Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Aug 1917, p. 3

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Best's Branch Six months "ago bill boards adorned the corner mow occu- pied by Best's branch. To-day it is one of the most popular corners up town. To the people who have made such a success of our new venture we wish to con- vey our sincere thanks. We are striving each day to glve the very best service ever, and ft is most gratifying to us to have our efforts so ap- preciated. - Use us in every way you can. We_ are here to serve you, 3 BEST'S UP TOWN BRANCH "Phon 2018, J. V. Bradshaw, Manager, = a contract basis as he regarded this Maintain the Highest Standard of Quality in Sight Testing, Lens Making, and Eye Glass Fitting Our Charges Are Moderate Our Work 1s Guaranteed. Keeley J, MOD. 8 doors above the Opera House. P Street. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, A woman's idea of religion is to il company and the Commission, the] il | chairman being given power to pur- {chase the necessary | tract between the corporation ! generating set for the purpose I | street railway company. was éppointed to take up the ques- ll! the upper part of the city for the }| newly }{ This new remedy goes right to the ac- jf complete and lasting cure in a few FOR THE ERECTION OF COON. | CRETE TANK FOR GASHOLDER > o Utilities Commission Gave the Work to the Kingston Constructing Com. pany at $8,999---Report to be Given on Question of Pay Office For Collection of Rates in Upper Part of City. collection of water, gas and electric light rates, but the committee had no report to make' Commissioner Elliott, who is very anxious that the pay/office be estab- lished, believing that it will be of Breat assistance to citizens in the up- 'per part of the city, who are called upon to come all the way down to the cit$ hall to pay their fates, moved. that two pay offices be. opened, one by W. J. Driver, at the corner of Queen and Barrie streets, and the other by E. W. Mullin, at the corner of 'Division and Johnson streets, and At a meeting' of the Civic Utilities that these gentlemen named, act as ub Commission, held on Wednesday af- {ternoon, the tender of the Kingston { Bonstruction Company, for the erec- | Hon of a concrete tank, for the gas- holder, at $8,999, was acceptéd. jonly two tenders were received. The chairman, R. H.. Toye presid- Bd, and the other members present were Commissioners T. J. Rigney, R. F. Elliott, G. Y. Chown and 'Mayor Hughes. Ald. Polson, chairman of the Fire and Light Committee, appeared be- fore the Commissioh, in regard to the placing of twenty extra street lights, ¢ mattér which has been hanging fire for some time. Ald. Polson ask- ed .that the new lights be installed' on what would be regarded as a fair basis. He was also anxious to have the entire lighting system placed on the. best business-like method to take. On motion of Mr, Rigney it was de- cided to have the extra lights: in- stalled at the prevailing rates a con- tract 'to be drawn up between the material and further, that the matter of a con- and the commission, regarding the en- tire lighting of the city, be taken up. The Commission, after a brief dis- cussion, decided to purchase a motes ° supplying the power required by the At a recent meeting, a committee tion of establishing a pay office in DEAF PEOPLE Deafness and noises fn the head can mow be most certainly cured by the + discovered "i meh Owlene." tual seat of the trouble, and effects a days. One box is ample to cure any ordinary case, and has given almost immediate rellef in hundreds of cases which had been considered "hopeless." Mr. D. Borthwick, of Dalbeattie, N.B., writes: "Your new remedy, which I re- ceived from you some time ago, has completely cured my hearing, sfter more than twenty years' deafness. | will be pleased to recommend it to all my friends." Scores of other equally good reports, Try one box today, which can be for- warded securely packed and powt paid to any eddress upon ithe receipt of postal or money order for $1. There is nothing better at any price. Address: "Orlene" Co, H. T. Richards, | 8 gents for the city, and that they be paid at the rate of one per cent on all collections. It is understood that the Hydro- Electric Commission is favorable to having an up-town office opened for the payment of rates and that of- fices opened in other cities have been most successful, No action was taken, pending a report from the committed appointed do consider the