PAGE TEN | N WSERBLE RON yr poze oc pon stomigh Toul | THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE - \ > - = red) Felt Wretched Unfil He Started ~ mov svn wariaw oon : To Take "Fruit-a-tives" Sr., MoxTRRAL, definitely 1e a be a grea fof (Continued from Page 3.) y guest of Mrs know now Miss Winnifred Orde, Ottawa, was. now in Kingston' and will 1 iether he as 3 hostess at an informal tea on Mon- Ottawa later on 594 CaaMpPLaIN n the in pecti day afternoon, in honor of Mrs Mr. and Mrs, Charles Dalton, "For two years, I was a miserable . 3 ' . ox ragardine Wrote you Jack Meredith, Kingston. have moved from the west to King- Gn MPEN yourcheesecloth duster sufferer from Rheumatism and Stomach | *. affairs that 1 received a I s a prisoner, 1 " Sk 3 " ston are at present the guests of with a drop or two of O-Cedar Trouble. 1had frequewt [izzy Spells, Maria released. : frs. W. Dale Harris, Ottawa, en- | Mrs. W. B Dalton, Johnson' street. | Polish and you will find You are col- ir na ce. befallen him, ! tertained at a week end tea in honor Mrs, K: M. Saunders and Miss| lec 4 he . d f catbering it and when I took food, felt wretched t is, I shall re-| of Mrs, Buxton Smith, Kingston. Kathleen Saunders left on Monday | lecting the dust instead of scattering it. and sleepy. 1 suffered "from Rheu- | Mrs. J. P. Fisher also gave an in-| for a visit in Ottawa. { Incidentally you will remove all finger marks'and scum and leave a bright and who I he is has what a Just as vivia ter from ed in gun her son as I Gordon, ard nothing tell } she matism dreadfully, with pains in my i { formal tea for Mrs. Buxton Smith on Mrs. McQueston and the Misses | e, she h back and joints, and my hands swollen, mw nr i or A friend advised "'Fruit-a-tives" and have endured from the outset, they did me good. | perilous voyage | Tr ¥ 3 After the first box, I felt I was getting | hagen, snd the packet in a bank well and 1 can truthfully say that 10 my way not have the heart ' jalg have. been ve k ) nba : "Fruit-a-tives" is the only medicine Sells ah 5 3 oo ) re 1, because | ey looked up the co . $ that helped me". LOUIS LABRI] vokeq BEL ER admit, even ye ch, hay y oo i fron ' John will not 0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. Mypour Uncle John hie Tioke Fi? Atall dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- letters that nd has takéf a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Very Yokelsul Kiera of himself in I ---------------- | find Him QL Lug that it hard for | i eg omaae = " 0 tha ley xo at he had not been | ' any American iimself in this emer- | Dandruff Germs | > . 0, the faet that no are very small, but and Begin, 8 ? a Lrsace Of been found almost with eir APOTLE am I ¢ I 5 HERPICIDE the front 'thyself, if 1 can obtain the t he must be alive./ fi ary permission cating to you the old | a Duy will find them all necessary pe sion, a long time ago that packet with me and end it to you in case 1 happen to him. 1 can you wrote reacied from there here I'he embs come been those such all his could obta | prisoners bre pnd 1 me You kno ¥ I have go often) Ce arrange it through sc : 2 vi » {of Uncle John's here? © ch ayself that=he has | hig financial interests resulted fn H$ having connections almost where, and I find that the here with whom he di 1 very powerful promised to help me "1 cannot help believ German authorities concea the fact that they have taken Uncle | John prisoner The government trying very hard to remain on friend lly terms with the United States, and it is not permitting any informatior to become public which would tend | to increase the popular resentment against America Of course, Uncle! as John is not widely known Ger-! hardly dared to hope many, but the fact that he is an ever would react e, American and had been aiding the When | looked up I saw that Syl- | French would add that much to the via wa me curiously, her | every day seemed et tata ¢ . | hard feeling which already exists if 'great ixed upon me with | | the fact 'became known Uncle John's German friends do not think | that there is much chance of getting more patheti that devotion which| | information about him, and even if wit | I should not cause] even though: it| { melancholy pleas- oubles to you 1 rstand why have | the trust whi¢h he) You may hel 'nd you the packet | ah learn the truth) I after a few more | r her desire to find | ickly a8 possible » the tipited States eafn, she said, just vould, although "she that her letters ever men, and FOR SALE +183 Acres, $6200 Four miles from city. Good buildings; well watered. =] W. H. Godwin & Son 89 Brock Street' Phone 424 ng that the are ing She would wr oon watcehlr Own eves expressior ) Erow more and | s not bad news, I hope, Rox- venuured repli dear fr | they do learn where he is they do ane," she No," 1 ' Ld | not expect to obtain his release with | out a great dedl of trouble. But | rimming "Just a letter from a very end who has met a The Whig's Daily Men | -~ On chest and face. Formed | » , a crust. Scratched and it | spread. Could not rest. Used | two boxes Cuticura Ointment and one cake Soap and was | | completely healed. From signed statement of Miss | Lillian ricks, S. Waterville, N. S., Dec. 12, 1916. | You may rely on Cuticura Soap and | Ointment to care for your skin, scalp, hair and hands. Nothing better to clear | the skin of pimples, blotches, redness, and roughness, the scalp of dandruff and c Bt un itching and the hands of chapping and | or on soreness. Cuticura Soap BAK daily for | Coffee or Cocon the toilet means skin. health from in. | fancy to age. Start life with a clear | skin and good hair. ! For Free Sample Each by Mail ad. | Cocoanut Pudding, can fresh grated cocoanut finely diced or ecrum- hed br 4 cup sugar, 1 cup milk, 2 eggs, pinch of salt. 1 level teaspoon butter Utensils--Mixing ing cups, tea then bakedish Direc Menu for Thursday Mater : BREAKFAST Oranges Oatmenl Serambled Eggs with Crisp Ham . ' > bowl, 2 measur- poon, eggheater, ear- ggs, sugar, salt and milk dd cocoanut Egg Salad without pressing. Butter earthen Sliced Pineapple bakedisgh; put in half the bread, half dress post-card; ""Cuticura, Dept. A, | Ten or Huttermilk the cocoanut mixture, the rest of the DINNER bread and balance of cocoanut. om, U.S. A." Sold everywhere. Baked Reef Ple with Hominy In- Dread COLGARRE o, . bake i > by stead of Potatoes pread cocoanut o top; bake in bread is best. G 5 Creamed New C(abhage. low hour LASCO and can be served Jellied Bananas Bran or whole wheat | Coftee t is rather thick P Scot I M alade with lemon or orange sauce. and Jam. RRR In glass and tins. ._. . _-- Baker's Fresh Grated Cocoanut with FER Fl" p © the milk, 13¢ per tin. D. COUPER Phone 76. 841-3 Princess St. Prompt Delivery. RECOVERY OF » NEW JERSEY tions Beat LUNCHEON OR SUPPER Bean Seup with Ham Flavor toget oven one BROCADE AS SUBSTITUTE FOR LEATHER IN BOOTS, The newest hung fn fashionable footwéar in New York is shoes of gold brocaded cloth. Dame fashion does not limit her genius to creat ing only gowns, pretty frocks and charmi bonnets, Shoes Such testimony should be accepted by | attention at this moment, and the above . the most a he women as evidence of | ever left her shop. The advancing price of leather has something to do with this innovation. The makers of footwear decided that something remedies to all women as have uhed Shem, with good results. s+ ILFORD T. CuMMINGS, 24 New Street, Bridgeton, Friday afternoon, 7 - * A most enjoyable dance was held at the Yacht Club on Tuesday even- Mrs. Hugh father, "the Hon. Bagot street, Miss Gertrude Fortescu® returned to Montreal after spending a couple of days in town. Miss Mabel Day, who tras (siting Mrs. Walt Bates, City, has returnedj home. . * Osler is visiting her William Harty, been Jersey i D. Hart, New York, who week-end in Ottawa Mrs. W. spent the with great misfortund." She got up and 'conie over me. * "It is too bad," beside she said "It seems that you are listening to some-. body's troubles all the time. Why can't we all be happy?" ' I repeated sadly, "why (To Be Continued.) HELPED IN OIL FIELDS. Drillers From Lambton County Were "in Roumania. Oil drillers from Lambton County were in Roumania as oil drillers from Lambton County are in all parts of the easth where wells have to be sunk. Two or three advance agents of the exodus of Canadian oil drillers from Roumania have already been heard from. Their story is a record of good work for the allies and of disappointment for Germany in the oil fields of Rou- mania. ' Roumanta's 1915 production of oil was 12,000,000 barrels, value $30,- 000,000, at $2.50 per barrel. The world's production of oil ts 425,000,- 000. Roumania"s output of oil was 3 per cent. of the world's production in 1915. Germamy's conquest of the Roumanian oil - fields was expected to give the Teutons an immediate supply of 1,000,000 barrels of oil per month from Roumania with the extra supply secured when Germany speeded up. production. Oil drillers from Lambton: County report that the Roumanian produc- tion of oil will British officers oil fields. in the Roumanian Their letters tell of the complete destruction of, machinery | the ro ry and buildings in fields. As for the wells;*a Canadian the | a a HEINOUS CRIMINALS NOT GOOD SOLDIERS | Minister of Militia Deprecates be absolirtely nil | until new wells are drilled. The Ca- | nadian oil drillers worked with the | McQueston, Hamilton, the Belvidere while in W.M.S8. convention, Major and "Mrs. F. have been the guests | Mrs, Angus Mackenzie, returned to Kingston Major Carr Harris, the guest of Mr. and Harris, Ottawa, = * . 7 Dr. find Mrs. John HW. Bell, Ham Iton, are in Ottawa Lieut.<Col, McKelvey I Bell. Mrs. R. J. M. Webb in Kingston with her son, Pte, Cecil] Webbe, - Releasing Them Ottawa, May 2.