Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Dec 1914, p. 7

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of banking correspondents, is enabled Dominion, to offer its custo- exceptional Cicllics Tor the transacion of thelr Anameial ai py Lh rms mms trees samen sans, eae $6,307,978 sesnenness $5,000,000 fe : THOURBORATED BANK or TORONTO ry - GREETINGS The compliments of the se.son to all. To the builders and contractors of Kingston 1 extend my hearty thanks for their patrons age during the past year, apd cheerfully solicit their trade for the coming season, 1 say cheertull because 1 am confident I have as - good to offer. as the best, and my prices are right. Phone 1396. A. Neal, Kingston Brick Yard Phone 1396 For y Sale Good brick house, 6 rooms, and stable, together with 25 lots, well situated, all for $3500. J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 8 BROOK ST. No Advance in Prices In Al Our Lines of Boots and Shoes For fall and winter we car ry a complete line of Meg's, Ladies' and Ohildren's F wear, manufactured by i best American and Canadian manufacturers, at the lowest Prices in the city. Give us a call and be convinced. H. B. WARTELL S48 KING STRERY Phone 1879 Give this Welsbach Reflex Gas Light to some one for That will give pleasure ail The year through, ean be lighted WITHOUT MATCHES Simply pull the chain PRICE AS SHOWN, $2.5 Cheaper inverted lights, 70c¢. and up. For sale by DAVID HALL "Phone 3345, 66 Brock St. for New Year's Day Our engraving expert is prepared to engrave your earls in time for New Year's day. He is the only copper-plate engraver in Kingston. RODGER'S | %aT King 8. Where the Clack ta o- the Walk JOHN DRIVER, Representative, Are Offering Xmas and New Year's Choc olates, perfumes and cigars, put up in special packages at cost, from now until New Year's HOAG'S "DRUG ~ STORE|: Opposite XY. M. C. A. . . Om, At the request of a large number of citizens, I an- nounce myself a can- didate for Mayor for 1915 and respectfully solicit your votes and influence. R. D. Sutherland - Rideau Ward GEORGE LATURNEY - For Alderman: RIDEAU WARD W. R. Clugston, Solicits the vote and inHu-|: ence of the electors for re- election as alderman, for 1915, All his property inter- ests are in this ward. Frontenac Ward Sebi HORACE F. NORMAN Solic ts Your vote for Ald r- Hombay is encolraging wheat gw. piano | King. sirect. Leave orders at Me- Ncember 16th, man for the Two Year Tern|s. Ld cn Sar SU BA NOTES AND. ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST sein ~--What the Merchants Offer to thé Readers of the Whig. Shot whic bottles" at Gibsons y de, kingston,' sudden- bp in bin oh A William Swaine, tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 564. E. W, Waldron has leit for Eng. land and the continent on a basi Cough Syrup," 13c. There was but one drunk in the police court on Tuesday morning and he was given a chabce. tuter, 21 \uley's book store. The road ib Cataraqui is greatly drifted. n are busily engag- ed in di apt the drifts. i digging a thermometers' son's, a Thomas" Mackenzie, Deseronto, re- culled to the colors at the beginning of the t war, is acting as guard at Marlborough House, one of the Te sidences of Queen Alexandra. aged Baby Cough Syrup," Gibs D. oa 'Reynolds, travelling inspect- or of immigration, department of the interior, ' Ottawa, came to Kingston to attend the banquet of Ancient St. John's lodge, No.3, A. F. & AM, on Monday night. ' "Buy cough syrups' at Gibson's. J. McCrae, B.A., Queen's Theologi- cal College, is spending his vacation with his parents, Rev. D. I. McCrae, D.D., an Mrs. McCrae, Hamilton Road Presbyterian manse, London, Ont. On 'Sunday he preached in St. Paul's Church, West London, in the morning, and in Chelsea Green in the evening. at Gib- 15¢« Harrowsmith Happenings