Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Dec 1914, p. 9

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oy --- WATCH... | There is one man (if 'he is really. that) whom Lampman hopes' will not have a py New Year. His | ' name {8 Kaiser Willeln.. ' There arc to be dog days next 'year; Bot because ©! the war but because to the town council of 1915 is left the task of making the new dog by-law, The soldiers are ve not the only gov-] ernment smployees who are not liv- ing like lords. The Lampman hears that government hospital nurses pa- tronize restaurants in crder to get a square meal once in a while. The war|ea has made the provincial sovernmént very acongmical, Mayor Shaw bas. eertainiy Yooh a splendid lotbyist at Ottawa for King- ston. No mayer did more than he to get the government interested in this town, and to coax it to give over everything it sould spare. Brewery Lane 5 certainly a love- ly name for one of Kingston's Ligh- ways. The Lampman has heard of Whiskey Row, but he did not know till recently that the town had a Brewery Lane. The reason, the Lampman hears for mobilizing the third expedition- ary force at many places instead of a few centred" is to give protegtion to as wide an area as vossible against German raids from the United States. There will be enough Canadian sol- diers at hand along®the border to bang all pirate bands that may seek to visit this land on "kulture" bent. The Kingston conservative associa- tion executive should meet and de- cide which merchant is to have the patronage for the rope supply. When the Whig, with its array of Kin officers of the second Can- adian contingent reaches Berlin, the kaiser will certainly have another fit. as he sees theyhopelessness of con- tinuing the struggle. The Lampman has been asked if a man can.be elected as a town coun- cilman if his taxes are in arrear. He is of opinion that he can not, accord- ing to law and commonsense. If a townsman cannot or wi'l not pay his taxes, he is not fit to represent the people who do pay their tithes: The Lampman. recalls that last January the tnaugurni meeting of the town council was opened with prayer, und that Gouncilinan Suther- fana yy he would open his Fire and Light committee ugural with a box of , He wonders it Coun eriand, if he is elected mayor, se cigars instead of prayer for Sounel] opening. Although the newspapers of Tues- day last contained the obituary of the town coungil, the Lampman no- tices that this body has again bob- bed up, apparently not having been properly interred. "Is it proper for a military officer in uniform to put on a surplice or a chorister's gown?" The Lampman would answer no. Civilian and cleri- cal garb can be mixed with that of the "sodger". It would be like an officer wearing a military tunic anc a pair of football p pants. Last Ip "Tom" McAuley sept & communication to the town couneil wit to that body do- ing some praying when its members felt inclined! to wrangle and call each other names. His Worship the mayor referred the commuaication 'to the council's Fire committee. The Lamp- man would like to know if the com- munication has been reported upon. ~--THE TOWN WATCHMAN ITY rs NOMINATIONS ON MONDAY For Mayor, Utilities, Aldermen And School Trustees. These are the places for nomina- tion of aldermen and school trustees on Monday from 12 o'clock moon till 1 o'clock : S am ward, at No. 88 William : J. J. Brophy, returning otlicer, pIntatio ward, at City Council cham- ber; Alexander Jamieson, returning St. Lawrence ward, st No. 316 Prin bess: street; A. E. M. Loscombe, re- 'ward, at No. 72 Queen wold Pag returning officer. at No. 63 York vies, returning off. cer. Rideau ward, at ocoruer of Division and (Brock streets; William Neal, re officer. ward, at corner Division { Unions ust; William Perry, re aie © sod ayor will - Te- the dif Sek ib Be in he City A FFICER. | Comte a1 BY 2ACCHEUS, Who Hopes That 1¢ 1915 Will Give Peace To The World. A happy new year. | B Beige with the realization your most fervent hopes. C--Canada, the freest and happiest country on 'the face 2 t he, ilobe. , uprelentingly, to sue her forward march oy pu: E~Entente cordiale 'among all her sons. F<Faithfulness to flag aid to H--He fates. her opportunities, Gp-G message. Pintle frown down, J--Justice be our guiding star. K-~Kickers, gruuters, fire-eaters; "gather no moss. L--~Law of love the supremest. M--Mark the future with generosity +fand forbearance. N--Neighborly men the best wen, 0--0ld boy thrives on discord. P--Piteh him overboard. Q--Quotidian bread, eat and lot eat. R~Resolve, on dawn of new year, to live the true life. S--Seeking the good thereby securing our own. T--Traversing time with a thought be that which is beyond. U--Unswerving as to duty. V--Valiant for the right. shing well to all, let us hale a prayer that 1915 Y~Yield to the world peace, aud to each and every one the fullest possible measure of God's blessings. --~ZIAC OHE US, of of of others, may DEATHS AMONG CANADIANS; THREE IN LATEST LIST. In Addition, Thiee Men Of First Cons tingent Mre Reported Seri. = ously Il. Ottawe, Dec. 26.