Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 May 1917, p. 11

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EERE odio) Nee AN ie Fr pa THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MA -- raw wa { | LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE J. P. HANLEY, AGENT. Cer. Johnkon ang Ontarie Streely, . Kingston, Ont. You might almost suspect that Cu- NAA AAA, A | A PAGE ELEVEN JON M. PATRICK Countless Women | . :d | The Latest Market Reports : + | An effect Jan. 14th, 1917. G f 1 Trains will } rafonolas Rk gg -- eave and arrive at City i that when suffering" from > [ lots, No. 2, $11.50 to $12.50 wiixed. GOING Wier i SEN 4 Passenger Service All makes of" talking machines re- Nervousness, sick headache, ---- | $9 to $11: straw, $7 to $7.50. co. Lye. tv > 4 ; ; Between eliminated. $ . hy A fee Steers 4 M ntre: 0 Moderate Charges; Prompt Service; peculiar to their sex-- $11 50 to $12.60; choice steers, $11 " " ; & Falmouth ud passengers) nothing affordssuch prompt | 511.00" do medium, $9.50 to $9.75; han Ne, 2 'yellow, $1.60 to oi to The Robert . . \ - 1c 5 heifers Ss--4{ anadis wrsrern, No. 2, L ity i Reford ieneral Agents, S and welcome relief, as will So-common, $1.94 10 59.00; : . Cit: Retord Co 149 Sydenham Street | 3-4, No! Man. AYIT 0 King 5. rr me rr do medium, $7.00 to $7.50; butcher Bar:ey--Man. feed, | Fo Fi "1 MAY 8th To OCTOBER 30th . Seed cows choice : IN ? be " -~ ry patents, firsts," $13.90; seconds, | No. 28 Local . _. . 64 " 22 S O : $ medium, $7.00 to $7.50 butcher | $13.40; strong 'bakers, $13.00. | Nos. 1, 6 2 1% 14 1. S run asily T U E S D AY e ur ne re over bulls, choice, $8.25 to $10.56; do winter atents, ' choice. $13 50. | Other train® daily exc inday. A A 3 good, $7.00 to $7.25; do medium, " 3 p ¥ ' pice. S12 an. | oPIrect route to T« Peterboro, "ALL RAIL" .- also br hod \ 36.00 $6.50 feeders." 900 to 1. | SWalght rollers. $13.00 to $13.30: | Hamilton, Buffalo, | on, Detroit y H $5.00 to 36.50; feeders, "| 45. bags, $6.25 to $6.40. Rolled | Chicago, Bay ii. 1SP ay ' oney fp : x Fi Pull n cAccommodation, 1bs., $8.00 to $8.50; do medium, 650 | ¢45 Mouillie, $59 5 Hay Kote and Assam io, rs (Season Navigation) - _ | 800 to 656 1bs., $7.00 to $7.25; can-| Your Future is in the West Radish, Rhubarb, Pine- A proven women's remedy, | ners, $5.00 $5.25; cutters, $5.50 to Chicago. The fertile prairies have put Western ; 4 Canada on the map. There are still A 1 B At Thompson's Grocery | organs, and re-establishing | £67 bears 3867 0 35.50: alre. |1od $ 00 WMT bara Romina Xo. | vamnor poeta: acnan srmam. | SEbte ed fam 60 \pples, Bananas, 294 Princess Street, | healthy conditions. ham's | |, 90; cules : | $1.55 3-4 to $1.60: No. 3 yellow, |OPFR Day ama Night Telephone so|[ _ 4na000f Low Rates and tavelvia - Sunkist Oranges and ee 3 : | pe-tintte Snie ' Dis Contain no MYistoming to $12.00; hogs, fed and watched, | §1.57 1-2 to $1.60: No. 4 yellow, | THE NEW F H REMED dryg--leave no disagreeable | $16.00 to $17.00; do weighed off | $1.58 1-4. Oats--No. © 3 white, | " RENC Yoo a . 3 ue » oy > - Oh | " No. Req Information from F. Conway, C. SAA after-effects. They are-- cars, $17.15 to $17.25; do fo.b.,| 70 1-4 to 71 13; stapling, $0 5:4 I THERAPION . € I on atin dram ye wy, Pure Maple Syrup ; hose home 5.25. to. 72e¢ »--No. 2 al. r~ . 3 y $16.25 0: du Ss : ; Pimothy 'THERAPION No.2 » Princess and Wellington streets. heen commissioned to superintend i the expenditure of the $1,000 Gov Buffalo, May 1.--Cattle receipts, | $17.00. | SOLD BY LEADING cuit ir 2 tr ------------------------ a p 3 3,800, Mead Shipping, steers, $9.