{| There is no time in all the frought with joy. Se A fl The happy Christmas faces shine with giving. Leo i The lights glow forth from homes where children dwell. year so "4 The tingling air revives our sluggish veins, Y We want every one of our friends to . accept our fl Hearty Christmas Greetings to all. Livingston & Bro. A Little Out of the Way, But It Will Pay You To | A Merry and Happy | Xmas to all Open till 10 o'clock to-night _ An opportunity to purchase that gift you have overlooked, or the new pair of stockings for Santa to fill. rhe, Special To-night ~~ Silks for Waists or Dresses 30, 60. 75 and 90c for ~ 39c. a yard Plain Silks in shades of navy, brown, helio, pink, sky, reds, Alice blue, and other popular colors, including black and white. Fancy Bilks in pretty stripes and checks a great many combinations of colors. Regu- lar prices 50c, 60c, 75c and 90c. Special for 30c a yard. |, : t A waist or dress length of one of these { t SERVANTS CAN RUN FOR MUNICIPAL OFFICES, . 5 Wte---- The Reasons the Government Gives For a ChangeesThe Order May Never Be Put Into Effect, The amnouncement is made that the government is not permitting civil servants, whose salaries are over $500. a year, to run for muni- cipal offices. This, however, does not affect the pi nt election as an order-incounfil will likely pe passed early next year to cover the Question: It had been hoped to put the order into effect this yoar, bul the proposal was brought be- fore ihe cabinet too late to act. The objection of the government is that 100 much time is taken up by civil servants and as a result the govorn- CIVIL ff went work' sutters.- The" civil ser- vants, however, are taking action against the government's proposal; tliey claim that if the order goes into effect they will be deprived of rights, and they do mot propose to he so treated. They should have the same privita of participating in the rights of citizenship as any other persons in the community, and many of them are more capable of service than those who often fill the offices. THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. A General Review of Country District * and Local News, i 'Buy Sweets at. Gibson's. Hudnut's tollét waters, Dr. Chown. White - Rose flour in 64, 12, 21, 49, 98 Ih. .packiiges. ~All grocers, . +Kye glasses; with perteti eye-test- iag, Dr. Chaown. Sir Robert Borden contemplates vis- iting Winnipeg noxt week. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders 'received at McAuley's. Phone 564. } | 1 | | "Open all day Christmas." Gibspn's led Cross Drug Store. Municipal nominations were held in Itamilton, London, St, Catharines and Berlin on Wednesday. Thermometers, fancy house, bath, fever, etc,, Dr. Chown. il. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street, Leave orders at Me- | Anley's hook store. Christmas delivery from Sibeon's. Thomas Oockburn, editorial wri- ler on the Vancouver World, dled stddealy at the age of fifty years. Christmas delivery from Gifhson'a. High class ebony backed hair brushes, Dr. Chown. Norman W. Hancock, Galt, has been appointed chief claims officer and so. Heitor of the Ontario Workmen's Com. {ensation Board. Thermometers, fancy house, bath, fever, et¢., Dr. Clown. {rit ia Water, Light and Power Com- pission announces a reduction of "bout ten pos cent. in the already low elgetric fighting and pover cates. Solid ebony backed hair brushes with genuine bristles, Dr. Chown The women of Belleville have pominated five women candidates for the positions of sciuool trustees in the five: wards of ihe city. 25¢. to $5 candy at Gibson's. Postage paid on all perfume pur- chases, Dr. Chown. James Rogan, a C.T.R. vardman af Niagara Falls, while uncoupling cars| lipped of tho ice and four curs ran over him, cutting bis body in two. Desk 'thermometers, Dr. Chown. A warship whose natipnality is not known is reporied in a despatcii from Mitylene tg have been sunk off the coast of Syria with all on board. Christmas delivery from Gibson's. Hair brushes