Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 May 1917, p. 2

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PAGE TWO de Spo HCY r OFFICERS WERE ED AT THURSDAY ¥ SESSION OF W. MM. | OF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ~. FUR STORAGE Safe, Reliable. Charles Robertson, of Toronto, President--Other Offi- Clased Mrs. --Re-elected cers Elected--LConvention Thursday Afternoon The election of offic the Thursday morning sess s took pl on of nary Telephone 489, our fur van will call. the Provincial Women's Mis Society of the Presbyterian in St. Andréw's church. ity of the old officers were Mrs. Charles Robertson, was re-elected to the posit resident Following is a list | officers | President, Mrs. Charles Toronto; first vice-president D. Walker, Toronto; president, Mrs. McQuesten, Hamil- | ton: third vice-president, Mrs. H. R Horne, Cobourg; fourth vice-presi- | dent, Mrs. R. Barbour, Meaford, re- cording secretary,-Mrs. Charles Begg, Toronto; corr tary, Mrs. FH. sion Band secretary, nie, New Hamburg; Mrs, J. MacMillan, sécretary Mrs. B ronto; press secretary, Mrs. E. F.N Smith, Hensall; strangers' secretary, Miss E. L. Mowat, Kingston; ex- change secretary, Miss Hopkirk, To- ronto: home helpers' secretary, Mrs _ J. M. McEvoy, London; life member Ret ship and literature secre ry, Mrs. J New or fit Jones, Toronto; trea Mrs Rented and Repaired | Erle bed : J. G. Gauld, Hamilion. The names of Miss Malcolmsor Corona Hamilton, and Mrs Haddow, Brantford, were added to the board of management. Two others will be selected by the board. Portable, Folding, 8% Ibs. Rib- bons and Carbon Papers. Filing Cabinets Office Furniture Mrs. Walker, the acting president, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. ajor- ted rt he re-eled JOHN MCKAY, Limited. 149-157 Brock St. Robertson, Mrs. J second vice Ross, Toronto; Mi Miss A. M supply se Toronto; li Inglis Grant, To- brary Underwood Typewriters er, of I which had been presented to the con vention stating that although there Bad been a decrease in membership, yet the work accomplished had in- creased. She looked forward to an- other most prosperous yéar, and ap- pealed to the workers to their { very best. commented on the various reports 41 Clarence Street. do K. McLean, of Cooke' { church, notified the delegates about SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS. Rev. E, R. | { Achievement Through Glasses. Ex-President Roosevelt was awkward and stupid as a boy until he suddenly dis- covered that he could not see as much as other boys. He tells us that glasses changed his career. Yours may be such a case. Come in and 'get our spec ialist's advice, Consultation free. 13 Asselstine D.0S 842 King Street THE BUSY OPTICAL STORE. PARADIS TAXI STAND Always ready for your call -- day or night. GARAGE FOOT OF BROCK ST, Phone 823; House 611 . At the Golden Lion Grocery FancyClover HONEY In one pound sections, 35 cents each. Fresh California Prunes, nice and Juicy ... ... 10c, 123¢c, 15c. Ib. rated Peaches, 8 lbs for 23c. «.. 1Bc Ib. DETACHED BRICK FOR SALE '! Alfred street near Brock street; 10 rooms; hot = water heating; garage and. nice lot. W.-RMcRea & Co. Golden Lion Grocery This is an Urgent Call to , Those Who Need Rug s and Linol g 3 2 L8 i o Buy now at. to-day's prices. The whole- sale prices of to-morrow. : High Grade Wilton Rugs--30 different pat- terns and color combinations. Fine Seamless Velvet Rugs, $25.00, $0.00 , $35.00. Rugs sre famous for their dur- ability and appearance, priced from $3.25 to $12.00. New Drapery Poplins are here in shades of ~ blue, brown, green, rose, pink; for side cur "tains as well as portieres they are very ef- fective. ' R McFAUL, G. | Ren- | retary, | of 40c gal. \- LO as Loel for religious train- at Queen's University ft . rion was brought to al irsday afternoon's ses- 1 feature of which was idress by Rev. R. P yronto, general secre ssioh board. 5 REMARKABLE - RECORD. SPLEN DID ACHIE VEMENTS OF BMC. GRADUATES. THE Thirteen Have and Fave Wounded nating Cla ity-five Have Been \il Eclonged to Grad- | ~ of 1916. ting class of 1914 at} ry College, 37 out of vas, and out of that] laid down their lives! 