Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Aug 1917, p. 11

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Guaranteed To Satisfy The * Sunshine" Furnace gives health- ful, warm air heat--and plenty of it. When installed, according to plans furnished by our heating engineers, it is guaranteed to give absolute sat- isfaction. Write for free illustrated SUNSHINE FURNACE TORONTO _ MO WINNTP VANCOUVER £6 CALGARY OON EDMONTON : For Sale by J. B. Bunt & Co. : ---- We Have a Nice Assortment of Pure Corn Syrup The Telgmann School . of Musie. Piano, violin and other stringed instruments; Eloeution and Dra- matic Art. © Summer pupils may | Ib. tins, 5-1b. pails, and lois ap- | pails, which we are ST Sat), Tews on 3p week only at the price. 216 Frontenac Street. E. H. BAKER - Phone 1610. Cor: Mantiinl wid Saris St, mmm Se ------S-------- LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto. Toronto, July 31.---Heavy steers, $11 to $11.60; choice steers, $10 to $10.50; do: medium, $8.75 to $9; do. good, $9.60 to $34; do. common, $8 to $8.50; heifers, good to choice, $8.50 to §9; butcher cows, choice, $8 to $8.50; do. medium, $7 to $7.50; butcher bulls, choice, $8.50 to $9; do. good, $7 to $7.25; do. medium, $6 to $6.50; feeders, 500 to 1,000 1bs., $7.75 to $8.50; do. medium, 650 to 760 lbs, $7 to $7.25; do. light, 600 to 650 Ibs., $6.50 to $6.75; canners, $5 to $6.25; cutters, $5.50 to $6.26; sheep, light, $8.75 to $9.50; do. heavy, $6.75 to $8; calves, $8 to $14.50; spring lambs, ewt., $13 to $14.50; yearlings, $11 to §1.; do. f.0.b., $15.25; do. welgh- ed off cars, $16.25; hogs, fed and watered, $16. Montreal, July 31.--Choice steers, $9.50 to $10; good, $8.50 to $9.25; medium, $6 to $6.75. Choice bifcher cows, $7.50 to $8; good, $6.50 to' $7; medium, $5.50 to $6. Canners' cattle, $5 to $6; milk fed calves, $11 to $13; grass fed, $6 to $7.50; &heep, $8 to $9; spring lambs, 12 to 13 cents per pound. Choice select 'hogs off cars, 16; good selects, $15 to £45.50; SOWS, $14 to $14.50. Buffalo East Buffalo, July 31.--Cattle-- Receipts 4,700; strong for = best: prime steers, $13 to $18.75; shipping steers, $11 to $13; butchers, $9 to $1 to $1.05; No. 3, 85 to 90c; ship- ging, 75 to 80c. "Hops--PFirm; state, common to choice, 1816, 30 to Sic; 1915, § to 8c; Pacific Coast, ue 10 to 18¢; 1915, 7 to Se. Montreal. Montreal, July 31.--Corn=-Am- erican No. 2 yellow, $2.35 to $2.40. Oats--Canadian western, No. 2 85¢; do. No. 8, B4c; do. extra No. 1 feed, 84c. Barley--iManitoba feed, $1.26. Flour--Muanitoba spring wheat patents, firsts, $13; do. se- cohds, $12.50; de. strong bakers', $12.30; do. winter patemts, choice. $12.50 to $13; do. straight rollers. $12 to $12.30; do. bags, $5.75 to $6.90. Rolled ocats--Barrels, $9 to $9.35; do. bags, 90 1bs., $4.45 to $4.50. Bran, $35. Shorts, $40. Middlings. $43 to $50. Moulile, $60 to 361. Hay---No. 2, per ton, carlots, $11 to $11.50. Ww 3 Winnipeg, July 31.--Wheat--No. 1 northern, $2.40; No. 2 northern, $2.37; No. 3 northern, $2.32; No. 4. $2.20; No. 5, $1.95; No. 6, $1.68; feed, $1.54. Oats--No. 2 CW. 78 3-4¢; No. 3 CW., 75 3-4¢; extra No. 1 feed, 75 3-4¢. Barley--No. 3, $1.25; No. 4, $1.20; rejected, $1.10; feed, $1.10. Flax--No. 1 N.W.C., $331; No. 2 C.W,, $3.28; No. 3 C.W., $3.14. Chicago. Chicago, July 31.