q i | PopularCakes PAGE TEN A IRE EE EERE In FRESH LAKE ON. TARIO WHITE- FISH AND TROUT All Kinds of Fresh JON M. PATRICK Sewing machines, Umbrellas, Suit | Cases, Trunks repaired 'and refitted, Saws filled, Knives and lawn mowers sharpencd and repair- 149 Sydenham Street | A A iT | ro FOR SALE A 1916 Studebaker Fowr eylinder, first class condition. Boyd's Garage 129 Brock Street. and Pastry Afinond Maccaroons, Rolls, Almond Wafers, Cream Sweet Sandwich, Fancy Cakes, Post- jes. Always Pure; Always Fresh. i | | | | Crothers' King St. Bakery a ~---------------- THE FIGHTING UNITS WANT AN OFFENSIVE Feeling of Troops on Russian Front Changed During Past Week. | Petrograd, June 2.--A conference of soldiers' delegates from units now at the front has passed resolutions relating to the attitude of the men in the trenches dealing with the so-call- ed fraterinzation. The conference declares that information published in the press was exaggerated. Isol- ated cases were not unknown at previous stages of the war, but it did not affect the fighting spirit of the army. The truth was the army was undergoing process of transforma- The Scissors | sharpened; Razors honed; All makes | of firearms repaired promptly, Locks | repaired; Keys fitted. All makes of | THE DAILY BRITISH Realm "Of Woman WHIG, MONDAY,JUNE 4, 1917. 8 Ol Nl a Ww wy Wy, 045%, ty, % Is WWE oy, "vi lity, SAUCE "THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE (By Frances Walter) pS I AGAIN FACE MRS. BLAKE. (C ht, 1916, by continags to arrive from England. the McClure New Synd Edward dre the detective and me within a few blocks of Mrs. Blake's home and, obeying Instructions from} the cautions Mr. Flynn, put him | down first and then carried me a short distance farther « out. When I I looked a deteet 4 I a pn Has a new and delicious flavour, no sauce just likeit. i | sidewalk sting to see the} r ut. he was not in| sight, and feeling of some-| thing very much to loneliness, | I watched Edward drive away and} turned toward Mrs. Blake's residence The butler gave me the same cur jous glance with which he had greet ed me on my first visit and just as] grudgingly allowed me to enter. He| é sure that Mrs. | at home, but condescended | leaving me to find a seat | 11d He returned in a| i manner still as dis-| ter's, and in- him. I} n the reached the Wouldn't it be worth your while to try a bottle now? SHARES RE RRR LE Rg, akin Viisemntn tes RRL IE WY t at all dicated that 1s to follow found myself Mr B two davs before lid so, and ame little received me She was in no hurry to see me, hut I did not worry about that I had not lost my confidence in myself, and as the moménts ssed it seemed that my assurance rw stronger instead of diminishing After all, she was but a woman like myself, and what it was possible for her to do was impossible for me to accomplish. 1] was equally sure that if I went about | my task in a determined manner she| would be compelled to drop some | hint, some word; some move- ment or slip of which would reveal to my highly strung whether it was really she who had caused Sylvia's mysterious disappear- ance Ir were innocent, then I would merely go on my way, taking with me her reply demand which I previously had made that she relinquish her claim on Edward It was when 1 was in one of these moments of mer abstraction that Mrs Blake tame to the room, and | s0 noiseless were her movements that I did not hear her and did not know she was near me u my eye caught a glimpse of her.skirts She was standing near the door " @® through which she had made the has- ty exit on the occasion of my last visit, but when she saw that [ was aware of her presence she came to- | S ] ward me, her spectacled A A AAA tudy where ake not not 143 It bears the Seal of Purity All over the world the name Sunlight stands + for purity in Soap. Our _ $5,000 guarantee of Purity is something more than an adver- tisement. It marks the high standard we have set for ourselves togive you the best laurdry soap it is possible to produce at any price. ; make tongue senses she to the eves fas tended upon me, her whole deport ment studiously reserved and confi- dent, 1 arose as she got near 