Harrowsmith, Dec. 28,-- Among the many Christmas visitors were Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Hunter, of Belleville, Mrs. J. C. Ash and Morley Day and family, of Belle- ville at E. E. Day's; Malcolm Knapp and daughter, Gladys, at J. Clow's; on :hibald Forsythe, of Toronte, at 3. Stewart's. Mr, and Mrs. J. S. 3 <FRATURE . ACTS 3 And "DRAMAS 10, any tat. Eric 10c; reserved Bc extra. FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY WAGSTAFF'S Fine Old English PLUM PUDDINGS TEA, COFFEE AND . .COCOA 7% The best in the city at the 'unique grocery and meat market. 'c. H PICKERING 490 Princess St. Phone 530 A NEW CEREAL Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal This is not only a medicinal cereal but is tasty as well. It is delicious as a cereal or made in pan-cakes. Trial size .... 10 ets. leguiar size .. . 25 cts. At Your Family Grocers. Sallaghar accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Robert Miller of Wilton, spent Christmas day with A. Gallagher and family at Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Lg¢ggett, of Ottawa, 'are spend- ng a few days with friends here. are with Mrs. Ross' parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wilmot Guess. Dr. McPherson, of Ottawa, called on friends on Christmas day. Miss Ila Taylor, of Deseronto, and Miss Pearl Switzer, of Wilton, at J. Clow's. Miss Nellle Boyce and sister, Velma, are spending twb weeks with their sisters in Toronto and St. Cathar- ines. - Clarence Copp, C.P.R. agent is with friends at Havelock for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gal- braith, Colebrook, spent Christmas with Mr. @nd Mrs. Grant Day Mount Wiew. George Pixley, Guelph Azri- cultural College, is spending two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmuud Pixley, Mount View. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wilkins spent ! Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. C. Knapp, Sydenham. Sidney Hicks, Sydenham, at his brother's, Charles Hicks.' Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Shib- ley and children at S. Winter's, Yar- ker. Miss Olive Godfrey and Mr. | Hazlett, of Kingston, at W. J. God- frey's. W. Cooper and sisters, Miss Jessie and Miss Jennie, spent a | few days '~ct week with friends at Godfrey. The annual entertainment | was well attended and over $30. was realized. Died at Collins Bay. Collins Bay, Dec. &5,---The Lanpy re ease of a long and patient suf- ferer 'by death, in the person of Miss Catherine Lucretia McKay, daugh- ter of Apgus MvKay and Margaret McGinnis, occurred on the morning of December 23rd. MY, McKay was a Glengarry Scotchman and settled on Amherst Isldnd many years ago directly op- posite Bath, where he and 'his next neighbor, J. Scotf, were long and well known and the McGinnis fami- ly wére of the first settlers of the | island. J Of the family, eight in number, four, William Randall, Mrs. Robert Henderson, Lucretia and Charles are now deceased and the survivors are: Mrs. Andrew Howard, George wd Miss Mary E., of this place and Mrs. David Henderson, Winnipeg. After the decease of Mrs. Angus McKay, a widow, in January 1890, tho family left the island to reside here almost continuously since, The funeral was condhcted by the Rev. Mr, Elliott on Christmas day to Forward's vault where they will ave 10 wait interment in the fami- Ty plot in the Church of England graveyard at Bath, At F Pleasant | Valley. Pleasant Valley, Dec." 24--~On De- Charles Sigsworth, of hia place, was united in marriage to iss Mabel Allen, of Alymer, Que. They will reside in their béw home here. The concert given ia the school house in aid of the soldiers was well attended. The proceeds amounted to £19. W, Whitty, Kingston, visited his hrothus, E. Whitty, Inst week, Mrs. Wilkins" snd