--Wheat--No. 2 red, $2.60 to $2.64; No, 3 'red, $2.57 to $2.69; No. 2 hard, nominal; No. 3 hard, nominal. Corn--No. 2 yellow, $2.28 to $2.80%; No. 3 yel- low, $2.29% to $2.30; No. 4 yellow, OUR FOOD CONTROLLER Fought Hard as Politician, But Wa Not Hated. "Big head, little wit," is a saying rather more stupid than the ma jority of proverbial expressions. It is ut terly discredited avd cast out of court when we consider Hon. W. J Hanna, says J. E. Middleton in The Toronto News. He has a head ma jeatically lirge, but packed with wits. ' His record _.as a professional man in legal, practice, as a Parlia- mentarian, as a platforin speaker, and as an administrator, shows not only fulness of knowledge, steadi ness of purpose, and accuracy of Judgment, but a goodly proportion of that quality known in the country borsé-sense--a quality which fis the foundation of personality, Mf. Hanna's head has all the out. ward signs of excellence--the dis- tance from the tip of the ear to the frown is marked, the rear curve fs graceful. back of bis neck. The transferred double chin Is not ap; t. The Sector from temple to temple is splendid and over the appear those little "bumps" and 'swellings which must have something to do with the perceptive gualities. Most men who can think rapidly and bril- Hantly are dowered with these intel lectual foot-hills. Mr. Hanna's face is naturally strong, but its strength is masked by the Wrinkles of laughter and by a seductive cheek-dimple that no voter could ever resist. cing eyes be- Bind sparkiing glasses comsort with 2 leonic nose and the aforesaid dimple 1s near a chin like that of Admiral Beatty. Such a head crowns 8 short but powerful frame. The shoulders are vast, but in contrast the hands are well formed small. Constantly in Mr, clash No grossness is seen at thé" JHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1917. | "The Latest Market Reports nervousness, sick headache, dizzy spells and ailments peculiar to their sex--| affordssuch prompt 'Yeid : er]Health pf ne HOMESEEKERS ALBERTA, MANITOBA, CHEWAN & BRITISH COLU FOR SALE Farm of 150 Acres { On and after first of May Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. RAILW/ SYSTEM RRL EXCURSIONS To Points In SASKAT. ' PASLEURIZED MILK AND CREAM, Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed, Official Tent.hy H. B, Smith. Milk teste ed Butter Fat ter 24 JOHNSON $12; yearlings, $11 to $13; heifers, $8 t0 $11; cows, $5 to $9.50; bulls, $6 to $9.50; stockers and feeders, $6.50 to $8.50; fresh 'cows and springérs, steady, $50 to $125. nominal. Oats--No. 3 white, 81c to 82 1-4c; standard, 82%e¢ to 83. Rye--No. 2, $2.12. Barley, $1.25 to $1.52. Timothy, $4 to $7.50. Clover, $12 to $17. Pork, $40.55. Vis COCHRANE and "THE NATION- AL ROUTE" or CHICAGO, NORTH BAY, SARNIA OR TORONTO. Round trip tickets will be sold at the divlo eat 1n 4 . uency normully Liberal, if he was able to hold that seat as long as he Phone 2083 3% City Dairy A I ASK YOUR GROCERFOR | ~ CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- ston, by GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. nin NOTRE RrrrY California Fruit Store Fresh Strawberries Daily, | 20¢, 25¢, 30c, 40¢_and 50c per dozen. + ss ss aisss.y 30c to BOc a dozen, 20c to 80c a dozen. ++. 25¢ and 30¢ a dozen, Goods delivered to all parts of the eity. © 286 Princess St. Charles Dafnos, Prop. Northern, Véals--Receipts 1,150; strong, $6 to $15.50. Hogs--Regeipts 6.400! slow to 6c higher; heavy, $16.50 to $16.65; mixed, $16.50 to $16.65; Yorkers, '$16.50 to $186.60; light Yorkers and pigs, $16.25 to Jive: roughs, $14.