Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Aug 1917, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC, GRAND OPERA HOUSE FOOL Tit ai) R230 PM. s1300 x Dal POLITE VA A Five Act Photoplay Ek Stuart Holmes in "The Derelict." The Pathe News, Comedy, and Other Features, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1917. p----------gn PEG es TAS aint GT ESTADLISHED 185% PAGE SE EVEN EE ---- ® ul ~The e Peo ble' s Forum | ul Production Seienoy- ve win Are you dbing Ar CONDENSED ADVERTISING Rares) "EEE oes ux $13 oe rire, WEDNESDDAY » VAUDEVILLE _ HELP WANTED A PORTER. Club. ) FOR . SEC. 14, n. Salary, sion; A obiy to. Joshus ©Ohlmann, .-Treas., 8.8. No. 14, Plevna, Ont. 70 LET : CHAN. IN CLARENOE aT. B. Cunningham, 7 Rane fr . STOR AGE For FURNITURE. Ek WA- has clean dry furpiture busloung, daa "Xibewi stredt. Phone TEACHER orFicEs iN It is easter to make mo than ¢o save it. A Savings Account &t The nk of Toronto will help save what your increased effort provides, A GOLD RING. OWNER MAY have same by proving pro- prety, caling at 250 Barrie Street. PIGEON WITH BAND ON leg with the following Sgurcs and letters on it: H. 6482; 1917." Came to a Same July 30th. Wiliam Fleming, RMD, No. 2, Stella. Ont. A NEW HORSE WHIP ON WEL- ington, between Princess and Brock. Apply 67 Lower Undon Street. SMALL PURSE AT. CRICKET ela 'on' Monday. Owner have same by callirig at Whig Office. A ROSARY IN ONTARIO PARK ruthers, 351 AB fo at. on Saturday pan. Owner may have same by applying to 11 STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, cuhaN Cherry street, A toms; your own 'loo snd t's 2 FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- Quen straet" Shane sore S%i: TISED FRER LL rham, ¥ Anyone finding anythiag 0 RENT at piri 10 reach the owner : ma sd by "coining the (hots. FURNISHED COTTAGE ON ST. LAW. ne rence River, Nedr city, For par- _._ Heulars, phone 1770. rst tn ; ALI Bi FURNISHED COTTAGE TO RENT AT otc, These, lost, my vertised tor - the "oat? oon MONDAY, TUES, POLITE A S-act Photoplay Harold Lockwood and May All ni 3 A BELL BOY. APPLY FRONTENAC | dt apriED FesenR pon ss. No. agin lan . 4, en. ary 5 per 3 5 2 PLY 1 i tating qualifications and The Pathé News, Comedy, and Other GIRLS FOR STORE. (APPLY AT Ren to none Johnston, Bec Photoplays 4 Treas, Oso Station, Ontario. Matinee Even Oe A HOUSEMAD, APPLY TO MRS, Any Seat 10c Any sear 10 a dCNS0 Sri Carson, 72 Barrie street, GRIFFIN'S | pf a ply Street Rallway . Office. MAIDS FOR THE KINGSTON GEN- MONDAY, "rhrsbay whinfdbte. Bisache Sweet & Thomss Melghas in ral Hospital? Apply to the me- "The Silent Partner." "The Mystery of the Dotible i Cross." Comedy, Fe Laks 0c; A x ALIFIED TREACHER FOR 3S. No. 2. Kingston townshi | stating experience; qua incdgons and salaty expected, to G, F. Mur- ton, Portsmouth, R.R, No, 1, 11 Branches in Toroifo. 116 Branches In Canada APPLY AT uoknd STORAGE FOR I URNITURE OR. MER- chandise, clean eCana's Real Estate Adhd Be k St, Phones 326 of 621 onacH 1 House. 0 aR FLACE "SUT The BANK or TORONTO A FOR SALE Small frame house with stable and large yard, néar Cotton Mill. Price; $950. Cash required, $300. A QUALIFIED TEACHER OTES. tant), for 8.8. No. 14 Wolfe "Ane, Apply, stating experience and sal ary required to John Irvine, Bec- retary, Wolfe Island, R, R. No. I. OFFICE OR SHOP, 153 WELLINGTON street, lately eup b; {enn h, Printer LH qu ALIFIED PROTEST; ANT TEACHER 4 NCE~~GIRL TO WAIT ON TABLE. for 8.8. 5 dnchinbrooke a7 oxow "The Rest Co." 296 Prin- Duties. to Commence Sept, 4th: Ap- cess Co ply stating salary and S panence . - to George A. Smith, See P.O, : > GIRL 'WITH EXPERIENCE IN GROC- ~ ery business. Apply to Bex 10, Whig Office, TEACHER WANTED Kenebeck. Dutles Sept. I'st. Salary, $300 per annum; Protestant preferred. Kindly state qualifications, also experienced to 5 allington Seae, 'R.R. No. 2, Arden, FOR 8.8. NO. 4, to commence MAID FOR SMALL FAMILY; MIDDLE a aged preferred, Apply 162 King! * Soreet, City, Prices: er Eivutng 10, 10e. ke Ontario PARR Tonigh t 0 bon dei GIRL WITH OFFICE EXPERIENCE. State references and salary expect- ed, %0 Post Office Box 56. YOUNG GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED WO- man for general housework. Agp- ply 243 Brock 'street. A MAID FOR® GENERAL work; good wages. G. Craig, Kast View Park. Apply to F. McMillin, RR. No. I, "Kingston, | SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE FOR ONR month or lohger; centrdl Jocality, Apply Bax 82, Whig Office. QUALIFIED PROTESPANT FEMALE teacher for Union 8.8. Na. 2, Port- land, or 25 Camden, two miles east of Yarker. Balary dctording to qualifications Duties to 1- mence Sept. 1st. Apply, staking qualifications, salary expected and experience, to M. V. Lake, Sec.