& PAGE FIFTEEN For Pain in th the Tamous remedy GIN PILLS the back and sides, aching ! are all the result of impure blood, w kidneys are out of order and are not passes through them every three minutes, Gin Pills heal and soothe the kidneys trouble right at the very root If you tortures mentioned above, taige the ce § Wo have here on file, and try Gin Pllia Your money will be returned if you are not ab 60c. a box, or 6 boxes for $2.50 at all druggists, or upon request to National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited Toronto, Ont. U. 8. Address--Na-Dru-Co. Inc, 202 Malin St, Buffalo, N.Y. 5 1 ili FORTHE KIDNEYS bs Every reader of this Pep = 60" ple aouP 70R NORA S ADVFRTISEMENT Get it from your dealer or from us. Outfit consists of one Durbam Duplex Domino Razor with white Ameri. i attach- rbam Du. plex Blades, packed in a genuine red DURHAM DURING THE LIF leather Kit DUPLEX RAZOR CO. Ltd., 43 Victor amon The very ig pom in has been reached in S, made only of the whole of the Durum wheat, plus anew and delicious flavor $ Look a » oq We Every Jar Counts Each jar of preserves stored for winter use helps out our food supply. Preserved fruit is not only delicious and wholesome but is a valuable ele- ment in the diet. The prudent housewife will preserve as much fruit as her time and-means permit. A plentiful fruit year is predicted. Preserve some of every kind. Lantic Sugar "Pure and Uncolored™ is unquestionably the bést preserving' sugar. Its purity, its high sweetening power and its "FINE" Granulation are all appreciated by the observing housewife. Original ackages with the red ball trade mark in suitable sizes or every family. x 2 and 5-lb. 10-20-100-1b. Cartons Sacks Ask your grocer for LANTIC SUGAR ATLANTIC SUGAR REFINERIES, LTD. 135 SWithin. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1917. > Thus, un ped at the | The sense of oblix our hoatm when next 'for our lo uit we owed 1 it not been am sure IN to the red tilivus = that pring clin the pre- cise mental attit Rory small monkey shakiug the Vis id with all four bands. ar the face of some | superior { hind the ez ztol alert and bland and intel! sat stolid, chewed tobacco an of the so went toward Talbot Johnny, right home gentle man's and involved speeches, talked length and pompously about nothing at all. their smiles 'were rare and sad and linger ta bit like my imbecile the and they seer window, which a stampeding and however, They capped most elaborate me seemed the old they ing well mean to be ent vate Janguaze did I realize the the occasion th At «dusk fireflies came out, the earth grew velvet black, and the soft. tepdd air wed up from the river he town flickered like lar tireflies thre the thin scr alms and j , and the vari noises, subdued by distance, m with thie voices of thousands « and a strange booming from 4he river. [ thought it very pleasant and wanted to stay out, but : haled There the lamps made the low TFmt-ronn.ery hot. We sat on real chairs, and the stilted exchange resumed 1 have often wondered whether our host enjorved it or wheth- er he did it merely from duty and was as heartily bored as the rest of us, A half naked servant glided in to tell us tbat we were wanted in the next room, We found there our good padrone and : ther, a fine tall man, dressed very elaborately in short jack et and slit trousers, with many silver buttons and orna- ments. "He my fr'en'," explained drone. "He have dose mulas." With the gorgeous individual Talbot concluded a bargain. He was to fur- nish us riding animals at $10 each per grinning » to stick it ont until Not until T be their pi- it » not en judg after orot millions of sects for some reason were wea loose all sewed the pa- With the Gorgeous Individual Talbot Concluded a Bargain. day and agreed to transport our bag- gage at $6 a hundredweight. The pa- drone stood aside, smiling cheerfully. "lI ver good frien', eh? he de manded. "My son," said Talbot, with feeling, "you're a gentleman and a scholar. Indeed, I would go further and desig- nate you as a genuine lallapaloozer! The padrone seemed much gratified, but immediately demanded $5. This Talbot gave him. Johnny thought the demand went far toward destroying the value of the padrone's kindness, but the rest of us differed. I believe teptible to kindness. The man had »argain; he ended by going out of his way to help us along. Having paid the alcalde, we set t~ say farewell to us at the edge of town. He gave us a sort of cup made from cocoanut husk, to which long cords had been attached. With these, he explained, we could dip up water without dismounting. We found the most convenient. ' tonishing caravan going the other way. This consisted of