an} Convenience oon waren 4x0 rem 0 laa % ; ta GENERAL INTEREST ' The Bank Toronto, with departments equipped to transact A every appertaining to banking, and with Lappenings in the Olty and Vieiniey » ted throughout the Dominion, and a w=What the Merchants Offer 10 of banking correspondents, is enabled to offer its custos Readers of the Whig exceptional facilities for the transaction of thelr nmancial wi- the Res o falrs, i : ! prfcon sent oy i N AY, 5, 247 IN| 'HESE EFFBCTIV DYTS, CO! orion weather Sunday. I Mat. 10c, any te |ON ed ey i. on mn ttle. Onoe re Fo times, oe Insist" on White Rose flour. Evening, 10c: reserved 5c extra. ' Wellington St. Finder please re- one week, $1.00. © one 4 turn to Whig office and receive How do you feel the day alter? A "Cigars put ly tor Hadid GEESE FEATHERS. ARPLY 10 MARS, 4 : ohotea" Cigar ut up special -- EE ay ii lan i Assets ........... $60,000,000 jy up specially NOTICE. 4 : pi, Jhrmstmas at "Hoag's." 0 LRY - n Masons have big time on Monday, FOR SALE, CHEAP, TWO ¢ quet. Emergency meeting local i : ian. Swaine. piano tuser. 0 > sO ni ! THE BRLVEDIERE, 141 KING ST.) ATREDALE MITCH PUPPY -- Meuley's. Phong 664. Plumbers, 221, to-night at 8 GENERAL LSERVANT. APPLY 4| Furnished suites' at weekly. raion | STEDALE oft, br WE rE 1855 ¢ A --------------------------, S----------------------_. 3 Qurang ex 5. Andrew Harper, North Day, spent p.m. ih Victoria Terrace, Montreal St. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE - Foss, 2314 William Bt, Kingst NK or TORON I D _~ a in, Singsion, visitag ' old T. BLOMELEY, See. COMPETENT = GENERAL SERVANT, io a Ey, McCann, 4 Ra a . dt riends, - y ¥ ; family of two; no washing or iron- : , 2 Cunnil : a Apply 160 Stuart St, - "=| IWWFICE DESK, SIX FE LONG, 11 : H. Cunviogham, piano tuner, 21 Ing. Apply 1 A i 0.8 In high Apply Box 21, Whig office. Plumbers, Attention! ag TTT TT ETT TTR TTT 100 INCORPORATED with installation of officers and ban- mbes, on = samara le eo ont oo the bre ths fea ABVER. | work horses. Kind Th ail' harness TWO BEDROOMS AND ONR SITTING in. high in front and § {ing street. Leave orders at Me- 2 , ' \ roo : Marita Bquare - = Kingsto FO NEW YEAR GEN SE m, furnished, Apply to 198 at back. Three drawersand one : Y : J » lars hook sore. ig RE 8 A Mun Nha sion ns Btuart St. ? ent Slightly used. Apply i BO, B B. McKA - Manager. Splendid skating enjoyed by big DAY Mrs. Nash, 366 Albert St. a r £ offica. £ \ ; rowds at the covered rink on Christ- » ------= |OFFICES IN CLARENCE »T, CHA®. PRERI : : " f Nt . bers. Apply to Cunala & Mo- A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND ---- mas. The ico was fine, WAGSTAFF'S $2800 ANN ALLY. C0 Ar ORATE Yn die, 19 Clafence St" nEham # number of first-olass heaters at . unristmas perfumes in fancy Ct = v Ap Th WOPrrY about tap. a I en © Prices; also a big stock of fur i ackages and in bulk at *'Hoag's." Fine Old English ital. Boyd I. Brown, Parnam £1, | DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND p io Jd. Thompson, 333 Princess === | Major McGillivary, Goronto, will : Omaha, Nebr, ? ed] lores, offices, ete. Jo. 1one 1600. conduct special services _in the Sal- PLUM PUDDINGS = Brock St, tate Aptacy, "XC TARGD NUMBER te 5 i ; : p iN RYH. OF WICYCLRS " vation Army Citaddl on Sunday. ABLE NODIED "MEN. GOOD BYR P 1, for firémen and brakemen, | some eee also Dunlop tires, at $2.40. All The firemen return thanks to many 4 wages: experience unme sr .- | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN orders promptly attended to for an ; + iba : . re re v et cleani 8 ving. > dtizens who remembered them on MINCE MEAT ag. Suate age. Railway, = care A dt ctor a, lock "nd fr Jot. cleaning and laying. George Jhristmas Day with cigars. Insist on - i «ven BL Phone $26b, . | "Hoag's" stock otf Christmas AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY | -- oie HAPPY TROUGHTS, IMPERIAL 2 nocolaies in fancy hoxea cannot he WAGSTAFPF'S $100 monthly corresponding | RIGHT RAOWED HOUSE. ALMOST fords, and ther cook stoves, v The compliments of the se son to all. To the bullders and urpassed in the city, at all prices § Bers: oho canvamsing. new, modern Improvements, corner these oF Sn clas abana . v 4 : pA . . ticulars. Frese Syndi- . ston anh Usbec Streets. Appi 3 contractors of Kingston I extend my hearty thanks for thelr patron- At jhe souiliation mating He cate, 3.965 Lookport, N.Y : » ¢ D. Boyd, 108 Pine Street. v one Sarma nat Yer Cit: 0 nday ) + Shaw ee Sas tne C------ a -- -- . \ TOF age during the past year, and cheerfully solicit their trade for the Ji Ja Op Soncay Vayor BY - will give a resume of the - Jear's ; ArT. [WAVE YOU ANY ABILITY AS A [FLAT IN THE WELLINGTON APART. coming season. 1 say cheerfull because | am confident 1 have as work of the council. TEA, 'COFFEE AND ?t We have 8 proposition ments, 130 "Wellington §t., & 'NE PURE BRED HOLSTEIN BULL Lieut.-Col. W. S. Hughes spent Sh Le RAN You to | rooms, heated, electele fixtures, kas twanty months old, choicest breed good to offer as the best, and my prices are right. Phone 1396. 3hristmas in the city with the battal- earn more monay than wou &tove and laundry tubs, ges graie ing. Grand head COCOA earning at the present time, y jmmediate possession, Apply to F. Pure bred bull / Satur g rvespondence strictly _ cunfide ". Meagher, 09 Lower Albert Et Ca 3 : 3 -on and left 'on Saturday to spend Address to Manager, Box 47, King- Phone 1404. > fauialel . ea d one junday in Ottawa. 3 : ide R. No. 3, Elginburg, . ' Don't you want a box of choice | The best in the city at the . > 7 igars for father, brother or friend volSa NEN WANTED 10 PREPARE MEDICAL. SMALL FARM, ABOUTS i ARES, Y Yhri: 3 i a sition Canas Arge w se, a or Christmas ? Sees our stock. Choose unique grocery and meat rn alan a SE arana: = " €tables, sheds, hog" pens, ete. usp hem mow, at Hoag's 7 > velva positions Immediately upon STUART MM. POLSON, M.A. M.D.OM,, outside city Hmits and near Grana Thirty fiv { Dot b 's volunte graduation and $75. to $90 monthly former. house 'surgeon Manhattan Trunk station. Apply te WA Ther- ---- _-- -- . a : irty-five of eterboro's volunteers market. to start. Fres rallway pases ta Es é, ear, nose. and throat nospital, fault, awner, on premises, or ade «ar overeeas service arrived hare from €chool and to destination wheng ew York. Office, 132 XN "lingtan, dress Kingston post office. \ bs Yh it . : 0 ite poe: office »@ hours, singston, on Christmas eve, A band : qualified. Tultlon fess moderate, yr hrsite Poe, s : For Sale Tam warm weloome. 4 #we| OC. H. PICKERING |. helnJartsuiie daniels Bi bit wm. £4 sm. 1-4 pl Shon avemar. wicies, vatmapn avp hem a warm welcome. Bank Street, Ottawh. 3 3 8 On Saturday morning except for a 90 Princess ho 530 i DENTAL. THRI pd FRAME HOUSES, Yan: § a - + Cheap. Good brick house, 6 rooms, and stable, together ew in the island market there was 4 n 8t. Phone POSITION WANTED AE RNA AA re PE BRT HOUSE, LARGE Lov with 26 lots, well situated, all for $3500. eo Rice of buifer at , | moved to 268 Fufncess Street" a ER at eos } . 