-- =~ CHE EXPORT CUT Makes a Great Reduction. Gara gs eMC BINNS "77 Robinson & Wiltshire VULCANIZING All kinds of cars repaired promptly. Gasoline and oils for Cars washed. sale. Cars for hire." With J. M. Martin, Maxwell Service Station. 110 Clergy Street » Phone 1192. Best's Branch Six menths ago bill boards adorned the corner now oceu- pied by Best's branch, To-day it is one of the most popular corners up town To the people who made such a success of our new venture we wish to con- vey our sincere thanks. . We are striving each day to give the very best service ever, and it is most gratifying to us to have our efforts so ap- preciated. Use wus in évery can." We are here you, BEST'S UP TOWN BRANCH 2018. J. V. Bradshaw, Manager, have way you lo serve Phan A eat sata ea ------ Garage 1 Garage equipment and tools together with expert mechanics help auto owners to keep down repair bills. . We have the best equipped garage between Toronto and Montreal and repair all makes of cars, We have the largest stock of automobile tires in the city. Our Prices are Right A call solicited. Geo. Boyd, Proprietor Free Air. 129 Brock Street. THE RESULTS IN LEEDS COUNTY ARE ANNOUNCED New York 7 {to England in sight for many months, Winner of owing to the action of the- British Medal--Made | Food Controller in prohibiting the | fmportation into England of the Am- erican product until existing supplies : of Canadian and New Zealand cheese cessful candidates at entrance 5r¢ exhausted, the local trade is look- examinations held at the VATIOUS | jp or for a readjustment in prices. centres in the Inspectorate of Leeds England for a Jong period had {and Grenville, No.1. [been a heavy buyer in this marke: of The winner of the "\Vilfam Johns- American cheese, and early in May, ton" medal for general proficiency when exporters were gathering in was Miss Florence Leggett, Newboro, | Miss Leggett, Newboro, William Johnston 'Total of 5342 Marks, The following is the list of sue- | With no further exports of cheese! W---- An Appeal For Boys in Canada. Kingston, July 16.--(To the Edi- | ii tor): I am the mother of four sons, | all in France so also is my husband. One hgs been away from home three 8 years, one two years, two one year! Hi and six monthe; busband twetve ll months. So I want to make a spec- [i ial "effort to assist in bringing our ii dear boys home for a rest, to bel given at least three months' furlough | away from the sights and sounds o | | { ms in who obtained 542 marks out of total of 650. Miss Ina Hurlburt, Gananoque, ranked second with a total of 520 marks. This medal will be presented amnually to the pupil taking the highest standing at the entrance examination by the best Leeds Teachers' Institute as a/mem- orial to the late Inspector, William Johnston . a -- Gananoque, Mary J. Bovle (Honors), Bryant, May Calvert, Helen Case, Joseph Conlin, Madge Cooper, Zilpha Cummings, Annie Genge, Keitha Haynes, Edwin Higgins, Ina Hurl- burt (Honors), Bruce Mabee, Louise | Matthew, Morris McDonald, Tessie McGarry, Gertrude O'Brien, Jean Pelow, Mary Phillips, Ferne Rich- ardson, Miriam Round, Eva M. Sauve, Neville Sherboneau (Honors), Doug- fas Smith, Gladys Sword, Mangaret Taylor, Alice Vincent, Emile Vincent, Russell Wilson, Charles Wylie. Lansdowne. Bertha Bishop, Florence Gladys Fair, Lily Jordan, Bessie King, Ernest Miler, Luella Moor- Cross, { head, Paul Potter, Lola Tackaberry, Katie Warren. Delta. Hilda Burteh (honors), Beatrice Burns, Frank Calvert, Alice Coon: Velma Dancey, Donald Elliott, Flor- ence Hutchings, Anna Hutchings, Maud Jackson, Raymond Kenny, | Gladys Kilborn, Lawrence Leadbeat- er, Irene Lilde, Myntle Lyons, Don- ald Moroughan, Marguerite MacNa- mee, Mildred Moulton, Hester Mainse:--~Charles Nichols, Rebecca Shook, Radph Smith, Daisy Somer- ville Newboro. Hattie Best, Lorena Brown, Willie | Boulger (honors), Mary Boulger, | Hazel Byington, Frances Fahey, Lena ; Guttridge, Harold Green, Marguerite 2 for export, Olive ! every available pound of the product| war, to enjoy a much-needed rest in| they were glad to pay | their own home and country, 1 think | iN 26 and 27 cents a pound for [the boys deserve it. Haven't these | Ii the commodity, According to the re- noble boys done enough, or should! cords of the New York Custom we demand that they do more for ue. | House, total shipments of cheese I can hear every true souled man! from here to England in May totaled jand woman who réads this timely 5,694,117 pounds valued at $1,351,- appeal cry. "They have done, if any- 1100. The total exports to all coun-| thing! more tham their share." Soli tries from here in the period amount-|{ I hope they will grant a mother's | § {ed to 6,341,514 pounds worth $1,-|appeal for her boys. 528,110, it thus appearing that Eng- MRS. E. BROWN, land's purchases in May formed the 2 Lower Rideau Street, King- chief bulk of exports. ston. | ii H. J. Runyon of J. D. Stout & Co., . 