matter. Manager Folger reported that the hydro-electric gang had completed their work from Napanee to King- ston Station and that in the course Af a few days all would be in readin- ess for the re-orgamization at the power station. ! Frederick Burnett consulting en- gineer was present at the meeting, WHO IS THIS HERO? Unknown Dying Soldier Sent Photo- graphs to His Canadian Wife, From the borderline of eternity an unknown wounded soldier handed to Pte. John Georgen, 4th Canadian Pioneers, a number of photographs. Ong of the cards contains an appeal from the dead man's baby, saying, "Hurry up daddy and come home." The dying. man asked that the cards be given to his wife and she is now being sought by Mrs. Williams, 18 Phoebe street, Toronto. The picture is that of the soldier, probably thirty years of age standing by, presumably his wife. In front of the father: is his son, probably eight years old and the daughter a few years younger. If any of the Whig readers are inter- ested they may be shown the picture here, = -------------- WHERE ARE RELATIVES? Lady in Vancouyer Would Like to Find His Daughter. Mayor Hughes is in receipt of a letter from Mrs. Thomas 'W. Jeffs, 1250 Salsbury Drive, Vancouver, B.C, in which she asks if anyone in this district knows anything of a man by the name of Amos, who liv- ed here about thirty-five years ago. He had two children, Annie and Wil- liam. She thinks that the former has been married and would like to get in touch with her, as she has some interesting information to give to her, The man with many ideas must 'have kindly Shoughts of her rival PN NG PAO i, Watling Street, Dartford, Kent, Eng. 1 'mento ) nm this paper. NEE N ANE RENAN ANN NE RENAN ENRARNANNRRRNANNAE Mr. Edison's Very Latest : Diamond Amberola Mr. Edison's New Blue Amber- ol Record. His y are able and final achievement "Record makin In of this type! practically WRbroak. have been played 3,- 000 times in Laboratory Tests without rest sign #1. and *. eobh. Much showing the alight. of wear. Think of théy cost omly 70c longer selections €Rn be put on these Records than on ordinary "Talking 7 machine" Records, whith SANS more and better mu- for You must hear records te magnificent music shey make: ful Note the Price .. You Need Music in Your Home musical instrument in your desires, why not a new Edison? You should have Hero are the 'instruments that will 'supply this need com- pletely. ~The Cabinet in the Model 30. is finished in Golden ; - Qak on . The Models 50 and are: hed in Mahogany, Golden hy yearhered Oak some muth less money, hese wonder- Only. ed which Includes = a Rts wenuwine ¢ Reproducer, models Tor $100 in a full-lengt have some that are worthless, x : | THURSDAY, HOT WEATHER HAS MADE SALES BRISK IN THE BAR ROOMS Tipplers Are Getting a Taste For the "Soft Stuff" and the Hotel How is the sale of two-and-a-half per cent beer coming on these days? The Whig asked this question to- THREE * Probs: Fair; Cooler to-night and on Friday. day, of a number of people who arelll mation given was that there is a brisk sale for the beverage, espec- ially since the hot spell set in. After the "strong stuff" was taken away from the bars, in September last, there were many complaints \made to the effect that there was no demand whatever for the "soft stuff", but everything would go to a very popular drink this summer. Of course, there are a number who refuse to drink the light beer, and even at a risk of being fined in the Police Court, but it will be-ever thus, the "hard stuff" to be manufactured, but there is a large number of peo- that the hotels=will work up a good trade. . : A visitor, who was in the city on Tuesday from Picton, nd who has first intimate knowledge of the hotels, says that the light beer, sold in the hotels there, is meeting with ready sales. Since the hot weather there has been a regular rush of bus- iness, and the Whig's informant said that he was satisfied that the two per cent was here to stay. While in Kingston, there has been quite a number of cases of drunk. drunkenness here before the "dry" law was put into effect. That the Temperance Act has been a good thing for the city, goes without say- ing. Many men who were in the Police Court from time to time, for being drunk, never appear there now, but are hard-werking and ous men--men who will make val- uable citizens, and this is all due to the fact that the liquor has been taken away from the bars, thus re- moving the temptation. have been severely dealt with, and all in the future, whe break the law, law gives the Magistrate no alterna- tive but to impose a severe penalty. | Leters tothe dior | Reviewing Late Events. Kingston, Aug. 1.