4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1917. EE ---- ENENREEEERRE " {OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT. 'O'Connor's Ladies' " Exclusive Saturday BOYS' WASH SUITS New York's latest styles put in two lots for a quick clean-up Saturday, . . . ..98c and $1.25 Values reg. $1.25 to $3.00. SC -- wo -- Sm soi Saturday, ee 28 TRIMMED HATS LEFT To or Saturday at $1.98 each. Sn Saturday Snaps at Our July Sale Half Price Sale 40 Summer Dresses; 20 Summer 24 Fancy Silk Sport Skirts, Every garment new this season and no two alike. The very fin- est materials; must be sold. We want the room; consider our regular low prices and sée what bargains await you, : Half Price | See these in Nia window to-night. $1.69 COLD SILK WAISTS 6 dozen new styles; large collars, lace trimmed in white, maize, sky and flesh; all the sizes; 34 to 44. At $1.69 to clear. All Our Fine Voile Waists--Values to $1. 50 Broken line etc., but every size in the lot--to clear, 98¢ Saturday. GOOD-BYE MILLINERY We want to say good- bye to the balance and have put the prices down for a clean sweep. 48 STRAW SHAPES LEFT Values to $3.75 to go at 98¢ each Sport Hats clearing at 49¢ & 69¢ Suits, em --------gt ey ed -- of our 'Millinery ] mt RSNNANEEEEERERRERRRREERERRNERRERREEER] | "MONUMENTS We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large stoch of marble and granite. Special attention given to cemetery lettering. FALLON BROS, Special for Saturday 'Water Melons Carrots, Cantiloupes, Beets, . Peaches, New Turnips, Plums, To- matoes, Wolfe Island Straw- berries. Crawford's Grocery To Eat." = ODO=-RO-NO! (For Extreme Perspiration) . . Bhree Sizes. .* Relieves Excess Perspimmtion > apis, Hands and Feet. E . Odor, 'SARGENT'S DRUG STORE to Nal Quality Store. Cor. Princess and Montreal Streets. - White Ca anvas Shoes Fashion' Sys: "We "Wear 'white canvas shoes." Ar omplote asortment of lish - shapes CT eran of fi . * Suitable footwear for all out-door sports recteations Cand ~ Allan M. Reid, 111 Princes Servet. . Phone a 4 x 139 Clergy St. Phone 637. g| tor): [Letter fo the Editor | Less Narrow Minded Bigotry. Kingston, July 18.--(To the Edi- July 12th, 1917, is past and gone. The speeches of the brothers were. very good, British and mild; modulated and of much of that creed bitterness of by-gone years. The words of the Master is taking effect. "Let he.who is without sin cast the first stone.' Dr. Edwards went after-the clergy of Quebec, 'He may have some rea- Son for doing so. But I want to tell the doctor that the most of tiese men are Tories and Nationalists like hie friends, Sevigny, Bourassa, et al In 1896, in pre-election campaign, twelve archbishops. and bishops is- sued an open letter to the people of the French diocese not to suppo.t Laurier nor the Liberal party poiicy but to be good Tories and vote with Tupper. This letter was read . every church the Sunday before er tion day in all parishes governed by those bishops. Even in Ontario where some of them governed par~ ishes, it was read. So the doctor should not say too much about his French Tory allies. It is my opinion that the doctor is doomed to keep up agitation among the people in Ontario lke Bourassa in Quebec. The people of Ontario and the good Orangemen cannot be led about by the nosc and made to lieving -there is treason lurking in every Catholic oN. They know their Catholic neighbors better now on account of more mingling to- gether, and less' narrow-minded big- otry among all raves of people, Ed- ucation in rural districts is better and people are better educated and | wise to the fact, and will not be fool- ed by ranting politicians. Yours, »==JAMES TRAVERIS, Increased Prices. Safety razor blades have increased to $1 and more per dozen. About the cost of a Stag sharpener and honer, which always insures you a' new edge from every shave and freedom from disease ¢arried on the