Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Dec 1914, p. 8

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That is particular about the clothes he wears is not nearly so particular-as we are about the clothes we sell. It's a demonstrated fact that the best -clothes worn in this community are the clothes that are bought here. : a ----~ In conservative styles, dignified garments - of character, all the models that are correct. $12, $15, $18, $20.00 | Young Men's Smart Suits and ~~ Overcoats Showing the snappy kinks in tailoring and the classy fabrics. $15 and $18. i A .w | C. Livingston & Bro. A Little Out of the Way, But It Will Pay You To : Walk WALDRON'S Sasmnsnssspasencessone "Warm Underwear | All the best makes for men, women and children, from 25¢ to $2.50 a garment. PEPPY i ~ . Stockings Heavy wool, the wear well kind, for children fine ribbs and plain cashmere for wo- men and misses; heavy wool and fine cashmere for men, from 25¢ to 75¢ pair. Over-Stockings With and without heels, in red and black, 25¢ to 60c a pair. Se Knitted Coats In all sizes and styles, from 75¢ to $5 each. el (§| Glover family on Thursday after- Watertown Times. I 88 : {land and would have heen DAY, D ON SATURDAY MORNING 43 ------ Whille Talking to An Employee in his|On & Theme of Inténse 'Interest to Store--Ildentified With Firm .of| Them -- Mayor Shaw Very Cab. McKelvey & Birch for Fifty-three] abiy Filled the Chaw Years --Widely Known Business | PASSED AWAY VERY SUDDENLY Death came sith Serrible Sicdentitts on Saturday morning, shortly * | churches. © Pri eight o'clock, to ome of Kingston's gh eh' oldest and best-known business men, Rag ake ou the in the Puree of Sanur] rh - Jug for, and. the several causes of erm, © ve, ireh, e war. ie spoko or t street. He suffered an attack of | that snoutd Brovominate | oi as hops tradile while Walking to one |unigqite Christmas with of the & Ves, In 6 plumbing department, A expired in a few seconds. Dr. G. W. Mylks was ecall- od and the pulmotor from the fi station was' also rushed to the store, but the end had come, Mr. Birch pnssing away at his post. N earth should be remémbered. While not feeling in 'the hest of Mi: gor Shaw. presided. A male health for some time Mr. Birch was [qui. ~tie from St. 'ames chutes ohle to he at the store aud look {g2v¢ a selection, § after all the business which came un- | Ruve recitations, W. Cusick, der his charge. He spent Christmas | TWodsioll and W. lia gave solos, Day ui his bome with his family, [2nd = Miss Goldie Ber cls gave and the gathering was a most bgppy | viol: sole, Miss Ellecn Wright one. Saturday morning he felt quite | WO5 zecompanist, Refreshments well, and as was his usugl enstom | We * served al the close and the he went down to the store between {€¥8h ne closed With the singing of! seven and eight o'clock.: Mr. Sharp [# Yrise of "[nld Lang Syne" und hud just recently completed nn copn- {the aational Anthem. tract out in: the vonpiry, and ahout ali -- 5 eight. o'clock' Mr. Birch was talking A A hrisimas tree entertainment to him. about his work, = when he | Will Le given to the children of the was soizod with the weak spell, whieh Re er ne nil wad sctisod he : : 0 nts, C. E. F,, on tiie] hie Sontl adver & Dirch je | Tuesday afternoon nest row. 2.30 known to every Kingstonlan and is |'© 5 o'clock in the recrexiion room nearly as well known all over eastern {© 10 Tight haif 21s batialion at | >, : fo the: coroer, "of Bagot and Queen | Ontario, as their business extended strat All' the wi a: chil- 1 to many points. John McKelvey and Ben or, these olay oe. an hit} Samuel Birch entered into partner- invited Re re oh ly shin in the business of tinsmithing sorved at the close. The ete) and plumbing fifty-three years ago, din mont 1s being arfanged hy the hut Yio Vivi had been associated with Sold ors' wives League. ; each other for sixty-two