MERRY CHRISTMAS oa ALLAN M. REID 111 Princess St. Kingston, Kingston Cem- ent Products We Make CEMENT BLOCKS, SILLS, LIN. TELS, PIER BLOCKS, BRICK, VASES, and everything in cement. dah work a specialty. OFFICE 177 WELLINGTON ST Works, Cov. Charles and Patrick Sts Xmas Stockings, S | ; be, 10¢, 25¢ each. Candy Canes, lc, 3c, ic, 10c each, Sweet Secedies "ogy Sc dozen. Veraa] " 3 Oranges, 10c, 20¢, Grapes, Dates, Figs, Mixed Nuts, 'J. R. B. Gage, 234 Montreal St. Phone 349 The Ideal Christmas Gift Allow us to suggest as a Christinas gift for your wife and fam- ily a Policy of Life Insurance in the Mutual Life of Canada. It will be a living proof to them that you think, not of to-day only, but of the many to-morrow's that are to come. If you already have a pol. icy, add to it. This is the readiest way in whic you can create or increase your estate. Let us furnish you with figures for a policy at once. S.ROUGHTON, GENERAL AGENT. 60 Brock St. Kingston. Office Phone, G10; Ren, 361. Harry Sharpe, Special Agent. An Apology Is due to our mijtary clients whom we have been unable to supply with uniforms the last couple of weeks and who conse- quently have had to procure them elsewhere. We are increasing our staff and enlarging our facilities for an increased output, and we hope in future to make our usual prompt delivery. Crawford & Walsh, Princess & Bagot St. ~+The-Only Military Tailors in Town: a -- aturday Goo Here is where we give a practical demonstration of holiday spirit, by. giving low prices on some neces- sary and useful things. Call in our store Saturday. Men's Overcoats, warm, heavy grey and blue Chin- chilla coats, also tweeds in rich shades of grey and browns. All styles. Reg, $15.00. Sat. for $10 Boys' Overcoats, tweeds and Chinehillas, made with shawl or noteh collar and belted backs. Reg. $8. Saturday for . As cael BO : MEN'S FURNISHIN : Men's Xmas Ties in faney boxes, reg. Toc, Sat Reg. 50e Ties, Saturday for ....... Men's Braces in fancy boxes, reg. Toe, for ...... Men's Silk Handkerchiefs, reg. Te, Saturday for 50e Reg. 80e, Saturday for. ....ewmscsnes +... 300 Big assortment of Sweaters and Sweater Coats, all at reduced prices for Xmas. Ladies' Black Satin Pumps, reg. $3.50. Sat. for $2.00 Ladies' Fancy House Slippers, reg. $2.00, Sat. $1.25 '. urday .. 90 39¢ 50e 2 | Toe fl muda as-was currently. rumored, but {are that they go to Europe. fll be sent over in detachments as soon Chocolates, Creams, Mixed Candies. | [THIS 1S WHAT 15 NOW UNDER i . ARRANGEMENT. | May Be Sent Forward in Detachments ~Major Maclean Rcémembered by Ottawa Friends--Pipe Band Drum. mers Here. 4 | The Whig was informed, on high au- thority, on W y, that the 21st battalion would not be sent to Ber- "would eventually be sent to France or nowhere. So far the arrangements It is likely that the second contingent will | as the first contingent leaves Salis bury Plain. Major D. IH. MacLean, of the 21st battalion, , was presented with a military wrist-watch by the president of thé Laurentian Club, in Ottawa, on Wednesday evening. There were over a hundred members of the club present and the president of the club, T. A. Beament, in making the preseii- tation, gave a short address, speak- ing of the loss to the club of the major, who is going overseas. On Wednesday No. 1 company, con- sisting of "A" and "B" companies of the 2lst battalion, went to the vi- cinity of Cataraqui cemetery and did advance guard duty. This consists of skirmishing and outpost work and was thoroughly enjoyed by the men. It is slightly different from the other movements ' that the battalion has been doing. Pte. Shean was taken ill during the afternoon and was ta- ken to a farmer's house until he !was sufficiently recovered to 'bring to the city. The six drummers for the pipe {band of the 2lst have arrived and { 1 were on battalion parade on Wednes- day. A very pleasant hour was spen by the officers and men of "C" Co., 23st battalion on Tuesday evening, last, when the {. C. O's and men presented Capt aim, Lieut. Morricon_and Lieut. aymond,.