and combs, suitable for Christmas at "Hoag's." Guaranteed fountain pen, Dr. Chown, Sir - Rodmpnd Roblin, premier of Manitoba, will shortly retire from the Manitoba miership, and will be translated to the senate in the place of the late Senator Kirchhoffer, A cheque for $1,000 was present- ed. to John Macmillan, B.A, L.L.D,, who. has retired from active duties ts the «Ottawa Collegiate Institute. $1.00, The many friends of Roderick R. MeD Id, the veteran member of thn Pehiteatingy staff, and former elec: trician, 'will be pleased to r' that he is recoveritdg from his severe SII- ness ad that he is improving nicely. Mr. McDonald, who is retiring irom service at the penitenfiary, is proba- bly the oldest member of the stafi, he having served half a ceritury at the institution, as practically all his life was spent there. is father, the late Allan McDonald, was gatekeeper at the Penitentiary for many years; and in the olden days the gatekeeper lived. in the lodge at the "pen" with the members of his family, ick, 'as a': boy, was raised at the big ison, and' served £4 a messenger amd afterwards was re- tained on the staff. Mr. : AS an appren- tice at the Canada tock works, and! whe at the Penitehitiary had, the hon: or of working under = maven wardens. During the long time he was employ- el there, © was % faithful worker end most efficient in all his dudies, 11, has a host of fricply and they all wish for him many mbre years of good health, § 8 | i | Engagement Amiounced : An engagement recently announ- cod in Jagdon is of dnterest.in Mon- treal dnd other parts of Canada. Lady Eileén Elliot, eldest daughter of the late 'Earl and the Countess of Minto, is engaged td Lord Fran- cls Scott, who was dide-de-camp to Lord Minto in India. Lord Irancis Scott saw active service in the Boer war, and has been with his regiment in the fighting line on the contin- ent. He was lately wounded, hut is recovering. i : m---------- Little Snow In For West. Arthur C. Harte, of Fort pelle, Sask., came to the city 'on thiirsday morning, Speaking (0 a Whig reporter he stated that at Je- gina'mngd the neighboring points abont there whs little or no smow. He was surprised to see so much of it in this locality. The temperature, evor, has gone pretty low in western places, and Mr. Harte said that they have: had = it thirty degrees . helow zero. Gu'Ap- hows Now Major-General Crowe. Col. J. I. V. Crowe, formerly com- mandant at the Reyal Military Col- loge, has been motéd to the rank of 'majorgeneral. * "He is attached to tte war office in London, Eng. as ftat:d in Monday's Whig. ; Word of Col. Urowe's promotion fas just been received in' the city, and it will bé learned with: much pleasure hy his many friends here. Cel. Crown wes sicosedéd at the eollege by Col Ii. R. Carleton. Christmas Services, St. Andrew's--Christmas service at I1 am. Minister will officiate. St. Paul's ChurchwChristmas Dav Holy . communion, 8 am.; Morning Prayer and holy communion, 11 .o'- elock, = Preacher, on FitzGerald. St. George's Cathedral--Christinas Day. Holy é¢ommunion, 6.45, 8 and 11 o'clock; children's - service, 10.135 a.m. The dean will preach at 11 o'¢lotk service. Evensong, 5.30 pm. "Naval Warfare There is a treat in store for thoss who have never seen how Great Brit. ain's sons of the seas 'behave in a na- val engagement. "The Battling rit ish" is a thrilling three-recl feature, vividly illustrating the foregoing with a beautiful love story interwoven iuto the. maid 'theme. We know you will like it. - Wonderland. Theatre, Christ- mas Day and evening and Saturday. Vl eB e------ { Christmas Grand Operas House. The gift: was from former pupils. ing, Dr. Chown. Shaving brushes, mirrors and ibaying materials for Christmas at Hoag's." Don' forget Christuias delivery at Gibson's. " For snatching thirty cents from the hand of a poor man who was trying to get a bed for the night, Charles Lordon, at St. Thomas, was sentenced to four months in the Central Prison. Sweets, at Gibson's. Shoulder braéés, all