--The following deaths huve been reported in the Canadian expeditionayy force at Salisbury Plain: - December 16.---- Private Hugh A. Peden, 16th battalion; run over by motor lorry; next of kin, Mrs. A. Peden, 1,973 Scventh avenue, Van- couver. ' Deeember 17 Sergt. - Charles LDouglas William Gale, Yt¢h--battall- on; dled of pneumonia; next of kin, M¥s. Emily Gale, North Jasper plage Edmonton, Alta. December 17--Private J. Didvid- son, 17th battalion; died of cerebro- spinal meningitis; next of kin, Mrs. R. G. Henkley, Truro, N.S. The Tollowing are reported seri- ously ill-----Gunner Gordon Wilson, 20d Artillery Brigade; cerchro-spin al meningitis: next of kin, Mrs. Kv en Wilson, Hildegarde; N.I. Pri- vate M, K. Smith, 5th battalion; puekmonia; next of kin, Mrs. A Smith, 30 Aberdeen place, Petot- boro, Ont. Private A. A. Murray, Third Battalion: cerebro-spined meningitis; next of kin, Mrs. T. A. Murray, Oakville. Private ~ lax Thirold Grant, Fifth Battalion, cere bro-spingl meningitis; next of Kin, C. J. Grant. No. 1 Sloane Gardens London, S.W., England. The genercus man scarcely over talks "THE "CHRISTMAS MERVICES| MIDNIGHT MASS ST. MARY'S HELD IA' WAS Archbishop Spratt Officiated -- vices Were Also Held In Several | Other Of the City Churches, The happiest and dearest of festi ities, Christmas, with its deep relig ions import, its home comings and general manifestations of goad-will, once more is here to cheer the hearts of young and old. Alas! period intended for joy « among men should, as at tl hour, be turned into a tin pair, death dnd desolution ! ) hearths that mourn antl hearts ache, all péoplé™iel wifeigned sympa- thy and pray that the Prince of Peace may, from His lowly crib of Bethle- hem, lighten their sorrow and hasten an understanding among nations the earth. * That "The celebration of welres int most give nud worthy, gloom kanging over the ¢ause for rejoicing. We, in Kingston and ('anada, have not wliered as cer- tain other cities sud countries have, and life" hus gow much in the asual eas ----- = Nover -helore, perhaps, were the se vices in. St. Mary's Cathedral more imposing in. character, It was with all the splendor the Roman Catholic liturgy affords that the solemn mid- night w was celebrated by Arch- bishop Spratt, assisted by high priest, deacon and sub-deacon, all gorgeously vested, the altar being that of attending the of Christ impre ceremonies the birth ehur very not ih tanding the rid, is about generosity. AG [ie York HLS L 10¥ ROUSED," Supt "dressed prayers of the | the and Tighted and the faithful that thronged sacred edifice ascending with the \grent incense towards the throne t rnei goodness and majesty. furnished on the occasion highest order and the 'heirs whose canticles brought il shepherds to Bethlehom's ight not have disdained to y voices so sweet and ao- » {rue 1 who assisted at this most ervice, the midnight mass, smbrancd' thereof must long ious and endearing | NO CHRISTMAS BONUS. swck Exchange Dropped. York, Dee. 26.~For the » history -of ~the- New" York the employees did | istmas bonus - this Escha year. " As far back as the oldest veteran to appoint a commitlee to contribnitions from members fund for the 100 or employees. of the exchange. Inasmuch as the exchange, clesed for nineteen weeks, retained all its employees on full pay, org decided' that there Christmas fund. missions and the fact that mauy brok- Christin more payrolls because "they don't want turn them out in the streels, also influeaced the exchange authori- ties. Ladt year more than $12,000 was distributed. management and hard travel together. Poor usually [ JROAY, DECEMBER 26, 1014 DECEMBER 26, | Sessler Weaver Company, ritish Whis 1014 - iy FINANCIAL NOTES A Coal Company See Seeks to Cancel | Interest Unpaid, Toronto, - Dec. 256~~The Sterling Coal Company, Toronto, announces its intention of 'asking its bondhold- ers to forego the payment of two ears Interest and cancel the com- pany's liability for the same in or- der 'to build up the company's fin- ancial position. The company owns ninety per cent. of the Conger 'Le- high Coal company and also owns mines in Ohio and West Virginia. St. Lawrence Dividend Montreal, Dec. 25.--The directors of the St. Lawrence & Chicago Steam Navigation Company, Limi- ted, have declared a dividend of three per cent, , payable January 2nd, 1915, to shareholders of re- cord December 18th. New Montreal Companies, Ottawa, Dec. 25.