'me, but shqfwaved to me quickly to resume ference was of the opinion that this reproach was in no wise applicable { were efore letting me | i | dently { clenched as though she jemy. Z| n seat, and took one herself a few} feet distant. Fortunately for me, her} air was so placed that her features | easily visible, w e my own were in the shadow This gave me the opportunity I wanted to observe her closely while we talked As on my previous visit, she waited r me to open the conversation, and [-did not keep her waiting very long "Mrs. Blake," 1 began with as firmness as I could command, '1 have come for vour answer." Until I spoke she had not taken her eves from my face She seemed to be making an attempt to hypnotize so steadily 'did she gaze at me, : so intense was her manner But when I demanded her answer to my request 1 notfced an' instantaneous change in her. It was as if one sud- had touched a button which a current of electricty through her body Every muscle she posess- ed seemed to stiffen as her neck and her face reddened with Her lips. tightened until became a mere line, while her eves closed slightly and her hands were making Her movements sug- gested some lower animal which suddenly had been goaded to fury and was about to. attack its en- much sent swelled passion hey to strike. those of ready As I looked at her my heart thump ed with something very much like fear. 1 was ready for something ter- rible to happen, and would not have surprised if she had drawn a revolver and shot me (To be Continued.) ol YL LR) lel ot = . i kill them all to-night KEATING'S Jills every Bug, Fly, Roach, and other household Insect it comes in contact with. Made in Englond Sold by all Dealess been to the units at the front, The mass . of desertions occurred exclusively 9 from units in the rear. Sometimes The ¥ fighting units waiting reinforcements received a red flag bearing the in- scription, "War till victory," but the] company which was to bring it fail- ed to appear. The confergnce wel- comed the order that all ' deserters should be punished with extreme severity. -~ Menu forWednesday Daily Menu Hot Cheese Sandwiches Spread six or eight slices of bread Only Fine, Flavoury Teas are used to produce the famous blends. Every leaf is fresh, fragrant full of its natural deliciousness. Sold in sealed packets only. 'B107 er ------ The New Electric Store A FULL LINE OF ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SHADES, TUNGSTEN LAMPS AND NITROGEN LAMPS, COLUMBIA BATTERIES; A FULL LINE OF BHLECTRIC FLASHLIGHTS; EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL. HOUSE WIRING AND ELEC- TRICAL REPAIRS OUR SPECIALTY. Burke & Graham, 72 Princess Street. Opposite Robertson's Crockery Store. Phone 423. Some: Interesting Features FRESH PINEAPPLES TOMATOES and and Lettuce, radishes City Dairy Milk Cream. + " Thompson's Grocery Phone 387, 294 Princess {EE = Automobile Owners, Attention ! The place where 'all auto troubles are made right. = Auto supplies of all kinds; cars washed and stored. Repair work a specialty; prices rea- sonable. Call and give us a trial. Always open. DALY'S GARAGE 335 King Street. mm-- ANCES RST COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! On and after first of May Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS To Points in ALBERTA, MANITOBA, SASKAT- ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- ston, by GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. A soldier tells me the feeling of the army at the front has changed in the past week in favor of an offen sive, Not all realize how necessary this is for the cause for which demo- | cracy is fighting, but he believes the | men will not fail to awaken to this necessity. tion, from which the men would issue stronger and more conscious of duty. With regard to deserters, the con- -- + The treat that its lovers learn Only a man with a little head brags about his small feet. BREAKFAST Fruit Finnan Haddie Delmonico White Hashed Potatoes Wallies Maple Syrup "Cofiee DINNER Liver with Olive Salad Crackers Cheese Sponge Roll with Canned Cherries Coffee Braised Vegetables SUPPER Hot Cheese Sandwiches Hot Apple Sauce Nut Cake Pineapple