8- | he H - " et tes erent pia oH " oN - LI in Wi thang A NE WwW i ERE Al CHILDREN'S NURSE REQUIRES PO. SPARKS AND SPAR ) land St. 8 BROCK BT JX CARRO R AGEN oY PHONE _ & : Sa re chase Brio and sition. Apply Box K, Whig office Jipgton & PARK a Orr a. A "hn CTROM AN, INSURANCE AND t A { JER, epreseniative, A or 1a: f Das . " Al 2 y g wr a Real Estate, £7 Clarence St. having materials for Christmas. at io - Hong's Dr. Jackson's | __-- ict MN Ge ca pn ns eerste: The police detained a German at the . TEACHER FOR S. 8. NO. 2, WOLFE Street." Phone T36- 3 Princess | TELEGRAPHY, ade Sa Vy solica stition on Friday until the fact . Island. "Normal trained. Salary|------e--m--oo "7% tL Livil Service, § * trond bored ie ov | Romnam Meal | 55 ali die sme em § 0 foie Shornata 8 - . . galuralizalion pepers it S ante, : , = straets. kntrance on Bagot street Banking aid Genetat Improve. ¢ m rn i" 4 3 Th JALIFIED TEACHER, PROTEST. ment, Day and Ni as lggestions on Wednesday, December 28rd, the This is aot only a medicinal cereal |?! ALI for 8. 8. No. 10, Storrington: y ght Classes, & TY A i / : } Kingston Business Coll tev. W. Crowder. united in marriage but 1a i Lt lu aalicious aya duties to commence Jan, 4th, 1915. CATERING. g lege, : 7 . Scott, Sec rs . Limited MH ie Sans Ward John! Apply to Henry Scott, Sec, Batter h For Father, Mother, Sister, Bro Mrs. duis = id Our | Trial ol erin sca. "| vm cam vo PARTIES. WALLY Head of Queen Street. Rates * Wo hav stock large quantities M : * to} Wedding breakfasts, banque te Moderate. Phone 440, . Bs have in toe! argo quantitl 8 ther or Friend, a Kodak or Comers If you are, wanting something nice in NORMAL TEACHER WANTED FoR S also nr Ines. table 3usts, and etealfe H Ee ot very cholce'turkexs, all sides; nl-|a hox of Choice Christmas Chot \ 4 ALY Family Groce A) ord Salary Metcalfe, D #o_ geese, dlicks and chickens and! lates, a Lottie of Fremeh En its) | 'orfumes the place to get them tas --. ' ir no Macy, ME He, 50 Union Stream i oK fowl. These must all be sold to-|or American Perfume, b box sl r in fancy packages or in bulk is FENWICRIIENDRY # Op. Apply to 8 J. Turkivglon, Secre- Hambrook,' = 176 Alfred Strest morrow. Prices very reasonable. Cigars, a good Hair Brush anc |'t Hoag's. L-2L Compt diated { tore.) tary, Marlbank, Ont. Phones $43 or 303. Don't forget our Xmas beef, lamb, | 0 AV. i ola ML L0mplon conducted : NA ' . . Aoki pork, pork usage and ox tongue. Comp to : show, Ohristings Rot Vien in 3 FA FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE. TEACHER WANTED. FoR schoo, ARCHITECT. [A SEVEN. ROOM FRA mon! -- a rew's Church, on ay. 0 dealt ' Sa Meat Dept. pocket book. w 3 App Ho ---- bs . p n v . > 5 A ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----v . furnace, B. with the apirit of the Christmas sea- Married A¢ Fravkville, dudes to commence Jun. 4th, 1915. WM. NEW LANDS & SON, ARonmr-| Jian: ou, M to \ , : yy a 2 y lay y 2 yn cts, ole. 'ex, 25 agot, St. | , , 26 FI , Strictly fresh egg, celery, lettuce, son and also ef the origin of Christ- Frankville, Dec. 28--- On Wednes- salary. Apply to Rabert Flynn, tects, oi Offic Bagot Jia Bon Frontenac Phone . an oy State qualifications, experience and i ou, Montreal St, i + % Phone 61 table raisins, dates, fancy biscuits y nas. day, December 23rd, George dward Box 103, Mountain Grove, Ont. Te -- ---- - -------- 3 und fruits. ~=Grocery Dept. Lieut. G. M. Unrr-Harris, son of Louks, was ubited in 'mafriage '- 10] 1x EXPERIENCED THACHER FOR =. POWER & SON. ARCHITECTS, ME FINANCIAL, 0° Mr. and