- 25 to $14.50; stags, $12 to $13. Sheep and lambs--Receipts 1,200; unchanged. Chicago, Chicago, July 31.--Cattle, receipts '6,00; market firm; beeves, $7.60 to $14.15; western steers, $8.40 to $11,60; stockers and feeders $5.80 to $9; cows and heifers, $4.50 to $11.70; calves, $8.75 to $13. Hogs, receipts 17,000; market steady; light, $14.80 to $16.10; mixed, $14,656 to $16.25; heavy, $14.45 to $16.20; rough, $14.45 to $14,656; pigs, $11.60 to $14.50; bulk of sales, $15 to $16, Sheep, receipts 6,000; strong; wethers, $7.60 to $10.85; lambs, native, $9.75 to $15,665. market GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Toronto, July 31. Manitoba wheat--No, 1 Northern, $2.36 No. 2 $2.34, . nominal, store, Fort Willlam. Mahitotia oats--No. 2, 84 3-4c, track, bay ports. Ontario wheat--No. 2 winter, per Fine English Worsted Suits Large stock of Indigo blue serge and wor- : . sted suitings. ; Summer Weight Rain Coats JOHN TWEDDELL Civil and Military Tailors 131 Princess St. a5 have read much Betion about: cans. Were that not so there would be no corns. = *19814 7 No. 2, do., $2.93%. Linseed = » "| case lots, $2.55; No. 2 winter, $2.53, ateording to freight outside. Manitoba flour--Hirst patents, in ute bags, $12.90; second patents, $12.40; strong bakers, $12. | Ontario flour--Winter, according to sample, $11.00, track, Toronto, prompt shipment. - --Car Montreal, shorts, $41; bran, $35: fesd flour, per bag, $3.25; mid- dlings, $4 to $45. Hdy--Baled, track, Toronto, car lots, No. 2, $11.50 to $12;. mixed, $9 to $11; straw, $9. lots, . delivered, Duluth Dul th, July 81.--Wheat--No, 1 nard, § 99%; No. 1 Northern, $2.- $3.30; July, $3.35 33.30. - Fl $1. --Wheat--- 9a: ., $2.34; cash, $3; No. 1 Northern, $2.- No. 2, do., $2.85 to ri--No. 3 yellow, $2.22 to 3 1 e, 77% to » $3.25 to $3.33: Flour ged. Bran, $35.50 to $36. S------ . New York sollow York. July 31. i winter i 12100 to $12.50 patents, $13.15 "310. oice Hay-- ur--un-| | to Lard, $20.62 to $20.72. Ribs, $21.3 to $21.95. GENERAL TRADE Montreal Montreal, July 31.--Eggs, strictly new laid, selects, 47¢ per dozen; ex- tra, 44¢ No. 1, 40c; No. 2 38c. But- ter, fresh madé finest creamery, 38c to 38%ec. Turkeys, 1b., 32¢ to 33c: chickens, 28¢ to 30c; ducks, 20c to 22c. Potatoes, old, 80 Ib. bags, white stock, $1 to $2; new potatoes, 54 to $6 per barrell. New Maple syrup, gallon tins, $1.26 to $1.75; sugar, 13¢c to 16¢ per Ib. Beans per bushel, Canadian hand-picked, $9; 3- Ib. pickers, $8.25 to $8.50; 6-ib. pickers, $8. Toronto. Toronto, July 31.--Chickens, spring, 25¢ to 30e; hens, under & Ibss, 20c; hens, over § Ibs, ~20¢: roosters, 16c; ducklings, 20¢; tur yers, 18c. Buttér--Creamery, solids, 37%e¢ to 38¢; creamery, prints, fresh made, 38¢c to 39¢; choice dairy prints, 34¢ to 35¢; ordinary dairy prints, 32¢ to 33¢; bakers, 32¢ ta 2%c. Cheese--New, large, 23¢; twins. 