Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Aug 1917, p. 6

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_THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1917. News From Eastern Ontario NEWS: FROM THE DISTT OIIPPED FROM THE WHIGS MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES, In Briet Form the Events In The Oountry About Kingston Are Told ~=Full of Interest to Many, John 'Webster M.P., : Brockville, may go to senate, August 1st has been proclaimed a tivie holiday at Napanee, Thomas Green, Westport, sold his team of roadsters to T. J. Devlin, Perth, for a fancy price. Perth isto, have -a big soap fae- fory adjoining the Wampole estab Dishment, that-will equal the size ot "the Wamolep factory itself. Mrs. M. O'Shaughnessy, Bromley, badly burned some time ago, died on Monday in the General Hospital, Pembroke. .Sergt. Clifford Briscoe, North- cote, has been killed in action. He was a nephew of Mra. Ellag Moore, of Douglas. James Elmer Kingston and Miss Hannah Louisa Hall, both of Pres- 'cott, were united in matrimony ou Monday afternoon. The death occurred on Tuesday of Mrs. Lorne Emmons, Harlem, at the General Hospital, Smith's Falls, at the age of forty years. Miss Elle Bongard, Picton, "win leave soon for France (n company with other nurses from the Presby- terian Hospital, New York, Kenneth Cambridge, do former Napanés boy, has received a com- mission fn the Tmperial artillery. He received his promotion in the field. The: Chronicle; Arnprior, - an- nounced the marriage on July 9th of Bernard Joseph Malloy; Eganville, and Miss Anna M, Smith, Mackey Station. The friends of Police Magistrate Deacon, Brockville, will be pleased to Mar that he 19 able to be up and around for the first time since his récent Hliness, 4 Miss Ina Marcellus, a teacher on the publie school staff; Prescott, for some time, has severed her connec- tions and expects to sail for China some time mexs month. Letters patent have been given to the Acorn Rural Telephone Associa- tion, Limited, in the township of Bromley, with head office at Cob- den. The capital of the company is, $1,600. ; A telegram states that Mrs, (Dr.) illie is very ill at Blairmore, near e Crow's Nest Pass. A few months ago Pr. and Mrs. Lilllg mov- ed from Westport to the Canadian west, rs. J. '8. Hulett, Edmonton, Al- berta, died of heart failure on July 14th. She l™ for many years a resident of Napanee, where Mr. Hu- lett conducted a photograph buss ness. + Rev. Mark Styan, formerly pastor of the North Wakefield Methodist church, died July 23rd, after a Mn- geriug iilpess, ut His son's residencd (R, L. Styan, Winnipeg) at the age of sixty-one. Dr. Frank G. Boudreau, of the State Board of Health, Ohlo, has received a commission as first lieu- 7 tentnt.in the Medical Officers' Re- fetve Corps and will soon go into [training. Dr. Boudreau is a son o. | Rev. M. F. Boudreau, Westport. | A sqldier from Petawawa is in the | toils charged with placing obstruc- {tions on the C. N. R. tracks west of { Pembroke, He was caught in the | act The man, who has a gaol ree- ford, says he was trying to "get even" with somebody. . Wednesday a pretty wedding was celebrated at Trinity church, Brock- | ville, when Camon Woodcock united {in marriage Miss Ellen Elizabeth | Baker, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Baker and George | Henry Howe. I | The home of Mr, and Mrs. D. A. | McLaren, Drummond, was the scene tof a pretty wedding on Tuesday, when their second daughter, Lena Idella, was united in marriage to Milton Ernest McGreary, Perth, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCreary, Drummond. The engagement is gnnounced of Edna De Wolfe, B.A., eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne De Wolfe, Portland, Ont., to Rev. J. M. Singleton, B.A., son of Mr. and Ms. Chalmers Singleton, Soperton, Qnt., the marriage to take place quietly in August. "wy At Lake Dore, in Renfrew County, William Kumm had a strange ex perience while working im the hay fleld near his home. Lightning struck a cock of -hay within a few feet of him and the fire which re- sulted destroyed the hay. Mr. | Kumm received a severe shock, but has since recovered. There passed away Wednesday af- ternoon at Brockville, Mrs. Eupbem- fa Stewant, in her ninety-first year. The deceased was born on January ard, 1827, at Cooper of Fife, Scot- land. At the age of fpurteen years she removed to Camada from BEdin- burgh with her parents and took up residence in Cobourg. Rev. Mr. MacOdrum was presented with a gold chain and locket by Pem- broke Masons. The reverend gen- tieman, with Mrs. MacOdrum and family, left yestérday morning for Halifax, N.8., where he will assume the pastorate of St. Andrew's Church. Some of his friends presented him with a purse of gold before he board- ed thé train, Potato Blight Not Serious. Port Hope, July 31.--An outbreak of potatc blight is reported from Fenelon Township, It fs said, how: ever, to be the early potato blight, which is not considered as serious as the late blight, as it does not af- fect the tubers, Fire Near Belleville. Belleville, Aug. 1.--~A barn and Some outbuildings on the property of Mr. Ben Sanford, of this eity, were this afternoon destroyed py fire. The loss is partially covered by insurance. Chimney Bad, House Burned. Brockville, July 31.