sixteen mules (and doukeys under sole charge of three men armed with antiquated and somewhat rusty muskets. On either side of each mule, siung in a rope and plain to see. hung a heavy ingot of gold! Fascinated, we approached and stroked the satiny beautiful metal and wondered that on a read so crowded with travelers of all grades so precious a train should be freely intrusted to this people, lazy and dishonest as they tre, are nevertheless peculiarly sus- | started by trying to cheat us of our | orth. Our good padrone was on hand | Shortly after we had left town and | before we had really begun our jour | ney in earnest we passed a most as- ~0 wives. So curd 1 that Talbot inquired it was allowed. i thief to? How could he carr, 1y these heavy ing the man prepouuded. Often around subsequent campfires we have in i uriosity attempted to | answer these two JIS SUCCESS. | fuily, but have always failed. The { gold was sale We arrived in Panama in the after- noon, 1 we were all eves, for here was J ity taken directly from the pages the Own Pirate." Without the least effort of the imag- ination we could see Morgan or Kidd or some other old swashbuckler, cut- lass ip pistols in hand. broad sashed, fierce and ruthless, rushing over the walls or through the streets, while the cathedral bells clanged wiid- ly and women screamed. Everything about it was of the past, for somehow the modern sizns of American dnva- sion seewed temporary and to be blown away. The two stoty wouden with corridor and veranda the second s rn AW 185 ile of "Boy's teeth houses across the face of painted in bright colors out across other. Nar led up between tl drals and gray with age before grass grown plazas And in the outskirts of town were massive masonry ruins of great buildings, con vent and colleges, some of which bad never been finished. We over one day at the Fonda Americano and then, realizing that we were probably in for a long wait, found Ywo rooms in a house off the main street. These we rented from a native at a fairly reasonable rate. They were in the second story of a massive stone ruin whose walls had been patched up with whitewash. Outside the walls of the city was a large encampment of tents in which dwelt the more impecunious or more economical of the miners. Here too had located a large hospital tent. There was g, great deal of sickness, due to the hardships of the journey, the bad climate, irregular living, thé overeating of fruit, drinking, the total lack_ of sanitation. In fact, situation of the city--out.on an isth- mus in the sea breezes--I am con- vineed, saved us from pestilence. Ev- ery American seemed to possess a pat- ent medicine of some sort, with which be dosed himself religiously in and out of season. A good many, I should think, must have fallen victims to {hese nostrums. i {Each morning regularly we went down to harass the steamship employ- ees. Roughly spe us had bought through passage before leaving New York, and it was an- nounced that only fifty-two additional to those already aboard could be squeezed into the first steamer. The other 248 would have to await the next. leaned cra toward each us alleys the streets War ut cathe churches stood stopped for such a delay in such a place at the time of a gold rush was unthinkable. The officials at that steamship office had no easy time. Each man wanted first of all to know just when the ship was to be expected, a thing no one could guess. Then he demanded his accommodations and had a dozen rea- sons why his claim shouid be pre- ferred over that of the others. I nev- er saw a more quarrelsome, noisy dog kennel than that steamship office. Why no one was ever shot there 1 could not tell you. In the evening the main street was a blaze of light, and the byways were cast in darkness. The crowd was all afoot and moved restlessly to and fro from one bar or gambling place to an- other. Of the thousands or so of stran- gers we came in time to recognize by sight a great many. The journey home | through the dark was perilous. Wa never attempted it except in company, and, as Johuny seemed fascinated with a certain game called Mexican monte, we often had to endure long waits be- fore all our party was assembled. One morning our daily trip to the steamship office bore fruit. We found the plaza filled with excited men, all | talking and gesticulating.. The much | tired officials had evolved a scheme for deciding which fifty-two of the 300 should go by the first ship. By next morning the transportation officials had worked it out. We co not all get into the office, so the draw- ing took place on the plaza outside. | As each man's name was called he { stepped forward. showed his ticket | and was allowed