[n- The Automobile World 4 < | The Newest Notes of Science head of bas about 85 100 inhabitants Denmark cattle to every A holder to suspend a flat can of | tobacco from a man's belt has been patented. Experiments in shown that ordinary sod o.ent filter for sewage. » An electrically driven machine has been perfected that will seal 20,- 000 envelopes an hour The world's greatest fodine works are in Chili, having an put of 400,600 pounds. A recently patented bow rest prevent writer's cramp. Pulverized street rubbish and coal tar have been found to make good fuel briquettes in Amsterdam. Spr ngs control a new soap reecept- acle so that it can be cpened or clos- ed with a touch of a finger. The government of Brazil main- tains a snake farm for the produ tion serum antidote for snake bite An aeroplane engine with-etwelve cylinders been invented makes more than 2,000 a minute, Three opened depos. ts found. A Minneapolis inventor's adjust able road sweeper his been designed to serve equally wel as a snowplow. By means of "a+ secret process a I'rench scientist converts flowers, fruit and even animal tissues into metal ! An fceshaver operated by a crank hag been invented that can be used a block of ice within a refriger- ator With only about three horses to each 100 residents Switzerland has the smallest equ.ne population of any countfy. If brass or copper be cleaned with salt and vinegar and then rubbed with olive oil it will not tarnish for a long time One end of a tqol invented by a Frenchman _ for smoothing rough France have is an effi padded el- to f of has revolutions have been extensive have ashestos mines in China, where of the mineral edges of collars and cuffs serves as buttonhole opener. Overshoes have been patented that are stamped from sheet metal and so . formed. that they will not slip on wet or ley surfaces, a annual out- is claimed by its inventor | that | heen | {tering an automobile radiator been invented that can be oper by a push button on a car's steer whet], Brushes itthat a Frenchman invented to be carried on au'omo- running boards remove mud | from_the soles and sides of shoes at the same time. An inventor has patenfed an ele vator to be carried on theiside of an ash cart to raise cans of ashes and empty them into the bedy of the vehicle, has hile Mining experts in the Philippines | agree that a steady increase in the | gold production of the islands may | be expected for an Indefinite period. | | A patent has been granted for ! glass refrigerator, built frame and with an space between the walls a insulating air inner and outer Plants are forced by a Danish sci- | administer ng choroform, | brief periods | entists | his theory | of rest growth A Wisconsin man's invention |ables a gardener immediately plants that he setg out tool with which he them. Engineers of the Italan army will sink many artesian wells in Tripoli in an endeavor to convert a large desert area into an oasis by irriga- tion To prevent _ articles falling a vest pocket is the intention of a new device that holds cigars, pen- cils, cards or slips of paper -equally well. i Spa.n, by royal order, has made the annual celebration of arbor day obligatory, a portion of the expense of tree planting to be bqrne by municipalities Semaphores that are automatical- |1y lighted as they are dropped by | drivers pressing knobs have been | invented for automobilists to signal following cars. After almost three years of search ing, two Spanish m ning 'engineers have discovered deposits of platinum in that country that apparently cov- |er a wide area. The handle of a wrist bag for wo- | men that a New Yorker has invent- | ed is 89 constructed that it tightens | | its grip on its user's wrist if it starts by being that are followed by quicker with digs water the same | holes for out of wpon a | en- | to | ~g | machine is the claim of an English- | man who has invented one that re | jects metal slugs and even coins of | the same size and weight as intended to be used in it if of value. By keeping dogs awake for seve- less those | | { THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, Helpful Hints. wrinkle in removing a resisf§ all at- little screw which A wood ral days two French physicians de-| tempts, especially where it is slight- | monstrated that both nerve cells {are tired and secrete a poisonous a recently designed rifle gal | lery target, which resembles a base-| ove very a marksmen fire at and their baseball | ball diamond, {moving figure of a ball hits are reg.stered in phraseology. To .avoid - headlight glare, | French -automobilist has equipped his car with