23 1-4c; old, large, 30¢c to 3le; twins, 3lec. Ri Beans -- Japanese, Hind-picked, bushel, $7.50 to $8; Canadian, hand- | picked, bushel, $9.25; prime, $8.75. Peas--Dried, bushel, $4.50 to $5. Onions, Texas Bérmudas, 50 Ivs., $2.50; do. white, Australian, 75 1bs., $4.50; Spanish onions, large chses, $4.50; Can- adfan beans, 11-qgt. basket, 26¢ to]® 40c;> Canadian green peas, 11-quart basket, 30¢ to 40c; tomatoes; Flor., crate, $3.25; Texas tomatoes, Jiacy, $2.25; Canadian tomatoes, 11-quart, $1.26 to $2; Canadian new po:a- toes, 11l-quart basket, 0c to 60¢c; potatoes, new, barrel, $5 to cucw , home-grown, asket, 76c to $1; catlifl bushel basket, $2.25 to $2.50; adian carrots, doz. 20e to 25¢; Can. ©, crate, $2.50 to $2.75; ha r, $2.25; Plants, dozen, nus ms, I1b., $2.50; green corn, Cobourg, July 31.--The Lydia , Ju weed a E. mn Company, 'who has estab 1.10 19 $1.15; No. 2,| man "HIS OTHER EYES" i udas; $3; do. {! chose; the n in Nis person- ality. He imposed imself th yea ar upon the 8s Ei rT pul would a have loved a a father, lashed whip. political rit never had the caps. that blind hostility aa re iciany 1 arouse : x one ever looked upon Mr. Hanns, as some Conservatives have" regarded Mr. On four distinct charges of theft, r N. Drowen, Toronto, a young man of about twenty years, Wis committed oi oars at hard labor, our lend §s not the one who is always excusing your faults. to Penitentiary for (Calling Falmouth to land PRssengery) ade Montreal and Bristol King Street The British cruiser Ariadne, a sister of the Canadian cruiser, Niobe, was torpedoed and thirty- eight of the crew perished. The Canadians entered Cite Moulin, a suburb of Lens. st, Toronto, du LOW FARES TUESDAY Y For particulars of sailings tes wot Ui oh. 1917, x 40ply to local agents or to Shar! o twe tha, p ford Co. Li Generh) ta BE A Mg I ey ied y, June, . ean he had on payment of B00 each month ov t date of . » extension of time hy» mOt eX rt thereof. Stop-over » Winnipeg Coe L KCURSI ONS Ie WESTERN CANADA ONCE A WEENK. Convenient Service. Modern Electric Lighted Equipntent "Tourist Sleeping Cars and Colonist Coaches For Tickets, Reservations, Literature and Information, apply to J. E. IVEY, STATION AGT. or M. C, DUNN, CITY AGT. Or write R. L Fairbairn, G.P.A., 68 Ming St. E., Toronto, * CE TIE IY BE SURE YOUR MILK IS IN SEALED BOTT! thoroughly at once. tis All our milk is Itis Phone 845 DELIVERED LES, e. It is pure. Price's of : 8pm " ard (Criday) - 10 : Convention tion all Convention rates % al raiffoag Sign and send thie form below: « IVIASS All at the ARENA, TORONTO are plus twenty-five cents- Members of all political parties are joining in the WIN-THE-WAR CONVENTION If you believe with us that it is the [ICS until after the war, present duty of everyone to DROP PARTY that to preseciite the war effectively we need a National Nop-Partisan Government "and that we cainot escape the duty of sending ~ More Soldiers At Once Come to the Convention at whatever personal inconvenience and add the weight of your presence and al to the demand for immediate action which the Convention will oe gl his Convention is i Hy eetyOne August 2nd, (Thursday)-3 p.m.. Convention called to order. . x ecting an Rally. -Convenes. s. 'Get certificates from Ticket-Agents. . WINTHE-WAR CONVENTION 76 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. 1 will attend the Convention ................. cannot atte sesesrisnnne Sersmpa stra Ra sa sat eal Name....................~.... Address... Sans os Telephone Adelaide 32 Verses snansany he tasesevssenin .- 3 vil .. It is worth it. Help us if you quit until. the Kaiser Delegates desiring to submit resolutions should forward them at once. =

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