mmm SEAR 81 NO, 298 TURKS EXPELLED JEWS DROVE. ABOARD SHIP UNDER CIRCUMSTANCES OF BARBARITY Threw Men Into Sea-- Those Who Objected to Abuse of Wives Were Hurled Overhoard. Chicago, Dec. 24.--The expulsion of Jews from Jara was accompanied by many acts of and robbery, ng to eablegram from Cairo, F Chicago Daily News. that 600 refigee Jews from Java have just 'arrived af Alexandria on the talian steamer Xineenio Florio, and adds : : "Thursday afternoon Bedouin police ' gy the hette (at Jaffa), arrest- ,, and drove the } o ig gh i of the bayonet to the | quay, ere the Florio was forced to ve as many as could be crowded ab A Bosthet attending this oper- ation were heartrending. It was ter nightfall, and harbor police boatmen stole all the watches and money the refugees were carrying to the ship. They tore rings from the fingers and even earrings from the ears of. women and girls, and the harbor' rang with shrieks and fran- tic pleas. Children were separated from parents aud hushands from wives, "Several of the men, resenting brutalities to their wives, thrown overboard by boatmen drowned before the eves of the men, "The old Hotel Metropole at Alex- andria, ana other hotels have been hired for the refugee by several wealthy Jews of eral nationalities. Many of the refugees are nearly mad with ap gion' for the fate of thou s of relatives and friends, for whom there was no roum ghoard the Florio. It is feared that this is only | the beginning of Turkish atrocities There are 95,000 or more peaceful Russian Jews -inlestine." a special » to the story says af- and the were and wo- FINANCIAL MATTERS. The Dominion Glass Company Has Had Good Business. Montreal, Deo, 23.~Net profits of $025,748 for the year ended Septem ber 30th were reported by the llo- minion Glass company, Limited, at the annual meeting. After deducting $120,000 for bond interest and £50,000 for sinking fund, a balance of $455, 748, equal to 17.5 per cent. on the $2,600,000 - preferred stock, remained available for dividends. Att pay- ment of the ar 7 per cfnt. on the preferred, surplus of $273,748 was brought forward to profit and Joss, bringing. that acrount wp to $488,200. Buying Seats. New York, Dec. 93.--A price oi $15,000 is reported bid for a mem: bership on the Boston Stock Ex- change. The last sale, early in Sep- tember, was at $11,500. A sale of a Chicago Stock Exchange member- ship has been made at $950, an ad- vance of $100. For a Philadelphia Stock Exchange seat $1,000 has been paid, aninay Inst previous sale price of ---------- Banks To Merge. New York, 'Bee. 21.--~Commercial Trust Co., of . New Jersey, Jersey City Trust Co., and Third National Bank of that city are to be merged Jan. lst, two last to. be conducted #s branches of Commeicinl Trust. New. bank will he second largest in' stats, 'with \cambined assets of \more than $22,600,000. Commercial Paragraphs Hollinger has put a new record, $21 per share. The demand comes, #t is understood, almost entirely from insiders, who are steadily ad- ding to their holdings, and indicates that those in control are very well satisfled with the way the mine is ving u Pr rodorion W. Allen has resigned as vice president of the Mechanics : Metals National Bank, New York, to become a partner in the firm of. Lee, Higginson & company. Before Foran the banking business Mr. Allen was an officer of the Simmons Hardware company of St. Louis. The shareholders of the Domini- on Trust company of Vancouver, B.C., at their official meeting docid- ed to offer no gbjection to the nomi- nation of A. C.'Sterrett, of tie Gen- eral Administration Society, of the credit foncier as liquidators for the m ing to the Canada Gazette the Canadian Western Lumber com- pany, Limited, has been authorized to sub-divide the 155,000 shares of the company of a par value of $100,- 000 into 0 3100000 shares of a par value of $5 each B MILK SHITMENT. $10,000 Worth . Will Be Shipped From Halifax. © 24.--Ten thousand .of vondensed milk babies will be pur. chased by the Belgian relief com- Dalttee of of ? Canada and shipped to by the steamship Trene- expecjed to sail from the next week with a plies or the starving Pidbe Duemployment. Toronto, ot. --Hon. W. J. Han- coe yesterday the. apuoint- Montreal, . er of | Ottawa College F CIGARETTES WELCOME IN TRENCI This picture was {ak en THE SPORT | REVIEW, | Gre FLOUR MADE INTO BRE AD | ager To Intercollegiate Contrary Get inte One Million Loaves Made and W m! Hockey, | Be Distributed. to expectations, Niek; Ottawa, Dec. 24.