\ und trip tickets will be sold at | 1 "Relleville™ | / (NENEERNEEEEENESEREEENERNEENEREEE ! YES TORTURE Nothing Helped Him Until He Took | " "FRUIT-A-TIVES" HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS To Points in MANITOBA, SASKAT- BRITISH COLUMIEIA, Via COCHRANE and "THE NATION- Al ROUTE" or CHICAGO, NORTH BAY, SARNIA OR TORONTO, ALBERTA, CHEWAN & LOW FARES | Going each TUESDAY from MAY NTH to OCTOBEI 30th, 1017. Hetura Hm of two months, excluding date of snje. | An exviension of time Hmif, not exceed. | 1s (vo months, on Homeseehers' tie- | « sold in May, June, and July only, | enn be hed on payment of 85.00 fur | ench month or part thervof. | stopover privileges muy be hod of | Winuipexz and West, aise begwees | Covhrune and Hearse, tor full particulars, Corner apply to J. PF. Johusen und i ALBERT VARNER Buckingham, Que., May 3rd, 1915. For seven 3, I suffered terribly iches and Indigestion. 1s from the stomach, into my HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS come up | mouth after eati at times I had nausea and vomiting, and had chronie I went to several doctors { and wrote to a specialist in Boston but with f I tried many remedies MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th | | but wothius id w Finally, a Every ied ** Fruit-a-tives™. 1 took nd fruit medicine and it made TUESDAY I am grateful to *"Fruit-a- "ALL RAIL" - also by ', and to everyone who has mise- le health with Constipation and Indi- THURSDAY'S STEAMER » and Bad Stomach, 1 say take " Great Lakes Routes" (Season Navigation) "Fruit-a-tives ", and you will get well", Your Future is in the West ALBERT VARNER. 0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e. The fertile prairies have put Western Canada on the map. There are still At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of thousands of acres waiting for the man orice by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. who wants a hase and prosperity. Take advantage of Cow Rates and travel via Canadian Pacific Particulars from F. Conway, C P. R. City Ticket Office, corner Princess and Wellington streets. Phone 1107. 1g, whil Constipation. rood. a en -- Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Specializing Store Fronts and Fit- tings. Remodelling Bulldin kinds. ESTIMATES it EXPERIENCE Address 272 University Ave. CANADA SS. LINES _ | co FREIGHT SERVICE| Between lamilton, Toronte, Picton, Kingston, Cermwall, Montreal and Quebec, We Have a Nice Assortment of Pure Corn Syrup In 2-1b. tins, 3-1b. pails, and 10-1b pails, which we are selling for one week only at the old price. E. H. BAKER Montreal and Charles St, Phone 1263. ND . 10 p.m. Monday, Ar. Kingston, Wednewd "City of Ottana™ Lv, Wednendny. Ar. Ki H a.m. "City of Hamilton" Lv, Teronte, § Saturday, Ar. Kingston Sunday ® a.m. WESTBOUND "Netleville" Lv, Montreal 7 p.m. Fri- Ar. Kingston, Monday 4 a.m.g Cor. Lv. Mentreal, 2 Ar. Kingston Thurs- ttawa™ Lv, Montreal 12 noon Saturday. Ar. Kingston, Manday a.m. For further information, apply Phones 206 or 31. M. E. PARKS, General Agent PN ---------- For Your Aching Head Take one ZUTOO TABLET and ia 20 minutes, the pein is gone and you feel o. ZUTOO will stop any Headache, Sic! k Nervous, Dyspeptic or Moathly--in 20 minutes by the clock. 250 at dealers. COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! On and after first of May Coal Sales will.be for Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. Rid the Skin disfiguring by quickly tot trie ce Netween Montreal and London (Calling Falmouth to land passengers. nde Montreal and Bristol For particulars of sailings and rates apply to local agents or to The Robert Reford Co, Limited, General Agents 50 Kine Street Kast. Toronten ah AA Ne FRESH LAKE ON- TARIO WHITE- FISH AND TROUT All Kinds of Fresh Fish. Dominion Fish Co. [I its with 9 rs cma anid There can always be found plenty of washers of soiled community linen. For policy's sake we often sneak away from our honest convictions. Medicine in the World In bones, 25¢. Larne 3g of HIGH GRADE, NON-INTOXICATING Ale, Porter & Light Beer I beg to advise my patrons throughout the City and Vicin- ity. that I am prepared to supply the Trade and Private families with the above goods, delivered at their doors, which are decid- edly the best Brands on the market in that lime. THE OLD NAME the old fame, and new guality, Canada's greatest malt beverage of the fiay, highly recommended by the medical fraternity as a mild and healthful tonic. ; JAMES McPARLAND 76 Brock Street. Phone 274 } is well under way | with Mrs Kirk {number of visiting brethern a FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE NST Elgin, spent Mr. and Mrs Jacob fter \ June 12.