Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Dec 1914, p. 10

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Tag DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMEER 26, ou rE cee i PR oe TTT TTT ® - cannot see the world trom any other | WOLKE ISLAND cou NOL rT Co 1 : ppint of view that that of the then. : bmn op . homas op ey tre. Without a thooght of under. |Peserving of Being Returned by Ac. lying ironies a Belgian detor in Lor clamation. Telephone 987 ACTOS HOLDING | 4 § i + on is asking that onc form. of Del e Isls pe." 32 : 10 ; "Down JOBS IN NY Ww YORK T lglan relief shall be u zift of mone Voile Jstsud, Pov. 3.~Lip to i FEE nd Wa present very Little has been heard. as wanting anything done in the ecarpea- to him, so that he may froduce Var. 1 i a + ltery line. Estimates given an all Kin And the ow KS t to 0 bre F Av lo be candidates . WW 3 ra York Sa T ks These | haeren's plays on the Brite h stage. |for the ton n hip WAT ( it : OF Sepiure 20a a ine Si an hy rae should Enlist, and Allow - ' d > . . a the present couneil from every stand Wil receive prompt "attention. dtep Yankee Actors To Ds the Acting, | The Winter GardeR MABABCHIEM | point it is the gedbrdl opinion that 10 wiecn Bui ger "The Flag Lieutenant" has -b will retain Al Jolson for the Hexi|ihey have served the township wisel NY oe x us ti insted i we : ¢ i ownship w \ : Tevived ln London. SS), pruduetion instead of sending iw and well, One thing that stands out dt 3 PLAT] NG ou .topr with "Dancing Around," | very clearly and Fast be admitted o 3 3 Annie Hughes is to star in Jerome Bernard Granville will be the featu.- | ; I» Nickle, Silver, Copper, Brass. ; teben by those who may have griev RK. Jerome's old comedy, "Miss Tom. ed member of the cast af "Dancir { ances against je ~ present con = \ my." Around when it goes on the.rou That is 'the: offici CE 2 ---------- -------------------------------- . In addition to Al. Jolsc Valeska | tah Thala . Ine : and a wi Surratt, and Mollie Kin hs vais i | the ferry boat during the year. 3 8 1A MY-BLAW TU RATHFY AND ODN. in ghont the milling and manufge- He nul i ( and prodoed foriacr n-Chin," with Montgomery |' all, & : 6 Ning: have been it, ygvent as good satisfaction © hi FIRM AN AGREEMENT WITH sf the Kingston Mill. J' crs id By-law rdeetvils and Stone, will be taken to the P engaged for prominent parts in the| : i itr aad ny GANANOQIE _ ELBCTIRIC . i : ] 4 t f th i electors as vy ma-Pacific Ex ti ange new production | never beet Fiven vervthing aboard LIGHT A POWER SUPPLY COM ! a ed, i faired. the Corporation Shall: by < positiod in San France ise i ¥ of Bor seorap to work with the re PAN LIMITED : k ne . ' e : unicil pass the paid Ty Jaws and : : gularity of clock work. An recogni i : ¥ Lhe ur y Lr ati flouring jpravided fart r Ahi it butoro {he su i sions of their good seryices why not y hs iat the Toot of Gore Nireet, > a A eters snnll detuali ret sk : 3 . : a 5. In cuse the Contractors, @éfter be- red, the Contracto td og | return the precent council by accla AgEreshent h | ginning To rans oarreni tor the with the qasurer of the Corporation mation, if they can be prevailed up- fand for Schedul AA We lOity. of K pursuant to this the sum o out indred 30 corvi ' Law is héreby ratified and 1 ement cease or fail tor | cover the cost of advertising and sul on to again give their services ? sand shall be deemed to be a pz of | Ye 0 i nuonsly £6. Add TOT fonitting the sald BY-lay 1d agreement Last Tuesday was the at day ; v ontinuousl ) transmit IN WITN Wi the said A ------" eS -- -- a ---- On Christmas Day, Sing Sing had to to AL Alexagder soon will stage the distinction of a first