years. During the half century the 4wo men wore in business together thev were located in the one store on Brock steect with the exception of about throo years on Wellington sireet, whern they made their firet etart. Fear, a very 'small beginning the business «grew steadily under able management, and soan became known as ane of the bast in its line in Tanada, Gordon was millions countries. Aithough the soldiers were coliged to fight for the sake ef 'their coumtry- jt wos. not" neves- | sary to do this wilh bitierncss bu! the Christmas spirit of peace on { | } i The "vold weather is felt very severely by * the guards! at the wireless | station and ! Fort Heury. Omnithe wireless station | the guard changes sv every half hour | agd the men are then able to spend an hour by the fire. The sentry hox is more of tees of a protection from | the cold, but the men usually find il better to keep walking at a brisk pace ; phtil their- time is up. The guard on The late Mr. Birch wae born in Tra- } the fort is. divided into seven sce- seventy- § tions, Two are 6m the wall that four: vears of aes had he lived until seporates (the « upper from the lower Tounary. 6th. Te came to Canada {court, one section on the gate, and when 'n"lad with his parents; who | th: vemainder are at intervals around loeated in Kinoston. He attended ! the outside. The men's sleeping quar- Tahn 'Hopkina school here nnd learn- | ters sre ¢65d and warm and they are od the tinemithine trade with George | well dothed when on guard duty. "hown. "John McKelvey was fore- -- men in Chown's shop at this time. "Major C. C. Bennett is on the sick Aftor serving a time in this line he list. wont intp plumbing. He had ) "hobby" for this kind of work and made a special study of it. He was regarded: as 'one of the very best ex- (8 § J ot perts on plumbing in the country. miliary dining rooms were prettily hough he took a keen interest | dec rated and during the meal several in the wellarg of his cily, and did | of the officers, their wives and friends much to promote Kts interests, de. | "alted through gave their sea- censed never held say civic office, | 8008 greetings. devatin, ractically all his time to ' yy : the building up of his thusiness, He | Ticut-Col. TL. W, Shannon, A.A.G., served at Cornwall at the time of the [0f No. 1 division at London, was in Fenian Raid in 1885. In religion he the ¢ ty on Saturday. wae a Methodist and a member of Queen Street Church. He was widely known and highly esteemed. He was of a quiet dieposition, of a kindly spirit, and a man who made many friends. The late Mr. Birch married Miss Sarah Conley, of this city, who sur- vives him, with four daughters and a --- Reid and Hambrook catered to the! men of the 24nd battery and they hal feast of good things. All of the The men of the 21st battalion, on | Friday, spent the best holiday thoy | have had since coming About | hali of them accepted an opportunity to go home and the other half were civen a good Christmas dinner and an entertainment. afterwards, 'I'he dinner Nas all that could be desired. On the } rs Fill ¢f fare were roast turkey, oran- Pr. B > r- Sp 3 : ton; 'Mrs. ©. 0. Putnam, tear. [Pere rato hecsing, vam fudding | Y.: Mrs S Graham, Halifax » and | Mince pie, apples, oranges, nuts and; Mine Fi jh poo Alfred ltiea. N. {candics. The same applied to both | alse aie ro a helvés of the battalion, those in the! Xs Lage 2 the North-West, aod Cerenl Works and those in Artillery ian, Pehl Tie Shed Bony Park barracks. I'he 'soldiers are ur vives " grateful to the large number of citi- Iiving in California, and twelve grand- |, o who donated all kinds of good children. things for their Christmas comfort. There is still enough turkey and on New Year's day the hali of the bat-, Death of Robert. Henderson. talion that went home will be given y Robert Biuce Henderson, vhose | 4 slants to appreciate the