- each jwith 'a bhapdrome sterling silver 'mounted cane, a <terling silver n:ounted service flask, suitably en- graved, and a box of cigars, together with an address, expressing the es- teem in which they hold them. The joliicers each replied in turn - with | very appropriate speeches expressive {of their surprise, and appreciation cf these evidences of the loyalty and if0ed will of the men under their eoinmand, DRUNK DISAPPEARED After Wife Asked Police to Place Him Under Arrest "My husband is drunk over here on Ontario street, and 1 would like you to place him under arrest." This was the réquest of a woman, ! Anglin. i Smith, Kathleen Craig, L. McClerfn- WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS To a Quilt In Aid Of Belgian Relief & Fund Some of the members of the sol-! dier's Wives League lecting for a quilt been completed. sefid the money to thé Belgian suffer-! ers, collected and forwarded to the treas- urer of the Belgian relier fund. The qui will be sent lo the Sir Oliver Mowat: Memorial Iospital, 'The, league would hike to thank the La- dies Ald of Trinity churen, Wolfe Is- land, tor making up the quilt as its aonation. 'the following are 'the names of these who contributed to the good object: L. Burke, H. Jeckell, M. Jeckell, J. Jeckell,- G. Jeckell, J. Burke, E. E. Burke, L. Kidd, Mrs, Braman, T. wgglestone, I, Lgglesione, Mrs. Cur- rie J. Finney, G. Williams, L, Smith, J. O. Neison, Mrs. Davey, E. Savage, U. Savage, Mrs. Pettigrew, Mrs. Whiskin, Mrs. Gilmour, Mrs. Slack, R. Diamond, 1. Callender, F. Bidwell, F. R. Cupningham, J. A. Smythe, E. Winnett, Bert Winnett, M. Hora, Bubbles Hora, Charlie Short, D dich has 8. F. Reid, A. O'Reilly, Mrs. J: Murphy, M. Corrigan, J. Parsons, A. Aonramsky, Mrs. Ashlie, Mrs. For- ¢ythe, Mrs. Rawley, Mrs. Rousseau, IF. J. Bray R, M. Hazelton, H. M. bBiowne, Sergt. Slater, C. Bennett, B. Jamieson, A. P. Chown, L. T. best Major Hamilton, Mrs. Bell, Mrs, Sighrue, R. Thompson, H. Thompson, J. McCullagh, &. McCul- lagh, BE. McCullagh, Mrs. Sam. Mc- Cullagh, Mrs. Diamong, R. Diam- ord, Mrs. Prayer, Mrs. McIntyre, J, Slade, Gladys Slade, G. C. Allbright, Mr iardiner, Dr. Hanley, Mrs. Frape, Dr. Gardiner, Mrs. Morris, I. J. Paul, J. Sowards, J. i. P. Van Winekle, Mrs. Marshall, by Irene Lawless, Baby Lowry, | Mrs. Leslie, Mrs. Stinson, Mrs. F. J Johnson, O. FF. R. E.,, Mrs. A, Mc- Cully, M. Craig, M. Jones, J. B N Ba ei. dirs, Knight, Mrs. Kidd, Sr., Mrs. | Kidd, 'Mrs. J. C. Clarke! Capt. W: | Simmons, Mrs. StepBenson, Mrs. W. | Thorogood, Mrs. Maggin, Ralph ! Hopkins, Dorothy Hopkins, C. Gedy, Harty, G. L. Wood, A Friend, Z. Prevost, W. W. Gibson, W. H. Stevenson, Crawford, & Walsh, Mrs. Cockade, the Rev. and Mrs. Lech, C. J. Waddell, F. C. Waddell, H. Stevenson, E. A. Hany, Nadine Harty, M, Pense, E, 0. Sath- crland, Lorna Plummer, M. Brown- field, F. Sullivan, D. Carter, E. A. Campbell, George Smythe, ; Sirange, Mrs. Volks, Mrs. Hewitt, Mahood, A. Stroud, ¥. Waldron, it. Macnee, M. Brownfield, N. Mac- nee, F. E, Sparks, N; Mahood, Betty Iiyan, Ii. Mundell, W. H. Macnee, D. I. Kent, M. Dawson, A. Kennedy, C. M. Rogers, B. Smythe, H. Kent, W. -R. Macnee, D. Carrdthers, Miss Irene Dawson, A. Ogilvie, Mrs. J. 