--(To the Edi tor): What is this I hear about our fair Dominion, the land of the Maple Leaf and of the brave and the free? What a farce to teach our chil dren to sing "The Maple Leaf" Now! Our food controlled by combines 'and our Prime Minister insisting that they be made "Sirs" without a protest. $ Sodiers' wives and children, sol- diers' widows and orphans starving ii 20d shivering last winter and pos- sibly worse this winter. Many deaths lof little Angel children for want of proper. food, clothing or fuel. Our government floating along without a word of protest against combines and hold-ups, nor trying to help us in any way. Look at the acts of J. Wesley Al- lison, J. Wesley Flavelle and J. Wes- Hley Edwards! It is enough to make fgood old John Wesley: turn in his | grave, ; j| General Hughes saying Premier Gt Bardun hindered him in recruiting. Borden says he did not. Both can- not be right. S| boye is fibbing? | Sevigney took our goods. er splendid Model 73 - cabinet, , NONEEDLES TO CHANGE when you own an ED]. | SON. 2 yr home to fill your ji 'Has Mr. Nickle or Dr. Bdwards || raised a voice in the. Bouse sandy | such acts? Neither did they when What a family, including Bob ers! | Even he has been made white by (whitewash or kalsomine, but no ji one will believe, but that there is ji something wrong. There never was a smoke without a fire, Want to conscript farmers' sons i and workmens' sons as they are the Bionly people who obey the law of "increase, multip! Hi i tii show that now the drinkers are tak- |} ing to it, and that it promises to be are determined to have their liquor, |} just as long as the government allows || industri- |} Which of the little in a position to know, and the infor- ||} All summer stocks must be cleared this week regardless of cost to : for the incoming stocks of fall merchandise. 'White American duck - skirts, to make room SPOR ple who have become accustomed to H i the other drinks and it is believed |} White Pariet twill and cotton reg. $1.00, in abardine sport skirts, reg. $1.50 to $2.50. Sale price . . .98¢ IDDIES and "Admiral" MID. The celebrated "Jack Tar" middies in'ladies, misses and junior sizes in lain white and combination, reg. $1.25 to 1.75. Saleprice .. .. .. .........98¢ sizes 22 to 30. Sale price . SUMMER DRESSES ness, there has been nothing like the {fi Sports and outing Quite a {] number who have violated the law, HH will also be punished, for the new |H¥ Qur entire range of dainty voile, muslin and two-piece suit dresses in plain white, white with colored designs and black and white effect, priced from $4.25 to $22.50, to clear. Sale MILLINERY : hats, also a big range of children's wear. Sale price, Half-price. TE A Single Application Banishes Every Hai -------------------------------------------------- (The Modern Beauty) Here is how any woman can easily | 5 and quickly remove objectionable, hairy growths without possible in- Jury to the skin: Make a paste with some powdered deliatone and water, apply to hairy surface and after 2 or 3 minutes rub off, wash the skin and the hairs are gone. This is a painless, inexpensive method and, ex- cepting where the growth is unusu- ally thick, a single application is enough. You should, however, be careful to get genuine delatone. glass is engraved with a registered number corresponding to an entry in 'our archives here, in order to fa- cilitate its return, should circum- stances permit, at the end of the War. Before being issued the glass- es are classified by experts, and allo- cated, according to their speeial char- aeter, to different Ranks and Units. It has been a pleasure to me to issue lately over a hundred glasses, individually, to Canadian Officers on their way to France. Owing to the recent developments on the western front, the need for glasses is now very insistent, and I should be most grateful for any more that can be spared. 1 will of course gladly acknowledge any sent. 3 Yours truly, ~--ROBERTS Address for sending Field glasses or telescopes (any type 'of either, ex- cept toys): The Manager, «+ Lady Roberts Field Glass Fund, 64 Vie toria Street, London, S.W.L Carpet in shades of blue, green, rose and brown; all sises: 3 x 6, € x 9, 8 x 10, 9 x 13. Vi and Rockers. Camp Stools With and Without Backs fs ja i !

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