common sharpners used for thou- sands of blades each week. The Col. lege Book Store. Open nights, in use. vote the same ol Toy ticket be-! + | Fine flavour and it's wongertal economy J LAID ALONGSIDE Was For Tweaty-Four Hows in a Shel Hicle. ME KETH MLAUCHLN FORMERLY OF ATHENS, DUB- BED "SHELL HOLK PETE." Tejls of Long Vigil--Advancing In- fantry Found Artllery Had Fail- ed to Obliterate Enemy's Wire. "Shell Hole Pete" is * what his serving in France with the Cameron Highlanders, of Winnipeg. He has heen dubbed thus for his experience ina recent engagement in lying for nearly 24 hours in a shell hole just outside the German wire and from which the voices of the Germans coitld be heard: Pte. McLaughlin, who went west at the age of 17 to teach school, enlisted at Chnistmas, 1914, and has been on the front for an extended period. The story of h's long vigil is told In a letter from him appearing recently in a Winnipeg paper, referring to the death of a fellow soldier, Lance- Corporal Reid Howden, son of Hon, iJ. H. Howden, former Attorney- ' General of Manitoba. The letter is j one of the most realistic and feeling that has come from the front for | some time; every sentence is tinged | deeply with the tragedy of the war. The letter reads: 'Wd had made two previous trips in this part of ,the line and Reid | (Howden) was given his stripes be- cause. pf his coolness and courage. You know it is quite an honor to get stripes on the field, far more than in England and Canada. We all went up for that third trip with smiles on our faces, though every- one's heart was heavy, for they all knew most of them would never | some back. Your son seemed to know something would happen and gave a .few francs, part of his pay, to his friend, Harry, who worked on the cook kitchen." We went into the line Saturday night and we knew we were going over Sunday morn- (ing. All Saturday we lay in the muddy front line while the artillery CERMAN WRE comrades' now call Pte. Keith Me- | Laughlin, an old Athens boy, who is | on both sides shelled heavily. 4.30 on Sunday it seemed as if| every gun on earth opened up and | we shelled the enemy's trench for | ten minutes and then lifted for his | supports. "As the artillery lifted our first wave advanced, and your son was in tis wave; then the second wave fol- wed and after that the third. Of course, the Germans immediately Rd them and then a regular Hell jon earth started--shells were crash- | ing, bombs exploding, rifles crack- | ing away, and the machine guns working. In fact you would not be- bit eve anything could live there. We lost a great number of men going over. I was supposed to be in the third wave, but through excitement we went too fast and got into the first. Then we ran into his wire, which was supposed to be blown away by artillery, but there it was, 20 feet through amd so thick a cat couldn't crawl thfough. One of my crew, was hit there but managed to get back... We stood in front of the wire trying to get through with | Fritz shooting us down. A number saw the hoplessness of our position and retired back to the trench. !.."I was lying in a shellhole against the wire when I heard some one calling my name and Reid came , creeping ind the shell hole covered " with blood ahd mud: I did my best to bandage Kim up, but I was doubt- ful regarding his wound® He had | been held up by the wire and was slinging 'bombs into Fritz's trench when a German shot him in the up- per part of the arm and the bullet passed out about an inch from the spine. Where the bullet entered was-hardly noticeable, but there was a bad wound where it camé out. | Reid and I lay all morning in the old shell hole and 'he was very cheerful. He did. not suffer .much pain and talked about getting to "Blighty" and then homie, We were unable to move because Fritz was shooting all the time. - A few wounded men tried to get back, but were immediately