--T official the Minister of "There seems to Militia tendency where men erimes have been rem tence to allow them pended sentence in might enlist and appea "Sir Edward Kemp precates this course of throughout found gul he does not believe t would make and, moreover, that they would be ranks.""' We On April 26th Re Martin 'and Mrs. celebrated the diamonc niversary. April 26th celebration for was not only but also sary of her birth, is in his eighty-sixth the dis waMning, says: f "Iron was dropped down the bore of every well and concrete poured in | on top of the iron. When the drill gets through the comerete it strikes | the iron. and round. before the Roumanian oil fields are again on a producing basis." Enquiry at the head office of the Imperial Oil Co. today did not bear out the theory that Germany could not sink new wells in the Roumanian oil fields in less tham three years. Reports of destruction are so com- plete as to make it certain that Ger- many cannot get oil without sinking new wells. The Roumanian oil fields oppose a hard formation to the drills and the authorities of the Imperial Oil Co. state that six months is a minimum time for drill- ing a shallow well in Roumania and eighteen months a minimum time for the deeper wells. British engineers and Canadian oil drillers seem to have combined to disappoint Ger- many's hopes of securing an imme- diate supply of oil froin the Rou- manian wells, An Echo of 1914, In its annual trade review Monetary Times says: Prior to Au- gust, 1914, settlements at Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Que- bec, Halifax, St. John, and Victoria were made in legals notes), but the following when money began to get tight, the banks wished to concentrate and cen- tralize cash reserves. at convenient points, and accordingly arranged for settlement of daily balances by means of cash only at Montreal, To- ronto, Winnipeg, and Vancouver. it -was decided that henceforth Quebec; Halifax, ' 8t. John, and Vietoria should settle by draft on Montreal. But in the Deginning of October, 1914, the British Admiralty advised the Canadian authorities that it was likely Victoria and Vancouver would be bombarded as a result of the op- | erations of the German squadron (commanded by Von Spee) in the Pacific Ocean. The banks repre- sented at the Pacific Coast, forth- | with, made rush shipments of legals, gold, and a large portion of ° their to Winai for safety, and it was arranged that Vaneouver should settle by draft on Winnipeg. When all danger of bombardment had passed, it was decided that on and after Ist May, 1915, the Van- couver clearing house should séttle daily balances By means of legal ten- ders and the Canadian Bankers' As- sociation ruled that after the same date all other clearing houses in cut and design as one's had come to stay. SGT RR Brush Columbia (ke, Victoria and ew Westm. nster) were to settle uy draft on Yaocemve:. « The (Dominion | month. | The drill will go round | It will be three years | Hm vy \AALA AY PYIIIY TIX are Being Unwelcome. memorandum was i be a growing the country Ity of certain order case of crimes of serious nature, dependable he does not consider Martin, Mrs, the eighty-second Rev. staying at town for the "Eaton, who | of Mr. and] Ottawa, have { | | Kingstion, is | Mrs. W. Dale visit to and Mrs. | on a jell shining surface. Dust the "O-Ceder Way." Channell Chemical Company, Limited Toroato 369 Sorauren Aveaue - - ™ | e, Trenton, is] . Get it fro r dealer of ros. to Enlist, following ued by he inded for sen- to go on sus that they! r in uniform strongly de- faction in'the as such men soldiers, hat 2lcomed in the ! Vv. Alexander | Belleville, | i wedding an- |' was a double for it jubilee anniver- Martin Wm. H. Martin, amond Mr. year. Editor Bainbridge, socialist demo- | crag was found guilty Tofpnto, but was released of sedition at with al nm i OY ne MAN enuine red "SURNAM DUPLEX RAZOR C vet blip It does everything a ten- cent cleanser will do-- and goes twice as far! Dunn Limited 'Every reader of this § paper may secure AGENTS MONTREAL a "I, a = "Mv | A Light, Fluffy Cake? It Depends Upon Your Sugar In making cake, watch your sugar closely-- sugar which is lumpy and does not readily dissolve is hard to cream with the shortening. The grainy texture is difficult to * 'beat out" is very finely granulated, dissolves readily, and quickly releases its refined sweelness, Brown sugar makes a moist cake, pow- dered sugar a dry cake, granulated sugar the cake of the finest texture, Dominion Crystal Granulated the just right cake. For a boiled icing, employ Dominion Crystal Icing Sugar apply it while the cake is still warm. Take a silver knife and erease the icingmhen firm and it will not chip when ht. ) Dominion Crystal Sugar is the only sugar that may rightly be called 'Canadian from the ground up." We do import the finest of raw cane sugar and refine it. the product we make from Canadian sugar beets--its use is dictated by good judgment as well as patriotism, Bat our pride is in Dominion Sugar Co., Limited Wallaceburg Chatham # Kitchener . sf ¥ 0. Ltd., 43 Victoria, St, TORONTO, ONT., CANADA. Tre YI Ah I a EE YI IL IYYS o EL 2 = BE > $0 7 - ; YY VY YY VY VY YY Cr ,