- | | givice cman ey -- A Ll "tls . ' Calabogie and the mines to etter' ea t 50 to $12.25; butchers, $8.50 to Winnipeg. R. LE CLERC Med. CoH A NW Guy sleep because another man's 0p: | piageom of Special Valuete Women are with siery bon. | $5.75 10 $10.25: bulls, $6.50 to $10. | Northern, 32.70 5-8; No. Th i ---- inions fail to agree with his own ' everywhere. In boxes, 25¢c. 50; stockers and feeders, $7.50 to | ern. $2.65 3-4; No. 3 } priser, | QO PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM. )| active, $50 to $120. 1.44 D. 1 :-Nortnern on. traek, | Visit This Dairy and Decide for Veals, receipts, 10.000, active and $24) os ee OW. No. 1! feed, | Phone 2083 $14 to $14.10; stags, $11.50 to $12.- track, e134 1-2 Flax--No. 1 v4 | -- ------ 8 Sheep and lambs, receipts, 8,000; 3-4 { w $14.25; yearlings, $9 to $12; Minneap is. wethers, $1.25 to $11.50; ewes, $5.= Minneapolis, May 1.--Wheat---- Columbias, Victrolas, -- wie Hl LIVE STOCK MARKETS | Hay--Baled, track, Toronto, car Depot, toot of Johnson street, aire juste raned, ises o . . 3 _ ; g paired, adjusted, cleaned noises dizzy spells and ailments Toronto, May 1.--Heavy steers ---- Montreal and London Expert Workmanship. 75 to $12.00; »do good, $10.50 to} Montreal, May 1.--corn par: rs lings and rates ; i Sous : E R 1. 4c ¥ > . Mall "Poronto 4 good to choice, $10.00 to $10.50; 82¢; aN » 80 3-4c; extra No . : follow a few doses of > : : Lanai $8.00 to $1050; dot $112 t -Man Spring wheat, | o. Intern I. 38 : Every ' r . Mont y 000 lbs, $8.50 to $9.50; do bulls, oats, barrels 8.25 to $8.50: do | Ottawa, Quebec, 'P land, . Wireal THURSDAY'S STEAMER . $6.25 to $6.50; stéckers, 700 to 8600 | bags. 90 lbs ' $4.0 5 'Bran, | Halifax, Boston and New York "Great Lakes Routes" Gi Oni ns Lett ce 2+ Mouilli "Hay reen ons, uce, 20¢ a Section . to. 750 Ibs., $7.25 to $7.50; do Nght, | No 2 "per ton. car lots, $13.50 [ to ists i i $5.75; sheep, light, $11.00 to $13.- | " apples, Cocoanuts, : - 5.75; sheep, t, . Oo. "hicag ay ---Wheat--Nos. 2] which assists in regulatin, the » Pp Chicago, May 1.--Wheat--Nos thousands of acres waiting for the man 00; to $16.00; culled lambs, $9.00] $1.58 3-4 to $1.60; No. 3 yellow, Cc anadian Pacific Phone 387. I Lemons. 2 Donald mines, has ah 9 Y. ° ---- . | ley--$1.25 to $1.62 - ge Phone 1197 ature S al Buffalo | $5.00 to $6.00. Clover--12.00 to THERAPIO * Ny B, cond | one 7. ' | | INENGE ernment grant on the road between | e I DOR i 1 i a 2 AE Bo a ow | Pid carries household furniture ds a! A broad-minded man never loses | $11.25; heifers, $7.50 to $11; cows, | Winnipeg, May i.-- Wheat "No. 1 { Suk Fuler TRADE Makin Foals anative racers side line. ) 'Montreal St. Phone 549 . £0 - aad) ¥ g wri $2.60 7-8; No. 6, 31.88 7-8; 7 \ $9.50; fresh cows and springers | $1.40: No. 1 Nortnern on : . jon ( 1 T I $16.10 $1 Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. ower; heavy, 6.14 to 6.2 od 71 B-Sc: N eed. 70 1-8c¢: | 90 to $16; light yorkers, $14 to 0 "0 oar q ST is : ws i -No. 3 C.W,, rejected, 24 Johnson Street $15.50; pigs, $13 to $13.75; roughs, 5 00: ) $1 on No. 3 Ty 3 ko, N.W.C., $3.04; No. 2 C.W., $3.00 active and steady; clipped lambs, $9 -- ASK YOUR GROCER FOR 50 to $11; mixed sheep, $10 to $11.- | May, $2.57 1-2; Julv, $2.33 1-#7 "9. cash, ®No. 1 hard, $2.83 1-1 to| 7 $2.87 1-4; No. 1 Northern, $2.71 1-4 v Chicago. to $2.77 1-4: No. 2 Northern | CHARM I EA Native beef cattle, $9.00 to $13.-| $2.65 1-4 to $2.77 1-4. Corn--No. | " 40; stockers and feeders, $7.15 to| 3 yellow? $1.50 3-4 to $1.52 3-4. y $9.85: cows and heifers, $5.70 to Oats No 3 white, 89 1-4 to 71 1-4c. IN PACKAGES. $11.15; calves, $8.00 to $12.00. Flour unchanged. Bran, $39.50 to . . . Hogs-- Receipts 48,000; market $40.00. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- slow, 5 to 10 cents lower; Hght, $14 - : : 70 to $15.75; mixed, $15.25 to $152 . | ston, by a. 85; heavy, $15. 90; rough, GENERAL TRADE. | ER SO mil ed $15.25 to $15.45; pigs, $10.00 to | GEO. ROB rT N & SON, L t * $13.60; bulk of sales, $15.60 tp Montreal. i $15.80. . Montreal, May 1.