CO ESTABLISHED 1855 Thrift NEE DED-- for MON} Y AS spending, f. Toronto sins invited Increase Your Saving, hold na Savings Account at Ks accounts for smal at aii branches of this Bank down you The Bank large 11 Branches in Toronto. 116 Branches in Canadas < ® BANK 1c) a a a et a at a er a ttt A FOR SALE Small frame house with stable and large yard, near Cotton Mill. Price, $950. Cash required, $300. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. 'Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 OUR HAY AND FEED 3 Fs f will put flesh on your horse and put him in better shape every way. We supply the feed for many of the finest horses and you'll find everyone of them looking fine and dandy. Try it on your horse. It will pay. W. F. McBROOM Special Talcum Offer With each 'tin of Talcum in our window we are giving, absolitely free a Dainty Powder Puff. Popular odors, Popular makes, Popular tints, Your Choice, 25c¢. Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Offine, . JOHNSON SL Leading F1 orist te i nd Cat Flowers our ty. Orders Sead, Promptly, Pane 239, 115 Breck Military Hospitals Com. mission Command, Canada Notice To Re- turned Soldiers Returned soldiers, who have heen dizeharked whether peansioned may learn someth tage, in regurd to for future employment, by apply the undersigned at the Arm not able to come In person, dress or telephone, F. A. Good, Major. | Distriet Vocational Officer, rl send Extra Choicest Japan (Green) Tea, in 5 Ib Boxes, $1.50 Lipton's Plantation Brand Black. Tea, in 23% 1b. Tins, $1.40. When you require Tea GORDON'S. is the place to get it. Cor.-Bay apd Montreal Streets. Phone 88, » TENDERS FOR CONCRETE TANK Sealed Tenders f for the comstruc- tion of Concréte Tank, 95 feet in dia- meter 'by 25 feet deep will be receliv- ed at the Office of the PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, KINGSTON, Until 12 o 'cloek, noon, Tuesday, July 31st, 1917: ~ Plans and specifications at the office of the works, Queen Street. The lowest or any tender mot ne¢- essarily accepted, R. H. TOYE, C J atts, o Float Fresh Cut Fra Day uperal Designs and ig Wadd ng > Bouquets to Order TAXI SERVICE RING 960. All Large Cars oe Baseball! Athletics vs. Victorias CRICKET FIELD Sat'day, 3.15 p.m. sharp [To Contractors ! : 'aump tenders will be received until pom, Thursday, July 26th, 1917, for the work of phinibing and heating A Pavilion and a Storage | at the Si Kingston. Oliver Mowat Sanitérfum, (At 2.30 PM. Club Meet wees City of Kingston THE DAILY .BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1917. HCH ---- OPER. | HOUSE G RA N D CONTINUOUS (£130 P.M. Daily Performance Thur, Friday, Saturday POLITE VAUDEVILLE A Five Act Photoplay al) Wm. Nigh and Violet | Palmer in "The Blue Streak" | rim tnsertion, 13 wars. Bach con. The Pathe News, Comedy, and Other | = cent a word. Minimum charge for Photoplays. | ome insertion, 23¢; three Ingerti i O0c; 'six $1; one month, $2. { Monday, Tues. and Wed. POLITE VAUDEVILLE Frances Nelson HELP WANTED WOMAN, Hotel KITCHEN dolph APPLY RAN- CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES | | HOTEL Stell FOR SALE "it THESK EFFECTIVE ADVTS. OOST Hitle. Once, 25c; three times b0c; one week, $1.00. PROPERTY SITU a. Apply: to Jame FOUND LADY'S BLACK KID GLOVE o¥ : Wednesday. Owner may have same by calling at Whig. of- ce, BABY'S SOFT SHOE, RLACK: owner may have same at Whig office A ROSARY IN ONTARIO PARK on Saturday pan. Owner may TED AT Rorke on premises DUMP 92 Vie- LARGE CHESTNUT HORSE, cart and harness. Apply toria street In a S-act Metro Wonderplay The Power of Decision The Pathe News, Comedy and Other Photoplays, MAIDS, ton MORORMEN AND CONDUCTORS, ply Street Railway Office, Y TO MATRON KINGS. ral Hospital Ger AP- Matinee 10c . Evening 10e Any Seat Reserved, Se Mute Se pr m STRAND YOUNG MAN TO LE Apply to New Collingwood Street, AT ONCE, A cake baking land Bread, ARN TWO MEN h ospita nera FOR WORK Apply Hospital. AROUND Superintendent have same by applying to 11 Cherry street, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREE UPRIGHT GRAND; Cheap for cash Whig Office. FIRST PIANO, } Apply class, Box 91, 25-FOOT PLEASURE LAUNCH, NEAR. ily new, 15 h.p. motor (bargain for quick sale). Apply Bex 14%; 'hig Office Anyone finding Anythiag and XY to reach A 1916, S.I"ASSENGER, 4-CYLINDER Overland touring car, nearly new; cheap to quick buyer. Apply 315 Montreal street. GOOD WOMAN TO HELP IN CAMP for two weeks, $10.00 per week | Apply A. Knight, 346 University] before July 24th. | and THUR., FRI. AND SAT. Feature Photoplay Jagk Devereaux. . vertised for én the oy, Sy Bu EL MHI GRAFPHONOLA AND AE, Jour own choice, $27. $1 per week. C. ed 121 Prigress St. GENUINE select Terns: Lindsay, A CARETAKER FOR MACDONALD Schou ary $600 Returned | soldier preferred Apply to Sec- retary of Board ef Education, Winifred Allen in "The Man Who Made Good." "A Lass of the Lumberlands." Comedy Reels. 10¢; wTatiee: 10c; Bevenings: 18¢ Matinee: WYN Lake Ontario P ARK Tonight * jo | LADY OF REFINEME NY TO ENGAGE in husiness in this city. Giving all or _bart time, TID $10 to $25 per week, according to time given Whig. Apply A.C ANY LADY CAN PERMANENTLY earn twenty dollars weekly in own | neighborhood, or proportionately | for, spare time. Particulars free. Food Products Distributors, Brantford, Ontario, | 15¢ Sr ett St (GIRLS! VAUDEVILLE With or without experience, on EATURE sewing and kaitting machines. PHOTOPLAYS Light work; highest wages paid Program Changed Monday and while learning. Apply Thursday. Kingston Hosiery, Limited Admission to Pore Free it By Street o « am) WANTED GENERAL NICELY good Toculity Persons enon: the Park other than by street car will be prosecuted. rt The members of the Ladies' Auxti- lary of the Hotel Diexi Hospital, on be- half of Rev. Mother Superior and the Sisters of the hospital, wish to extend thelr most sincere thanks to the pulses lic In general for their kind and gen- e€rous respunse to the Flag Day col- lection, and also for the courtesy shown to the ladies In charge. AUCTION SALE AUTOMOBILE, Saturday, July 21st at 11 o'clock, Mar- ket Square, 7 passenger Galt Touring Car, tric lights, ele¢tric starter, good condition, TO RENT, house; | Whig WOMAN WANTS WORK BY day Mrs. J. H. Jarvis, mouth, P.O, Ont. Fu nyISHED Box 719 THE Ports- SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or (n part payment of new pianos and Victrolas, C, Ldnd- say, Limited, 121 Princess Wirian elec- Car in WM. MURRAY. ~~ BUY THE FINEST TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER- chants and business men in East- ern Ontario can connect with a good side line by applying to Box W., Whig Office... Strictly con- fldential p we WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF second-hand furniture, stoves; heaters, clothes, ete. We also have KNOWN everything in the second-hand : AL Nne for sale. 8 Shapiro, 45 Prin- $20; BRICK HOUSE, NORTH END; ALL NEW 6 or LAUNCH HULL, 28 FT LONG, foot beam; fine model; for cash exchange for othe r property. quire Dr. Lake, Johnson street . LOST, TWO TEN DOLLAR BILLS. ON MON- day afternoon on Princess, Barrie, Brock or Johnson streets. Finder kindly retarn to Whig Office. Re- ward. TWO SEMI-DETACHED 4 BRICK 4 - dwelling houses, Nos. 423 and 433 Johnsdh street For further par- ticulars apply to Nickle Farrell & Day, 194 Ontario street, Kings- ton, ABOUT SIX MONTHS white with black and yellow spots, Sunday evening inder kindly return to 174 Rideau street Liberal reward. A HOUND PUP, vid; A PLAIN