*Pruit-a-tives" is sold by all dealers at soc, a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, or be sent paid on receipt price by Probate Limited, RalaWAY RAE CHRISTMAS ANb NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY RATES Tickets will be sold at singlo first. class fare, good going Thursda and 24 and 25. Valid for re | Saturday, Dec. 26, A going Dec. Friday, Jen. 1, 1915." Valid for re turn until Saturday, Jan. 2, 1915, FIRST CLASS FARE- AND ONE . THIRD Going Dec. 22 to Friday, Dec. 25 : od for return umtil Monday, Dec Also going Wednesday, Dec. 30 Friday, Jan. 1. Valid for return hg til Ys Jan. 4, 1915. . : par apply to ha J. P. HANLEY, Railroad and Steamship Agent, cor Johnson and Ontario Streets. 31, and For 1 YN and New Year's 1914-15 XW a going 1 return limit, i y 3 00d going December 31, 1914, and January 1, 815, return limit, January 2, 1915 FARE AND ONE-THIRD, good . foine December 22, 23, 24, 26, return imit, December 28, 1914; also good going December 30; 21, 1914, Jan- yary 1, 1915, return Mmit, January 4, (Minimum charge, 25c.) Particulars aeding ing Rail or Oce Tickets from § INWAY, CPA. Uity Ticket Office, corner Princess and Wellington Streets, "Phone 1197. ADIAN a CANADIAN NORTHERN Change in Train Times Effective Mon. Dec. 14th Kingston 215 pan. instead of relive Tweed $400 pom., a= of 7.45 pai, Letive Tweed 7.10 a.m. Arrive King- ston 10.10 am. Wor | ts and all particainrs ap- nly LC DUNN; Clty Agent, or W. ATIVARD, Station Agents" °F J0,618 tons Dmplacement; par- 7 p Orehestew) specious #11 modern from New Woadnas- ing January 61h. from Frost to Flows- M. every VEST INDIES cruises about 2% 88. 'Guiana and oth- ers sail from New. York oe 15th, 26h, Fébruary Pm. for St Croix, St & , St. Lucia, Bar. rrava and inter. rts. AN CHEER OF Ch, S---- IN THE PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS ON FRIDAY. The Had a Very Happy Time They Were Feasted and Enter. tained. : The Hotel Dieu management al Ways makes the patients: feel cheer- ful at Christmas time. The wards and 'corridors were all decorated with mest pleasing effect, In the chapel Sister Leahy and other sisters most beautifully em- bellishied the altars and construct- ed a manger. The manger is sur- rounded by palms upon which is emblazoned the Latin phrase, "Gloria In Excelsis Deg, Venite Ad- eremus.". Leading up to the man- ger is a cleverly constructed em- bankment upon which miniature sheep ate seen in the act of grazing and walking towards the manger where the infant Christ is laid. By the aid of mirrors inset in this em- | bankment a stream of water is re- presented which, when the numer- ous small electric lights are turned on, glitters and appedrs as though it were a stream of water. The altars are all adorned with electric lights of different colors in addition to other drapings that make the whole create an imposing effect. At midnight on Thursday high mass was celebrated. \ On Christmas day, the annual treat was tendered to the patients. At the Penitentiary. Christmas Day was observed in the usual way at the-big prison in Portsmouth, Only "routine work was carried out, the day being ob- served as a holiday for the convicts. In the morning, a service was held in the two chapels, and at noon the cpecial Christmas dinner was served. It consisted of roast pork, potatoes, parsnips, turnips, and plain pudding Currant bread and tea was served for breakfast, and for tea, there was currant bread, and coffee, At the General Hospital. The general hospital was very orettily decorated in honor of Christ- mas Day, and everylhing possible vas done to make the day wu bright and happy one for the patients. Dr. IT. A. Boyce, the superintendent, and Fis able staff, gave all the details, their very best at'ention. The beard of governors of the hospital jcined hands with the staff, in mak- ing *the day as cheerful as possible. Turkey and duck was on the special bill-of-fare for those who were able te partake of It, and during the day many visitors called at the institu- ton and extended Yuletide greet- ings. Home For the Aged. The inmates at the Home for the Aged, had a bright and happy Christmas. "Everyone is feeling fine and hav- ing a joyous Christmas," #aid the su- perintendent, when the Whig called, and the inmates verified his state- ment. Following out their usual custom, the members of the board of manage- ment arranged for the zemfort of all the inmates, and severai of them eali- ed during the day to take part in the festivities. A fine turkey dinner was served, with plum pudding, and delicacies, Hugh Niskle provided some good tobacco for the men. Al together the day was a most joyous une for all. At House of Providence, At the House of Providence where some ninety-six men and seventy- eight women are sheltered from the cares of the world, the Sisters of Charity and Mother Superior spared no amount of pains to make every- one of them feel at home. The us- ual Christmas festivities were carried! out from early Christmas morn un- til even.tide. In the cuapel, of Our; Mother of Sorrows, which was pret-: tily decorated for the cccasion, mass! was celebated at.an early hour, and was largely attended. 