---The house, with its contents, owned by Daniel Sloan, on Chemical road, outside the town limits, was totally destroyed by fire 'to-day. A defective chimney was the cause, = ' Eyeglasses Are supplied you, only &fter our thorough examination tells us that . You need them. : Rien 12 Teen [1% SPECIAL THOROUGH NE AiNATIONS, CORRECT GLASSES, R. J. RODGER One ons Bir | MENTION 25 dozen voile blouses in white and black price. . .. x 15 dozen terns yo. » "We Have just received ment of fancy blouses crepe de chenes ete. white dot; v middies; all colors, alues up to $2.50. Our $1 .00 styles and pat- wim ow RE part of our fall ship- s - in'hdey sil All summer goods at clearing sale prices at ODESSA OCCURRENCES. Visitors From Many Points Are En- Jogring Holidays. Odessa, uly 30.--Hliton Thora spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Trink. Miss Kate Kenyon has returned from spending a few days with Mrs. Herbert Rob- ertson, Violet. Miss Emma Storms, who %1s been very ill, was taken to tae Kingston General Hospita! last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Hamm and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Clark motored to Sterling last Sunday. Mrs. John Manlon, Winnipeg, and Miss Sarah Tobin, p were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Hamm last week. Mrs. Bagg, Rochester, who has been visiting his parents, has re. turned to -her home, accompanied by her sister, Miss Hazel Trink. Miss Jones, who 'has been the guest of Mrs. James McConnell, has re- turned to her home in Ottawa. Mrs. A. McCabe, Kingston, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Robert Bennett. Mrs. Frank Morrison, Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. D. Lewis. Frederick Sproule, Toronto, is spending his holidays with his parg ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sproule. Mrs. Harry Peters, Lindsay, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Mabee. Mrs. Lodkwood, Enterprise, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Herbert Burnett. Mis. John McCormick, Sydenham, is the Buest of Mrs. Jas. McConnell. Miss Myrtle Clyde, Kingston, is spending her vacation with her parents, Lieut.«Col. and Mrs. Clyde. Miss Eva Venton has accepted a position with J. Laidlaw & Saf: Kingston. and pte Harrowsmith News, Harrowsmith, July 31.--Mostly everybody is helping to get the hay taken off. Large quantities are be- ing housed. James Bradey 'has nineteen men working at his hay. He has over 300 tons to get in. Grain is ripening fast and will soon bé in the barn. A band of gypsies passed through here on July 30th. They moved here in four motor cars. They stayed ome day. Their six wo- men paraded the streets wearing red dresses. James Trousdale has ins stalled 'a gasoliwe tank. William Parry Test His Leg. 'Belleville, July + 28.--William Parry, Grand Trunk machinist; had the misfortune to lose his left leg below the knee in-an accident. He was working at an engine with his left leg 'leaning across a rail. An- other engine In motion struck the engine beneath which he was work- ing, causing it to move. Mr. Parry's leg was caught and severed about four or five inches below the knee. Held Office Forty Years, Fenelon. Falls,. July. 28.---At a meeting of the directors of the South Victoria Agricultural Society J. P. Ryley was elected secretary-treasur- er. James Keith, who was secretary- treasurer of the society for forty years, was made an honorary direc- tor and life member, and voted an honoraium of $60, accompanied by an address showing high appre- 'tclation of his service. May Close Town Hall, Almonte, July 31.--The Town Hall may be closed down next win- ter, At a specjpl meeting of the Town Council to consider tenders for a new heating plant, the ex- pense was considered to be so high that none were accepted and the closing up of the building during the coming winter was seriously discussed. -- Church's 117th Anniversary, Colborne, July 31.--On Sunday at Wicklow. Rev. A. 8. Imrie, Toronto, preached at the 117th emniversary of ithe Wicklow Baptist Chareh, This is one of the oldest churches in Ontario, and it served as a place of worship for the early settlers for some years before any other church was erected in the district. Cattle Killed in Storm Hastings, July 28.--Richard Coul- son, Thomasburg, met with a severe loss during a recent electric storm by losing nine head of cattle killed, eight two-year-olds and ene yearling. A tree whére the cattle were standing was shattered. The ani- mals were estimated as being worth $700. They were insured for $200. one J IN MEMORIAM. In memory of the late Mamie Il Woods, wife of N. Whitty, who died i April 18th, 1917. }| Call not: back the dear departed Anchored safe where storms are o'er, Syrqeuse, .N.Y-, PIPING THE CAMERONS INTO A FRENCH VILLAGI F 5 i * TN L alten a oo uccent TN i EE AD ll eM ay i hata] This picture, drawn for the London Sphere, shows men of the Cameron Highlanders, a regiment of the British army, which was first organized in 1793. This regiment has distinguished itself in' all of Britain's wars and in the present conflict formed part of the first division of the original expeditionary