---Among the Montreal concerns incorporated at Ottawa are the Star Boiler and Ra- diator Company Limited, $200,000; Limited, $100,000, contractors, and the Tate Electrolptic Waterproofing Process- es, Limited, $300,000. T. Reduce Preferied issuc. New York, Dec. 25.-- Tho Tobac- co Products Corporation wtf make a further reduction in its preferred capital stock from $8,000,0000 to $7,000,000 par value of the stock is $100. A special meeting of the Tobac- co Products Corporation will be held in Richmond, Va., December 28th, to consider and act upen the proposition. The stockholders will be asked to reduce the authorized preferred capital from 80,000 shares to 70,000, and as part of such reduction by retiring 10,000 shares now owied by the corpora- Custom first:| | had can remember it has been the custom | receive |... to al when ! the govern: |i. 'would be no |X The slimness of com: | ots are retaining employees on their | to] have | luck | tion and purchased by it for this | purpose 91,159 Hold Stock. *hiladeiphia, Dee. 20---0n Dee. 1, Pennsylvania Railroad vhad 91,- ) stockholders largest number istory. This is an increase last year, "Instead of ase in the number of hareholders the compila- wat on Dec. 1, 1914, it or an mcrease of 386 + holders a year ago. -one thousand one hundred y-six, more than one-third t Pennsylvania Railroad's stockholders; are ¢itizens of Pennsyl- tia I'he remainder of the ¢owm- pany tocks are di tributed as fol low York, 15,645; New 'Eng- scattered, 16,007 Of of 'shareholders, per cent, are wu. ayy ed over tion sho 11 S82 ove New Ene. I number 9; oF 48.17 Cost Of Production Low. Boston, Dec. 25----It is expected that final figures of Granby's net jearnings for November from Hidden | Creek operations will show between $85.000 and $90,000 This would { compare with $65,000 for October a Amn ee ne NN A when price. Fin Co., of share par value § dlay, 133 1.2 Illinois nounced stockholders' Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds INCORPORATED 1869 «= «$11,560,000 "iw 13,535,000 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts sy an init depot of with One Dollar, Interest is credited half rearly, JOINT ACCOUNTS An account in the names of twe members of a family will be found account, convenient. Either person (or the survivor) may operate the KINGSTON BRANCH, copper Oil Stock Melon. Ohio., stockholders will get per cent. Pipe Line Co. at the of close meeting Iinois: 100- ed for every three stock The Dominion Yoined the trea 1 has held netal Dec shares of was here Commercial Notes. videud reducers The ance ( [0 sful year lividerds will be direc Canada 0. has tors of the Park company National just elpsed paid. General Chemical compuny of California have pel! its eal company of New York. James A. Sutherland, firm of T., Toronto, the § assets has J member of the change Dun & Co, ur u Ne B to the been the lower a It Ohio Oil 'melon' iif stock of the was an- the special, that one Pipe Line stock = would be distribut- I of Ohio Oil 2 ranks of the Fire a Very suc- Al least sixty per cent. yoted to General Chemi- 'member of Greening & Co, elected w York Coffee BEx- report u.nety-one 3 in Canada for December week ended 18th, as compared . E E. NEWMAN, Managen ne in the same week last og Mon di- in | thirty- five y year. | Sir George Gibbons has beén elect: | ed president of the London Gas com- pany, in succession to the late Major Beattie, M.P. The capital of Northern Crown "was slightly increased during the twelve months, and is now $2,862; [000 Deposits amount to $12; aa 080 {afd total-nssets' to $18,7003768 : J itish Columbia proppses Sh. te limited moratorium on real estatd. payments. Great KEritamp.will make ioans to the tour larger Dominions for. war expenditures 'as follows. ° Canada; £12,000,000; Australia, £18,000,000 , South Africa, £7,008,000; New Zea- Insur land, £5,250,000, ' A A liquidator has been' a uted by the creditors of 'the™ € Agency, Itis Aba 8 to £1,489, a 'ave 000, 5 20 The repuly : eent: on-JanR J is Annouce y ble 20th to stockholders of ember 31st. Ewing Buchan, for manager of the Bank or 3h Hamilton ra ; eats Vancouver; B:C., has been, apeinted a fail- curator of the 'Bank of Vancouver during its = indiaguy i aa with SE ---- ------ RY, JERE TIE A GREAT | VSCoNE Rr MAKE US MILL IO DISCOVERED NA PUT IT ON A MAN ELECTRICITY HAR THE ELE CIBC C HAS R Mutt Isn't Quite in 1 Edison' s Class al, THEE ALE His Ou. SOI Fixep uP e ff ) var | lc | | ON ENO NOwy CORR od hi, Go | Reo MM AND TURN Of GH i ws---- By "Bad Fisher { IN THE T HL vou (ots CAT NexT THE OR OT IT DoT WORK VERY

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