donations eath occurred a e Hote of the citizens. on Thursday afternoon, was « { he leading photographers ity He was stricken do. Piesday with a pReumonia. -- The late Mr. Henderson was! "Toronto Y.M.C.A, ani Ottawa Y.M. born in Kingston thirty seven years |C.A. have arked . Professor J. M. go, and had always been a resi-|Lanos of the Royal Military College dent of the Limestone city. After to let them have his methods of im- he left school, ie entered the pho- parting colloquial French to the sol- 100 hol The. death SF den Jaser. {ars vo ihe Jud. cantngent an {hex 1d upo he or, {wich to follow alon @ lines whic fourteen years ago, deceased took { are £0 advantageoudty used in con- over the business: Mr. Helidersoninecifon' with the soldiers stationed was a Pregbyterian in religion, andi at Kingston. = This is quite a eompli- wat widely known. here. He was ment to Professor Lanos, and a sii Lv rembai Gf the Indepondent . muldtion to' him in his generous der of Oddfellows. work. > * Deceased is molirned by his mo- thor and two brothers, William B. Hinderson, Rochester, N, Y., and Henry 1. Henderson in the souih-ljeaves for Ottawn the home contin. erm states. The funeral will be : gent will join the officers' training held on: Monday morning fromicorne in connection with Queen's uni- James Reid's undertaking Parions. yereity, They will bo quartered at Rev. J. W. Melntosh will officiate ithe university and will dine as usufl al. rervice, there. It is possible that a third contingent of the eng'neers will be i recruited for overseas service. The Late Mrs. A. Glover. The sad death occurred in the | ----- On Christmas eve fifteen Germans gr sd on } roccivd hers from Ottawa and were in- severe attack of (erned in Fort Henry. { As soon as the overreas contingent of the 5th Co. Queen's Engineers, The Meal Ticket Barometer, 9con Wvhen Mrs. Agnes Glover, A company whith ¢duducts a chain aged seventy-five years expired of rstaurants in, many large cities quite suddenly of heart failure. At says that the average Sthendituze ior 355, the same day «f hea: dea! | ©, meal in these places d ' wis in appaiently go dj within a year from thirty-one to heclth tut a few hours later was'cichteen cents." The price of the food cold in death, Tha !ate Mrs. Glover has not dropped, therefore the reduc {mas born in Ireland and camo , tion means that many are eating less this country whea a young woman. than formerly. . That may be for rea {8he lved at Camdon Est and her sons of economy or health, but pro- {femains were tramsforred there on bably it is for veatons of economy. Friday morning. Dec was a' Incomes have become limited) and or- [Methodist and was beloved by a dinary expenses greater, so large circle. of friends. The sur- economizing all they ean. | Yi¥crs ere three sons, Prof. G. thown in:lssmed travel, Tessened buy- Slovo. Dr. W. R. Glover and Al- ins, and the increased sale in cheaper lover, grocer, all of whom articles of necessity. Jt is a recide in tols oity. {index conditions tha 1 Pe rs exports aud i ris. >On Dec. Bed, at Toronto, Rev. W. way. 'The Ameria 1, G. united in marriage | economy, and it will Mr. and Mrs. for them when the Bécessity fighting for the freedom of their! Giving Everyone An Op- portunity To Purchase That Gift You Have Overlooked Warm Gloves of Many Kinds FOR CHILDREN FOR WOMEN FOR MEN Warm | Underwear i FOR MEN FOR WOMEN FOR CHILDREN A complete stock in each make now ready and all sizes. Hosiery For All The Family Fine Cashmere Stockings for women . .. 3X Special make, 35¢ pair, 3 pairs for Men's Sox, winter weight cashmere Men's Sox, winter weight cashmere Children's Stockings, all wanted makes. This Is a Popular Slipper With the Men | Cholate Kid Rome Slipper, Turn Sole, soft and easy, all sizes, 55 \ to 10. $2.00.} Sc m ¢ in Black Kid, with a little heavier sole,

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