Mrs. Carr-Hareis, Mack Miss Avna Gilmour, both of Frank- & No. % ants' Ban Aiding, Come early. Store open evenings, | o uit the depth of you in Th bY R To bomin Townspin of S10 Duties Brock 'and "Wellingt strevts , , 0 ursday. ville, ey 'were married ev. o begin Jan, . &. hy, Drop.a card FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. Opposite X. M. 0. & | uc' Eula Yas one of he Ca: | A. B. TAkAF, at the pamsomae nd] Hain aossigenishs ta 2050s rove shih TTT moma vay awh vie | Kingston . « Om | 'adian team that contested at Bisley | Went on a wedding trip to Renfrew. = Treas. Crow lake: ne tom sual nel Honry It. Smith, i : ! Money Issued on city" and farm ond 'won moby COME, a Mr. Loucks fs-a prosperous farmer of| meme Sebentures; ert ases urounter \ : : . high Co ; TREACHER FOR S. S. NO. 16, PORT. eee pee debentures; Mortgages puschaseds Hair rushes Jud eons, Shaver) X Yiu Carusty land, to commence duties Jan. ith, | MUSIC AND DRAMATIO INSTRUC deposits received and Itorent al- n on i # or Christmas at "Hoag's. e------ 1915. Fur. particulars apply G. tion, 218 Frontenac St. Miss Nerme lowed. 8. C. McGill Manager, 87 The C. P. R. and GC. T. R. have Bethel Budget Storms, Secretary, stating qualifi- Telgmann, Alida Te i. Clarence streat greed to rebate the extra third pald get. cations and salary. P fostant O. I. Telgmann, teache sy the soldiers who went away be- Bethel, Dee. 24---Miss Myrtle Con- preferred. Q. P, Storms, tion, plano, AVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLO | yr a ona, Ont. ' 'nstruments. ire oO Br % | At the request of a large | ore Thursday and every man will be DO1¥ and brother Wilfred, entertain-|{ one. On - rer -- ackots POIISTD oe Te 2 Ajalianle O . | k mone gil assets $81,187,216. addition to . ible to have the advantage of the ©4 & number of their young friends WANTED GENERAL which the polieyholders have for number of citizens, I an- | ingle fare rate ofterca. Mi Santen on Tay Sues, rT PRuSOA, city" property. inated ae Joweos : § 3 y Si S » 5 L BEN 3 i a-- ip-- diy pr Ly, ¥ e a8 nounce myself a can- The children of 8t. George's cathe yy. * and Mrs. John Astley are ai Ro-| cloth oud Fane it BN 5 AR ; p RELIABLE, CONFI. Prisible rates. Rofore tanewing , , PHONE 458 : | dral have been bringing gifts to the bert Ashley's Miss Edith Kellar, to-date sults. Price and workman Success Club has large ad or PL BU got Cor. Division and Princess Sts. | didate for Finny Soho ot the in tWo Sun- gparp's Corner's has returned home fain JSuaranteed to Bless. Press Jumbmrs of Segithy. sitsible em Ament | Phone HRs range, ays a on ltr yy ey were dis- gfier spending over a week with her hortest co: Thomas Gal \ marriage: descriftions free. Mrs ributed tg over 300 families. The uncle, J. M. Jayne, and family of is Brock street, near aN Wrubel, Box 26, Oakland, Cal. | i | ribut } ov BUSINESS CHANCES. ; Ma or L Re Senta Claus also. gave |, this place. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley ase FAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTRMARI sede Ati : } ¢ . Curl spent a recent Saturday in Nap- gr ne ANYONE ANYWHERE = OAN "SAR No Advance | Our stock of Christmas chocolates : ance. Miss Olive Salsbury is ot BUSINESS NOTIORS. 