a number of incandes- cent lamps mounted on a horizontal | bar over the radiator, each backed {by its cwn reflector. To give concrete columns for | building wide foundations a Ger- man engineer has invented a me- thod for blasting away with dynamite, making a hole which soft concrete quickly fills. An inventor believes he has made a safe hammerless shotgun by quiring it to be held against | sheulder with the right hand position for firing before the ger can be released. A safe invented in England is fastened with a wire stretched to re- spond to a musical tone produced by some instrument, its v bration affecting electrical mechanism that operates locks. the in without danger of damage to intended sill invented that is to a window has been to be fastened catchy the water. A Mght draft boat that a French man invented consists of two cigar shaped [floats supporting a frame on which a man sits drives it with pedals geared, to an aerial propeller. The dial of a has new French clock bered disks for both 12-hour and 24- hour time, either of which can turned to 'show the numerals | through the openings. Operated by one man, a gasoline driven machine has been invented that delivers more than 1,000 ham- mer hlows a minute to newly laid concrete foundations for roads to give them an even density. Locomotives and cars specially designed for passage through sand storms. and to-offer-a minimum of | resistance to the metal-cutting sand trig- | So that a window can be left open | a ' with | oil a1 the surface; ly rusted, is simply to apply a heat- | and muscles lack oxygen when they | ed rod to the end of the screw until the screw is qu:te hot. The heat expands the screw in the wood and when cooled is loose enough to re- easily. «0» There are two ways to test oil. One is gradually to heat a bottle of until a yellow vapor arises on maintain this heat about fifteen minutes, then let the | oil stand about twenty-four hours. [17 the oil is of. good auality it will | | | | | the earth | Will be seen. | | | re- WIRE A | | | room when it rains a canvas trough | little darker than ori- it is not of good turn black, and a of black sediment This is exactly what happens if such oil is used in the engine only turn a ginally, but if quality it will certain amount UTO WHEEL BECOMING POPULAR Those who are in close touch with the automobile manufacturing busi- ness find in the growing popularity of the wire wheel one of the most in- teresting tendencies of the times. To be sure, the total output of 'au- tomobiles at present is so astounding that the number of cars equipped wire wheels is rather dwarfed n comparison, however, when one | examines the statistics of wire wheel to | and | | with wire wheels | has probably added is perforated and behind it are num- | be | roduetion it is apparent that a dis- inct wire wheel boom is under way nd rapidly gaining momentum. It is estimated that at the end of 1916 there were in the United States not more than 10,000 cars equipped The 1916 season 50,000 or even 60,000 cars to this class, a sheer gain of-600 per cent. With that spectacu- lar increase in mind it is not difficult to credit well-informed automobile men who predict that 1917 will see 200,000 new cars put on wire wheels. Aside from the popularity of these cars on account of their handsome appearance, they have received an impetus from the scarcity of hickory of the best quality and from the pat- ent litigation which has vexed the demountable rim makers. ---- Women Motorwise. PAGE SEVENTEEN More than enough-- You will never have to use all the power your Gray-Dort can give you. We have not found a hill steep enough or sand deep enough to hold her. Are you in a hurry--she has speed far beyond the limits of the law or ordinary daring. Do you wish to tra- vel rough, poor roads--they will never trouble the. even song of her motor. For city driving she throt- tles down to a surprisingly low speed on high. She takes hills at any speed you want on any gear. And for all this power and speed her motor is light, compact, economical---thrifty of gasoline and wonderfully lacking in. repair-bills. Gray Dort $945 Comfort and Beauty Note the lines of the Gray-Dort -- a true yacht-line body, embodying the ideas of the finest motor-car builders. Her ap- pearance will be a source of pride to you. The Grays have been building Canada's finest buggies for 60 years. All this experi- ence has been expended on Gray-Dort bodies. And for riding comfort--and convenience of driving! She has 30 inch full ¢ ilever rear springs--deep upholstery--Ilots of leg room--wide seats--quiet motor--every comfort for pas- sengers. And when you sit at the wheel you have the reliable West. inghouse starting and lighting, easy gear shift, speedometer, accelerator, one-man top--everything to make driving a plea- sure. MOTOR--Gray-Dort, 4 cylinder, cast en bloc, IL-head type, bore 314 in. stroke 5 in., speed 2000 r.p.m,, horsepower 28. Cast iron removable heads. Timing gears--ecast iron heli- cal. Carter carburetor. Thermo-syphon cooling, 3 gallon tube and finn radiator, § quart oil pump and splash lubrication. Westinghouse two-unit starting and lighting system. Connecti- cut battery ignition. 