GOLD WEDDING Clergy or Princess Tuesday evening return to 143 ceive reward. RING ON streets, on Finder kingly Ordnance and re- 0 2244444044 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE The best of service. Also large quantity of repair parts on stock for Saxon cars; also second-hand cars for sale. J. H. PAVIS, Saxon Distributor. Ring 420 or 1138. STOLEN, GREARN FLAT-BOTTOMED with white trimmings; pointed at both ends, from near cotton mil Person who took same had bet- ter return at once to N., Boyer, 25 Rideau st Street PUNT, i FOR SALE 1916, 3-PASSENGER, 4-CYLINDER Overland touring car, nearly new; cheap to quick buyer Apply 86 Bay street. TENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR- tains, canoes, and camping sup- lies. Mishing {ackle, etc. Frank . Cooke, 3% Clarence St, King- ston. Phone 891. A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN. cloding the famous Athlete, Over- land and Perfect Models; also tires and bicycle accessories. George Muller, oe King St. Phone 1032. ONE GALVANIZED IRON CHIMNEY stack, 25 feet long, 12 inches in diameter, with hood, suftable for cheese factory or cold air pipe. Ap- Ply D. Marshall, 320 Princess St. LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. bles and dining chairs, buffets, china cabinets, also good beds, Springs and mattresses, - We buy all kinds of second hand furniture. oI, ThomAR0%, 333 Princess street. Phone 1600 v BY a8, A. Ageney. $5500, BRICK aovs SE, NEARLY NEW, iBieat improvements, § rooms, dou- le . BATEMANS ESTATE A $3000, BRICK, 7 fa ALL TM. provements, slectrie fight, lot 33 x 133; fide tame $3300 DOUBLE STONE ALL IMPROVE- ments; stable. $4500, BRICK, 11 "moowms, ALL M- provements; rear entrance. $3000, BRICK, ALL IMPROVEMENTS: eleotric light, $1400, FRAME, IMPROVEMBNTS, Ix rooms. VACANT LOTS, ALL PRICES. TO RENT. improvements; 14 rooms and sta- ble. MONEY TO LOAN, e7 CLARENCE ST. Kingstoa. A real bargain in lots at the of Princess. street, just weeds ety limfts., The best of rden land; elty water, Inquire C. E. Frallek, Pri AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Specials In our used ear depart- ment: TO LET TWO NICE FURNISHED BED ROOMS sitting room 240 Jonson Teel . OFFICES IN CLARENCE 87. CRAM. Apply to A.' B. Cunningham, 79 Clarence stieet. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE. KE. WA- then has a clean dry furniture Suliding, 442 Albert streél. . Phone STORAGE FOR | URNITURE OR MER- chandise, clean and dry. McCann's Real Estate Agency, $2 Brock St, Phones 326 or 821, COACH HOUSE, OR PLAOE SUIT- able for mUtor or storage pur- poses: rear of 42 Princess St. Ap- ply Box "E" Whig Office. OFFICE OR SHOP, 3 ELLINGRN" street, lately escupied John Smith, Printer pply tr Car- ruthers, 151 A CLR street. STORAGE FOR i _FURNTTURE. CLEAN, dry, airy your own look and key. Fronts 'city Bhoraer Queen street. Phone 536; res. 989 FURNISHED RESIDENCE, 119 EARL street; brick, § rooms, open fire- places, nice grounds an shade rees. 'J. 8. R. McCann, $2 Brook Phone 326 or 621. * RARGE FRONT, , BHEDROOW ry RR With oll "of dining "room ot A front. ot fio ue . "Address 361 west "King street BEAUTIFULLY roomed Park, ing; month, Cowan, oque SITUATED EIGHT summer cottage, Tremont Gananoque; ice, boat fish- balance of season, "$66.00; 1 $50.00 Apply Miss A. Tremont. Park, Ganan- FOR SALE OR TO RENT. HOUSEBOAT, NICELY FITTED AND furnished. Apply to Wm. Kane, Kingston Mills BOARD AND ROOMS. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, every convenience, central loca- Apply 243 Brock street, FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITH. out board. All conveniences. Use of phone Apply 32 Ontario t. wesi, or phone 1908, tion, FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVES. ment Scctety; incorporated Toes: Smith resident olonsk, H. R. M.G.: vice- 2 reside} t, W. F. ie kle, K.C. © ued on oity and farm prope uniclpal country de Pures: bende "tar chase lovestment bon nie; dopodite reon] i terest allowed. R. manager. §7 Clarence oe LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND LOR assets $OLIST IIE ida to n on which the policyholders Rave for security the unhimited 1a ity of city property, insured Cast possible rates. Be Agents. "Phone 1385. PERSONAL Ip=1016 model Chevrolet, mountable rims, tool de box, 3 2d F EmRE BLEND a = Phone 1237, | ARCHITECT | COF FEE POWERS bs + om maT Nr Brock and Wellington streets. Sealed Tenders Will be received by the undersigned until Friday, July 27th, at 12 o'clock noon, from persons willing to lease the Market Fees and weighing charges of Market No. 2, for the term of one year from the Fg Monday In August next. WwW. WwW, July 20th, 1917, Tenders Wanted Tenedsr will be received at the of- fice of Secretary, 62 Brock street, up till moon, July 2th, for the exclusive right of catering privileges to Kings- ton Gentlemen's Driving and Matinee at Fair Grounds, Civie Holiday, July 30th, Highest of any tender not necessarily Hore "I, Kingston, SANDS, ; City Clerk. tire earrier, . com- pletely overhauled. el Frio dco didlo. Dll TEACHERS WANTED, QUALAFIED LADY TREACHER FOR Junior room, Elgin Public School State fully experience, and also enclose testimonials. Apply to H 8. Davison, Sec, Bigin, Ont. ~1{ FEMALE PROTESTANT TEACHER for Public Sehool Section No. 1 (1) | Olden, holding third class. certifi- cate; duties to commence Sept. 4th, 197. Appty, 'stating expenience and salary required, and giving re- ferences to Jas. E. Price, Seec.- Treas., Mountain Grove, Ont. QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER for 88 Na. 5 Hinchinbrooke Dutles to commence Sept. ply stating salary and ex 30 George A, Smith, Sec, 11916 Model Chevrolet, in firwt elnns running order. we, 11917 medel Chevrolet, used ouly as a demonstrating car. 1--Mrlaughiin touring car In sood rununing order. * CLARENCE STREET GARAGE 124 Clarence St, Phone 1904 eS BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTORS WARNING DO. INVEST one cent until you read 1 4th. Ap- rience Free trial su ng ful Chicago. HAIR, MOL®S, WARTS, BIRTHMARK and all growths and skin blem- ishes removed Dermanently, a" out scar; 0 joa experi ar Tink Kn ati, 0 Throat Bagot street LEGAL B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor. Law office, 78 Clar- £8L0n. ence street. Kin, TO RENT. Summer cottages, tursished, near Fiddler's Hibow and Bebo Lodge, Thousand Islands; 20 miles east of Kingston. Good ntea t connection. Rent, $50 for the meason. Apply J. & T. J. Darling, Lansdowne, ony * TE E. J. METCAL Secretary. For Hat Cleaning Panamas and Straws Go TO NEW YORK HAT ~ CLEANING CO. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Speeciniintn In anama Bleach- tng. St. Phome 306, Five Doors low Opera House. | aborers Debentures DENTAL ee CLATRVOYANT., A E KNAPP, B.A. LD, Bn St LDA. DDS, EE AE Sm AND SPARKS, a on str " Da. Wanted For Inside and Outside Work. Steady Em- ployment. A. Dayis & Son, Lid, Kingston Tannery, $30,000 For sdle at rate to yield Interest payable semi-annually. Short or long date Debentures will be issued In amounts to suft pur- chaser. Apply at once to ov. BAR City Treasurer. - Compan any " MADAME LILY, FAMOUS .SCOTCH paimist-and clalrvoyant; one week only, from 50c to $1.00, from 10 #etook te 10. 37 Johnson. Phone 1164 w. P. LL, FURNTRURE ym or drep a onrd. street. 18H. John sa W PATTERN MAKERS, HANDY MEN, AND LABORERS. Apply: J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- PANY, LTD. CHARCOAL, 15 CENTS PER BAG _ CLEAN and ECONOMICAL FOR COOKING. To OBTAIN THE