force sent to France, | and it has since maintained the sterling fighting qualities of this noted regiment. PBRCY J. QUINN, Manager, Ontario Branch, T to AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ WEALTH IN BABIES, Germany's Eight and a Half Millions in Ten Years. London ' Chroniéle, Babies as the most important of national assets were discussed in sev- eral places yesterday. In the gar den of Cam House, Kensington, at a festival connected with the five Schools for Mothers' in Kensington, Mr.Herbert Samuel recalled his reign at the Lecal Government Board, and his innovatlin jn persuading the Treasury to provide the cost of 'all Schools for Mothers approved: by. tie' Board. In the ten years preceding the War, he said, the population of the Brit- ish Isles increased by 8,500,000 pe ple. That of Germany incréased by 8,500,000, and the opulation of France remained stationary. Thos were the kind of facts which, in thd long run, determined the fate of ne tions, and of the idea¥ fof which fia- tions stood. If thi¥ coufitry believ- od. that it stood for great and wor- thy ideas "must organizé itself so as to have behind those Ideas suffi- cient numbers to prevail is any clash of nations. . i Belgian boys and girls of the Po- land-street colony which has been es- tablished in tho heart of Leonden's foreign quarter celebrated Baby Week yesterday by showing what lit- tle children could de to-entertain « party of about §00 British Tommies from neighboring spitals. . The 'unaffected way fu Which 'the sol- diers enjoyed a playlet wittily acted in Emgish by Antwerp children, who had probably never heard the jan- glage three years ago, was pleasant to see. Baby hints were showered from an aeroplane whieh circled over a Baby Week meeting in the Grimsby Peope's Park yesterday. The "bom- bardment" took place while. prizes for the 'best-cared-for babies were being awarded. Hints to Hostess. Everyone likes to be surprised, if the surprise is a plessant one. Guests especially are pleased with novel, un- | States. » THE WORLD'S NEWS IN BRIEF FORM Tidings From All Over Told In a Pithy and Pointed .. Way. Palestine's tag day $13,271 in Toronto. Many died from the heat in De- troit and Chicago. Western erops are badly in need of .rain. Some showers fell yester- day: "rAnarchists iff = Siberia tried to wreck the train bearing Elhiu Root and the American , A thousand recruits weekly for the British and Canadian forces are expected to enlist in the United brought, in (Sir Edward Kemp stated that af- fer August 1st parcels could not be sent direct to men as well as officers of war in Germany. In a return to Parliament by the Miniator of Militik it is stated that no recommendation of the British Army Council for utilizing existing 'Canadian facilities in the manu- facture of a new and fmproved En- field rifle was received by the Gov- ernment. Fifty German spies were. shot in in Russian uni- Rumenia forms. x urging Ruman- fans to imitate Russians. - The mor ale of the Rumanian troops ie fine. They recently captured 240 machine guns, 80 guns and three thousand prisoners. Two children, aged three and two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. Willams; Brockville, died after 4 few days #linesds from diphtheria. Paraded grief arouses liitle # pathy. ¥ FRR EE wR agi" gl laid J i ¥ a HUGH i 4 baad § UI ad gaan have commanded Faw knocked down and the load burned, " - sil inn Hot Weather Specials | GUTHRIE, MP. Easy Terms and on Approval You cannot buy imore in the way of a musical instrument for the price. It is better value than any ing machine" at an: near its price; : $112 &wi™. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA C. W. LINDSAY, Ltd, Kingston. rr Benjamin Church, twenty-eight years of age. was killed by lghining at Haley's station while drawing in hay. One horse was killed, the other ~ New Potatoes, New New Car rots, New Beets, But- Phone 1844. Cor. King & Earl McLaughlin Garage 34-38 Princess Street. First class work guaranteed. Done by first class mechanics. Gasoline, Oils and Accessories, Phone 1609. W. G. Robinson; Prop. Boyd's Garage| FOR SALE--ONE USED MOLAUGHLIN CAR Garage equipment and tools together with expert mechanics help auto owners to, keep down repair bills; 3% : stock of automobile ro I the city. Our Prices are Right keep cool, Fr oo Electric Irons and Fans." Get 8 Polar Cub Fan and > Halliday Electric . Con. cess and King Sts. Space For Interesting Announdements. Watch This x: The ARENA, Torento Thursday, August 2nd. | £0 © + 3.00. p.m. Convention meets , 'Speakers: THE PEOPLE OF ONTARIO 7 to 8 p.m.--~Band Concert, Queen's Ow Band. 8 pm.=The Great War Veterns--Parade. Bands, Short + 860 p.m. Addresses . MEY ad N. W. ROWELL, M.P.P. a Co. ny Speeches. "SIR WILLIAM HEARST, MPF. Friday. ugust 3rd. I am The Convention will meet to record the the decisiots of "~The People of Ontario 5 between men and women. We Sn----------, Tr OF ONTARIO will take th us to distinction Fed and Blue Badies wil have sna th same provides. Fare plus 5 cents will prevail. ZiT Edward Hotel on Thursday from 9 a.m. This will be conducted and advertised entirely D SAVE THE'KING A hh i i a a Cl i Ls eee Ee SS

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