Mrs. J. Grant, \oro"| na, 'were | recent i HE here. Migs | Lorena Sigsworth attended the wed- ding of her brother at Alyuer, 8. Boyce, G. Whitty and iss Violet | Sigsworth are home from high school | for the holidays. The teac Miss Gallagher, is spending the holidays at her howe in Newboro, "Hot water bottles" at Gibson's. Qearee White. of Taton, Ohio, is _ 8 pew variety of chicken oy doe She, shorusess Lob ata legs. hy , 156." Gibeon:s. Ww. Chapmas was nominated as ly trustee in Frontenac Monday. "100+ Blaud's Pills, 236." Gibson's. Fowperor William of Germany is said Ve heavy investments in the Un States. "Hot water bottles" at Gilwon Mr. and Mrs. Bert Boss, of Toronto, | and Mrs. | ; sheep, !{ $7.75; butchers, FENWICK, SBNDRY & Co. ributors.) LIVE STOCK MARKETS The Prices Paid at the Various Cen- tres. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, 28.--Receipts light, 16 cars, 227 cat- tle, 422 hogs, no sheep and as and no ealves, 20 horses. Cattle--There was one load of good butchers' heifers that sold for %7.2 but the bulk were canners and cutters which sold at same prices as last Thursday, Choice butchers' steers, nominal; good butchers steers, nom- : medium butchers' steers, nom- mal; common butchers' steers, $5 to $5. 5; choice butchers' heilers, $7 to $7.25; common. butchers', heifers, $6.50 to $6.75; choice cows, $6.25 to $6.50; good oo 85.50 to $5.75; canners, . 50 to $4.25 Feeders and stockers--Market nom inal, no sales report Choice steers, $6.25 to $6.50; medium steers, £5.75 to $6.25; Poy $1 10 8.75. Milkers and springers--Market nom. inal at $60 to $90. each. Calves--No offerings, hut prices would be nominal. hoice veals, $9 Dec. i to $10, common to good, $5 to $5. Sheep, #1 to 5; culls and rams, 82 to #4; lambs, choice ewes and weth- ers, ¥8 to $8.50; heavy lambs, $7 to $7.50, Hogs--Unchanged. Selected, ied and Ww atered, £7.25 to $6.90 f.o.b. cars, and ¥7.50 weighed off cars. Murtreal Live Stock. Montreal, Dec. 28. -- Trade was dull at the West End market to-day there being only "he carload of prime i cattle on the market, and these were held because of the low prices pre- vailing, the drover declaring that the | best offer received being a dollar per head less than the cattle cost at Bow- manville, Ont. Receipts--Cattle, 500; calves, 100, sheep and lambs, 300; hogs, 1,100. Common and medium cattle, 5 1-2¢ to near 7c; calves, 4 1-2¢ to 8c; bc; lambs, 8c; hogs, Sc. Buffalo Live Stock East Buffalo, N.Y., Dec. 28. tle--Receipts 1,200; active; prime Steers, $9 to $9 50; shipping. $8 to $6.50 to $8.75 heif- ers, $6 to $8.25; cows, $4 to $7; bulls $4.50 to $8. 7 Veals-- Receipt $10.50. Hogs Receipt: ae heavy, $7.26; mixed, $7.2 Yorkers and pigs, $7.40 rouglis, $6.25 to $6.40; to $86. . Cat- 500; active, $1 to eit; SOW ; 5 to $7.35; to $7.50; stags, $5.50 Sheep and lambe--Receipts 10,000 active; lambs, $5 to $9; yearlings, $5 to $7.75; welners, $5.75 to $6.25; ewes, $3.50 to $5.50;sheep, mixed, $6.50 to $5.75. Chicago Live Stock Chicago, Dec. 28.--Cattle -- Re- ceipts 19,000; market weak; native steers, $5.40 to $9.85: western steers $5.15 to $8; cows and heifers, $3.15 to $8.20; calves, $7.25 to $9.75. Hogs --- Retoipts 24,000; market strong; light, $6.85 to $7. 25; mixed, $7 to $7.40; heavy, $6.95 to $7.45; rough, $6.95 to $7.10; pigs, $5.75 to $7.85; bulk of sales, $7. 20 to $7.3 Sheep ~~ Receipts 15,000; is strong; sheep $5.85 to $6.80; year- lings, $6.90 to $7.90; lambs, native, i 37. to $8. 