19 Jay street, Chairman of the cheese Another Mother's Appeal. |! Committee of the Mercantile Ex- 399 Spadina Ave, Toronto, July} change, had this to say regarding the| 14.-- (To the Editor): Will Jou present condition in the New York!kindly permit me to voice in your| cheese market. columns a plea for help in assisting! "There was much export activity!the campaign which we mothers and | early in May, as England was taking | wives are forming to obtain a tur- | | between large supplies of the product. At that' jough for the First Canadian Con- time, exporters were paying between tingent. 26 and 27 cents 4 pound for the ar- I have and still am appealing in ticle. The present price is 24 cents,' our Toronto papers and I meet with and we ather look for lower prices, hearty response from friends of the although in this period: of abnormal |hoys, needless to say. Also I have! trade conditions it is hard to predict|it on good authority that the minis- | what may happen. The rise in the, ter is in sympathy with the move- price of milk may have some effect ment, but hitherto it has not been | on cheese prices, and some cheese! possible to set the machinery in mo-| factors are not so sure but that!tion, "I quote a jetter 1 have re- | cheese prices may stiffen." ceived from an officer high in posi- | It developed that England, up to|tiom in this city) to bring about what | ii} the time of the Food Controller's we so greatly desire, but as the situa- Ji embargo, was paying more for Am-{tion developes our chances improve, erican cheese than for its Canadian 'and officials, one and all unite in de-/ competitor. A produce factor said!claring that the men of the "First vesterday that the Canadian market, Capadian Contingent" have earned a! was always under the American, ' furlough over and over again." IH | Canadian cheese, for example, at this And so we ask for sympathy and! [time being quoted at 213% cents a practical help from every lover of | pound. In some quarters the belief | justice and humanity in this our cam- | was expressed that the stoppage of paign. For these dear lads ' who! exports to England was bound to be} have put three years of their young | reflected in lower prices to the con- | . lives straight off the reel, as it were, | suming public. jato this appalling war, the very fi | - Ry grimmest ever known; with ed ! STEAMER IS ASHORE whispered hint even--of a furlovgh If i --whiich beacom-lke would have shed | JI f AT CAPE RACE its glorious promise of a hard-earned | i rest and given them such a throb of [I= | The Passengers Were All Tak- Joy as only their tired yet saliant hearts could know. | H Tuesday 13¢ Our resident buyer in New York has secured what we consider the biggest curtain bargain of the year; this we will offer to our cus- tomers tomorrow at less than the wholesale cost. 1250 yards flowered bordered with hemstitched edge white and. Beige curtain Etamine -- in a domplete assortment of colorings; full 38 inches wide and regularly sold at 20c and 22c a yard. Tomorrow 13c¢ SEE WINDOW DISPLAY SALE STARTS 9 A.M. ALL SALES FOR CASH THE en Off --Vessel Being - Lightened. Hall, (honors), Florence Moore, Hel- | ena McKenne§, Kathleen Nolan, Ruby | Ripley, Herbert Regan, Edna Taylor, | To Australie be. the honor of] creating a precedent in remembering | LONDON DIRECTORY Donald Tole. i Westport | Bruce Arnold (honors), Ora Bot- ting, Helen (¥irty, Rose Coburn (hon- ors), Vera Gorsline, Berneca Has- | kins, Pearl Henderson (honors), Ger- tald Leddy, May McCann, Martina Me- | While a numer of tug boats and yOann, Howard McNally, Marian' O'- Neill, Edith Thompson, Jas. H. Whe- lan, Nellie. Welsh, Grave McEwen. Sir Thomas White will visit Wash- ington to discuss with the Secretary of the Treasury the general question United States and the closely-related question of Canadian borrowings in New York. Major-Gen. George W. Goethal's, manager of the Shipping: Board's Emergency . Fleet Corporation,' will offer contracts for construction of two government shipbuilding plants to produce 400 steel méfchant ships. At Lyndhurst, N.Y., Michael Heal- ey, a board of Meaith inspector, shot Arthur A. Clay, a city commissioner and former mayor, during a quarrel, and then committed suicide. of exchange between Canada and the | her gallant First Contingent. Our own First Canadian Contingent has! been three years under arms; and it! is incredible that the rest movement | made towards obtaining leave of ab-| sence for them sufficiently long to] enable them to come home for al hard-earned rest should come from | parents and friends and not from authorities. Surely a great bar to recruiting, . The fact of their patient uncom- plaining, their sturdy grit, their cheerfully written letters and wun- questioning loyaity-- "theirs not to reason why," comstitute a far more potent plea than any words of mine and should arouse the most phleg- matic. I am the proud mother of a dear boy twenty years, who went out with the First Comtingent and not a word'of complaint have we ever had from him, always exactly the contrary, because "mother's need mot worry" you see!. It is surely a great wrong in that this gravely important matter should have remained quiescent long, and we ask all mother's and (Special to the Whig.) | St. Johm's, Nfld., July 16.