- Treas, R.R. No. 2, Harrowsmith; Ont, THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 Closely Related There's a closér relationship be- tween feed, poultry and dollars than you may suspect. Right feed means better birds, quicker returns and HOUSE- Apply to Mrs, 78 Barrie street. ednesd 30, YOUNG MAN FOR ORD DESK AND H A 8 to assist in store. od postion, WAUBEGILLE Th wll SSL PHOTOPLAYS SUM OF MONEY IN Thursday morning. leave at.23 BILLS ON Finder kindly 4 Barrie Street BOARD AND ROOMS; FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, every convenience, central joca- tion, Apply 243 Brock street, % FINANCIAL a. 30 Ww, FOR SALE THESN BEFRUTIVE ADVTS, ttle. one ET with general housework; one who fan sleep at home. Apply 13 Harl street. COST more money, For bigger dividends on your poultry, let us supply your feed. The kind you need is here, and our advice is free for the asking. W. F. McBROOM Program Changed Monday and Thursday. Wednchaiy yiMigren's One Cent Day Street © MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK; highest wages . Merrick, 7 pm. aid. Apply to Mrs, 129 iam: Street, after Persons Fenton the Park other than by street car will bé prosecuted. ----- COOK fami' GENERAL FOR SMALL Apply Mrs. Cunningham, SECUND-HAND . UPRIGHT # tor Fash OF in part payment o ictrolss. C. W, NOW, new day, Fimried, Voi Princess stree.. TRAVELLERS CALLING upon MER- chants and business men in East- ern Ontario can good side Hne Wb WW. Whig O conneet with a APPISINE to Box Strictly cou- i phe; "three timée 0c; A 19ia, S-PASBONGER, 4-CYLINDER Overland touring car, nearly new; cheap to quick buyer. Apply: 86 Bay street. GENUING GRAPHONOLA s#lections, AND FRONTENAC "LOAN - AND INVEST. romorpotated 1863; wlonel R. F tent wo on: oity li Anunicipal an: debentures; 3 investment weight J. . TEN St. Ciare Apartments, Cor, re fidentia} 44 of i po Shaice, "rn $0. 42-44 Princess Street. and William Streats. BRIGHT, SUNNY DAYS Are Kodak Days. We carry every- thing you want along" Kodak lines, that means we are KODAK SPECIALISTS Printing and Developing dofie on shortest possible notice. R. ml: §6 chs! manager, 87 Clarence' 'St. King w ak. Ww Lindsay, Limited 15 J re St. SES obilh at au uaa [VE WANT. TO BUY ALL KINDS OF Re Td 1 and fdrniture, stoves, heagorar clothes, etc. We alse have Jot MAN. WHO HAs Bust everything . in_ the second-hand mess ability for Graphohone Dept, § Hine for sdle. '8 Shapiro, 46 Prin- W. Lindsay, Ltd, 121 Princess 4 cess street. Phone 123%. Sn Street EWPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Insurance Gssets $61,187, 318, which the poll n pg a possible retes. old of givin rwtes from Agents. Phone GLOBE a Wadition te 0 on to olders ve for ity of lowest renewi new bushes ® Strang 338. PERSONAL "A reul barguih fu 1 athe head ot, Princes oan op] earaed REE) TS elt om 3 of Mrs, S85, near Gael! na i : NEW LAUNCH HULL, 28 PT FONG, 6 foot beam: fine model; for cash ot exchange for other property. Enquire Dr. Lake, 357 Johnson street. a peter Princess Bie ie iis oh ob oe Bole he TTT TRTRRRPPeIeY oh WOUNDED, DISCHARGED soldier desires position. Must be outdoors, as he cannot be: con- fined. News of any Sheiing for employment gladly received Ap- ply Box 628, Whig Qffice.. FOR BALE YOUNG ., GIRLS 10 FOLD SHEETS, TOWELS and pillaw cases. Apply Kingston Laundry, Cor. Princess and Syden- ham streets. Good wages paid. Military Hospitals Com- mission Command, Canada Notice To Re- ed Soldi Hoag's Drug Store ten Ss oaers herwii (may fearm something to Branch Post Oftice ig Ped ania 5 In regard to Raining Kingston, Ont. F.J. JOHNSON