to draw a slip from 8 box. | went away: If he was Jucky, he had pis ticket vised on the spot. Such a proceeding took the greater part of the | lay, but the excitemeut remained in- | jense. - No one thought of leaving even 'or the noon meal. Yank drew passage on the first i | steamer. Talbot, Jobnny and I drew slanks. We walked down to the shore to talk | iver the situation. *We onght to bare hought tickets tood on this particular ship. not mere ¥ good on this line," said Johany. have. done," rejoined Talbot a little impatiently. "What are we going to do? Are we going to wait here an- { frit the next steamer come along?" $ "That's likely to be two or three 'months--nobedy knows," said Joanny. * { { t {+ "Doesn't matier what we ought to i i only the | Naturally every man was de | termined that he would not be left, | If it proved to be a blank he | 'when their eldest dasghter, has a most delicious ET BAKER'S COCOA There are no drawbacks to its use, it does not over-stimulate, it does not disturb the nerves or disarrange the digestion, it won't keep you awake at night, nor will it cause the most delicate stomach the slightest inconvenience. It supplies the 'body with some of the purest elements of nutrition in an agreeable form, it unquestioned and its healthfulness is vouched for by the universal approval of the best physicians and food experts of the world. WALTER BAKER & CO. MONTREAL, CANADA You should drink PR Fo Limited or Bake r&! , | "Montreal Factory ul CET flavor and aroma, its color is attractive, its purity is MADE IN CANADA BY - LIMITED Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. A AA ing, some 300 of | A -------- "No: it's in | They teil me | trips on a new mail contract "Well, six weeks. If we stay . this | bole we'll all Le sick. we'll be broke, | apd in the meantime every ounce of {gold in the country will have been picked up." "What's the alternative?" 1 asked. "Sailing vessel." said Talbot briefly. | "That's mighty uncertain." 1 objeet- | ed. "Nobody knows will | get in, and when it does show up it'll be a mad to get to her. | | There's a mob waiting to go' | "Well. it's 8ne or the other. We can't walk. and 1 don't sce that the | | situation is going to be | when the next steamer docs get here | There are a couple of hundred to crowd in en ber, inst counting those who are bere and have tickets. And | { then there will be a iot wore." | "I'm for the | Johnny. "They come in ever) { or two now, and if we can't make the | first one we'll have a good chance at | the second or the third" { | Talbot looked at me inguiringly | "Sounds reasonah I admitted | "Then we've no time 10 luce." said | Talbot decisively and (urned away to ward the town. ! Yank, who bad listened sitenuy te jour brief disenssion, sMfied Lit rifle o his shoulder and folluwe! Shortly | fell behind. and we Jost him (Continued Next Saturday.) Recordin simi sit weeks. 1 believe. | sular | | they've started re when one serambie much better | said weell | sailing vessel," | } A pretty wedding took place on | Wednesday at the home of Chief of | Police and Mrs. George A. Philligs ! Smith's Falls, when their daughter, | }da May, became the wife of John! i H. Hynes, of Brockville, son of Mr. | { and Mrs. Richard Hynes, Cobden, A pretty wedding teok place on | Wednesday at the home of Mr. 2nd! | Mrs, J. E. Conners, Smith's Falls, Lillian { ; Edna, was united in warriage to; | Talbert B. Dorman; a CP.R. brake- | ape DD; 2 and S Ib. Cartons-- 10, 20, 50 and 100 Ib. Bags. Canada A A AA At, Att Mt NA INNA Redpath has introduced to Canadian homes every successive sugar improvement from "Ye Olde Sugar Loafe" to the hone 1a Redpath Cartons of Extra Granulated. Made in one grade only--the highest. "Let Redpath Sweeten it."' 10 Sugar Refining Co., Limited, Montreal. rm AAA AAA ANN. lO Pl Pl AP AANA NNN AN PAN HOME PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY $35 per dozen. 11 in. x 14 in. line prints. For engagement apply by letter to G. BLAKEMORE, KINGSTON. Copies of all my photos in Whig's lllustrated supplement may be secur ed from me Syrup oF TAR 8 Cop Liver Oil Stops CoucH Sold in generous size bottles by all dealers. THE J. L. MATHIEU CO., Props., SHERBROOKE, P.Q. Makers also of Mathieu's Nervine Powders the best remedy for Headaches, Neuralgia, and feverish colds. Men's. Womens and Children's Shoe astslLonder asy to usc | man. ; | Mr. 4nd Mrs. Alexander Kelly, | | Merrickville, announce the enguge-' ment their daughter, Elda Beryl, to Norman J: Bradford, Smith's Falls, the wedding to take place quietly in June, s Mrs, James W. Robinson, Perth,! died on Tuesday. She was born at Parham fifty-one years ago, her maiden name being Annie Ryan,