'Elmer, Mrs. Conley, Mrs. Sherbrus, Mrs. J. N. Lemmons, William G. C. who walked into the police station, very much excited on Wednesday af- Fternoon./ Two 'of the stalwarts hur- ried out of the station to take the wayward hubby in change, but Mr. Hubby dvidently got wise to the! little game, or was "'tipped off" to- it, for- he managed to make good his escape. The constables continued | their search but could not find the mad | and they were forced to give up the search. VICTORIA OPENING ADDITION. Will Be Ready For Pupils After the Holidays. The seats are being placed in the new wing at Victoria school, and it will. be 'ready for the pupils after the Christmas holidays. The Board of Education granted the use of the school for the soldiers for overseas service, but .it looks as if the gffer is to be turned down by. the mifitia denartment, and as there is great need for the extra accommodation it has 'been decided to after | the holidays. The ' classes which | have been held in the old Collegiate | | Institute have been closed. Collegiate Institute "At Home." { The Kingston Collegiate Institute | pupils held their annual "At Home" ton Wednesday night and there was a most grave of dances, furnished by the Grand- Opera House- orchestva, and was splendid. The gymnasium was used for danc- ing and the refreshments were ser- ved in the"basement which was also Iprettily decorated. The patronessés | were Mrs. K. O. Sliter, Mrs. W. G. "Anderson, Mrs. J. W. Kelly, Misses Watt, Henstridge, Chown and Thompson. as un enjoyable: 'pro- The music was | Vaudeville at the Grand. At the vaudeville entertainment at the Grand Opera House on Christ- mas afternpgon and evening, a very eleborate and amusing programme will be presented. See Raymond Wilbert and his human hoops, a hoop rolling novely; Jack Foster, English character comedian, and! Knight and Benson in harmony! singing aets. There will also he three two reel photo plays. This; will be a splendid bill for the heli-! day, and the balance of the week, | both afternoons' and evenings. Adjourned For Week. A nweting of 'the Board of License: Com joners was called for Wed- | nesdad night for the pucpose of trany- | ferring the licknse at the British- | American Hotel from the Sheriff | Bros. estate to Messrs. Halliday & | Hanley, but as the business was not | ready for the transfer the board ad- journed for a week. Change Of Time. Commencing December 24th, S.8. Amurica will leave for Cape Vincent week days at 10 a. m., instead of 1.30 p. m,, wet weather and ice per- mitting. A ---------------------- Real Estate Transfer. } £. W. Mullin _ has sold to Ernie Campeau, No. 57 John street, a de- tached dwelli cwned by Albert Lunman. * : I. | vagar, 8. Crawford, Elwood Barnes, i Hemming, ual | ¢ R. J. Sheles, L. Ryder, B. Woodrow, McGall, Mrs. Rockford, Russel R. Bajus. Mrs. Kenip, J. Mackenzie, E. Mac- kenzie,. Mrs. Mackenzie, Robert Al- len, L. O0"Connor, Mrs. Ramsay, Mrs.' Hayes, Mrs. O'Neil, B. O'Neil, Geo. Pratchett, Mrs. Pratchett, Katie 0'- Neil, - Louise Tucker, H. Pickering, Alice Serivens, Sport, F. J. Tucker, J. Campbell, ,C. Buchanan, W, IL. Pritchard, Jeskie Barlow, Mrs. Laf- ferty, C. Warwick, E. Purdy, Mrs. L. Rutherford, Mrs. Nolan, I.. D. Robin- son, James McGall, E. Forrest, M. Milne, Mrs, Doyle, Mrs. Morrison; Mrs. Corkey, Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Ald- ridge, Mrs. Fowler, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Amey, Mrs. Potvin, Nrs. Tedford, Mrs. Laflame, Mrs. Deyo, Mrs. Worth, Mr. Dwyre, J, & R. McCann, Mra. Atkins, T. D. R. Hemming, R. A. K. Hemming, S. Bowerbank, J. V. Bennett. SCANADA'S RALLY TO EMPIRE." Greatest Event In Canada's History --Talk Of Whole World: When the great Armada of thirty: one big ships, carrying thirty-two thousand. of Capdda's sons, and es ortedh, by "nineteen great British bat tledhips, weighed anchor and sailed down the St. Lawrence, carrying our men to wid in fighting the empire s battles, few people vemdiced all it meant to Capada. It has heen the tulk of the whole world. Statesmen and newspapers. She. world over conf mented. on it and cried "Bravy, Can: ada. The