--Arrangements Bawif, the former Ottawa Colleg being made for the distribution rugby play, has turned out with th Britain of one million loa- Torountos and not Ontarios made from the flour -- ada The original in- With games at thr the dour The Arena, Riverdals some Toronto will have pla ne form hockey this wineey rd-mueh t has been the local proposed bands of "This n by ee cover hute The Boston Braves plaved th 1- {unde onsideration |) 190,041 f2 § » National | & ry fit board It League pen this bredd with eason. The bearing the words, 639,000 and s made fram flour give ple of Canada." is to identify paper the Gianis last crowd totalled 551,041 home abroad, The res College to get b legiate 'Union will seen be Che Intercoilegat Athletic Associa- tion governors will deal with. the matter and the hoekay section will be Euidesd by their tindige. ee DISCOVER Zeppelins By us Bullets. Dee,' 24.--Dr. Charles Dawmpny whe discovered the famous Piltdown skull, has offered to the British war office a new bullet for protection against Zeppelins The head of the bullet has a cavity whith contains phosphor some of which is alidwe vi to project beyond th eX of tl bullet. When the i s fired, phosphorus is ed hv the y Ag ¢ bullet hits of a Zey the eognta nto the Intercol- 1 NEW known. Ta Destroy Lougdan, "Donovan, wh Det "Wild Bill ing belped make of the American L te sev ago, and who of b ing out championship team videnee in the International League, will manage the New York Ameri. cans if the deal for the sale of that club is consummated ode pitéh- champions al years n tuarn- at Pro- fate Li At the meating of the Scottish foot ball Association it Was decided by fourteen votes to thirteen not to pro- ceed with the Scottish cup ties this son. This deeision i= in accord- ance with the recommendation of a deputation. which recently inter- viewed war office anthorities. to Dalgaria Dec. 24 The Bul- announced that an agreement had been reached be- tween Roumania and Bulgaria un- der which Roumania will restore te garia the province of g and most of the other which acquired from as a result of the second war. "This agreement has reached without pres er Cermany or the allie official connected w vith an ministry be neutral, Vania Restores Province Petrograd, gerinn minister PUBLIC CHRISTMAS TREE. she Gifts For Every ( hild In 'the Town Of Dundas. Dundas, Dee. 28.--This year 'the Christmas season is to be celebrated in «this town by a municipal Christ- mas tree this evening on the Market Square. A bag of candies, nuts, rais- ins and an orange will be given to every child in' town, paid for by vol- untary subscriptions. The freedom of "the Hub oi the Hydro" will be for mally presented to Santa Claus by Mayor Fisher, and after a programme of Christmas hymns and other appro- priate musical - selections, the Christ. mas boxes will be distributed by the committee, of which Town Clerk John 8. Pry and R. W. Karch are leading members. . been the .B boli eve that Rod- £ no cause to neutral.' and Awarded 1.andan, De dén Gazétte announce toria Cross has been Lieut. Holbrook, commander of sub-y marine B11, for exploit in going under the mine in the Dardanelles and torpedoing a Turkish ecruisér official Lon- that the Vie- conferred upon ot 3 a Ihe A A A A A A A ANN NINN edict | Phosphor- | t { tion, E | Carey 'is servived by . ga ES. in the tre nches near Pervyse. Note the snow and wrecked condition of the buildings ~---- A At tr gmt LATE W. J. O'BRIEN, '® Of Evinsville, Who Passed Away In Ottawa. 29 22.