35. . Wolfe Island Council Wolfe Island, Dec. 28--The Wolfe lelapd council for 1915 was to-day elected Ly acclamation and the same as lust year. Dr. William Spankie is reeve and Daniel McLaren, John Me- ward on Glyan, Stirling Orr and George @il- smber of ; luspie are councillors, the only oth- !er one being noidinated was W. I. Wootmas, 'as councillor, avd he Sadrete. bie name. was wo 'me. proposed for reeve but ne aT la whieh rbows (ho condi nee placed in nit bY the ratepayers of the to Pp. li J : Y FOR OFFICE WORK, a YOUNG LAWY quainted with figures, goply with references, box 82 x ae PERSON MAY pp pL ports NX, $1 ve & A Doi i ge you to TULNGE MEN WANTED 10 PREPARE for tel aph. positions on Cana- dian r ys. Our students re- + ceive positions immediately upon graduation and $75 to $90 mouthly to start. Free railway pass (o school and to destination when qualified. Tuition" fees moderate. Fer particulars apply The Dier. Graham Telegraph School, 152 Bank Street, Ottawa . TEACHERS WANTED PEACHER FOR S. S. NO. 2, Island. mal trained: $500 App I. Greenwood, Treas, Wc QUALIFIED IACHER, FPROTEST- ant, for 8. 8. No. 10, Stofs lng on; duties to commence Jan. 4th, 1915, Apply to Henry Scott, See, Batter- sea. A TEACHER FOR § S§ NO. 3 KALA. dar, salary $350. Apply, stating quakififications to Henry Allport, secretary -treasurer, Kaladar tion, Ont. WANTED GENERAL BEDROOM SITTING ROOM" WITH OR .. without board for young married couple, preferably in vicinity of Brock or University avenue. Ap- ply, Box 28 Whig. GENTLEMEN TO BRING Hen cloth and have It made up Into up- to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guarante ing and repairin shortest notice. +131 Br Garage homas Galloway, street, near Bibby's POSITION WANTED EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER wants w ork by the day. Apply Box C. B., Whig office. BUSINESS NOTICES. JOREPH Buse 6 CHESTNUT ST. HAS [ ue a quarry on Stephen St vig ult ing and Tough stone Are Supblied promptly reasonable PERSONAL LOST. sta- t PURSE CONTAINING MONEY, stamps and other "articles, on Thursday evening: or Saturday. Re ward *f returned to Whig office, ¢ PRINCESS, BARRIE OR CLERGY streets, Saturday evening, Dec. 19th, a pair of rimless eyeglass- es on a gunmetal aute catch. Finder please return to Whig office STRAYED, 525 BROCK ST. A HOU ND. er may 1 have same by property cand "paying for tisement. OWN. proving adver TO-LET TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, Once 26ec, thres times 80c. STORAGE Fon FURNITURE, Sled and dry. McCann, $2 no ok TWO BEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING room, furnished. Apply to 19% Stuart St TWO. BEDROOMS, floor, furnished Whig office, ON BATHROOM Apply, Box 249 OFFICES nw CLARENCE bers. dle, 79 ST. OMA. ApPIY to Sitaiagnam & Mu- rence VN. Mc- 82 OWELEINGS, FURNISHED AND furnished; stores, offices, etc. Cann's Real Estate Agency, Brock: St. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN, airy rooms; your own lock and py Frost's Cty o> Storage, 299 Queen St. Phone §26b EIGnT ROOMED WH HOUSE, ALMOST new, modern tmprovements, corner Ulvistor n_ and Quebec streets. Apply to D. Boyd, 106 Pine Street MEDICA L STUART M. POLSON, M.A, M.D.C.M. former house surgeon Manhattan, ye, ear, nose, and throat hospital, New Yo wrk Office, 132 Wellington, opposite pos: office, Office hours, 3 aw, 2-4 pm, 7-8 p.m. Phone DENTAI Er -- A. E. KNAPP, BA. LDS, DDS, RE. moved to 268 Princess Strest SPARKS AND SPARKS, 150 WwW lington ot (over Carnovsky's) Phone 3 DR, C. C. NASH, DENTIST: DR. B. Renton, assistant. 133 ers Street. Phone 736. §. H. SIMPSON, L.D.S, D.D.S., DENT. ist, corner = Princess and Bagot streets. ¥ntrance on Bagot street CATERING WE _CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding breakfasts, banquets, ete algo rent dishes, table 1 and silverware. Reid and Hambrook M. P. Reld, 30 5 nion Street. F. C Hambrook, 76 Alfred Btreet Phones 843 or 13% 3. ARCHETICT setae mri 2 SP WM. NEWLANDS & SoN, ARCHI- tect ete Offices, 258 Bagot 8 Phone 61 HAIR, MOLKS, WARTS, BIRTHM A RKS and all growths and skin blemish. "es removed permanently, without Sear; 30 {ory exberleside. Dr. El- Eye, Ba