'The altar was gorgeously draped aud decorated with lilies, carnations, narcissus and | fers. Intermingling in these were! innumerable small electric lights which shone forth in pleasing ra- diance. A crib was alse neatly fach- ioned to represent the birthplace. of Christ upon this glorious day. Noth- ing was lacking in this constructed miniature manger stall not even the guiding Star of Bethlehem whieh was made to stand out prominently by a cluster of eleetric lights arranged in star-like form. The sisters who went to the extreme task of creating the model cannot be given too much praise for their ingevuity ip coupling this with the original to fix the whole firmly upon the beholder's minds. At noon the regular Christmas din- ner of turkey and otner delicacies were tendered to the old people which was heartily appreciated. Du: ing the afternoon several visitors called on the Inmates extending Christmas greetings. At St. Mary's-Of-The-Lake. The children at Saint Mary fof. the-Lake orphanage, comprising some ninety-five, were entertained to 4 pleasant programme on Christmas afternoon. The Orphan's Guild (composed of a large namber of gen- erous hearted ladies of the city saw to it that none of tiieso little or- phans were neglected. A large Christmas tree had been erected for Christmas afternoon and befittingly adorned with stdekings for every in- mate, Into these stockings were placed many useful articles altogeth- er different from previous years. It was formerly. the case to put toys on the tree for the children but the me- tod now applied by this "Orphan's Guild" is considered by them to be a plan. The candies and other | \hzurles were pot lacking, however, and Santa Claus dealt these out quite freely to the little peoplé creat- og « warm spot in their heart for ; . The Christmas festivities be- gan at three o'clock on Friday after- EE rn non, and previous to the' hour ap-] ings a splendid programuie was par- ticipated in by the inmates both asa whole and individually. Over this Father Mea presided adding words of cheer. The orphanage was tasti- ly decorated in all quarters to ereaté pleasing effects to visifors and the Fehildren. At the Baby's Home. Mrs. Emma Thompron superinten- dent of the Home for Friendless Wo- men and Children ascisted by her helper, Miss M. L. Ferguson, had ev- erything -in cheery fashion to gree! the eyes of the little ones entrusted to their care. Through the haspi- tality of the firemen from the upper fire station," a beauti'ul Christmas frée was placed in shape and hand somely decorated. On Christinas eve from this glittering tree numerous presents were bestow«rd by Sant: Claus to the kiddies who were as fembled to greet him. Next morning. Christmas day, festivibes were again carried on more particularly by, the children who had become enraptur- ed with their toys and luxuries. A good appetite was the delight of each child and shortly after the hom of noon a turkey dinr¢r was servec to the youngsters. At The Jail. The twenty unfortunates who spent Christmas in the jail, although they did mot have their liberty, certamly had three extensive meals on the holiday. In the morning the - Salva- tion Army, as usual, gave a musical programme and gave the men a - sup- ply of fruit and candies. At din- sr the men had ail the turkeys they could eat; vegetables and plum pud- ding. Supper waé another meal at which the men were given all they could consume. The menu had cur- rent bread, butter, tea and other good things. At Rockwood Hospital. On Christmas Day over two thous- und presents were distributed to the patients in Rockwood hospital.. These were mostly from personal friends and relatives of the patients but those who had no friends the department looked after and every one got some- thing. The hall, as usual, was ver pfettily decorated - with holly and other season's decorations. A big turkey dinper' with all the usual "fixings" was served at noon. RUSSIA NEGOTIATING WITH THE GERMANS' Peace Overtures Reported