Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Dec 1914, p. 2

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- Coon coats, $40 up. =i Fur soats, $17 up. Fur lined: coats, $25 np. » Good warm winter overcoats with fur collars, at $15 up. " Reductions on all furs. _ Christmas gifts that are useful as well as or- Natal are more ap- «48 pe sais x From our great variety of selected ERA Down Quilts $6, $7, $10, $11 ea. ign, 37 x '54 in, $2.00, $3.00 oa. Cnroes Sweepers, Bissels Best, x 78 ea.' ' Mirrors, $1.50 to $10.00 es. Bathroom Cabinets, $5.00 en! Td In Twilight v 3 + ' Mr. and Mrs. A. i. Cunningham entertained ai a delightful Christmas {party last night at "Ogwanada, when thelr guests included--Yr. and Mrs, BE. H. Penge, Mr. and Mis Han: Sord: Hora, Mr. and Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Migs Amy McGill (Mont- real) Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss Ma- Jorie Pense, Miss Marion Redden, Mizs Igabelle Waldrer, Mr. George Smythe, Mr. W. ' C.. Kent, 'Messrs. Frank apd Jack Smythe, Mr. Hamil: ton Roberts, apd a nusaber of officers of the 21st battalion, p * * . » Mr. and Mel. ¥W. E. Richardson, Johnson street, entertained at a de lightiul Christmas party last night, when their guests numbered about - thirty - - . - An informal Christmas party was very much enjoved an Christmas night by Mrs. W, F. Niekle"s young people and a number of their friends, « . Miss Loreita. Swift ertartained dinner on Christmas night. Ty Mr. W. J. MeNeill, assistant traffic manager, Great Lakes Navigation Company, Windsor, is spending the holidays with his parents on Rideau street. Mrs. B. 8. Elliott, Madicon Wis, and "her young son Robert Faucett, arrived in the city on Thursday. to Spend the Christmas season with Mrs. Elliott's friends, Mr. H. F. Mooers, Moose Jaw, with his family on Barrie street for the next month or so ~ . - . - GH. Williamean, fpent the past few days with Mrs. Williamson's i Mr. and Mra iB [Broek street, Ip [at Iroquois Parents, WwW I\ ' SA § 1 WAS WAITED ON BY THE tary AT. MENDELL'S ---- And Presented With « Handsome Gold Tie Pin 7p. 4. . O'Connor Was Greatly Pleased--Other Proc. entations, A pleasant event took place Mendel's, the exclugive ladies' to-wear store, at the close of busi ness on Christmas eve, when the stafl waited wpon the genial manager, 1. J. 0'Connor, and Presented him with a handsome gold tie pin, set with pearls. In returning 'thanks Ms, (Connor had the ing tims cesBiul in the history In spite = of presept conditions, and the cry of hard {imes, he was happy to say that the store of Mendel's had the best December in its his- at ready- his clerks that the big sale j Was by fap the most ie. of the store, pleasure of inform. tory. He did not take credit for this to himself, but attributed it to the loyally and untiring efforts of his stafl. Mr. O'Connor &Mo paid kindly tribute to the power and a uc declared, returhs, * and had contributed large measure to the suscess of year. in a the Made Presentations. penitentiary staff, was: presented with a locket and chain by his brother officers, who at the same time pre sented. William Jourke, also ing, with a purse of gold, gifts Bath officers, Fast Service Via. C.P.R. €omfori and- convenience are the important features connected with the day ssrvica between Kingston and points east and west via lichhorne Junction and the © New Lake Shore Frederick Mila, Wel nd M Bert, Mupk- are visiting Mrs, W Johnston street, Mr. and Mrs. } land, and Mr, a ler, Hamilton, Murckler, | Mr. W. Joimston, William iR |is in Poronto for the holiday. Mr. and Wrs, J. "etlock, Peter Lora, spent the holiday in the city, ! -. . * street, Fravklyn K)'dd are and Mrs, W.¢n. 149-157 BROCK ST. | aad the guests of Mr. Kidd, Barrie street. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hammond gpent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs A. H. Kehl in Brogkv:ile. Mr. and Mrs. James Leslie Miss Edith Leslie of Montreal, the guests of Mrs. Who entertained in Christmas night. Miss Maude Bland of London, is expected in town shor:ly to visit her Bister Mrs. P. Harold Hughes, Lari Street, Mr. Dale, fessor and M Christmas. Misses Shaw, Clergy street, return ed from ; Montreal to-day, »v | Dr. and Mrs. J. | and are David Laidlaw, their honor on of Toronto, has been Pro rs. John Dall's gues tL over Word has been received of the ar- rival in England of (Miss Elsie Pense and Mrs; G. F. Carson and children