performance Hartley Manners | ©f a Broadway play, when William A oodwin under the| Brady presented his new. production of "Gauntlet's Pride." Good-| Sinners," This was 'perhaps, the "win never acted it. first time that a play has had its pre thik sear that the boat did. wot Ji By 3 Rw shall' dbfoe of , tric furtem oH oe, oie Bursusns y affixed its seal . & ~ George' Bérard Shaw' #8 "Cather juiere Denind prisen walle: nl nake a trip to the city owing tothe Jand lake ct on its passing. jobs sand perform any of the other FAIS (AES 5 Ie Od 1b We make all kinds of Phy and wire ale of ot f y utr de -- nts, stipulations and conditions 3 day and Yeur ft work. Get p ine the. Great" Was 'produced at the) John Cromwell, Irene Romaine, Ger gu of wind Todln th 1 lund v SCARDULE in on ' thetr part contained, all the |'HiCCl (o cals the day and Year fir PARTRIDGE § & SON? Lyceum Theatre, New York, Decem- | trude Dallas, Jean .Adair, Albert] FH Make hor annual trip to Am ; Re 4, Fh dire Bn the Confractors | 3 \NANOQUE HLECTRIC LIGHT AND King St. West, ber 20th by the Stage Societ Brown ud vibe ' herst Leland for the benefit [oF the THIS AGREEMENT made i pl 8 agreement shall be forfeited and PATER SUPPLY Co. LIMITED ety. rown, and other above people vill wo to the a 9th d of [Dec . pid, @ > Corporation ay forth- CAMPBELL, Si Aden t . 4 Lt The ari wat ion he pw emove th Contracto 5 ' ¢ ag A venine ane ' | . 4 Signed, B and Delivered iu pres. g \ B There axe, says the New York Suni] Our old friend, Lawrence D'Orsay, abu ate of Aan ning and J8 'Rings{on, pereijulter called the transmission Je from the City streets ence W. SANDS . . og Actors in town holding down | seems fo be making Canada his home he : Hy th ut pal LHe np ron DERN rai Ve Wier nh The Contra ET TRY x ct ¥ S ' 1 inefiean actors could use, and these days. From Vancouver, where| 2 to the aly of big Horn: (aan pany, Li nasi t ur 1 ) 5 NOTICE. f . ore is, Y (Som Lol BECOn ; or was, at least, a big Eng-| he had been playing at the head of u a. Yah poster pasted up _in the Lambs'| stock company, he journéyed east] OV last Saturday a Fecord crowd | in r transmission jine that.they NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the: ! ub grill which said fu effect: "Your ward with a company, playing the rossed over to the city pon the \ said 'cantractors hat , ] emnify and s foregoing iu a true copy of & Blepostd 4 king needs you. En! 4 . Ss tthe no : a batt Io de haa o . Ae at ; -law of the Carporation of the City you, in! ist to-day." old "Earl of Pawtucket," That enter | * gh] trip very ma o_sick, 73 [represented that tyey.are Aa Ae ; ! al f Kingston, which has been taken uel : . ise ¢ shee {a migh sea was running 1 r power RES H Smage: ¥ consideration, and which will be finally is Charles Frohman is devising 'a prise closed in Quebec, and now] Turkey buvers from Caria jMil veft the same into elec. nMging ar ale . a passed by the Council of said Corpora- s about to become the fem main- {} f the asse musical play for production in Is a tion in the event of the assent of the 1. the by he: shew ' , \ : ' mission tne and {oles : Pail a g to. which many hands shall porary head of the new Lawrence [past week. About two fons ur- have Mod § he Corpbratio ! rE msion tne and felectors being obtained thereto, afte ia ; . IV i a a vne month from the first ablica tion each contribute a singie scene, Some Stor R xompany at His. Majesty's "in lL Core sh 1. on Satu sargiisslon to erect lo ofl Hid Lg, hg aEht amd m Vie | (hereof in the Daily British Whig 13 of them are to be more distinguished |" 0 8 a¥ of Kingston fay incor I ot ic enercy i rerson ory opjiowspaper, bhe date of -WiieR dim