killed. Of course, Reid was unable to move, and I promised to bring him a stpetcher as soon as it got dark. "About noon he sald he was cold, and I put my overcoat over him. He gave me his wristwatch and said it was presented to him by his school friends. - He did not 'grumble and said she was sorry he was such a bother. In fact, he was the stuff | heroes are made of. © About two o'clock he dropped off to sleep and when I felt him half an hour later he 'was cold. I felt his heart and shook Nim, but there was no sign of' life. 1back." ¢ Al Igonquin "A 'delightful spot to recuperate lost energy. 2,000 feet above the sea. Pure and bracing air. Good hotels and good fishing. Highland Inn opened May 7th, Free illustrat- ed literatyre on request to J. Quin- lan, Bomaventure Station, Montreal. SUMMER SUITS Our specials at §30 » are very popu- lar. Come in the splendid d Spia-date. _ Others cotton work-~ ing sox, 15¢ or 2 for 25¢. Be ; all, colors, 30c, 2c, .35¢ Best quality in the city for the Juanay: extra good Sporting Shirt, Shoes at Reasonable Prices. ISAAC ZACKS A value. Handsome an a- | at $10, $12 and $15. _| SUMMER S0X--Good At 7 $2.00. STRAWS AND PANAMAS As Cool as a Sea Breeze. Hats for men that embody style and comfort for hot days. - : Genuine South American Pan- amas, with fancy colored bands ... $4 Fine stray sailors, "$1. 50, $2 Soft straws from - 50c up. Crash hats .... .. ..50c up. Light Felts, $2.50, $3, $4, Ee amphell Bros: amp p-to-the-minute styles, Ladies' White Canvas Pumps, rubber soles, with small heels, HH Pi Nu. 3 cu 8 VITAL WESENIRS oI BY LEADING CHEMISTS PRICE IN ENGLAND. $ stamp address enve.ope. age 4 symptoms for FRE A a your ¢ se. No follow up eltcularm ,LE CLERC Med.Co. HAVERSTOCKRD .N.W.. LOXDON, SEE THAT TRADE MARKED WORD 'THERAPION 1S ON BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO ALL GENIE PACKETS. At night 1 was able to get| Park. 1 NTL Prisca Strel, , 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 : 4 4 4 Dangergo Is guaranteed to re- move dandruff and stop falling hair. Price, 50c¢ bottle. Ny Prouse's- | ; Drug Store {= Phone 82. Opposite St. Andrews Chrsh. TTT YY Ladies' White Coives Pumps; a real dressy shoe; special at $3.00. Abernethy's Shoe Store = J --------Y _LINOLEUMS, RUGS AND OLLLOTHS A et at tA a ett YY CY A AAA ALAR ERY a, Ty < ~ oy Another repeat in our big spring order of Carpet Squares, Oilcloths and Linoleums, are 'evidence of the service we are giving. I A TAL aE] Jl A 0000000000009 0000000000000 0¢ Carpet Squares, Axminsters, Velvets, Brussels and Tapestries, at the old prices. James Reid The Leading Undertaker with the Motor Hearse and Motor Ambulance. norm BE SURE YOUR MILK.-IS DELIVERED IN SEALED BOTTLES. All our milk is thoroughly pasteurized and bottled at once. It is safe. It is pure. It is good. Phone 845 - Price's OPTOMETRY ICE. THE BEST WAY TO GET GOOD SERVICE IS TO LET US EXAMINE YOUR EVES AND MAKE YOUR GLASSES. J. J. STEWART, Opt.D, Optician and Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office. Phone 699 rm nt NN. 3. JOHNSON STRERT Iry hone 2083 J TT : = JULY CLEARING SPECIALS Men's Suits, regular $20.00 ry $25.00, Saturday, ....814.95 Regular 315. 60 and $16.50, Saturday Regular $12:50 and $13.50, Saturday ... ... ... .. ..$8 BOYS' SUITS. Regular $10. 00, safurday Rar 4 ik Regular $7.50 and $8.50, Saturday. Regular $6.50, Saturday wont 4 .s MEN'S FURNISHINGS. A large assortment ot summer furnishings at July clear- ing prices. MEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES. "in patent, gun metal, dongola and tan-calf, with rubber heel and sole, Saturday nn and $5.95 'WOMEN'S WHITE CANVAS BOOTS $245 and $2.95 ~ WOMEN'S WHITE CANVAS PUMPS. nan and $2. PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM, Visit This Dairy and Decide for sfaction Guaranteed. «ie T SER = HH 1H r f Louis Abramson, The Uptown Clothier 336 Princess St.