from India. They had a very rough Passage, terminating with a day's up- h waiting to reach Pense §s now with Gordon 4nd jy .. Lorgnetts We have just received the newest assortment of up to the minute Lorgnetts in enamel Mrs, is expected will Line. Leave Kingston 11.15 pan. areive Smith's Falls 32.10 pam. Oita wa 4.45 pm. Montren® 6.10 p.m, Uuebee 6.45 a.m., Boston 7.30 nan, Toronto 5.40 pam., Petrait 11.35 p.m and Chicago 7.15 a.m -------------- The Tce Bridge Formed, On Saturday morning six men from Garden Island, Victor Sudds, 'ictor Sudds, jr., Stirling Orr, Bruno Spoor, W. IL. "Allison and J. D. Cosgrove had the distinction of being the first to walk across the ice They made the trip safely and re- ported that the ice was quite firm, If the frosty weather continues it expected 'that horses and sleighs will be able to cross on Sunday. This is the earliest date for many years that the harbor has taken over. 18 Telephone Sta? Thanked. The members of the Bell Telephone company's operating staff in Kingston desire to ° return} their sincere thanks for kind remembrances from the many subscribers, and also fort their testi monials as to the good service and uniform courtesy extended to them. The messages came &8 a most pleas ant greeting to the staff in this Yule- tide, season. Masonic Banquet. The annual banquet of the Ancient St. John's lodge, AF AM. will return to Kingston beginning of the Now and extension handles, Get your Lorgnetts right. shortly after the Year, Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Cays, Oswe. 80, are the guests of Mp, and Mra nean Cays, Barrie street. J. Sills, Belleville, spent Christmas in town with Captain Sills, of the 21st battalion. Mr. and Mrs. D. Stewart 8on are the guests Flsdale, Robertson, 8. and Mrs, their children, of Mr. and Mrs. got street. Robert of Mr. and Mrs. Ottawa. Percy Murray and Ottawa, are visiting William Newlands, Ba UTOMORILEN AND © FOR HIRE Mr. W. F. Manhard js spending the week-end in loronto. Phone : 1 77 Mr. Edward J, Williamson, ( George W. Boyd, | of Mr. ng +X. is the guest George Williamson, Brock street. 89 Lar) Street. . Finnie and their Mr. and Mrs. H, V children, Peterboro, are the guests W. H. Wormwith, 'eneva, Mrs. "of Mr. and Mrs: Earl street. Mr. L. 7. Rutherford, of the Can- ndian Bank of Commerce, is spend |ing'a few days at his home iu Peter boro. | Mr. and Mrs. W. Gordon, of Toron to, are with Principal and Miss Gor- don for the Christmas season, Me, Hugh Macdonnell spent Christ- mas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Maedonnell, University avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ryan and | their | children, Newburg, spent Christ- {mas Day with Mrs, Beaman, Mon. | treal street. i (Continued from Page 3.» Church Services. First Congresationa corner John- son and Wellington streets--. Rev. E. Leroy Rice, B.A., pastor. Residence, [281 Alfred street, phone, 1068. The pastor will preach morning and even- ing, Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Subject, "The Dying Year." Evening worship at 7 o'clock, subject, "Stand- ing by the Stuff," a sermon to them be held at. Hotel Randolph, Monday, 28th inst., at 8 p.m. Visiting breth- ren cordially invited. Discontinued. Owing to ice conditions 8.8. erica has discontinued service Kingston and Cape Vincent. Kingstcn's Famous Fur Store -------------- SPEND THAT CHRISTMAS MONEY ON FURS Service Am. between Lots of folks: who re- ceive money at Christ- mas invest in good furs. Roderick MeDonald, retiring from the | retir- | ware accompanied by dddvesses' | which bespoke ihe ale, in which | both men were held by' their fellow cess of Whig advertising, which, he * bad brought him splendid i among | RECEIVED YESTERDAY Cards, cabled for on December Also a line of Topical and Patriotic unusual Calendars. These two ljziés are sold no been received b Wednesday of this week; 1st. ¥ For To-Night where else in Canada, y us Decgmber 1st and orders cabled 1 aline of Patriotic and Topical Christmas the samples having . and goods received That's All The College Book Store ---------- a ------ Have You A Return Gift If so, call this evening and see our range, as we have many articles remaining that will make good, sensible presents. Right Prevail Newman & Shaw, "THE ALWAYS ANOTHER SHAM NAPOLEON Even As there some of sue ies of Lo read what M. | | iy Pasha | 0 Say } Enver' { has land of his €n a and Pasha, is sim | called | Geérma easier to