than those that usually make such ole : the' buyers being Mr. Steblin: o deyeloped over and along sfexisting t ntl 'Gets of sil emi auon ey % thnath day of Bg _ Pieces. Instead of giving r ( hiri tmas mat Mel.aushlin Canstinee Bros. Capa 2 Bh tion N v nd : he votes of. ihe sldetors of "thi | inee at ber New York Theatre, Mas Vincent re ipping every day f i1 r 3 sp Hen pt . city of Kingston shall be Laken on the i fry celebrate the alternoo: )n ry a] ih , ¢ hereas it is eX pedis ie grd hat Rk ¥ ¥ nor sald proposed By-law at the same hour For the important parts in 'Set Tel hola In the ohh; . ol 3 | rect to the } the prev ailing |e «gio ) « ontractor 1 Elgned 2 t ' ny iy the Sane ay Abe at the sano places 76 Brock St, Kingston ngs," the new play by Kate Jbr- |! Pda. a > aS ale | price being 16 and 17 cents a. pound: « ' in provided i FEV : PEF 10 and by the same Deputy Returning Of: . s dan, in . which Lou Tellegen ili [In Passing, one may observe that she lage ponafs 'of the American buyer Now thi greement Withe tains. ! A ed, sa lig jAcers au tor the annual election for For khaki uniforms, great- create tho ri y has the physique for the part. She Xorv vido o WOre indian 1 ro I. he Ty : Sin de RRL 4 Ho Council for the year 1915 : has india re n B. went shopping Christmas Eve, and n ld No he Te atl 4 , n : . "and n } : ! ; A H "ion y te A * the i ne day - Ro SHEA art coats, caps, putties, swords, 2 fie it ces yu le wave been Jerect an J Y 1 ; ash her A a « our of elevs o'eloe 16 SAT : Froderie de Belleville Hamilton Tie. ud pufechased 3 the sand oly' 28 very much 'lower. - One of the buy- [poles and. tiostiingL 0S | MLL tric provided, extend. an a rors office the head of the Counell belts, whistles and whistle the v8 W she persons gave t 2* tt ra 1 o Jone A TY 4 ST § os os a i 0 ratio 3 3 NE ello and Marion Abbot. siler tole which she persona era stated to the writer that he was oily n lana lon such uring Uo D Vi ot saia Council appointed for thai | cords, rank badges; buttons, . . T 3 - Y 1 itched on the rkateon Sa via 1 vp » roar % SW « : ite @! purpose resolution, shall attend at . "Unless somebody comes to the] HOOD J a ie vor nest: ea | opmination, of ia werimission by cor? | iE place: 1n he. said Mubleibaiic: for | ete. Nothing too large for us rescue ere will be few young . ig jorlers are no Tay to day Jie. poles Bnd Ns at hs a PE la f-1the purpose of appointing, and if ye- A . American actors of real standing "Driven," a four act comedy, wi | be ore tha 1 posal v hy eC : : { tract hs forthwit we tt ine ie HH i in Ah 44 to supply y nothing too 8 1 after five or ten year more.' Henry | Presented by Charles Frohman i Archi 1 ia . . nas to Iy at all times w eo Iiy- jpoles, wires and ot wwplinuces 13 att at the final summing up of t} to receive our prompt atten- E. Dixey is quoted. "American thea-| New York this week. The play is| gnast vine. 1 itt . rf Laws 0 te poration. govol ning E210. Sireels cand dh he Cor 0 hy 2 © and one person io trical development ' will be in the|about a young wife who is given but! Pr' ana Mrs. | , Harifor A wires on -the public strests aed [Corporation emo re: su but {of the persons in rr a hal tion via : hands of foreigners." two years to live. Her husband ne-| Conn, ' 161 place t Eo f Hn skbense al US i 4 : the promoting bf the proposed Repairing and alterations glects her, and for =ix months she|pagied by | dangh 3 Eileen 17% EY re re $ BOO 6 DROCUrFS : Bylaw and a like number on f of refull Renee Kelly, Who played the part|sits at home "waiting for the end," | whe t g y fOr} two ve 2 fr i N sation. of i uhm » ihe: lent of 1 Mtn re ested Prana robs | CATELU y attended to. of the