igri d at the Armouries. It Wedding Bougtie sot able to come In person, ad- dress or telephone, our specialty. Ord ry ers + Phone 239, is Broek LADIES HAIR Goons, ® 8, syche knots, adours, etc, AR to order; an work guaran- teed. Mrs, Love, 350 Brook street, Kingston, 10, Mims, 1 A] FA Anis ishes removed perm one at out soar; 30 oh SEXP Eimer J. La Throat and Skin Bagot street. DR. REEVE; Nerve Years of ex finishes 8 j2habies me to dreat diffic . #uc~ oussfully. Call, or state ase by letter, 18 Onriton Street, Toramte, LADY CLERK WHO DESIRES sition in gFocery business. est wages paid at writing to Box ""D* Wi APO. High- hae BE," A WOMAN TO DO GENERAL CLEAN- ing. one day a week, No heavy nd toning. Car fare Apply 32 Alanson Avenua nthe. eyenings, LADIES BLACK SATIN DRESS, LA- test style; good quality: has never been worn. Apply 224 King Street. A FIEED oF (STANDING) HAY, AL. most - three sored, at Kingston Junction. Apply. M., Lambert, Tiickson Avenue, Y Ringseon Junc+ ton, 2 A LARGE NUMBER GF BICYCLES, IN- cluding the famous Aihitete, Over. Iand and Ferfeot Models; also tires and bicycle accessories. George Muller, 373 King St . Phone 1032, ---- TRIPS THIS WEEK BY us Steamer THOUSAND ISLANDER { muSTVRA CHANG INV ons» SH DO. eg a i Free rst bho ful Dearborn Bt Bt. Shicago™ "PROCLAMATION | AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE The best of service. Also large quantity of repair parts On tock fol or Saxon ears; also second-BARA cars for sale, J. H, DAVIS, Saxon Distributor, Ring 420 or 118, Friday to Ogdensburg, leaving at am. Fare 75¢. Boat leave Swift's Wharf, Sean Ti ; FEB bere . Good, Major. Dixtrict, Voontional Officer, * ONE GALVANIZED IRON CHIMNEY stack, 25 feet long, "12 Inches in dlaméter, with hood, suitable for cheese factory or cold air pipe, hee ply D. Marga, 320 Princess St Ti ARCHITECT: ay Aamo. A BATENANS ESTATE " j on: noSquUITO CANOPIES FOR PLACING . over camp beds, fishing tackle, and camp supphes, folding 'boat- OWE 4 Soh ARTE a ht' ts 5 Binong corner Broo dB Fl sets. Fran Cooke, 39 Clar- ence, Street. Phone $91. Kingston, CLATRVOYANE Ont. OK, 7_Roows, - "E an 00 Siete light, So) BEDE TONS ALL IMPROVE -n wand" #4500, BRICK, 11 ROOMS, ALL IM- pon: role entrance. So Sotnie hE IMPROVEMENTS; $1400, 9, FRAME, IMPROVEMENTS, IX VACANT LOS, Ai PRICES, LEGAL ahs Et ry lav pT DENTAL NAPP, HA, LDS, Smee, 268 Priacees Shes. Thoms WALSH, DENTIST, | FURNITURE FINISHIN pt, TAR $5600, BRICK HOUSE, NEARLY NEW, se 8 rooms, dou- and all gpéasontble fruits, Friendship's ! 210 Division St. . Phone 345 LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. bles. and dining. phairs, buffets. | essed. Shina. cab as, Alac Foo, oi ngs and mattresses. We buy 1 hide of second hand furniture. Thompson, 333 Princess street. Phos 1600. : afAmovs SCOTCH , I lenny. ne i To be week A 'Declaration of War JM Highs, 'Mdvor 'of tne' Clty of Kingston 'Whereas the Imperial Government hay requested that the anniversaries of She Declaration of War should be Ha 214 ely and Beers throughont th that the EE mie Estate of Alexan- kinghtim dn their "convie. Dart | Yeconaad: | : d 5 the righ 3 of the ewse, £0 for Which the Binlire is HERERE, I do hereby request oh: DR. 4 LE corner Phone Hn TO RENT, $20; BRIOK HOUSE, NORTH END; ALL BE 10 rooms and sta- $y Notioa is he by via the Revised Statutes of ano, all persons Ba any © Sunday, the 5th Day of [} mat: the } August Next tie Shnegge as [the Thira: Anitvatinsy E we hat] ne fh eis oi ot "ondatio, hat MONEY 70 LOAN, & _cLammNom #7. Field Artillery Heavy Horses An inspection will be held on Thurs- day Wnt a Sh 1917, at 2 pn. sharp, | Hho lfiott Un BLED ON; or 0 { pur { shasing for the British Army Sulplying with the fotowing spec ca Field Artillery Horses: 8 to 9 pounds, he: Soin gay ance 18 so A Fi i a of the And 'the or? ety. aE vee or the he rah ( rag In accordance with the wish of tial au fo hott tes. 1 would most el ian ® ] : - hold a is ity ¥) "#8 9 years. Rolght 1200 to 1350 Height 152 to 18 hi Heavy | Homer: Age § to 1 Falta T Height not _-- rads Colors; y color & 3 alr Sjsevt white, light grey,

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