Alread: Under Way --Slavonic Interests Safe. Washington, Dec. 26-The Wash ington Post gives great prominence to a news despatch stating that over tures for peace between Russia anc Germany are already well under way + The statement attracts great at tention in Washington, simply be cause it is published in the Post whieh is owned and edited by Joh: R. McLean, known to have very close personal relations with eminent di plomats. The Post saye negotiations are be ing conducted through "ome of the most - . powerful agencies in the world," a medium friendly to both Germany and Russia, and that they look for an adjustment of all differ ences between Russia and Germany, notwithstanding the joint agreement: signed early in the war by Russia, France and Britain net to discuss terms of peace separately. DESPERATE SORTIES OF THE AUSTRIANS Przemysl Garrison Loses Heavily-- Daring Exploit of Russian Scouts. Petrograd, Dec. 26---Sorties of the Przemysl garrison are now becom: ing almost of daily oecurrence, and are invariuoly attended with an ap- palling loss of life. In the last sor. tie several companies of Austrians were entirely demolished by the Rus- sians; their Maxim guns were cap- tured and turned upon them until those left alive surrendered. The Maxim gun belts taken were found to be loaied with a proportion of ex- plosive builets of which the garrison this tine got the benefit themselves. fo ---------------- . Casualtids Among British Officers. Londen, Dec 26---/(he latest offi- cors' easualty list, covering the week from December 8th to 15th, shows that twenty-three officers were killed and eighty-one wounded during that time. The casualtier occurred in all branches of the .ervice, about sixty different regiments having lost one or more officers in killed or wounded. No efficers, however, are reported missing in the list, a feature that has been mere or less prevalent in previous casualty reports. The total casualties among cers to date are 3,835, divided as follows: Killed, 1,081; wounded 2, 152; missing, 602. - offi- Russie. Will Win Says Count. Rome, Dee. 26--- Reports teen circulated here that Ceunt Sergius Witte, the Russian states- man, wag leading a peace party at tie © Russian eourt, the count has telegraphed denving the statements. In his telegram he sage: 4 "At the heginning 1 deplored the war, thinking it was not inevitable or indispensable, but since the war is in progress any discussion regarding it would be futile. "Now that the war has assumed, in Russia, a popular character, it can only, end with a decisive victory for Russia." ------------ Drop Demand For Contribution. London, Dec. 26---A despateh to the Daily Express from Amsterdam Says: 2 : "The Germans ut Drussels have withdrawn thelr demand for. a new war ecomtribution of $100,900,000, presumably owing to the protest of the American minister, who assert- ed that the levy violated The Hague Convention," Close Senzon For Choice Feathers Gitawa. Dee, ted to distribute tue gift stock-| having' POSSIBLE FORM. The Whig's Daily Condensation of the Nows Of the World From Tele- graph Service and Newspaper Ex- Changes. A passervy stuffed twenty $50 bills into a Silvation army pot ir Montreal. : British officials sought for contra- band in cotton bales at New Yor) with X-ray.\ Sir Charlies Tupper is in a nursing hospital in Oxford, Eag., and quite seriously ill. Phe Hamilton volice commissioners have granted 'ncreases of salary to various officers on force. : Litt. Col. Stewar: Lommanding the Home Guards, Toronto, was pre sented with a swordson. behalf of the citizens, Henry C. Vivian, one of the oldesi lawyers of Winnipeg, and formes sartner of Chief Justice Howell, i dead. Col. W. E., Hodgins, of the first military division, has been promoted 0 the temporary rank of brigadies general. | i Notre Dame church. Kenora, 'wa: totally destroyed by fire involving : loss of $30,000; haM covered by in surance, According ito anngar custom J oss Robertson imiperonated Sants Jlaus at the hospital for sick child- ren, Toronto. past ade s Dr. Helen MacMurchy, Toronto, las been appointed in¢pector of aux- lliary classes in the public schopls of the province, y zr 7 Harry Asher, the Roumanian mis sionary who shot Rev. J. Mcphetson 3cott in Toronto, will be examined as to his sanity. E. J. O'Sullivan, C.E., M.A., Mont- real will Ye the liberal candidate in he Bt. Ann's division, in the next lederal elections. James Duff, 302 Western avenue, Coronto, fell from the Hifth storey, oi t building upon whick: he was work ing and was instantly killed, Alberta gov 'rnment has decided to devote £54,000 towards the relief of distress occasioned in the cities of Alberta through lack of employment The Women's Canatian elub, Lion don, Ont, gave the largest banquet ver held in that city entertaining yetween tweive and fourteen hundred soldiers of the 18th battalion. Megsrs. John C. Eaton, W. K. Mec Naught, M.P/P., C.M.G., and G. W. Watts, Torogito; Senator George Tay- or, Gananotgye; and J.J. Carrick, M. P., Port Avthur, honorary colonels. 