--Seeding in this locality | Kir The cheese tory is doing a rushing business un | der the able management of R. Van-| iewater as maker, Mr. and Mrs. V. | Donoghue, Chippewa, vigited at! fow we James Fitzgerald's recently Mr. | Eres, Kingston, is at J. McNichol's Mrs. R. Vandewater, Godfrey, i M. Kelly's Mr. and Mrs. V oghue and 'Mr. and Mrs. J gerald motored to Westport on day Mrs. Edward Kelly i children are visiting her mother, Ww Groomes, Railton, Miss Mur-| ;; Sangster is at J. Kelly's. Ed-| ort 1ast Th Kelly of Alberta called, on! ,itanded nds: here reeently. fac NEWBORO June 13 I M son ars Fadden and for a andon will Utica hospital Elmer Knapp Monday of axe, nearly » auto sveed ohserved by the village. have the de- Red Cross con- night was well ar $64 was taken Mrs. Hal! has heen very ill for mumps It was he would not mproviig now. been with his for several months, returned his home in St | Mary's wee rs. Benjamin !'Tett and chi of Outlook, Sask., are v r her Mrs, (Dr.) King T. Gallagher. Brockville, made a flying visit to the village last | week Gra gradua as nurse at jon the 14th of June the misfortune on las last Fun passing ng notice effect Rev.) peritonitis feared for recover, but George Tracey ! sister, Mr MYERS CAVE, June 11 A number of working on the road here, as Don- tld MacGregor has a Government nt. EK. H. Perry, Centreville, is visiting friends here. Miss A. Pat- terson and, J. Godkin spent Thurs day evening in Northbrook. Miss N McKinnon was a week-end visitor at Hillcrest. Miss Mollie MacGregor has returned home from Arden, spent he last few days.| Mrs. R. Grey an®# Mrs. Ji Grey and family have returned home after spending the last few days in Ar-| I d 1 Miss Maude MaeGregor and | Lennox an McKinnon spent Saturday | u Juseph Perry time men are last ire: dre where she loch Miss N Addington] BATH. June 14. Rober Plumfield ol the funeral sister, Mrs. Reid H ARDEN June 14 W. W. Pringle, George, and M. See have purchased jitend A district meeting of the Prentice Boys was held here. Ed-| returned from spending a few ward Barker and family motored| with his daughter, Mrs. Bonter at from Sydenham to spend a few days| Trenton. Thomas Bain has returned with friends Mrs. James Williams| from at ind Lodge of left for Kingston where she will re-| Chosen Friends at Toronto. He also side with her son. The members of| paid a visit with his son William at the Maple Leaf Club met at Mrs. J.| Hespele Eakin Neilson, who ias F.. Barker's last week. Mrs. W. See the Northern Crown Bank of Mountain Vale has returned from | for some time, been transferred Toronto. 'Mrs. D. Thompson, Water-| to the branch Brockville, Mrs town, N.Y., {is visiting her parents William Hall is spending a few days Mrs. Peterson moved into a portion With her dau r, Mrs. H. Revell of the house occupied by Mrs. Yeo-|at Link's Mills. The Red, Cross lec- mans. There is every indication of|ture given last Friday night by W excellent crops in this vicinity J.B. |S Herrington of Napanee, was well Saunderson of Yarker passed | attended The steamer Rideau i y Jueen calls here o "uesday, Thurs- through the village Wednesday. Queen 'calls here on Fuesda ' Ther : {day and Saturday of each week for Kingston Mott Monday of Covert went to his has days new cars tending the Gr been in nas GLENVALE | } Juné 13.--A number from here at- NORTHBROOK tended the Sunday school conven-| June 11.--On account of the tion at Murvale on Tuesday. The storm on Sunday, church service, recent heavy rain will be a great! which was to have been conducted benefit to the hay crops. Mrs. Wil-| by Mrs. Rigby, Kaladar, was post- liam Hammond is spending the week | poned. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Wickware with her sister, Mrs. Snook near/|left last week for Toronto to attend Jelleville. Joseph Foster has pur { conference William Both has been chased a fine motorcycle. A special! on the sick list for the past few meeting of the Glenvale L.0. Lodge| days. Misses A; Preslar and M. was held on Tuesday evening. A | Parks were Saturday visitors at Mrs from J. Wise's, Cloyne. Pte. Hugh Cums Portsmouth attended. Miss Mildred | mings is registered at the Shier Orser, who visited friends on Wolfe House this week. Miss Birdie Kim- Island returned home on Saturday.