Nose oat 'and skin Specialist '268 Be got street. LEGAL. a-------- CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS. ters and soleftors Law office, 74 Clarence street. Kingston. FOR SALE OR TO LET A SEVEN ROOM FRAME with furpace, B. and C., light; on Montreal St Tis Bond. 26 Frontenac 743 electric Apply to A St. ARCHITECTS, MER Building, Cor Wellington street OWER & SON, chants' Bank Brock ai 1g Drop a card MUSIO. MUSIC AND DRAMATIO INSTRUO tion, 216 Frontenac St. Miss Norms Telgmanun, Alida Telgmaun, B.B O. F. Telgmann, teachers of slocu. tion, olano. violin and all stringed \nstruments. HOUSE, Phone . BUSINESS CHANCE CAN START 1ess at home: no ANYONE ANYWHE nr a mail order bus Canvas ) Send Hes = Ble | fl» THE PEOPLE'S FORUM FOR SALE. HESE EFFECTIVE. ADVTS, Of r little. NC three Ten, S005 one week, GEESE FEATHERS. APPLY ka ums, Goldman ; 987 Division St. FOR SALE, CHE TWO 00D work Br Kind in ail har Apply Box 21, Whig office. ------ AIREDALE BITCH Poss, 214 Willlam Bt, mt. oe mttaer IFFICE DESK. SIX FEET LoNGL dn. high in front ad 0s In gh at back. Three drawersam top shelf. Slightly used. Avpiy + British Whig office. LARGE VARIETY. OF RANGES AND a number of first-class heaters at Tow brices; also a' big stoek of furs ria J. Thompson, 333 Princess LH Pion 1600. 3 terms; , a8 ow leaving city sewing mas chine, in Very good condition. Ap«< Ply, 20 Barrie street. must be s \ LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES also Dunlop tires] at $2.00 11 orders promptly attended to for carpet cleaning and laying. George Muller, 3738 King St. HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL OX fords, and other cook en, Qu ec's, pugs and square ga these in first class sb close them out at verde fits. Turk's "Phone, 7 INE PURE BRED NOLSTEIN Uhl twenty months old, eholcost > ing. Grand head for any herd Pure bred bull - calf {Kothdyke). Also five head pure ed Priced low for quick sale. Guess, R. R. No. 2, Eiginburg, Tg SMALL FARM, ABOUT 30 ACRES, large stone house, Jorge barns, stables, sheds, hog pens, outside city limits and ORT aia Trunk station.. Apply to Wi Ther= is it, owner, premises, ad on LDSPAR AND station, 10USES, YORK LARGE LOT SE. 6 ROOMS, HOUSE, MARK. INSURANCE AND 2, 87 Clarence St PEt bbb bbb bbb ddd TELEGRAPHY. - Civil Service, Shorthand, % Typewriting, Bookkeeping, % Banking and General Improve- ¢ ment. Day and Night Classes. & Kingston Business College, # Limited, $ Head of Queen Street. Rates # Moderate, Phone 440, H. F. # Metcalfe. &» debdebedld dood ded dob dedededeodob dui dd FINANCIAL. FRONTENA ment "Soc cident, c 5,000--BRIC K HOUSE, + * + * +» + + +* + LOAN AND INV incorporated « alo nel Henry « city al "and country debent : tgages purchased: deposi eceived and interest ale lowed 3, C. MEG Manager, 87 Clarence LONDON AND Gi Fire Ingurand 2ombany., Avaliable assets $61,187 In addition io which the policyholders have the unlimited Jiability of property, insured at lowest rates Before renewin new business ge rot Strange & Strange, P hone AVERPOOL, UPHOLSTERING. . GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE- and carpet work, and s renovating. Drop a card or call 21% Bagot Street. News From Wagarvile. Wagarville, Dee The sugar par ty at Ch: arles Goodberry"s was a de cided success. Dancing was indulged in until an early hour. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Raymond are spending the hotidays with relatives here. Day- mond Goodberry and 'mother are vis- iting relatives at Vérona. AH are glad to see "Tip" Wagar out again. William MeCumbér, Jy pent Christ. mas at William Goodfellow 's, Parham. Mrs, Jackson and Mrs, W. A. Wagar wade a flving trip to the Limestone City recently. A pumber from here attended the Christmas tree at Par ham. Harvey Cronk is spending a few days at' Shaononvile. Walter Snider has left to attend the Ontario Busitiess College at Belleville, C. M Jackson, who has beenzbn the sick list, is much improved, A large num ber from here intend taking in the kitchen shower at Thomas Cox's, Echo Lake. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. F. Kurkham, at 1. M. Stormes'; W. A. Cousins and family at William Row- ley's, George Howes and family, at Parham: E. Uox, at" Joseph Cox's; Wellia Goodbetry spent Christmas un- der the parental roof; F. Peters and family, at Titus Wagar's. The stork has. visited this vicinity, leav ing a wee baby girl to bri hiten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wagar 28 Phitipsvilte Tidings. 'Philipsville, Dec. 285.-Mr. and Mrs. William Laishley, Toronto, are the uests of W. I. helps d during the ristmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Eyre, Chantry, were week-end guests of Miss I. Plackbwn. W. J; Karl and sisters had Christmas din. ner with their brother, Harmon Earl, on the farm. J. V. Philips snd family had Christmas dinner in their new residence. Acheson Bros. shipped, a car of stock to Routes] on Saturday. Two weeks a they shipped two cars to Mon real and one car to Toronto. Miss Tacile Whitmore is home from the Broek- iy. | 7100 Band's Pills, Be." Gilwon's, ville Collegiate for the holidays, = Peer is learning Philipsville whe a as Montreal, is spending Bt week "with his mother, Mrs. J. Downey. A bundles of clothing, dy Jrom this village to - the avs and they wore comprised of n lot 'of few goods. - The three No- {ion wi ie Poe Tn t te, Mi. Mee. John Nolan a our good coal. S livery When the coal bin needs it use Quick orderly de- and carefid preparation over the screen. Charleston Episodes, Charleston, Dec, 28.--Miss nie Eyre is engaged to teach school for another year. King and Mr. and Mrs. E. spent Christmas with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Boulton, Caintown. Mrs wrles Slack, Mrs. M.. J Kavanagh and "Bennie" Slack attended the funeral of their uncle, 'the late A. J. Flood, of Del- fa, at Phillipsville on Thursday, Quite a number attended the Metho- dist" Christmas entertainment at Athens on Christmas night The Misses Julia and Nellie Hudson. Mor- risburg; John and family and Miss Sarah, Drockville; James of Mal- lorytown. and Robert of Watertown, spent Christmas with their brother and sister, Thomas and Miss Fanny Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. H. Latimer spent Christmas with the latter's parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Sterry, of Lyndhurst, W. Taylor, for four. teen years Soman 'and proprietor of Oak Leaf cheese factory, sed it last week to J. Flood, of Majlory- town. Jen our George King - -------------- Frankville . Notes. Frankville, Dee. 28.-.0p Monday svening, last a successful entertain- ment was given in the school howe wt Tehigh Corners. The school 'hildren were instructed by their (en. 'her, Miss Violet Robinson, of Ath ws. A laree crowd from here « 'oN the Toledo etait Mon mas eve. OC. Church has sold "is farm to Mr. Pmvid, of Smith's Palle. Mr. and Mrs. C Sruith | == Christmas at the Soe of her wnf mmm JAMES SWIFT & 00 Township of Kingston Byron Gordon, Glenvale, solicits the votes and Influence of the ratepayers of Jie rors "hip of Kingston, as Reeve or o | COAL The kind you are looks ing fof is the kind we sell Scranton Coal Is good Coal and we guarantee prewmpt de- livery & CO. Foot of West St. "She. Emulsion 25¢." Gibson's. Horace Nelson Patterson ted with the loéal service of Send Trunk Railway, saturday, follow of sight months. The og Ts Me. terson was born at Pirfield five vears ago. a sab of Heury torson and, Anus. ah Hae "He. » wer, 1, 8, Chapman, Harlew, EE Ty pe. en 3 WN Pmubeion 806" Gibwo's

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