Queen in the Liebler produc-sShe regrets not what she has done, mer since September, M MeDon- fagreemont devel owe the said icingliiy Ie City of Ji 1-1 the y of January, 19 5 We can= save you money tion of "The Garden of Paradise," |but what she hasn't so she puts onfagh who hes been vs gow re 15 ahd i. fru ta OME iy-lave a 1 he Ft ve o'cfoek noon, at 'the 1 w has heen selected by Henry Miller her finery and sets out to have a|latives, S returned ! ho! ein "AD the hts cont rie ce roement, provided that r ase h v A o Office; inthe galt Musici and we guarantee to please for the Ruth Chatterton role in "Dad-| good time, W slie is having it} Perth Mr Mrs. J. Green w em | : rent shall be for Haw, on such submission shall fall d and sum up the voles Tiven au. dy Long-Legs," when he begin his|the doctors cure her. One New York |spent thei stmas in Wateriown, | feite Irs oS ro gr ie jild or and against the proposed By-law tour in the play with bimself in the | critic remarked "Driven" merely |N Y. ) in . Be, Loire 3 ¥ Ee . pf pir Muniel : chises Act th WwW. W.5 DS, J. M. ASHBY, Lieut., title-role. lrives an innocent 'dog to drink | Rural mail i« in ope ' i No. oved y 1 1 sald Contra ) xal Hh Agrueme t RA Sai) i did &h 1 Kingston, 10th Degember. i 47th Regt. " | have been very busy lis Lroute, which comprises the ites Robert Campbell sanounces {he E.'H. Sotherp and nh wife Julia the island t he canal 'bridge ¥ rT, - ini a © production in September, 1915, of a| Marlowe, have purchased an old man | service is tri-weekly William Rane- | § new original comedy-glrama, thel sion in Georgetown, the elite resid-| ous is the mail carrier On Yast Wed SPECIAL DELIVERY | Cc 0 AL . Bulk Oysters, #cenes of which are laid near ¥Fair-| ence part of the National sital, and} nesday he was unablé.to make hi mT kind A . i ¢ | ) 1¢ 111 VOI : - fax, Va., and will make a spectaculur|are entertaining Washington society | trip owing to roads heing blocked XMAS DAY KING. yOu ar look feature of a Southern plantation on|and being entertained. According tof Ne comprises the eighth and nintl Zbar'slce Cream a ® i A ig! nib 4 aney BOX GHOCOLATES ing for is «tle kind we - Parlor the James River, Just after the! reports, neither intends to act ag 1in | concessions, vid i a daily gervie . and sell innan d ies' . Civil War. The name of the author| professionally Another well known | George MeRae will' deliver > it ul § is withheld for the present. | player who hi nade Washington | shortly' be in operation It is 1 | rvi H fhis hone ic BR. Do MacLean, who! known as vet whether the Scranton Coal | Choice Candies of all kinds in brlk or fancy boxes. Ice Cream Ki d H Annie Russell's new play for this with his wife, Odette Tyler, has long [be established in the sixth and Call. oF Phond. 950 Is good il and "we ippere errings Also serve all kinds of hot season, soon to be produced, | been fecognized as a permanent Hx | enth CONUESSION Up to the present gnarantece prompt de- : drinks. modern romance called :"His Reval ture of the best circles of the Capital g sufficient numjmr of names have MARB HALL | livery i B fable Fro ounce called... His Rev. (ure Tern Tegtieed 0 enmre a Sve MARBLE ; ; ominion S 0. - En Cotes of "her AU tha . oH hei "of tha idan service will soon | GEORGE MASOLD, Prop, { . BOOTH & CO. i "seme mame. In it a Pritiskeprth oe Julion Eltinge i sake an elab- (be in operation and: will be looked af L. IS SSM SET { Foot bf West St. PHONE sie weds the president's daughter in tnelorate production of "Ingomar" and |ler by Harry Card. It is also a daily ' re ea | White House! Beats CGraustarx|act the role of Parthenia, either next | service. i * -- NE nin ni