'Traffic earnings of the Grand Crunk railway system for the third week of December were $840,347, against $994,779 the corresponding period last year, a decrease of $154, 132 or approximately 15.5 per eent. C. P. R. earnings for the third week of December showed a decrease of $1,095,000, making the faling off 'or month to December 21st, $3, 315,000. 'The decline last week was $974,000 and $1,246,000 in the first week of the current month. Rev. W. E. Baker, pastor of the Westmount Methodist church, Mont. real, has accepted a call to the Col- borne street Methodist church, Brant- ford, for a two-year term. Rev. T. £, Holling, the present. pastor of the local church, will go (0 Westmount. "L~JUST ONE CONDITION. Be are appointed Tho Job Had to Made-in. Canada. Here's . another little story of the "'scrap-of-paper" variety. And it contains a profound principle. Not many days ago the presses of a large printing firm in Toronto weve ready to start running on a big order of "hooklets. It was a, good helpfu! job, indicating that the firm, whos name was on the front page--for the story's sake ,we'll eall itHobby and Johnson--expected fo adhere to th motto, "Business as lisual." An in crease on the last order; some cheer ful announcement of what was doing and what was just as important, the very best. kind of paper to be used in the printing. "Noghi cheap about that firm, Bill," oo the pressman to the iore: man. "Stock's real nifty, Tom, got, a good makeready press ?" "Oh, sure. She's her go--"" Telephone buzzed in the booth. Fore- man went. ""Hello--this son.". "Yes, sir--about that booklet rum? It's 'on the press how." "What kind of paper are you us: og 3} 'Why, very best a . ** men- tioning a name familiar to users of high-grade paper. ' "Hmbbhmh | I gee. Well, I guess that's all right. But 1 don't eare what 'fancy name you give the stuff. All I wanted to make sure about was-- (here the Speaker bified his speech right into the mouth-pieee)-- 'was that paper made in Canada ? 1 pot --take it off the press. I so--go ahtad. If you haven't made-in-Can- ada paper, 'phone me and I'll give you the address of a Canadian firm that makes the kind of paper I want. I want that ir to be juade-in-Canada clean through." And, sure enough, the job had to be taken off the press. : Christmas Box For Hackett, New York, Dec. 26---The prize Christmas box of the holiday ses- son will be handed out in a day or two to James K. Hackett, the actor, by the Farmers' Loan & Trust com- pany, as executor of the estate left by Minnie Hackett 1rowbridge. The executor has obtained an or der from the surrogate court to dis- tribute the estate, amounting to $1,- 389,000, to the various I ees. The as next of kin will get over ,000, in addition to the $70,- 0 fucome he has received from the Hope you on the all right. - Let is Hobbs and John Se ugry fund sineq gn Girl's Present. New York, Dec. 26---Eight ounces of blood helped to buy a friend of a Columbia student a Christmas pres- ant this year. Pressed for funds out determind® his "best girl" should have a holiday gift, this student jumped at the chance offered by St. Luke's hospital to furnish this amount of blood for ore of their pa- tients in return for a cheque for $25. No sooner had he divulged to a few of his friends at the university hat a little blood would open up the coffers of St. Luke's hospital, than a aost of students quickly besieged the aospital for a chance to offer up heir life's fluid in return for the del- ars which would buy Christmas pre- sents. The first news of this new Ine of employment for Columbia students came in an interview to-day with Paul C. Holter, the new secre- .ary of the employment buredu of the Jniversity who declined to give the student's name, The money stringency which has seen felt throughout the country has aad a telling effect on the employ- ment eommittee at Columbia, and he number of jobs open to the stu- dents have fallen off nearly one-third DANCE ONLY WITH KHAKL London Women Are Boycotting Men Not in Uniform. London, Dec. 26--Cupid may yet o€ responsible for brinsing more men .0 the colors than the British re- sfuiting