--The i Norwegian steamship Kristianiaford, learrying 1,200 passengers, went ashore to-day near Cape Race. AHN the passengers were landed safely at ' Portugal Cove. . other vessels stood by to render aid tive crew, to-day, began lightening the cargo in effort to refloat the steamer. % | All of the 900 passengers have | been taken off without accident | Messages from Cape Race say the | steamer is not hopelessly damaged. A AA A a oa i It is easier to love an enemy af- ter you get the better of him. ils CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years on our loyal British public to stand a'by us and help us to right it by en- }, abling us to be the means of getting l'a quickly arranged furlough for thoee I} who are stil bearing the burden and Hl} teat of the day. We are so' glad to see 30 many returned soldiers in our streets, our Sept. 25-26-27 hearts thrill with pride in each gal- lant lad who has so "nobly done his BH bit," and we ask for an alleviation Hlj| and rest for these boys who are so Hil] dear to us and to whom we are so I dear, and for ourselves the joy um- HHI! speakabie of once more "ministering HH to them." il Again very sincerely thanking you, dear Sir, 1 am yours faithfully. MRS. CHARLES A : NO SCARCITY OF TEACHERS Entertainment for for 80 | wives to come forward, and we count | | -- -- . (Published Anunuatly) SUMMER Furnishings Just received a large shipment. of summer rugs. The famous De Luxe Rug, made by the Crex Carpet Company. enables traders throughout 'the World to communicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS in each class of goods, Besides being & complete commercial guide to Lon- don and its suburbs the Directory con- taing Nats of - EXPORT MERCHANTS with the goods they ship, and the Col- onial and Foreign Markets they sup- ply; STEAMSHIP LINES 4 dh the Ports to which trcangea une Indicating the Poa mate Sailings: PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES f leading Manufacturers, Merchants, ~e. in the principal provincial towns and industrial centres of the UnMed Kingdom, A copy of the current edition will be forwaided freight paid, on receipt of Postal Order for 20s. Dealers seeking Agenc tise their trade ds for advertisements" 0, The LONDON DIRECTORY CO., Ltd. 25, Abchurch Lane, London, E.C. Alkali in Shampoos Bad for Washing Hair t use prepa poos or | Bn anything else; that contains too much |= alkali, for this is very injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The best thing to use is just plain mulsified cecoanut oil, for this is IH rooms and verandahs. Rockers, chairs and settees--a complete line. can adver. 1, or larger White Sewing Machines T. F. HARRISON COMPANY ~ Nothing better for bed- : pure and entirely greaséless. It's very cheap and beats anything else all to pieces, You can get this at any drug store and a few ounces will last the whole family for months. Simply moisten the hair with wa- ter apd rub it in, about a t ful . all and aGood Time ers appearing in the Reduced fares on all railways and steamship lines ar Premiums, £6,000 Prize List open to Prg- vince : It attend only one and Chief Inspector OCowle, press Hon. | ate. j cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out leasily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and is soft, fresh looking, { bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to han- Besides, it loosens and takes lout every particle of dust, dirt and | SHEET TRAD ly eassuring in their state- | her (aang BABBITT METAL you fair this year come to ngston 7 Featuring Exhibits HORSES FLOWERS CATTLE VEGETABLES 'FRUIT = IN FANCY WORK POULTRY Balloon ascensions and double parachute drop daily af 3 p.m. Best mid-air performance in' America / / Unheard of Quantities of Exhibits: + Entries close September 15th All entries in writing. For information and enquiries address W. A. Pattetson, Victoria St. Poultry Dept. A. W. Sirrett, Market St. J.L.F. Sproule, Robt..J. Bushell, . cvs i. fusion: - a r Trials of speed, for Trotting, Pacing and Running Horses, High Class Vaudeville Daily. \ SOLDER, LEAD PIPE SPOT STOCKS = of -- _ PIG LEAD PIG TIN INGOT COPPER » ZINCSPELTER The Canada Metal Co TORONTO. Phos bak Ji a i ih gisEse 3 Fraser venme Le Toa Tad » Hit 5 : i i i ir | f it PH i pid