'er have been wound- Nor te seriously. Only one] it graduates of that! Canada. Col. C. N.| dant of the ologe, wen number 13 1 and the ed more lof the thirly year remait | Perreau, thinks. this is ¢ and one tl nently among! | that have bee 'rformed by gradu- lates of the Re Military College. Killed in Action. Mattuews, Peterboro. Gibsofl, Hamilton. R. Macnzughton, Montreal wrath, Alta. Montreal. 1, Montreal H. Van ssen, Toronto. ¢'. Crawford, Tilbury. \". Strong. Halifax. W. Walker, Hamilton S. Rankin, Woodstock, N.B MecInce, Torgnto, O. McMurtry. Montreal. comina Hn M 'R A. Ross 'rancis I I J F 8. A V I ( Fysth Whitehe Wo anded; D. Rogers, Vancouver. \'. Fessenden, Peterboro. B. S. Macpherson, Ottawa H. Blake ronto. S. Parker, Ot'awa. Green, Montreal. R Mac ald, Edmonton. W. Keer, Chatham. K. Cronyn, Toronto. F. Preston, Orangeville, Drummond, Toronto ). A. Kittermaster, Glenco, N. 'A. Sparks, Ottawa. A. H. Morphy, St. Joseph, Lachine DP. E. A. Rispen, Chatham. W. H. Shoenberger, Toronto C. W. A. Barwisz, Vancouver. H. 0. D. Wilkins, Norwood. J. A. Dennistoun, Winnipeg. Br H. Mackenzie, Moncton, N.B. D. C. Gregy oronte. E J Ww N K: B. m 2. N. Reid Westmeath, Ont. . 0. Leach, unknown. A. Bishop, Owen Sound. N. H Macaulay, Guelph. FL ORIDA GOLDEN WEDDING Celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Walker on May 135. i Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Walker { tertained Tuesday, May | from two to five, at | Florida, to celebrate | wedding anniversary their e Mrs. golden Hiram | Walker was formerly Miss Elizabeth | Phillips, of Wilton, late William Phillips has been a life-long resident | Florida, and resides on the same farm where he took his young bride | fifty years ago. The invitations issued numbered about fifty, but owing to the un- | favorable conditions of the weather | some of 'the guests from a distance were unable to attend. Among those | present of their family was their | only daughter, Mrs. Elgin Gilmore, | and 'her three daughters, namely, Mrs. Harvey Roumey and the Misses Daisy and Violet Baker, all Windsor. Mrs. Clifton Young, ey merly Mary Walker, niece of the | bride and groom, was able to cele-| | brate her twelfth wedding anniver- | sary with her aunt and uncle. | The house was tastily decorated | with eut flowers in the appropriate colors of yellow and white. The | table was arranged to accommodate | the bridal party. The centre,of the! table was decorated with a three- storey wedding cake, which. also carried out the color scheme. A buf- fet lunch was served by the three granddaughters and Miss Wemp from four to five o'clock After Winch the guests assembled in the dining-room, where the con- gratulations were paid to Mr. and Mrs. Walker by Miss Wemp on be- half of those present. Telegrams of congratulation were received from their two sons in Cal- gary, who were unable to be pre- sent, and also letters from: friends who joined in wishing them many happy returns of their marriage an- niversary. An enjoyable afternoon was spent by all, and before depart- ing all joined in singing "God be with you till we meet aga n." daughter of the | Mr. Walker | Joins Flying Corps. Foster Murray Macfarland has been accepted as a member of the Royal Flying Corps. Mr. Macfar- land, "Who is twehty years of age, i8 a son of the manse--his father be- ing Rev. J. F. Macfarland, minister of Zion church, Hull. Mr. Maefar- land has just completed his first year in Queen's University. While there he was captain of Arts "20 inter-year Rugby champions He was a member of the basket ball champions: ¥ New York Mail Service. The New York to Kingston mail service has been very bad lately since the Canada Steamship Lines have not been sending a boat between here and Cape Vincent. The C.S.L has the contract and it is learned that the necessary arrangements for an improvement will be made immed- iately. Representations were made recently to the post-master- general and action is now being taken. a a The Public Invited, No 'invitations are being sent out