S-------------- coren't it? eason or the season following He | Miss . Je e Cooper has returne --- promises that the venture will It { ho moe from Belleville college for her rAssAsassanan The cast of James Forbes' new la. novel one in many ways. The cast, | he liday Word has just been receiv play, "In the Limelight," will in-| for instance will be made up entire-| ed of the death of John Ryan at a, a vii Fala: stale thous me will | Rosiere, 3 fter « short illne clude Douglas Fairbanks, Zelda |ly of male stars, although no one will} FOE, = 4 Ag Sears, George Sidney, Patricia Col-|be featured A' single, performance ( T . Y f ki Inge, Olive May Edna Aug, Wil-|only will be the ruie in each City and lived ere 1 Wo years ag - For hirty ears the Standard o Qua ity liam Sampson, Ned Sparks, Sam|visited In the duet geene betweet Colt, Walter Young, Stapleton Kent | Parthenia and Ingomar in act four, | FAMOUS BISLEY SHOT KILLED, % and Becky Bruce. a scene always omitted by Julia Mar a i lowe, a Grecian dance, will be intro. | Sergt. Tippins Killed Carrying Water etm nm pwns that payers vend Yor & Masi, Next time you buy underwéar, get the name right London, Dee. 26.--The famon ; ; DEATH RATE VERY LOW. shot, Sergt. Tippins, of Essex 9 [al SICK Ww ------ ment, has been killed while fe RY Less Than 2 1-2 Per Cent, Die In| gater for a Maxim He w ho rench Hospitals ® final for e king's prize De 1 VILLE on the last six year 3 i lose uttained by ti renci Sergt. Duncan Ton 4 every cell and fibre of the | | iroop obtainable from a report | Scottish. perh bod, demands pure blood, vy M. Troussaint, director of the [ure on Bisley [ d alc i i th service, to the Ar-|¢&isted in sending \ Associated | § but drugs, extracts and alco- 54 From September | Press despatches at recent mestings; | § holic mixtures are useless. Li to the end of November 459] hos returned home wounded ¢ : ent and sunshine are 733 wounded were treated in Fron I ; yt 3 matare's blood makers and the rich hospitals. Of these G4 1-2 per cent By action or word the optimist] q 1 q . L « L « i 4 4 medicinal oil-food in Scott's upwards of 250,000, had been d never forgtals trouble Emulsion enlivens the blood to > charged cured and rejoined the (01d | mreme-------------------- | arrest the decline. It aids the forces, 120,000 are «<onvalescent, appet ron, and more thap 60,000 on the road ite, strengthens the 4 { to recovery. The figure of 2.1 CAS f OR A [} nerves and fortifias the Bn narad deaths of wounded of of luags and entire system. 2 + 850 he lowest proport For Infants and Children, =] Me sab Am SE diel tiie 1 | The Kind You Hava Always Bought | oFT's ET IMPERIAL 9 three thousand nine hundred and 3 2 t hospitals, providing Hears the: . 2 # beds, and accomnrodation Signature of , | Me | Underwear for Men -- There's comfort and satisfaction in store for you if you in- sist on getting 'Imperial' Garments = The purest of woollen yarns alone are used in their manufacture, and the fit and finish of every gar- ment is all the most fastidious could desire. Back of every garment we stand with our unqu alified diaianice of 'quality, and will cheerfully re- place any faulty garment. wei Fi Imperial Garments Wear Wadi Sold by all good retailers at popular prices. Ask your dealer for "Imperial" Brand, and don't be put off with a substitute. Support home | industries. : : ; Made only by The Kingston Hosiery Compa Established 1882. THE KING AT THE FRONT. HE ; B ate Hetgaion me Sot Rie, #4 Itt L. HehtoMaltiains of Janie Si Gt . t uy ' ea Nii B Ring Albert aud King The oceasion of the visit was the fivst time : monuch, bas gone to the

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