plano and pipe organ 2 King street." Leave orders at MeAut- i left at McAuley's or 'phone 56. In Oswego, N.Y., the children offered big prizes for the col on of the Tussock moth cocoon. » "Pop" Watkins will lead the Ha- vana Red Sox Baseball team on a six weeks' tour of Cuba this fall. Remember Cooke's Y. P. Society Moonlight Exeursion on the Thou- sand Islander, Thursday, Aug. 16, 1917. Tickets 35e. Robert Dunlop, & former well | known Kingstonian, now residing in New York, is here renewing old ac- quaintances. Although there was no rain at Kingston, heavy showers fell throughout the district: Odesea lad f+ downpour. | Harley Sears, William street, who |met with an accident last Tuesday { while working at the shipyard and { was removed to the General Hospital, | is improving, : | Clarence C. Howard is advanced | to. the position of general passenger | agent of the New York Central lines, | east. Mr. Howard is a frequent sum- | mer visitor to Kingstom end has | many friends here. | = A party of four, who were on the | lake on Monday evening in a motor: | boat, were caught in the squall which {'came up very quickly and the boat "had to put ashore om Cartwright's | point. | "Jack" Cunningham, of Beel | Steak Jack's restaurant is quite ill. | His wife was the victim of a serious | accident on Friday last, when she fell down the stairway at their home. Her condition is eritical. W..J. Fair left on Tuesday to at- end a convention of the Canadian | representative of the North Ameri- | can life, of which he is the local re- | superintendent. Mr. Fair has for | several ycars been the most success- ful agent of this company in Canada, | and has again won that honor. In the Whig's report on Friday about the women organizing "A Con- servation Committee," it was pub- lished as a "Conservative" commit- tee. Many are aggrieved because so many of the ladies are Liberal sup- porters. And yet are decidedly con- Bervative in their views as to need- ed economies! However, it was a Conservation Committee that was created. ; - Headquarters for Headwear. Next Thursday Will Be DOLLAR DAY tuner, 100 Clergy street W. Orders 1] Men may take their pick of any ffi straw hat in the store | for $l. | gs : eorge | = \oeorge hills & ENT -- ™ i ol." , » An Invitation to the Women of Kingston In connection with the installation and opening of our Pattern Department. Mrs. Gibb, of the Standard Pattern Company, will be in charge for this week and would be pleased to meet everyone inter- ested in home dressmaking. * : Standard Patterns are not only good patterns, but are consider- ed by the largest best on the market. Standard Quarterly for Autumn Get your 'Standard: fer Autumn today for 25¢ with a coupon good for |5¢ in the pur- chase of any Standard Pattern. arterly dry goods merchants in the United States to be the Less Than 5c a Copy. The designer for a whole year (12 issues) for only 59 Sub- scribe now for yourself or your friend, at the Pattern Counter. The College 160-162 Princess St. Book Store, Phone 919 The nobby white marquisette waist, that we are selling at $1.00 each. Beauties. or stylish middy Safety Razors Camping time is here, and camping means compactness and availability in everything, particularly in a razor. The "Auto Strop" is the best there is. Let us show you how it works. We have it in small leather, nickel or gun metal cases, com- plete with strop and extra blades. Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriagp Licenses, blouse Pictorial patterns for September, sold only by Furs! All kind of Fox Stoles suitable for Summer Wear. ewman i THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE W. F. Gourdier 80 Brock Street Phone 700. THIS WILL; BE A BIG Opened to Traffic, The new asphalt macadam road- y to the causeway from Tete gs Monday 'barracks gate was completed {| Money Saving ~ Month AT MULLIN & SON are offering + a detached dwelling, all modern, with stable and drive shed, on Alfred street (south {of Princess street), for $8,000, A semi-detached. brick on John. son street (near Division St. for And a real at the Outer Tw and a large garden 1.530, On onsy term. We "= $1.00 AND UP. EASTMAN'S KODAKS Pre aot Beak rc '