Juice with butter, mixing a little mustard with the butter before using it. Trim the crusts off the bread and then sprinkle the with as much grated cheese as the butter will take up. Press the cheese well on to the butter, place two slices together, and then cut into convenient sized pieces. Beat up one egg on a plate, and mix it with one-half cup of milk and a lit- tle salt and paprika. Dip the sand- wiches into this and let them soak for two minutes, then fry them in a small quantity of hot fat, browning them on both sides. Serve hot, sprin- slices CHEWAN & BRITISH COLUMBIA, Via COCHRANE and "THE NATION- AL ROUTE" or CHICAGO, NORTH BAY, SARNIA OR TORONTO. Round trip tickets will be sold at LOW FARES Going each TUESDAY from MAY STH toe OCTOBER 30th, 1917. Returs limit of two months, excindiix date of wale. An extension of time limit, not exceed. Ink two months, on Homesechers' thee sold In May, June, and July » . enn he had on payment of $5.00 fur each month or part thereof. Stop-over privileges may be had nt Winnipeg and West, alse beyween Cochrune and Hearst. For full' particulars, apply to J. P. lisnley, Agent, Corner Johusen and Ontario streets. ------ HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS FS . bum 1 LH - > ] Ni RACE SIERO. 1, LE ag 3 stad] MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th TUESDAY = "ALL RAIL" - also by THURSDAY'S STEAMER "Qreat Lakes Routes" fled with a little grated cheese. to expect from a cup of "SEAL BRAND" COFFEE, is always realized to the full __ for "Seal Brand" holds its aroma and flavour to the last spoonful in the air-tight can. Ia ¥%, 1 and 2 pound tins. Whole--ground--pulverized--also fine ground for Percolators. Never sold in bulk. 183 CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL. (Season Navigation) "John, I,'too, am Your Future is in the West going to scrap some old 'machinery,' install Bev and make my workshop efficient." MR es? And what's the new equipment?" : : "A gas range that has big capacity built into compact Ca na dian Pacific space; that has Everything at the right height to work Particulars from F. Conway, C. Nithaiit stuoping; Slt burns Gio economical real Sbiue flame'; oR R. City Fiket Dien Sotho oven wi SS t don't te hi neess a el on streets. spoil a cake just to see how it's doing" sili Phone 1197. "A millennial dream, Margaret." "No, indeed! Mrs. Naybor has one--a McClary's." M¢Clarys Gas Ranges Burn natural or manufactured gas. LONDON, : ST. JOUN, N3. HAMILTON, CALGARY, SASKATOON, EDMONTON For Sale by J. B. Bunt & Co. ¥ 3 Ry $ CRI Wa 0 *'chie" SNR - o & AA CANADA SS. LINES FREIGHT SERVICE Between Hamliiton, Terente, Pleton, Kingston, Cornwall, Meatreal and Quebec, EASTBOUND "Belleville" Lv. Toronto 16 p.m. Monday. Ar. Kingston, Wedunenday, 5 am, "City of Ottawa" Lv, Terente pom. Wednesday, Ar. Kingston, Thursday ® am. "City of Hamilton" Lv. Toreanto, § pm. Sat ¥. Ar. Kingston Sunday § a.m. WESTRBOUND "Belleville" Ly, Montreal 7 pm, Fri. Ar. Kingston, Monday 4 sm. on, Monday a.m. ~ Lv. Montresi, 2 Grace is added cven to a charming slight figure by the D & A Corset No. 624. Like all D & A's it is made in Canada and fitted on living Canadian It has of the best French corsets bat half the price. ThereisaD & A tosuit figure, . , RY: : "City of Dttawa" Lv. Montreal 12 noon DOMINION CORSET CO. S27 yy, ) ' Into Ti arts Fame Makers aivn of the Lx Divg Corsets und the | : ! 5 8 § y J Good 2968 or 31. oe PARKS w Tis General Agent. : ; Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars and Colonist Coaches 'VISCOUNTESS CURZON ; For Tickets, Reservations, Literature and Information, apply to \ few portrait of the beautiful wife of Viscount Curzon 3, 8 IVEY: STATION AGT. hh E. DUNN, CITY AGT. Hie Eo the. Rae's 4 and a commander in the R-N.V.R. EE ph. e vas in the "Queen Elizabeth" all through "the Dardan- "ANADRIAM MADTH 1] WA allgs operations. Lady Curzon is & cousin of 'her husband CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWA and [has two charming childe en. en v (Calling Falmouth to land passengers) A int apply t pe anes tor Robert ° or to The Reford Co. Limited, General Agente 50 King Street East, Toronte. !