illustrated. London News + arcival was "an event un- leled gince William the Conguer- or." lt was truly a magnificent spec tacle to see this great fleet setting sail, a sight nevir before seen on Ca- nadian shores." News of the departure was censored and kept so secret that few indeed were on the scené to see the big ships weigh anchor "on the (inspe coast. This &pectacle would have been lost to the people of. Can- ada had not the Family Herald and Star of Montreal" had their staff of photographers there to reproduce it. Their photos of the great flotilla are the best piece of Photographic work in the: history of wrt. They secured a panoramic view showing miles' and miles of the great troopships and bat- tleships us they swung into line ov the way to the Atlantic. ~ In this pic- tire the . Family Herald and Weekly Star, certainly possess a treasure. It will be the greatest Canadian souvenir of the war. Mis 131 inches deen, by 46 inches in length. It is reserved ex- clugively for Family Herald and Star subseribers, and all who become sub- scribers for 115. The picture: will be sent free to anyone sending one dollar for a year's subscription to that great paper. The demand is already 'enormous, and every home in Canada will want it. I will be Canad ins great momento, Years hence, when neighbors ave gathered discussing the great memento, and years hence, when story. It will have a pri value. Ti is truly magnificent, and full of pa- triotic inspiration. desiring a , should order the Family Herald Weekly Star at-once. ------------ We bave a number of hall ners, small and rugs, for ' saad paral run- > who ¢ been col-! Ji Just Hi The object was to, Pearson, {| The sum of $45.60 has been! Abrnethy's " The Shoe Store of the Town A < ¥.. Following ital Gifts | sk - WE HAVE A SPECIAL TABLE OF THE $1.00 GIFTS, ALL READY FOR MAKING XMAS SHOPPING EASY Bedroom Slippers for women, in fancy plaids. Fancy Boudoir Slippers for ladies in red, cerise, Children's Moccasins, sizes 11 to 2. Leggins for women, colored spats for women. House Slippers for boys, house slippers for men, rubbers for men. "rs A tango, white, purpleg ete. 35¢ to $1.00 Children's" Slippers Baby Cosy Red Slippers. 50¢. Moceasins For Everybody Rubber Boots for Children, $2 & $2.25 $4.00 Travelling Bags for Ladies and Gentle- men Women's Slippe Children's White Rubbers, 75¢. WISHING OUR HUN- DREDS OF CUSTOMERS Both far and near A Merry ~ Xmas Store open this evening Campbell Bros. Importers of Hats Makers of Furs Qom-- : : Santa Olaus made his last trip here ; : Quick as a flash, with - his reindeer. ; He'll roam no more, He's satisfied that he has found - around, In Reid's store. The grandest home fpr miles' | Abernethy's | DO YOUR XMAS SHOPPING AT THE SANTA CLAUS STORE Curlers' Boots $2.50 and $2.75 Xmas, Chocolates In Fancy Boxes. A big assortmient--. Prices from 25¢ to $5 per box . All Kinds. of Home- ffi Made Oandy, Made * | Fresh Every Day 3 SACKELLS Next to Opera House Overcoat Weather We invite you to call and see our big stock of fine mew overcoats, ev- ery one well made and of latest style Price away Jown--$8, $10, $12, $15 and $18, Suits, best tailored, latest designs, at 815, $18 and $20. Others as low as $6.50, Also Ties, Sweaters, Caps, Gloves, Suspenders, Mufllers, Boots, | Rubbers, ete, for Christmas, ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS BT. 'For Sale Gramophones, Phonographs, Graf- onolas, Columbia and Victor records. Odeon and Jumbo records, Edison 2- minute records, Blue Amberal re~ 'ords. : Allen's Phone 259 | 118 Brock St, {We w | friends Shoes, ~ Happiness during this Christ- 'mas season and Pr os} SOCIETY REE VISITING 8 TTR WEDDING STA [LIN KINGSTON, 0 CA "E. J. COUSINS _E. J. COUSINS FURRIER 5 Prices Moderate ish our many] perity the New Wishing you all a Merry|§