Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Aug 1917, p. 10

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FIGS AND PRUNES Are The Four Fruits Used in Making "Fruif-a-tives "FRUIT-A-TIVES" is the only medicine in the world that is made from the juices of fresh ripe fruits. Thus, it is manifestly unfair to say, "I 'won't take Fruit-a-tives beeause I have tried other remedies and they did me nogood". On the other hand, the fact that "'Fruit-a-tives"' is entirely different Jrom any other preparation in the world is just why you should give it a fair trial, in any trouble of the Stomach, Jdver,. Bowels, Kidneys or Skin. "Fruit-a- tives", is composed of the active principle of fruit and the grealest nerve tonic ever discovered. | 0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e. Atalldealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Summer=8poiled Skin Removed by Absorption posure - usually irface of tan, freckles, As undue summer © an undesirable ir rounghnes ten he sensible th to do is to re- + such surface There's nothing better for this than ordinary mercol- NJUzed wax, which, actually absorbs an Yinwholesome complexion. The thin layer of surface 'Kin ig itself absorb- ed, gently, gradually, so there's no in- convendence, no- detention indoors, jpread the wax Hghtly over the entire at bedtime and take it off in the morning with warn water. If you will get one ounee of mercolized wax at the drugstore, use It for a week or so, you may expect marked improve- ment dally, When the 'underlying skin ia wholly in view your complex+ fon will be & marvel of spotless pur- fty and beautiful whiteness, Don't Tet those summer wrinkles worry you; worry breeds more wrin- Banigh them by bathing the face In a solution of powdered saxo- lite, 1 wz, dissolved in "% wt. witch hazel Used daily for a while will be found wonderfully effective a a a this L181] io AE handle. Sold by all Dry ind Deas Eons. Dou Sina Cocoanut Oil Fine For Washing Hair you want to keep your hair in good condition, be careful what you wash it with, Don't use prepared shampoos or anything else, that contains too much alkali, This" dries the sealp, makes the hair brittle, and is very harmful, Just plain mulsified cocoa- nut oil (which is pure and entirely greaseless), is much better than anything else you can use for sham- pooling, as this can't posibly injure the hair, = Simply moisten your hair with water and rub i in. One or two teaspoonsfuls will make an abun- dance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thorough- ly. The lather rinses out easily. and removes every particle of dust, dirt dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves it fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to manage. Yo@i ean get mulsified cocoanut oll at most any drug store. It is very cheap, and a few ounces is enough to last everyone in the fam- ily for months, MM to gayety on my part, DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDN DNESDAY, Ci Of Woman--- 7 { } | { THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE . - (By Frances Walter) ind | 1 AVOID MR. GORDON. } | (Copyright, 1916, by the McClure | Néewsnaper Syndicate) Of course I had no intention of ac- jcepting Mariam's invitation to go to i New York and be with her when Mr. Gordon arrived. I did not care par- ticularly to meet Mr. Gordon. [| was {afraid of him. Then, too, my days of | widowhood had been too few for me {to find much enjoyment in anything xcept quiet retirement. I should have | made but a sad figure, I know, had I (done as my little friend wished. And {it was natural'that I should feel that way about it Even though the eir- cumstances under which Arthur had died had been such as to kill what: | ever love for him lingered in my | heart, yet there was the memory of | aggociation with him, which was sof- | ficient in itself to check any tendency Indeed, when 11 contemplated my married life as | whole, when | realized what an ut- | ter, abject failure it had been, when i I felt how absolutely wrong had been {my philosophy of life, I almost gave myself up to despair. I had ruined my own career and possibly I was partly responsible for ruining Ar- thur's. wl Turning from this sombre picture, |1 could see nothing less gloomy in {the future. Tt seemed to me that 'my past would weigh me down for lever, that I never should be able to expect happiness in the days to come. I did not know then what a healer of care old Father Time is. I had never experienced the power of his patient, careful