officers believe possible. This time Cupid works threcugh the boy- cott and tango. In the last few day: ~ith many officers back from the rent on furlough, after-dinner dances have been resumed with a vengeance. In fact, it was really (he demands of these officers to have lances thut some leading hotels re sumed them again after an' entire absence of such amusement since the drst week of the war. and here en: ers Cupid and the boycott, for score: of women refuse to dance with any one not in khaki or with one who :annot show good cause for being stherwise dressed. As a consequence, many civilian dances are doomed to ionesome evenings during Yuletide Military naires' have been given to some dances, such, ior instance, as the "Jach Johnson Glide." RE ~Janted This Week. choice turkeys, eight to fif- 2000 lbs. dressed geese, neads off; also large quantities of chickens and fowls. Highest cash prices paid. . Anderson Bros. Phone 158. -- 500¢ teen 1bs.; Deniede Champagne, a maid in the employ of Wiifred Lanthier, Ottawa, was severely burned while shenwas singling chickens over the stove I the kitchen. She diea several hours later. William Findlay, manager of the Ottawa Free Press, will be a candi- date for alderwan in Central ward. Call and, see our smurner carpet rugs... H. Milne, 272 Bagot street. John Muir, the note Americar geoligist and naturalist, died at Lo: Angeles. LONDON DIRECTORY nables traders throughout the Work 9 communicate direct with English HWANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS n each class of goods. Besides being \ complete commercial gulde to Londor thd ts suburbs the Directory contains ste 4 EXPORT MERCHANTS #1th the Fo they ship, and the Co nial and Forelgn Marketa they aup oly: STEAMSHIP LINES uranged under the Ports to which they lL and indicating the approxfinate PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES 0d loading Manufacturers, Merchants ste, In the principal provincial towns 1nd Industrial centres of the United Kingdom. A copy of the current edition will be torwarded freight pwia, ou receipt - of Postal Order for 95. Dealers seeking Agencies can adver- Ase their trade cards for larger \dvertisements from i. or Student Received $25 and. Bought FHE LONDON DIRECTORY 0% LTD. & Abchurch Lana, London. Cc "Com . ' ' Who Tries to é fowl e el 'Som THEN you ask for any article in. a store, whether it is for soap, -perfume, louse hold medicine, paint, varnish, hardware, food products, chewing gum, corsets or automobile tires, etc., and the deal- er savs: "Yes, we have it, but here is something better,"" be on 'your guard: his special inter- est in the so-called '"bet- ter' article is MORE PROFIT. Say HIS dealer is trying to change mind. WHY? Because he loves you? No! Em- phatically no! But be- cause he is going to try to dispose of an inferior article, This dealer is trying to get rid of some unknown, unheard-of Junk at your expense. B E careful to insist you get what you ask for; a good plan would be to avoid sub- stituting dealers. such an article?" your: Just Pp ATRONIZE dealers . whe give you what vou ask for. Articles ad- vertised in this paper aré always meritorious. J EREAFTER say: 1 want such and such an article, and insist on getting it" Do not say: 'Have such and The more you emphasize "I want" this or that you are helping to under- mine the worst fraud in merchandising ever foisted upon the eon- stumer. you LEN you ask for a certain artiele, make sure you get it. Remember only meritor- ious articles are imitat- ed, which is a deuble reason why you should insist on the original. Get What You Ask For ChristmasBeetf IMPO keepers that RTANTJt.is important to all house- their joint of beef or mutton, lamb dr pork for Christmas dinner is of the best quality in taste and cutting. Therefore, to obtain good value, good cutting your Christmas joint at and good attention, order PARKER BROS. KINGSTON'S | 217 Princess St. LEADING BUTCHERS 1683, rewweweeew The Ideal Chiictmas Gift : Allow us to suggest as a Chris: ily a Policy of Life Insurance in the be a living proof to them that you thi the many to-morrow's that are to icy, add to it. come. Mutual Life of Canada. It v tmas gift for your wife and fam. |] ink, not of to-day only, but f ' If you already have a pol- This is the readiest way in whic, you can create o increase your estate. Let us furnish you with figures for a policy at once, S.ROUGHTON, GENERAL AGENT. 8% Broek St. Kim 3 010; Ren. 501. Hares "PASTE THIS IN your memo-book----and guide your conduct accordingly. Office Pho arry Sharpe, Speciai Agent, A ------