--Finest new-| Sheep--receipts 10,000; market,| milk creamery, 41%c¢ to 42¢; fine | firm; "wethers, $11.00 to $113.50; new milk creamery, 4lc to 41%c;| lambs, native, $12.75 to $17.00. | finest held creamery 39¢ to 40c; fine, rn | held creamery 38c to 38%c; finest| Low Fares and ToAllPoinsin 1 hrough Tickets WesternCanada and the Pacific Coast - Electric Lighted and Comfortably Equipped Trains. To obtain the lowest fare and the most convenient routing o; fine apply to M. C. Dunn, City Agent, or J. E. Ivey, Sta- orien Montreal. daieys She 10 3%) dine dairy, 0) tion Agent, or write @ R. L. Fairbairn, General Pas- Montreal, May 1.--Choice steers;| Manitoba dairy 31lc¢c to 32c. h | . senger Dept., 68 King St. E., Toronto. $10.50 to $11. good, $10 to §10.-| stronger, and prices at some of the VIA CANADIAN NORTHERN @® 50; medium, $9.25 to $9.50. boards in the country scored an ad- Butchers® bulls, choice, $10.25 to| vance of lc to 2 %ec per 1b, the range $10.75; good, $10; medium, $9.50 to | being from 25¢ to 27 11-16¢ per Ib, | $9.75. which prices are from 7%c to 9%c| Butchers' cows, choice, $9.50 to|per Ib. higher than those realized on $10; good, $9.25; medium, $8.50 to|the corresponding dates a year ago. | $9. Maple products active. Sales of ex-| Calves, choicest, $12; choice, $10!tro choice maple syrup in 13-1b. tins to $11; good, $8 to $10. Sheep, $8 | were made at $1.60 to $1.65; choice | to $15; lambs, spring, about 20 to{at $1.50 to $1.55; good at $1.35 to] 25 cents per pound on hoof. $1.45; and fair at $1.25 to $1.35 per| Offerings at Canadian Pacific live|tin. Beans firm._. Canadian hand-| stock market this morning were 425 | picked beans in a wholesale jobbing cattle, 10 sheep, 300 hogs, and 4,-|way, $8.25 to $8.50; two-lb pickers, 000 calves. $7.75 to $8; Rangoon beans, $7.50; yellow eye beans, $7.25, and Japan| beans in car lots $7 per bushel. Po-| tatoes strong. Quebec white stock] Y wioronto, May 1.--Manitoba oats |in a wholesale jobing way, $4 and | uf : -No. 2 C.W., 82c; No. 3, 82%c; Quebec reds $3.75 per bag " | GRAIN QUOTATIONS. | = { | It maintains healthy hair, corrects unnatural scalp conditions, extra No. 1 feed, 82 | 80 Ibs., ex-store. " {0 b C.W., 82 3-4c; No. 3, 82¢--extra ---- and assists nature in restoring normal, healthy conditions, by No. 1 tedhl, 82¢; No. 1 feed. 81c: 'all rail delivered. 2 Toronto American corn--$1.62, nominal, Toronto, May 1.--Butter, choice] subject to embargo. | dairy, 42¢ to 45c; eggs, new-laid, | - Ontario oats--No. 2 white, T4c to | dozen, 38¢c to 40c; cheese, lb, 30c; | 76c; No. 3 white, 73¢ to 75c. do., fancy, 1b., 35¢; turkeys, 1b, 33c| Ontario wheat--No. 2 winter, per to 35¢; fowl, tb., 23¢ to 27¢; duck-| car lot, $2.70 to $2.72: No. 2, wint- lings, 1b., 20c to 25¢; chickens, Ib. er, $2.68 to $2.70, according to 20¢ to 32¢: al les, Baldwins, bbl, | work up oceans of lather that will thorourhly reigns Ouse. niinal $4.00 to $6.00." do, spies, bbl. 3 3. Cleanse the scalp, and after thorough rinsing will Barley--Good malting, $1.35 to $0 2 35.90; lo Sroonjugs, Bt. 330 leave the hair beautifully soft. $1.37; feed barley, nominal. 10 35490; 40 5 A ktuie 1o 750; Buy a bottle from your dealer and follow direc- Buckwheat-- Nominal. } o., 11-q " . 0 75¢; a 8, | tions carefully, and you, like thousands of others, Rye--iNo. 2, $1.88 to $1.90. dozen, 20c; beets, per 'bag, $2.50 to will be convinced of our claims. . Manitoba flour--First patents, in $2.75; do., per peck, 60c; carrots | Price 50 Cents jute bags, $13.80; second patems, | Per bag, $2.60 to $2.25; celery, per | $13.30; strong bakers, $12.90. { bunch, 5c to 15¢; caulifiower, each All Druggists, Everywhere, or if your dealer cannot supply you with the genuine wrile us. Ontario flour--Winter, according | 20¢ to 25¢; cabbages, each 10c to to sample, $11.30 to $11.40, track, | 40c; onions, bundle 5¢ to 10c; do., | MUTUAL SALES CO. { Toronto, prompt shipments. s 11-qt. bkt., $150; do bag, $8.00 to | . | AtiNeny- Car lots, delivered, $12.00; potatoes, per bag $4.50; do | 32 Front Street West . Toronto, Ontario | Montreal, shorts, $46; bran, $43; Irish cobbler, per bag, $4.75; do., | 8 feed flour, per bag, $3; middlings, | per peck 75c; turnips, bag, 75c¢ to | TO TET Sa $49. '$1,00; do., per peck 26c. stimulating and renewing the hair-growing processes. @ HEALTHY HAIR NEEDS ATTENTION, and any disorder of the scalp or falling hair will grow worse by neglect. M. 8. C. SHAMPOO contains pure Cocoanut Oil and other hair health ingredients, which by constant use will keep the scalp and hair in perfect condition. Being in LIQUID form, it is easy to apply: You simply wet the head thoroughly in Hot water, then apply about twotablespoonsful, which will instantly has never been offered as "just as good" as some more famous brand ; for Sixty Years it has itself been that more famous brand--and deservedly. "Let Redpath Sweeten it."' RB 2 and 5 Ib. Cartons-- 10, 20, 50 and 100 lb. Bags. Made in one grade only--the highest ! Mennonites Are Serving. To the Man on the Land. The guarantee of exemption from For two years and a half, war, red military service to Mennonites and | and ruinous, has raged through the Doukhobors must be kept with the | world, and still no decision has been original parties. It is another ques- | reached. There is reason to hope tion whether it is applicable to all. |that before 1917 closes the struggle | people' who may profess these faiths | for liberty will have been won, or | in the fature. The Mennonites, | be greatly advanced. Amid the vary- | who were parties to the original con- | ing phases of this titanic conflict the | tract forty years ago, claimed to |fact stands out more clearly than | stand aloof from all public affairs, |ever that agriculture is of supreme and 'renounced all privileges of citi- importance. Extraordinary measures senship such as voting and holding |are being taken by the allied coun- office. The younger generation have departed from these rules, and be- tome electors. This imposes upon | | | | SPRING SHOWING OF NEW PUMPS AND COLONIALS. We are all ready to show you the new- est styles in dainty summer footwear. You will find no trouble with the fit of our low cuts. They are made on special lasts and fit : snugly in the arch-and around the top. Patent leather and kid styles, $5.00 and . . | MHSutherland & Bro - The Home of them the obligations of citizenship, {to increase the food supply of the Empire. A and many have recognized it by en- listing. The Church elders of the old school ask that these yelunteers be sent back home, but they will ask in vain.--Vancouver News-Adver- Princess Pat's Book. fit of the The British Navy... The work sree of the British mavy, afloa i mo includes more than 1,000,000 mea. CASTORIA in Use For vee 30 7e ia and will be sold for the bens tliat Sigoutare of 5 still powerful and un- scrupulous enemy opesly avows its intention to try and sink all ships carrying supplies to England during the coming year . In the tremendous strain yet to come a vital factor will be ample and unfailing flow of food to England and Frante. No matter Whi diehities may face us the su- P duty of every man on the land is to use évery thought and every - énergy in the direction of producing more, and still more.--Martin Bur- Yell, Minister of Agriculture. . At Grips With a Leopard, A correspondent in Port South Africa, of the London i i ip = : £1 i i | ir i gy AR \ E 1 To those half starved little ones amid their ruined homes. What is 7 cents a day to you? . By paying this you may save a Belgian Baby from death. Send your nanfe and your money to the BELGIAN RELIEF FUND 59 ST. PETER ST. MONTREAL.

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