80 'remo¥ed" bermancatiy, WiMgh | | & Mail Order business at hodi mE 1 i - 'annot be surpassed in the city, eith- home for the holiday. Carmen Ash- JOSEPH BUSH, ¢ oT. Bab Scar; 30 years' experience. Dr. a nying, De Jour on Boss * * ] r for style of package or quality. "ley at his fathers one day last week. opened Up 8 quarry on Btephen - Throat and skin TR OWT Heacock, 2,980 Lockport, Yr. » mn Lnces Hor te HONLS: oo bec o = SRE, mie Sites | ornate ee ctor de' Carle has been ehosen i A r » : ) in Al > of master of Sussex lodge, A.F. God M.. ; nh. Prom Denbigh. ; a orices LEGAL, UPHOLSTERING. Our Lines Brockville; twenty-one years ago his enbigh, Cc ~--business of a a 2 ma " k RNIN EE TT eee. |W. J. GAVINE, UPHOISTPRING, RE- » father; Leopold de Carle, filled the of- kinds is very dull here this winter and IN PT OUNNINGHAM & MUDIK, BARRIS pairing and earpet work, = and OF and respectfully solicit youl fice and rte Yours iow Hanoi some of our young men have left for KINDLY ACCE OUR lers and solicitors Law office, 7 mattress renovating. Drop a ecard Ft i i i Clarence atrest. Kingston. or call 216 Bagot Street. 'oe Carle was the worshipiul ster, NewjOntario in the hope of being \ Boots d Sh votes and influence. duite a coincidence. p Mugler able. to get some Amployin there. THANKS FOR YOUR - oe ns an oes fire " chi ki wery ge illiam John is also away to New > he fire chief asks that Svely Po Warlich on a business trip." William LIBERAL PATRONAGE . : iible precaution be taken while hig y : A 18) | For fall and winter we car ; ires are being put in readiness dur. Warkoh, who, after trying city lie for ------ R p 1] men : ing the zero weather. He also asks © teason in Berlin, Ont., has returned, + cone a a . ® with : best American and C EE ------ hat snow: be removed from the dii- his family, to Denbigh, has i ar ferent 'hydrants so that shay lh Te bought a farm of 110 acres m this Throughout this year. located. vicinity from Mrs. Frank Paul, oi Rev. and Mrs." E. LeRoy Rice, | Hawkeye, lows, Sid 308 Sahn Dore. : When the I bi 1s i | Leu A v o B. : ye odds \lfred streat, were visited by one of States, 'the Tousterh oeamatt on. hi Yours sincerely, e coal Hin needs it use unta Clans' messengers on Christmas ol 1 pres A : , Steyning ~ Slater, who has heen for J our good coal. Quick orderly de- Rideau Ward art a the Norton pe ~ some time suffering with an abscess ANDERSON BROS. TR 3 goal 2 % ond Hy de 'irst Congregational Church. On open. Pear one of his ankles, had to be < > - livery and careful preparation over the. card s found in taken to an Ottawa hospital, where it | y ® a io Tn ie nits foupd, to contain [1 0 3° enmary aria where it | Notice of Dissolution | the sereen, 4 4 wall : : : o sore leg below the knee. Mrs. William little envelope. | Rodgers, of New Ontario, is the guest 'otic of Partnership nn ------------ jz A * » ~ Notice is hereby given that the part- Soldiers Have Changed of her brother-in-law, John Choults, | nership, heretofore subsisting between a ' and will robably i the undersigned, asiliverv stable keep- Sir John French's magnificent tri- sprin: The a ol i there, until ers, in the City of Kingston, has this |- y ute to "the marvellous fighting oth 1 Ir Saturd jaar day hwen dissolved by mutual eon- ower and the indomitable courage - ast Saturday evening |sent. All debts owing to the said " > i turned out to be a very interestin, artnership are to he pad to James nd tenacity" of the' British sol- 4 5 ing Fadden, and all claims against the For Alderman tier forms a pleasing contrast to the °C tertainment and the hall was filled EI : . J . said partnership are to be presented to 7ay in which the Duke of Welling- to its utmost Sapaoity. The nomina- | the said James MoFadden, by whom ha : - - ton was in the habit of writing tio meeting for nominating candi- |t same will be settled. -- 4 5 ie 'ated at Kingston this 14th day of shout bis men. The duke trusted 4ates for the offices of reeve and coun December, 1914, ! us soldiers, but he did not respect SOEs to served the municipality of JAMES McFADDEN. hem. "They are the scum of the Denbigh, Abinger. and Ashby during JOHN LEMMON. " ' . 