| merly and Sherman Scott were quiet- Mrs. Woodman and Joey Cramer, |ly married at Cloyne on Tuesday Glenburnie, were recent visitors at last by Rev. I. Wickware. In the their home here, | evening a few friends and neighbors | met at the groom's home and pre- sented them with a kitchen shower. | The evening was spent in games and amusements. The small company | departed a wee while before mia- | night wishing Mr. and Mrs. Scott laa |a successful and happy voyage MORTON. | through life. The young couple will June 11.--Miss Lena Laming| reside at Northbrook where the spent Sunday with friends at Jones' | groom is a prosperous young farmer. Falls. J. Kelly, Ottawa, a returned | Miss L.. Abbott, who has been at her soldier from the front, is spending | sister's home for the last few weeks, a few days in the village. Mr. and left on Wednesday for Toronto. mm ~~ smi THE HUN PIRATE OF THE SEA > Here is the Hun pirate in actual life, It is an of- ficial picture of a U-boat com- mander standing on the periscope and scanning the seas for prey, probably hoping that the oppor- tunity will be TISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1917." $25.00 m $21.50 sur Waa Sivisss Ceanpicatts on av San 08 a mond SAGER FORT SNORE "HALE T00R DBL FEIT U1 TR Amr A Freckle-Face Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots, How to Remove Easily. Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-face, to try a remedy for freckles with a guarantee of a reliable dealer that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles; while if jt dees give you a clear complexion, the expense is trifling. Simply-get an ounce of othine -- double strength from Mahood's Drug Store and a few applications should show you how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles ard get a beautiful complexion. Rare. ly is more than one ounce nceded for the worst case. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othine as this is the prescription sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove frec- kles. ---- ~ Floor Paint. the house. PAGE NINETEEN Thrift that brings Comfort instead of Sacrifice HRIFT, the paramount national duty, applies to time as well as to- money--to small personal outlay as well as to larger family expenditure. Applied to the daily shave, thrift means the use of a GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR The Razor of National Service. The Gillette reduces shaving time to five minutes or less--an actual saving of a week of worki depends on the barber, it saves still more time, and from $25 to $50 or even more annually. i War Savings Certificates. Moreover, there is not a man living with a beard to shave who cannot shave better with a Gillette if he will use it corre@ly--with the blade screwed down tight and a light Angle Stroke. For the thousands of young men just reaching shaving age the Gillette Safety Razor is a source of good habits--not only thrift, but punctuality, personal neatness, and efficiency in little yourself or your son, at home or Gillette "Bulldogs", * Aristocrats" and Standard Sets cost $5.00-- Pocket Editions $5.00 to $6.00--Combination Sets from $6.50 up. Send for Catalogue. Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited, Office and Factory : The Gillette Bldg., Montreal. days a year! To the man who means the cost of one or several ings. For Overseas, it is a splendid investment. 252 CHEMICALLY SELF-EXTINGUISHING What do these words mean to you? They mean greater safety in the Home -- Surely something that interests you keenly! Perhaps you have noticed these words and the notatifin "No fire left when blown out" on our new "Silent Parlor" match boxes. The Splits or sticks of all matches contained in these boxes have been impregnated or soaked in a chemical solution whicly renders them dod wood once they have been lighted and blown out, and thie danger of FIRE from glowing matches is hereby reduced to the greatest minimum. SAFETY FIRST AND ALWAYS -- USE . EDDY'S SILENT 500s » is the old familiar, tried-and-tested, reliable Paint for the wens a igh ysre, and free imply stir and spread.' Dries qui with a hi N pe vn aon h Anyone can make a grand job of it with Senour's a Paint The Floors You can't "touch up" worn-out spots in the linoleum or carpet. When it's worn, that's the end of it. A Painted Floor can be "touched up" whenever it shows signs of wear. It's bright and cheery--sanitary--easily cleaned-- and the cost of painting is a mere detail. . SENOUR'S FLOOR AINT (Made in Canada) oe < 4] 14 serviceable colors--something to 'suit every room in : "Floors, Spic and Span', and 'Town and Country Homes", are two books on home besutifying that you will enjoy resding. We have copies for you--aesk for them. ~ SIMMONS BROS. |