vive w very lam ie wt d well known him has often laughed at ganier, ply 'a cafe concert Napoleon.' intrinsic Salem, Srm-- - Pasha Classed as Vain 1501 By Intimates seems to he a tendency quarters to regard Enver As a. "strong man," capable reasfully moulding the destin- an empire, It js interesting Andre Dubosq haa in The Temps of Paris of real personality. M. for some years, the idea being considered an able or- a politician of talen , Or ey ood speaker. Ever Pasha Is certainly handy with the revolver, assassinated with it Nazim In other respects he a vain fool who has been by those intimate with him The ns could not have found an man to dupt, but in regard merit he will be of no 'hatever to them. He is the but last man whose appeal to 1s- for a holy war would be lis to. Moslems know him too News From Salem. Dec. 23~--Mrs. Neville Dibosq #0 the amount of 66 okt of the bullding, #xeeed more than 5s, mbove this amount will have special ate Chas. H. Leeder, '1B Architect -------- SPECIAL OFFER TO THE PUBLIC FOR THE NEW We will give our designing and sep Ces us 8 guarantee that we Will turn. BM everyone that in desirous of a mew ® or bullding, and of a lonn on same Per cent, of the Aull to, 000.06, Ht tention, Prices | BUSY STORE' t+++BUILDERS' SUPPLI Eb ewee, ORDER YOUR STORM SASH NOW Delay means extra coal bills. We make the complete sash, glazed and primed. S.ANGLIN&CO. Coal and Wood Yards BAY & WELLINGTON 8Te. Phone 88. General Office "" Factory Phone Tin = ees Lumber, Coal & Woodesess | Only a Few More Shopping Raccoon Coat Just a few left. % Gourdier Furrier 78.80 Brock St. - Real Estate In All Its Branches Buying, Selling, Leasing, or Renting. A complete list "to select from. Estates man. aged. Valuations given. E. W. MULLIN; EO omen 500 an Sa HIMS! have better The more whims you about laundry work the we're suited. Days to Christmas We u_» showing a nice assortment of BRASS GOODS : Fenders, $6.00 to $12.00, Fire Sets, $4.50 to $12.00, Trays, Candle Sticks, Nickle-plated Percolators, $5.00 to 7.00, | who fight for the empire = at home, Strangers are heartily invited to wor- ship with us, Calvary Congregational church corner of Bagot and Charles street {--Rey. J, Lyall, pastor, 180 Rideau {Street. Special Christmas services, {11 o'clock. Subject, "Stable" or { Temple, Which? 7. p.m., "The First Quastion io the New Testament." . : Sunday school at 3 o'clook, Special Some odd pieces left Over | Christmas music will be rendered by ¢ ices. R 3. OC ;. the choir at all the services. Monday, at ut § Rices Rugs, ( arpets, iy P.m.;, Guild meeting, Wednesday, Curtains, Furnitur ey &e. § P.n., prayer meeting and choir -- \ practice. All are heartily welcom- ed. . St. George's Cathedral--The Ve; Rav, Dean Starr, MA, D.b., Foote n R ev. Sydenham Lindsay, senior cur- ate; Rev. R." Crozier juni curate. mas. 8 fie holy Gooding, who has been very ill, is! improving, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Van- | Cott attended the funeral of the lat-, ter's aunt, Mrs. Gordon, in" Picton, on Tuesday. Miss Cassie Fox has returned to Picton, accompanied by her sister Mrs. C. C. Wannamaker aud children, Mr. and Mrs, E. Par. liament have returned after visiting friends 'at Wallbridge. Mr. and Mrs. R. Vancott are moving {0 their new home pear Hylaugd cheese fac-, tory. i Among recent visitors: Mrs. L. Young, Carrying Place, ai. Co M. Kemp's; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Laont, Mr. and Mrs. Centre, at E. Wycott's: John Hall, Mountain Vigw, and Mr, and Mrs. S. D. File, at Charles Sa- ger's. Mrs. W. Smith is spending a, few days in Bancroft, & een Different View-Points, Boston Advertiser, Auntie didn't care for the classic "But what a graceful figure," point- ed out niece. : } "And what a disgraceful costume," cominented auntie. ¥ The investment .is an 'exceptionally good one this year--our furs are marked so low" Mink muffs, #20 up. Alaska sable muffs, $15 up. Persian $18.50 up. Hudson $95 up. Persian 25 up. Fur-lined 'In condition, 7 rooms, port poi and lot, with small a ol lamb muffs, seal coats, Come in and listen to the Edison Diamond Point Gramaphone, the finest mus- lamb coats, coats, $20 Skates, Toboggaus, Sleighs, Skis, and the best assortment of case Sunday after , communion; a.m. ma- er, ihe 'Ontario. 3 pun. pm, of | Sunday 4.15 ; | tim." 7 pm. pipe ot | musie. , the Bi | let fr he ical instrument ever offered.

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