Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jun 1917, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH OPE RA HOU SE| \GRAND -- © |At2.30 PM Daily {ree The People S Forum No ° | 2--Acts Vaudeville--2 re &* $130 P.M. A Five Act Photo Production i Theda Bara, in "The Darling of Paris." The Pathe News, Comedy and Other | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES| Photoplays. - PAGE ELEVEN _ ---- WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1917. CO ESTABLISHED 18335 Thnift FOR CHILDREN FOR SALE noMINION EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS n si&le in five thousand offices roughout Canada TO LET OFFICES IN CLARRNCE ST. CHAM. bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 79 Clarence street. FOR SALE EFFECTIVE a. Once, 25e¢; hs week, $1.00 ADVTS, Oost First lusertion, lc 8 word. Each con thrée times Loe; secutive insertion thereafter, half cent a word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 23¢; three Iungertions, S0¢; wix $1; one month, $2. { THINE thrift Hit Bank | nd n a Savings hem add There Hable required y 1 en wil e dollars 3 + for mall or las ge daughter a . Ac Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday ¥ 2--ACTS VAUDEVILI A Five-Act Photoplay "I Harold Lockwood and May Allison, in "Mister 44." The Pathe News, Comedy and Other 0c Matinee Evenlag 10¢; Any Any Sent Reserved, Se Extra A A tl Nl GRIFFIN S! urs., Fr iday, Saturday| [A GOOD GENER AL MAID, NO WASH- Pallas Pictures Presents ironing. Apply Miss Lyman, | A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- 12% Kir g St W | cluding the famous Athlete, Over. Hoa Peters and Myrtle | 1 Sng and Perroot Modoie: able tires BARBER, MUST BE GOOD WORK- and bleycle accessories George Steadman, in wages. FH. Baze Muller, 373 King St. Phone 10382 " " As Men Love. and Ontario stre An unusual society drama, Mrs. Vernon Castle, as " : »" Patria. MUTUAL WEEKLY vAUDEVIL Matinee 10¢; Evening 13e. GORE Cann or 621 AT a7 STRE b's 52 Br GUOD HOUSE swell loca Apply Box esle FOR JOKES, PUZZLES TS NOV ELTY Ww x Li toys see Frank W. Cooke, 39% Clarence street GR PHENOL A AND our own cholce, $5 cash, $1 per week p i Limited, 121 Princess St GAS RANGE n RNISHED, Apply 0 J threes months p+! hig « Offic FURNISHED BED ROOMS; rooms for o light house cooking with gas or coal 398 Princess sireat STORAGE FOR FURNITURE. BE. WA- then has a clean dry furniture HELP WANTED 2 POLLITT'S BAK- Kul street { ALSO keeping, Apply GENUINE salect Terms Lindsay RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY AND OF. on Earl street, No. i4 can be with either No. 2 or No. 58 Enquire a1 No. 56 NORTH HALF LOT 18] 4TH township of Pittsburgh, 116 BRANCHES IN CANADA, BANK or TORONTO e B. McKay, Manager. mi -- FOR SALE That desirable residential property with office attac hed, No. 56 Earl St. | This property is especially suitable for a doctor, be ing centrally located and laid out just right for the purpose. The dwe lling and office are modern in every respect, with every conv ence that can be thought of and finished in excellent taste. This must be seen to be appreciated. We will be pleas- | od to show prospective purchasers the property at any convenient time. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY jratiien: 3 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 S T R A N D ig |] Mon: Tues, Wed. 0 ical Poin ptical P OILS . William Desmond, in - "Paddy O'Hara" Bess In examining your eyes, accuracy In making your ginsses, and careful ness fn adjustiog them ho (hat they "Her Fame and Shame" 2-part kive you comfort in wearing thems aud Keystone Comedy. "The Purple Mask _Mntinee 10e, Evenlug 15e. correct vision. Our service is your satisfaction. ~~~ ..R. J. RODGER EGG-O BAKING POWDER 132 Princess St. Phone 347 Revised Prices: .. . 