hand. I did not realize that memory could be dimmed to such an extent that my views of things as they were would be s0 mellowed as to be almost entirely changed. But, feeling as I did at the time Mariam"s letter arrived, it was im- possible for me to look with plea- sure upon the prospect of meeting Mr. Gordon once more. The very suggestion recalled experiences which increased my aversion to the plan. Mr. Gordon had not. hesitated on many occasions to try to take me away from my husband, and in at least one of these instances I was so completely fascinated by him that 1 could not distinguish right from wrong. He had led me to an abyss and we had almost plunged over it together. Now it was proposed that I meet him again. It was too much to sus- pect that he had changed, despite the terrible experiences through which he had passed, and it was altogether probable that I would again come under the spell that he-once exercised over me. Looking at the matter with the clear perspective which my sur: roundings gave me, I knew that I did not care for Mr. Gordon. I ad- mired him for his great business ability, for his wonderful tact, and I was gratified to him for his kindness ----------, capable of development single-treasted "cfect. arith ad Ads Cakeulder pope, Hecause it lends !'yelf to Smut 4 Miofs than Tt 'Allied financial assistance. to me under many circumstances but that was all. 1 did not want to be dominated by his personality to such an extent that I would be com pelled to do his will, and the best way.-tq avoid such a situation would be for me to remain at my; mothens home and allow Mariam tp'greet her unele without my supporting pres- ence. Therefore 1 wired her that I could not be with her; and received in a very few hours a long telegram of protest, which concluded with an urgent demand that I change my mind and take the first train East But I was obdurate. I had reached] the decision after careful thought and even the desire of my best friend could not change it. If I was to meet Mr. Gordon it must, therefore be un- der different" circumstances." I did not doubt that some day I should meet him, but [ hoped that by that time I would be mistress of myself to such an extent that the dangef of coming under his influence might either have disappeared altogether, or might be so slight as to not thregt- en my own happiness and his. {To be continued) At Buenos Aires a German is ex- tremely anxious to loan Argentina 300,000,000 pesos to meet the Gov- ernment's speedily maturing debts, and eliminate the Government's de- pendence on 'the United States and The Al- lies object to its acceptance, Lieut. H. R. Denton, in charge of the recruiting for the Royal Flying Corps, will go-to Texas shortly to lay out an aviation camp. Hot Wegther is a Joy to the man or woman who is properly nourished with a light, easily digested s food problem in mmer. time, war time, or any old time, is a simple one for the Soseife whe knows Shredded Wheat Biscuit and 'the 'many delicious, nutritious dishes that can be made with it. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is 100 per cent. whole wheat fully complying with all government require- ments in 'purity and cleanli- ness. Two or three Shred- ded Wheat Biscuits with milk will fully nourish and hot weather, and the cost is only a few cents. Bary & Practical | Home Dress Making| Made in Canada. BE oa) Child's Coat with Embroidered Collar lish. and tMmmed with self-color embroid- ery. The circular cape or collar may It is carried out in white be omitted, however. 'Finishing the one-piece sleeves are turn-back cuffs with Scalloped edges, the scallops be ing worked with buttonhole embrold- pointed pockets or hive the fulness held in with a straight belt. If developed without thé > the cquard yoke will show to advan- tego. and: the 'doul hen { meat may be substit ssted. In medium coat regu 2 aris Finch ma The gu size embroldery and Nas 'a Cape Cahich, when removed, Shows o dey Ji Told | nick's father, Mr, -. satisfy the average person in '| In Twilight He SPE P Pie (Continued from Page 2.) spending her vacation 'with her cou- ®in, Miss Gladys Henderson,. Belle- ville. . Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilmot, Ottawa, were week-end visitors in the, city. "Mr. and Mrs 'George A. Lester, Po- ronto are in Kingston "for the sum- mer, E Miss Rose Spooner, Ottawa, is the guest of Dr. G. W, and Mrs. Bell, Clarence street. Mrs. Francis G. Kirkpatrick, of Pittsburg, Frontenat county, and her cdhiddren, are visiting Mrs. Kirkpat- Foster, Toronto. » * A. M. Shibley and son, Alfred, Ro- chester, N.Y ., the guests of Rey. Sam- uel Shiibley, Albert street, returned to the states on Saturday. G, R. Ship- ley, M.A., who was also a guest, Te- turned to his home in Ottawa. f Lady Maude, Lady Blanche, Lady Anne and Lord Charles Cavendish are leaving shortly for a visit. with Lord and Lady Shaughnessy, to St. Andrew's-By-the-Sea. A Miss Bea McKenna has returned home after spending two weeks with thie Misses Ena and Lyla Luteman, at their summer cottage, 'Bon Echo Inn," Dalhousie 'Lake. * * * Mrs, McWilliams, London, holiday- ing with her parents, Mr, and, Mrs. Wm. Ross, Pakenham, spent the past week with Mr, McWilliams, taking a summer course, iKngston, , Miss Jennie Murray, Kihgstou, is this week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Gemmill, Al- monte. Miss 'Eva McGahey of the Hotel Dieu, has resumed her duties after spending the past month with her sisters, the Misses McGahey, Corn- wall, * . . Mrs. W, Martin aiid Miss Dudley Martin, Toronto, spent the week-end in town, Miss Redmond, Fort Wiliam, is the guest of. Mr. and Mss. P. W| Row- dand, Earl street, Mrs. W, G, Robinson, Earl street, is spending a week with friends in Gananoque, - - . Misses Donoghue, Wellington 8t., left vin Sunday for Momtreal. Mrs. Dawson is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. BR. J. Carson, Romilly House. Miss Eleanor Minnes and Miss Marjorie Minnes, who have been vis- iting Dr. and Mrs. Robert Minnes, at Tadousac, are expegbed howe tomor- TOW. » * * Lieut, William Nickie, who has Lieut. Nickle is sailing shortly for England. Miss Madele Wilson, New York, is the guest of Mr, and Mrs .T, R. P. Pawar, Tar! atuet. Modre is the guest of fier sister, Mys. Henry Crumiey at Déall Man's Bay. Lieut. William * Dickson has re- Mrs. J. M. Macalister, Barrie street, was in town from Thousand 'Island Park ogy Sapurday, ® Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Augustus Kuapp, the Manor, Prescott, Ont. founce the engagement of their daughter, Phyllis Swyer, to Lieut, a k Willard Kendal, Jr.; son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Willard Kendall, Hamburg, N.Y. | weacmns Iam sending 14s recipe for can- lhe as I saw the request in the Pick before too madiure, wash care- fully before i 4 : i : iE Miss Pearl Cassellss, Kingstom, is) \ Lantic pure Cane Sugar is best for preserving because of its purity, high-sweetening power and "fine" granulation. 2 and 5-lb. Cartons 10, 20 and 100-Ib. Sacks Lantic Library of Cook Books, free for Red Ball Trade.mark cut from Carton or Sack. ATLANTIC SUGAR REFINERIES 'Limited, Montreal "Pure and Uncolored" 161 As Age Advances the Liver Requires oTepy occasional slight stimulation. CARTER'S LITTLE i LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION. signature rool ¢ usually indicate the the blood, Pale Faces a condition ah wil ae. greatly beiped by $ fron Pills Here is dance music you can't resist! MUSIC that just lifts you, carries you along--- music that leaves you bre th s and longing for more: that's a Co- lumbia Record for the dance! Listen to any ane of these records and you'll waiit to do something more thau listen. You'll want to get up and DANCE! A5815 ( THE MURRAY WALK. Foxtrot. Prince's Band, 12 nc 7h GIRL ON THE MAGAZINE. Fox-trot. a Prince's 'Band. : AB814 | OH! JOE WITH YOUR FIDDLE AND YOUR 12 inch BOW, Y STOLE MY AWAY, ry 95 { ne Stép. Prince's Band. ? EVELYN. One Step. Prince's Band. AS5816 {Love IN THE WOOD. Foxtrot. Prince's Band. 12 inchi{ LOVE ME AT TWILIGHT. Foxtrot. Prince's $1.25 Band. J. M. GREENE MUSIC CO. Sydenham and Princess Sts, Phone 1324 Farm of 150 Acres 185 of Plough Land, balance wooded, Township of Pitts burgh, four miles from King- ston. Cheap. W. H. Godwin & Son Where's There's Life There's Soap. GOBLIN SOAP WORKS WONDERS Recommended for toilet and bath, Lathers freely. Price be per cake. « P. H. BAKER Princess & Frontenac St. Phone 1016 ~~ Qualty First ! SPICE DROPS, C ROLLS, LEMON MARGUER- ITES, PRESIDENTS, GINGER CUP CAKES. You will find the eating quality of these.to be very good, and from the standpoint of purity, we can strongly re- commend them to you. Crothers' King St. Bakery --_-- NA The Telgmann School of Music. Plano, violin and other stringed Instramanits; 'Elocution snd Dya- matic" Art. Summer pupils may begin at any date. Terms on ap- plication. 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1610.

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