12 inch cone clutch with 6 compensating D-passenger touring model K043 S-passenger roadster model . S043 S-passenger sedan model $1160 Gray-Dort Motors, Ltd. Chatham, Ont. springs. Three speed and reverse selective transmission with double row New Departure bearings. : Universal joint. Gaso- line tank under cowl. 1 beam heavy duty front axle. 3; float- ing rv » axle, with forked tube torsion and Hyatt High Duty The influence of women in the sale l . | of automobiles has long been recog- Weighing less than 200 pounds, a | nized by manufacturers as a leading Slectrie rer 8 srmitted the | ali 1 . y : Joa PT oni pe jie ex- | lip SH: 3 NR | have been built for the French rall- | explcitation in 0 a i Jecause Sweden's coal mines do | road in the Sahara perts believe may prove to be the not yield enough fuel for the coun- | . 3 vorld's richest c¢ er deposits. 7's reds rientists are ying . A : "rnp yah i Bs oe of a uy oy ele gel BEES a od Frying portable track welding outfit, that [tactor and consequently much study : 7 1 i a | many experiments with peat, of [gets its electricity from trolley | has been devoted to pleasing them Roarings: ; 10 inch interyal expanding SBA exis) 1 contracting 3 yg : rakes. ressed steel frame. Springs, front, 37 in. elliptic, | { new kitchew cabinet ig provided with which there is a vast supply I hos has been Inverted Yor sot American Factory at Flint, ) a va y. | $ > small y . | | But women change, just like men rear, 30 in. full cantilever. Left-hand drive. 16 in. irrevers- | a sliding tray so that articles stored To prevent damage to oil burning | railways that do not require elabor- |, a" © Ju 3 : "The Quality Goes Clear ' in it can be easily removed furnaces a Californian has patented | ate plants of the kind. pond i % oaguor, ane ~ Ay as on ible worm and nut type steering wheel, Centre gear shift lever. 8 y ad WY 8 Spinach stems ontain 4€ per cent, of cellulose, according to a French hortieulturist, who claims to have made writing paper from then. a device that automatically shuts off | the supply of oil should the air sup- | ply be impeded. | | Furniture makers in Germany im- | part colors to several native.woods, economical engine as the cylinder | come thoroughly motorwise. A double snowplow has been in-| by burying them when freshly cut | heads are kept at a more even tew- | Sure, fine lines, deep cushions, wide Placing the exhaust ports near the centre of the cylinder so they are uncovered at the end of the stroke, a German has invented an vented, to be mounted on the front | in earth mixed with lime and other / perature. of an aptomobile to clear tracks for the wheels on each side of a car. A French wood preservation me- thod of 10 per cent. borax and 5 per cent. rosin intp timber by electricity. Shutters to regulate the air en- materials for several months. More than 3,500,00 pounds of cot- ton fiber were used in the manufac-! ton in the United States in the first three. months this year. | That he has a fraud proof slot! A speed of nearly 75 miles an hour has been attained by a uni- cycle built by a Saint Louis inventor, consists of forcing a solution | ture of absorbent and medicated eot- | the machine consisting chiefly of a in pro- single wheel almost seven feet diameter, drawn by an aerial peller. -- | | ago now falls short. 1.00oks and com- fort and still necessary to get her O.K. but a lgrge percentage have be- To be doors and easy spring action are es- sential but you've got to convince her of power, stability and all-around mechanical excellence just as you have got to convince the man, There is no use in worrying. but what difference does that make? ND <S X NN = NaS, AN AR RR cay lnmnee RNIN aN 2" == NNN NOS Where You Cannot Prophesy -- PREPARE '! OT even the best-informed man in government or business circles dares to attempt a prophecy of conditions after the war. We hope for the best-- meantime wise men are preparing now for anything. OTTAWA. ALGONQUIN PARK. The Real Highway to Health and Happiness. No better