1 MOTORMEN AND CONDUUTORS. AP- y Sireet Railway Office ). APPLY MRS. N. C. < Ww Phone 108 MASSEV-HARRIS BINDER, T-FT. CUT, v RY -- with pole and truck 1 100 acres, more or less, well water bullding, 442 Albert street. Phone first class Will | 8 ed. well fenced, good buildings 2162 Sa -- cheap 'for $ Apply r convenient to school, church and SMART BOYS WANTED APPLY Black. Cor and West cheese factory: best farm in town. Frontenac Moulsing and Glass Co. ship. Possession in September. Ap- City ply Thomas Todd, Lockmaster, Brewer's Mills, Ont {TV STOLT BOYS man, guod wages thers Co., Lad RE OR M He MoCa ? Brock St, STORAGE FOR 1 LRT ahandise, clea watate Ag Bones 326 or 6 © -- {rENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR. tains, canoes, and camping sup- Riles. Fishing, tackle, ete, Frank V. Cooke, 3% Clarence St, King- Phone 581 BY AND 'A HANDY | The W. J. Cro- GEO, Agency. A. BATEMAN'S ESTATE 1532 WELLINGTON occupied by John App oJ. B Car- Wellington street OE oR SHOP, treet, Smith ruthers, ston $3300, RRICK HOUSE, NEARLY NEW, latest improvements, 8 rooms, dou- ble Jot $3000, BRICK, provements, lot 33 x 132; 151 STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, alry roms; your own lock an Kev. Frost's Clty Staerage. He Queen streat. Phone 526; res. 989 7 ROOMS, ALL ™- gas and electric lght, side lane. nce CHOICE STOCK OF CAMP AND BOAT IBLE INE E china cabinets We also |¥3300 DOUBLE STONE ALL IMPROVE- buy and seil everything In new ments; stable. FURNISHE] and second hand furniture J. 500, --_ ™ street; - rel CK, S, ALL - > Fhumpson, 337 Princess street » I. Oey L 3m Places, Phone 1600 trees $3000, BRICK, 5t electric Mght, 91400, FRAME, rooms. 3 WOOD-WORKING Mao) NE steady work: es. Frontenac Moulding and Sane Co, | Limited stoves, 11% EARL open fire- and shade 1, 82 Brock RE SIDENG E, Kk, ni Broil J. 8 R McCa HOUSE- Phone 326 or §21. wash GENERAL family, no Apply 27 small " AID » AL nL IMPROVEMENTS; sD i b HED housekeepin reasonable r TWO FRONT and one H pleasant sired: terms Johnson street Ft ARTS ROOMS, » ¥ and de Te IMPROV EMENTS, SIX TO THE in family. Apply Box ER T™O GO Two adults fram eity. Office if Apply Division A veal hargain in lots at the head of cess Just outside elty . e best of d; city water. Inquire of Mra, C, KE, Fralick, Princess St, near Bath Rd. VACANT LOTS,'ALL PRIOES, MONEY TO LOAN, 67 CLARENCE ST. Kingston miles Whig JESMEN WANTED TO CARRY AS side Mne our high-class temper- | drinks. Elk Product Co, 3 Ave. mato, I) SALESMAN FOR MEAT DE-| SER and a cutter, guod wages iy work Apply Anderson , Princess and Division Sts. 'ive 614 * | + + + a ance Spadina IHRE ERIN We have several desirable furnished houses with rents ranging from $30.00 to $43.00 per month. Apply the J. K. Car- roll Agency, 38 Brock St FREE HPEIPIEEF EPIL ISIN AUTOMOBILES F( R SALE en ME FOR NEW AND SECOND nand sideboards, dressers, couches, parlor chairs, tables, Singer sew- ing machines, crockery, pictures, stoves and ranges. Also buy new second-hand furniture. A 35 Princess street. Ge men 1--8 cyl. new. 1--4 cyl. Touring, and 1--4 cyl. Truck, All in excellent condition. JH DPAVIES, Saxon Distributor. Touring, FEW WOMEN, WILL PAY GOOD oo wages and arrange working hours | Shapiro to suit tk n All clear work. Call . at office for information. Dominion Tex Ltd, Cataraqui street ile Co testes | { [SUMMER RESORTS, CLIFF CHATEAU, Butternut Bay, Brockyv « St Japw rence R EIS ALWALS SAFE TO SEND A DO- v wdinion Express Money Order Five dullarg costs REPRESENT ATIVES tablets which clean makes One h indre d | TO | wash w Ithout | three cents bred Peter eben i LOAN AND INVEST. Incornaratad 100s; Colonel H. R. Smith, C.M.G.; vice-president, . Wy kle. K.C. Money issued on city and farm nropenties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages pur- chased; Investment bonds for sale; deposits received and In- terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, §7 C ;larence St. Kingston. FRONTENAC ment Society president, rs f Make five dollars da te n cents for samples | washings Bradley Com- antford, Ontario ¥ cent daily Ser for four pany, Br GIRLS! With or without experience, on sewing and knitting machines. Light work; highest wages paid while learning. Apply Kingston Hosiery, Limited. | ER eee se | ------ | WANTED "ro BUY { Ford to make | price must be « Whig office. | Toilet Soap | | PERSONAL SEND A DOMINION EX Order cents PATENTS PRESS MONEY Five dailars ousts three RABCOCK & SONS, Patents, marks, designs. Estab. 1877. erly Pateat Office Examiner. of Patent Laws Book "Pateat Pre- | teetion™ free. 99 St. James St, Mont- real. Branches: © wa, ton. trade Form- Hee eee revnlmemuege---- Master | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- ishes removed permanently, with- out scar; e eary S3pelishos, Dr. Elmer J. e, KE olniiet. Nose, Throat od Skin 268 Bagot street POTATOES i) Car of Cholce Eastern Potatoes. Lowest Prices. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBR Fire Insurance Company. Avallable assets $61,187.215. In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Hablilty of eity property, insured at lowest pussible rates. Before renewing Eg or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 32 RUY QUICK BEFORE THERE IS A FURTHER ADVANCE BOARD AND ROOMS. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, every convenience, central loca- tion. Apply 243 Brock street MARRY; FOR SUCCESS AND HAPPI- Ress, many thousand ¥ bath sex; wishing early Bg hundreds wealthy; confide TH des cripttons free; established 10 years The Reliable Club, Mrs. Wrubel ! Madison, Oakland, Calf WANTED GENERAL Telephone or she us hefore buy. to advance, we are in a position to] dow at Il 210 Division st. Phone 345 Although all toilet soaps are stead- | ing. offer any of the well known varieties | N------" = J COURT OF SF REVISION | ily advancing and likely to continue | F 1 8 which are displayed in our upper win- | riendship' S! | DENTAL Ww ANTED TO RUY SECOND HAND also camping outfit: must be "Pox 156 W Vhig Office ND-HAND ck State 158 20¢ 3 CAKES FOR Hoags Drug Store Branch Post Office A Ae At A tt F.J. JOHNSON The Leading Florist Floral Designs, high vi Houquets ecialty. Orders b 239. 115 Breck E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, LEGAL o' | A OfMoe, 258 Princess street. Phone 52 B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar- ence street, Kingston. VILLAGE OF PORTSMOUTH Notice is hereby given that a Court | of Revision for the Village of Ports- mouth for the year 1917, will be held on Monday the 25th day of June, 1917, at 7.30 o'clock p.m. s, JAMES SCALLY, Clerk nf SE DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, ovorner Princess and Bagot streeta. Phche 626. Pp Box "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Head Office, aT) Los Jowstance Bldg. TEACHER WANTED NS. No. STORRINGTON, A PRO- testant qualified teacher holding Normal certificate Apply ta John Sleeth, Sec.-Treas. RM.D. No. 1, bes tersea, P.O, Ont. Hat Cleaning Time | POSSESS CHANCES | INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST one cent until you read Succeasful Finance, and learn how fortunes are made and lost by Investors Free trial subscription. Success- ful Finance, 608 8 Dearborn St. Notice to Creditors | To File Claims i | IN THE MATTER OF A. & J. JAMIE- | SON, INSOLVENT. | | * TEA ARCHITECT POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants Bank Bulld'ng, corner Brock and Wellington streets. P------ AND ALL GENERAL o ART moving furniture, ete. S An- dersen, Malt House, King street west. Phone 722. SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part payment of new pianos and Victrolas. C. W. Lind- Princess street. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- tists, 159 Wellington street, G. C. Dewar, DDS, LDS, assistant. Phone 345. e time to get your straw PERCY). quinn. hat cleaned and Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS : FURNITURE FINISHING FURNITURE PINISH.! 23 John! WANTED MACHINE OPERATORS FOR SHELL DEPARTMENT Apply: J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- PANY, LTD. .a oe in Panama bleach- faction guaranteed. New York Hat Clean- P. DRISCOLL, Call or drop a card. treet Tea Sale 40c to 75¢ 35¢ to 60c Special Japan Tea in 10 1b. box .... $3.25 FreshEggs ....... 38¢ me. Extra Choicest Japan (Green) Tea, in 5 Ib Boxes, $1.50 Lipton's Plantation Brand Black Tea, in 21% Ih. Tins, $1.40. When you require Tea GORDON'S. is the plage to get it. Cor. Bay and Montreal Streets. Phone 88. te] Nr " 208 Princess sireet. Five doors below Opera Kingston Ontario Announcement IS HERBPBY GIVEN that Alexander Jamieson and John Jamie- | son, of the City of Kingston, Wm the| County of Frontenae, carrying on busi- | | | NOTICE Nearly New Household Furniture, 307 Montreal street, Thursday, June "2st, 3-pam. Leatherette amd rattan Brussels rugs, fumed oak dining suite, leather seat diners; lace curtains, pic tures, rotary drop head singer machine, wvak hall rack, Gurney Oxford steel range, oak kitchen cabinet, steel da- venport, Hnoleum, mahogany dressers, iron beds, springs, mattresses, velvet sta®r