styles, Dr. Chown, Col. W. A. Logie,' "Hamilton, ap- pointed commander of the second divi- gional area, taking the place of Major- General Lédsard, who has been made inepector-genere for Eastern Canada. The change will take place immedi ately, 0c. to 85 candy at Gibson's. Postage paid on all perfume pur- chases," Dr. Chown. Mrs. Hannah Koskoff died on Wednesday in the Harlem home of the Daughters of Iérael, New York, She is believed to have been ihe oldest woman in the United Stotes, having been born 117 years ago. in 1797, in Kieff, Russia. Eye glasses, with perfect eye-test- | } On Christmas day the Grand Opera House will give . four performances, matinees at 2 and 3.30 o'clock and cvening periormances at 7.30 and 9 o'clock. An 'exten good vaudevillo hill of feature acts," and Photo-Plays has been secured which is sure to please all lovers of good, bright, clean amusement. a ied Helping The General Hospital. The following i& 4 sample of the A maoy kind letters received in connec tion with the campaign for funds for the Teoeral hospital : Dear Dr. Boyoe,--1 want to add my mite to the hospital fand. Fo- closed is ¥2, which will do good. ~--A WIDOW. Officers Of ¥Y. 1. C. B. A. The Y.LC.B.A. elected these offi- | cérs © President, J. J. Behan; first y vice-president, H. G. Eves; second | vice-president, Leo Millan; recording secretary, Daniel Clayton; financial / secretary, Charles T. A. Croes; treas- urer, A.W. Gannon: marshal, P. Fan- | non; sergeantsat-al 0, Olsen. Lemme. . Engagement Announced. The enghgement is anbounced of J. YM. Maedonuel, Canadian = expedition: | A CHRISTMAS APPEAL From the Kingston General Ho: pital © For $1,000. Tais worthy - charity needs vour help today. Several of the latest modern life-saving appliances. have been ing this year, necessitating an increased expenditure. To. main tain the hospital in the present efli- cient sthte it is necessary to get $1,000. The institution has slready | received $610 towards if. Surely the fri of this come forward at this time balance. PRC, institu: | ary force, som; of G. AM. Hacdanad], Kingstom« to "Christine Alar lorie, voungest daughter of Dr. GG. R. Parkin, formerly of Toronto Died At Collins Bay. ] On December 23rd Ratharine Me- kay, a resident of Collins Bay, died after a lingering ilness. The de- ceased was fifty-nine years ago at Amherst Island, ' She leaves two sisters. eos Curling Rink Sheets Ready. Three sheets 'of ice in the eurling rink were in use on Wednesday night ~and 'the jeunaster, M..P. Reid, sxpects to have the five shedts ready for . yi Howe crossed on Thursday, morning from that Island to the main shore with ia ny SL PL Chows. h clagy Islond, 7.15 To 10.30 NOTE---We close the store at 6 o'clock and REOPEN again at 7.15 for the balance of the evening. = gestions | «wee Weo will place on sale-just-50 Boxes EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS ' 4 in a box, pure linen, dainty designs, put up in preity gift box, showing each of the four-designs. 'These are wort op. ularly $1.00 ge Yours to-night, if you are on time, 69¢ BO "100 Silk Mufflers FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN A great many different styles and colorings. These are the bal- ance of stock sent us by the maker, at about half their value. These we will offer to-night at half price. All the $1.00 Mufflers at 50c. $1.50 Mufflers at 75c. $2.00 Mufflers for $1.00 Spo M ifflers for $1.50 eee) Men's Initial Handkerchiefs Pure linen, fine make, hand worked initial, put up 3 in a gift box Special To-night 59¢ Box | Nearly all initials, but come early as these will not last long Children's Snow Protectors I Lo wn cis body LE ANE fy Attala bf ag Ly, hw RED-OVERSTOCKINGS WHITE OVERSTOCKINGS BLACK OVERSTOCKINGS et ENITTED OVERALLS with feet, in white or red wool SNOW MITTS with long cuffs John Laidlaw & Son This Is a Popular Slipper With the Men Cholate Kid Rome Slipper, Turn Sole, soft and easy, all sizes, 5% to: 10. : $2.00. 2 Some in Black Kid, with a ttle heavier sole.