lo dhe Nurass Graduation Exercises o next Tuesday, May 8th, in Sid street Methodist veh. ok early for choice seats, Every- y inyited, Laid Down Their Lives | nest remarkable re-| it stands out promi-! many achievements | ™ all his spring and summer goods for Ten- | the first, | their Rome in | of | yhave the blues while seeing it. | Brown and his fine caste carried out INDENT m THE | LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF | GENERAL INTEREST. | Happenings In the City and Vicinity | --What the Merchants Offer to the| Readers of the Whig. | Pianos for rental at Lindsay's, 121) Princess St Rev: Father Hanley month's trip across the Mr. Swaine, piano ders left at McAuley's, or Frederick Smith, Napanee, brother of Charles and George Smith, Kings- ton, is critically .ill at his hame H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21} | King street. Leave orders at Mc Aul-| ey's Book Store. | Mrs. W. V. Beaman, University| avenue, who has been seriously ill} in the General Hospital, is improv-| {ing Quaker brand ! best to be had, 15¢ ering gy . {The President of the Board | Trade acknowledges receipt of $2 from Miss L. M. Craig for the Bel-| gian Relief fund. Ire D. Vanderwater, formerly of Napanee and Westport, has been appointed a justice of the peace for | the province of British Columbia Try Pickering's Coffee, 40¢ a 1b Major C. D. W. Uniacke, R. A, { reported wounded, belongs to a well | known Nova Scotia family. He is | a graduate of the Royal Military College. Prevost, Brock street, has received has gone oR al border tuning. Or-| 'phone 564. Canned per tin, Corn, the] at Piek-| | his order clothing department, in | Ready-made clothing he has in stock a very fine line of Blue and Gray worsted suits for those not wishing to leave their order, He has also re- celved some very nice lines of Gents' Furnishings. | A merchant wahts to | potatoes in this district should { for five dollars a bag when the tentiary authorities get them the west for $2.50 a bag.; "Keating" your winter things be- fore you put them away. Furs, blan- kets, woolen clothing, carpets, cur tains --everything subject to dam age by moths preserved by "Keat- ing's." Used dry, it will not injure | the most delicate fabric--and it is) effective. Tins, 10c, 26¢,, 3bc. Har-| [old F. Ritchie & Co., Limited, To-| ronto, Sole Agents for Canada know why sell peni- from POPULAR CARTOONS. The Whig Will Have Exclusive Pub- | lication of Them. { The Whig has been able to secure the exclusive publication in Kings- | ton of those popular cartoons entit led, "Things That Never Happen." These celdbrated pictures have prov- | en most attractive newspaper feat-| | ures wherever used. There is a genuine laugh in every one of them, | So the humor is clean and spon- taneous. In these days of strife and strain it may not be amiss to help to brighten the world a little' by humorous pictures. To many life s dull and dreary enough as it is, and a little sunshine would be wel- come. 'These pictures will provide | it. The first of these will appear on | Page Four in to-morrow"s Whig and regularly on that page each day | thereafter. It is one of the many new features which the Whig has recently added in an endeavor to im- prove the paper In every possible way. Get the habit of watching for these cartoons and you will not be sorry. w wim sti "A Little Bit of Flufi.," w "A Little Bit of Fluff" held the boards at the Grand on Wednesday {aight and the splendid cast gave a | hitarious performance. It was all over a little hit of feminine millinery and the mix-up was most exciting and amusing. There were a thou- | sand' laughs it. No one could Can- adian officers returning from London have been chortling for months past] over the play which, as one of them described it, 'would make a statue dance on its pedestal." Albert in the absurdities in clever fashion. The play is ond of the hits of the| spring season. There was-a fine audience in attendance. { ALL THE LATEST POPULAR HITS, 15¢ EACH, OR 7 For $1 POPULAR Love a Piano, Blighty, Down in Honolulu Locking Them Over; Ireland Must Be: Heaven; What Do You Want To Make Those Eyes At Me For; "When the Sun Goes Down In Dixie; How's Every Little Thing in Dixie; Boola-Boo; My Little China Doll; Etc. STANDARD---So Long Letty; It's The Honolulu Hieki- d s a Cute Little Way of My Own; Yaaka Hula Hickey, Dula; A Broken Doll; Calling Me Homie To ». You; Pack Up Your Troubles, Etc. The College Book Store, 160-162 Princess St. Open Nights. Ladies' Ruffs We have a nice range of Ladies' Feather Ruffs, imported from Great Britain, and marked at prices much below regular. Black Feather Ruffs $1.95 up Grey Feather Ruffs . . . $1.95 up Black and White Ruffs $2.95 Very Dainty and Desirable. Beautiful Silk Suits In navy, black, green, $25.00 up. Newman& Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. CLOSING OF MAILS British mail closes irregularly. Informasdon posted at P.O. Lobby from time to time. United Stas ea, daily 1.30 a.m. "and 1 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, going 0 a.m. wt 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, Toronto and west, Including Westerd States . . Grand Trunk and ali Hh of City, 2.30 p.m. and 11.30 p.m. C.P.R. .. 10.15 am. and 5.00 p.m. CNR «ss os os 00 p.m. EN 2.00 p.m. a an The Event of the Year, Two thousand people will probably be present next Tuesday evening when the 1917 Graduating Class of Nurses of the Kingston General Hos- pital, publicly take the Florence | Nightingale Pledge, receive their di- | plomas, are decorated with the Hos- | | | Sydenham street Methodist | sented to those, pital Emblem Pins, and gold and silver medals and other prizes pre- who won them. church filled. No will doultless be well tickets required. We have had big | business in our Mil- linery Dept. this sea- son--selling "mod- ern millinery at mod- erate prices." | Canadian Casualties, Killed in action--W. J. Renfrew. Died of wounds--G. A. thatronter, Pembroke; A. F. Reid, Cornwall; F Mondville, Belleville, Wounded--P. R. Welsh, Mountain View; V, C. Leavitt, East Lake; J. A. Holland, Almonte; C. J. Lavellee, Admaston; J. Dyer, Cornwall; PF. Woodley, Coe Hill; J. Billings, Win- chester. . Jil--J, R. Pearson, Prankford. 'Shock--G. Gyaa, Madoc. A Splendid Programme, The Ladies Musical Club is looking after the musical part of the pro- gramme for next Tuesday evening, May 8th, in Sydenham street Meth- odist church, when fifty nurses of the Kingston General Hospital will be on the platform and seventeen will re- ceive their diplomas and hospital pins. The public is invited. ---------------- - Coming to Griffin's. Mrs. Vernon Castle, the best dress- ed woman in America, in the serial supreme "Patria." Buy your Meats at Pickering's. Wright, peas BUILDERS SUPPLIES eq Baled Shavihgs Splendid bedding for horses and cows. Also useful for spreading over floors and damp places. . All clean shavings, price 50c¢ a bale. S ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay and Wellington 8 Streets, , Kingston, Phones: Office 66, _-- 1415 ---- Lumbég, Coal and Wood weed Phone 919 Wedding Suggestions Our windows are replete with suggestions for weddings: 'Roast Platters, Souph Tureens, sservles, Setts, dishes, Trays, Tea Entree Bread in of Personal gifts for the and Bridesmaids are here suit all desires. variety, and workmanship. Cat Glass the very best Bride to In Platinum' or Gold. Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers Uf Marriage Licenses. At; W. F.Gourdier 80 Brock Street Phone 700. Pr ma E.W. Mullin & Son A new dwelling on "on Markland St, with five rooms For $1150. On easy terms. $100 cash and bal- ance in rent. On Corrigan St., Frame Dwelling. With hot water heating, all improve ments. 66 foot frontage For $2400. On John Street A new Frame Dwelling, Furnace, electric lights and all im- provements. For $2200. And a host of bargains. Call in and look over the list. Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. Sellers of Heal Estate. Phones 530 and 1456, TE Now is the time to pack eggs. Get a can of our The cold storage plants ater Glass 15¢ Enough to pack twelve dozen.

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