place could be dev sed for a real holiday for red blooded men and women than Algonquin Park, situated -about 200 miles | north of the City of Toronto. It is | an unspoiled territory of nearly two I million acres, starred with beauti Jul lakes and intersected by wind- ing streams. No reserve in Canada | can approach it in the wealth of at- , tractions it offers to the lover of out-of-doors. Away up in the Highlands of On- tario, two thousand feet above the | level of the sea, the park is a | Sonderrul spot in which to renew | the energies of a tired body or re- fresh a wearied spirit. Its tonic air | filters through hundreds of square | miles of pine, balsam and spruce; the days are unusually long, with brged sunshine, while the cool { evénings are a time of enchantment. | The park is a paradise for the fish- {erman and canoeist; the excellence "of its sports draws anglers from every part of.the Dominion and from every state in the Union, while 'the canoeist can travel for hundreds of miles in his light craft, and he is a veritable kingdom of his own. The accommodation in the park is such that the most varied tastes can be pleased. There are hotels for those who want to be in the wilder- ness--yet, enjoy all the comforts that good service and social com- panionship can bring; there are groups of log camps, furnished and ideal for family part- jes, with central lodges containing recreation and dining rooms where you may dine and find everything ready for you on your return from the tramp; or if you have planned to camp under your OWN Canvas, you may step into a canoe at one of the little railway stations and after a short paddle find a site ummarred by the hand of man, yet within easy reach of the park outfitting stores. Many families now go into the park expressly for the camping, making their headquarters at the Motels long enough to get supplies and camping outfit ready for the trip. Then in canoes, and with guides or without them, they launch out into the deep woods, camping where fancy prompts. A handsome illustrated publica- tion telling you all about this fam- ous park is issued by the Grand * | Trunk Railway, and a copy can be | had free on application to J. Quin- | lan, district passenger agent, Grand Trunk Railway, Montreal, Que. ee eeteete Women have such a good time talking because they have so little 'say it. comfortably ' { to say that they do not care how they brake, right pedal. Service brake, clutch pedal. Spark and throttle control on steering wheel. Ar- tillery type wood wheels. Detroit demountable rims. 30 x 313 Dominion tires, Nobby trear rear. Westinghouse electric lighting. Linoleum covered running board. Lock ignition switch. Dashlight, ammeter, roberail, footrail, clear-vision windshield, one-man top, tools, equipment complete. W. P. Peters, Kingston Emergency Accelerator. A. BA "Lift Corns With Fingers Doesn't hurt a bit! loosen and fall off! Corns and calluses Magic! Few drops of Freezone take all pain and soreness from corns instantly " will loosen and can be lifted right off with the fingers. Freezone doesn't eat out the corns or ealluses but shrivels or rather loosens them without even irritating the surrounding skin. Just think! No pain at all; no soreness or smarting when lying it or after- wards. 7 a little and see for yourself. It is surprising. - Few drops stop corn-pain Take soreness from any corn or callus instantly No humbug! Any corn, whether hard, soft or be- tween the toes, will loosen right up and Mit out, with- out, a particle of pain" or soreness, Wonderful discovery by Cincinnati man This remarkable drug is called freezone and is a com- pound of ether discovered by a Cincinnati man. ? Ask at any store for a small bottle of freczofte, which will cost but a trifle, but is sufficient to rid one's feet of every corn or callus ~ Put a few drops directly upon any tender, aching corn or callus. Instantly the soreness disappears and shortly the corn or callus Tiny bottles of Frecsone cost bul a few cents at any drug sore, Women should keep freez- one on their dressers and never let a corn ache twice. 1f a corn starts hurting just apply a drop. The stops instantly, corn goes! | | | | | | | <7 ou 00 = Touring Car Service Phone 566 Office: Clarence St., near King. Barriefield Camp and All City Calls Promptly Attended To, (Garage! Robinson & Wiltshire VULCANIZING All kinds of cars repaired promptly. Cars wa Gasoline and oils for sale. Cars for hive. With J. M. Martin, Maxwell Service Station. 110 Clergy Street Phone 1192. 285 King Street. Opposite Custom House Phone 749 Boat, Train and All City Calls Attended