'arth," 'he 'wrote on one gccasion, NCNt Year, was held in Gustav Adams' a Ind M ~ C ns | RIDEAU WARD 'English soldiers are fellows iG Ball on Monday, the 14th inst. The One Kansas Cron, lan oc ( asl \ "Wve enlisted for drink--that is the Present reeve, John E. Irish, was re- loo oo nestorer. Ww R. 1 t dain fact; they have all enlisted ected by acclamation, and, in addi-|" 'When we read of the extent and | § . - . ugs on or drink." Yet the duke must Hoa to the: present ogtinsiiloss value of one of a crofis, we are for- i Saliei : i ve known well enough that it was » Frederick "y ced to the conclusion that Kansas Vi Salicits the wofe and influ | wave known wall playing fields or Rodger b mn, tolls a great stale. About one-fth vi | § Ew $ ence of the electors for re | ston that the Baile of Waterloo ' {this year's record breaking yield of election as alderman {fo | ¥as won. A ttt Hicharsh _Hdwasd Wheat fn the Dud Slates amount. > ~ Fa \ i ------ . 0 » ing approximately nine hw Qur engraving expert isp { 1915. All his property inte: A Limit to Friendship. htralone, pected on of kin day. million bushels, was raised in: Kan- prepared to engrave [p [ests are in this ward. "Say, Beinson, you'll take Smith Ala. has arrived on of Kinnondale, jes. The secretary of the Board of hon s Le ." AMa., has arrived on a visit 10 her | Agriculture of that staté has taken I your-carls in time for |. 3 ont you? Yai ses be's numerous: relatives in this Vicinity. I his pen in hind and reduced (he R ) fy "| B 5o condition to get there alone. ' Niue Katie Marguardi, who has been | 4,205.5 New Year's day. He is a. : You le just uround the corner. (enching school near Barry's Bay, is|er no TOP 10 40,205,540 barrels I the only co per-plate To o Partlan' san Bins WB against his door and ulye home ito enjoy the Christmas! mq confinue the valcnlation, ihe| § | y. B "play HON ¥ ] ing the bell." , Yacation with: her 'patents. Isaac |Kanias wheat crop would make |" engraver m n n. Ld NOMIX A ; Not me. You'll have to find iiciatine, principal of our village algln and one-half billion loaves of : ) MUNICIPAL |) ATIONS |, else." bool, has been by , : Ty omebody ls ; : \ reengaged by ouribread, which would be almost sufll- | - : at's the matter with vou. You bard of school trustees. for another'siont to meet the. nation's, require: 5 : = wow Smithers." . bool term, but, intends. to spend the [ment of the "staff of Nf" for ome we 1x 1B | For the Township of Portland wi Yes, 1 koow Swithers. And you $hristnas; vacation at his Bowe io year, giving ninety-five loaves to RODGER'S Je beld in the Town Hail, Harro | det your life I know his wife." Cleve S80. every man, woman, and child in the ) mith, trom the our of 12 o'clor | lend Plain Desler. ; feountry. No etate ever, rajs 'oon until 1 o'8lock p.m. Monda: ------ i if ed even th ¢ 88 Wich | Dec. 28¢b, : Dat. alas fy The things ve want fo (ui : I grain in ote season. the, Kavans r are usually the things we sho : . it's whegt crop 'were apnortioned cqual- THOMAS 4, ERE, ol aot, ye : p pe rh arrange the iFhabitants ot a Township Clas® imi oa Oceasionsily the . little hoya state if would represent a 3th Hareowsmith, Dee. 19th, m4 rate : 4 Tn of about $90. te YH th I A x