carpet, crockery, glassware, frigerator, etc. ALLEN, The Auctioneer. Black Teas, Green Teas ness as Plumbers under the name, style firm of A. & J. Jamieson, at the sail Ory of Kingston, have made an| assigmment under RSB.O. 1914, Chapter | 134, of all their estate, credits and ef- | fects, to John M. EMiott, of the sald | city of Kimgston, Merchant, for the general benefit of their creditors, | A meeting of their creditors will be held at the office of Nickle, Farrell & | Day, in the City of Kingston, on Mon- day, the 15th day of June, A.D. 1917, at| the hour of three o'clock in Whe after easy chairs, land Bb! Owing to the limited re- Fresh Cut Flowers Daily pumping and storage ca- Funeral Designs and Wedding Bouquets to Order. |pacities of the Water | Works Plant and in view |of the increased water |consumption, due to | Greater Production, the | Public Utilities Commis- |sion kindly request all \users of water to be as: economical as possible, [thereby helping to re- lieve the situation until the new pumps are instal- led. mre ~---- TAXI SERVICE RING 960. All Large Cars Used. Kingston Taxi Cab Co. Special Saturday for all who come and take ad- vantage of 1000 Jbs, of cured bone. less pork in half or whole cut at 20c, and 27 cents per Jn. Anderson Bros. Princess and Division Sts, Phones R. H. TOYE, Chairman. Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of John Campbell, late of the Township of Storvington, in the County of Frontenac, Yeoman, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, Chap. 121, Sec, 56, shat all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Juha Campbell, who died on or about the twenty-sixth day of April, AD. 1917, are required to deliver or send by post prepaid, on or before the Twelfth Day of July, 187, to the un- dersigned solicitors for the Executors of the Estate their names and addresses and a full description of all claims and the nature of securities (If any) held By them, such claims to be duly verl- fed. And further take notice that im- mediately after the twelfth day of July, 1817, the Executors will proceed to distribute the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regare only for the claims of which they shall then have received notice. Amd che said Executors shall not be liable to any person of whose clatm notice shall aor Rave been received by them prior to the said Twelfth day of July, 1917. Dated at Ringston this Fifteenth day of Jume, A.D. 1817 NICKLE, F FARRELL & DAY, Kingston, Ontario. noon, to receive a statement of affairs | to appoint inspectors and fix thelr re- | muneration, and for the ordering Ye affairs of the estate generally Creditors are required to file the ir | claims with the assignee, with the | proofs and particulars thereof requir | ed by the sald Act, on or before diy of such meeting. And notice ig further given that ter the Eleventh day of July, 191 assignee will proceed to distribate > assets of the debtors amongst the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice ghall then have been given, and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or 'persons of whose claim he shall not then have had notice. JOHN M. ELLIOTT, Assigne: | GET Your AWNINGS MADE in KINGSTON Patronize Mune ne better Capt. Joseph Dix, SAIL MAKER, 311 NELSON ST makes. If you want ome, drop him Solicitors for the .Executors, William Gibson and Andrew MeCallum. A Delicious Dessert an. UNITED GROCERY 130 Princess Street. Home of Choice Groceries. Starting May 1st all coal sales will be for cash. We propose to share with our customers the bene- fits to be derived from a cash system. Jas. Swift & Co, Limited a Household Furniture Will bay and pay fair prices, but must be clean and sanitary goods. } J. Turk, Phone 705 TO OBTAIN THER . - Rags, Rubbers, Iron, Brass, CARD TO : 322 Division Street. Santing ay Ehis tery Un 1 mates Wve on a wil Finds repairs new work: &lso wood floors of All k kinds. All odors 'wii receive protpt an ention. Mathieson as Premier and leader | of the Sunsrrative party in Prince Ed- votes of soldiers at Petawawa camp, entitled to vote in the Saskatchewan elections. PRODUCTS Peaches, Apricots, Pineapples, Dill Pic- kles, Veal Loaf, Vienna Sausage, Sweet Pimentos. Thompson's Grocery Phone INT 294 Princess St.

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