--On Thursday, the sad death occur. ater street hospital, Ot- O'Brien, of Erinsville, 1 had been teaching in the St. Jean Baptiste Roman Catholic geparat col, Ottawa, but was stricken ii typhoid fever on Dec- embey h On Thursday, the 10th, Lis family circle was summoned to Ottawa; 10 his bedside, and but one hour before he passed away. Mr. O'Brien was born in Thurlow, Tyendinaga in 1851, and in 1857 he went with his mother to Ireland, wher Erinsville December red at the tawa of W_ I The deceased Dec, oth, Ww he A Tew Cunada, Ying in the e.fRe of which years later he re- and finighad Normal College. At sixteen be hegan teaching, to profeseion almost his en- tire greal success, in 1884, and at the amous shrine of Lourdes veral years he taught in tie: 1gton; while for the past few has taught in the separate of Ottawa and the Ottawa * deceased was a Roman Catho- n religion. He was a 'miember he Catholic Order of Foresters the C.M.B.A. In, additign to his many sorrowing frieddd,. wha were present at the funeral, over one hundred members of these fraternal societies from Stoco, Erinsville and Tweed accompanied his remains from his home to the church of Assump- sville,- where Rey. Father a requiem high mass for | pose of his soul, after which his | ns were placed in the vault. + deceased wag a man whose life was a model of honesty and of devotion to his church, his| home, and his profession. His stric adherence to principles 'of 'truth an uprightness, from which no personal | consideration could drive him to the smallest degree, inspired the. confi dence the r remai 7 whol This, ther with his kindness of heart, s him mourned, not only by a devouted family circle, but whoie community, and his many friends throughout the province. He a wife, two daughters: teacher in Erinsville and| Jewel, teacher in the vicinity, and one son,-Justin, worth high school. eave Margaret, Iso ECONOMY ENCOURAGED "Eat War-Bread" Is mons. en, Dec. 24. distributed 5s Lhe Copenh bein many- u 8 wonomy in feod, structions to housewives: in thelr skins. throughout necessity ORK potatoes "Give imals no ut sdve them the "Respect geraps. your daily bread, ou will always have it "wow long the war lasts. "Eat war bread, Known hy etter 'K,." It is as satisfactory and wurishing as oiher kinds." Makes Annual Clam. co Br | shies Deb. 2H. The Are | gentine gdvernment protested to Great dritain against the occupancy by that | ountry of the Falkland Islands, and the concentéation © of naval there, The Argentine protest heen made annually, although im of the territory has never heen in the nos has the by: Groat contested, form of diplomatic ex. 0S protest * pr states tha has aden over hereon ina it sets forth that the destraction a the German fleet under von Spee o made possibla by sthe Br -- pancy of te rritory longs to itish. aeeq- 'whieh rightfully be- author country, Positive Proof. by? 'Hub! Do yeu suppose. I! laucking my-héad off vey CX {ous father's stale jokes if dove you arrived | received his elementary ed- | his | life has been devoted, and with | "Ta revisited Teeland | mma time paid a | of Hastings and Lennax' in all who knew him that his| | word was as good as his bond. by aj a pupil in Tam- of Advice to Ger- Tain --An official for 4 and gives the fol- bread or corn, || then : no 'matter | = the forces 1 "Do you really love we, Willough-| (vel ||Christmas IMPORTANT It is important - to al house- keepers that their joint of beef or mutton, lamb or pork for Christmas dinner is of the best in taste and cutting. Therefore, to obtain good y good value, good cutting and good atiention, order your Christmas joint at ' PARKER BROS. KINGSTON'S LEADING BUTC Sas 217 Princess St. Phoue 16:8, ee teeth i ire. "mete About .the only way to settle 'al i over a bill is to settle the y : Fotls and children can be relied: upon to tell the truth-- at the wrong, time, > ! Perhaps some brides blush be-! cause of the kind of husbands bp have run to cover. And many a man could earn " with half the energy be wastes " trying to borrow ong. The pencils other inventor of rubber tips made a fortrne because people's mistakes. ® of! | mn | { -------- | Ww hen a man comes home sick, his | | wife expects him to hold the baby ve she mixes him a dose of some | nasty stuff. 10 | C Uses For Everything. | The fellow with projecting ears | Now finds them come in pat, { They are in style, as it appears, For holdipg up the lat. --Tudge. Cakes pry rooki Oak and making Pudge, No matter how (ast a ¢lock -- Fo P Co ng an a Drinking, alse. for Onke.leing run it always winds up at the same place.--Judge. Heredity. "W hat evidence have you that the couple were cousins-german?" 5 "Their baby always seems to talk, » ia # : bonnie Dutch. "--Judge. 5 very vest foc use in ill-health und convalescence = \warded Medal and Highest Points in America . at World's Jair, 1893 PURE ~SOUND-- WHOLESOME Just The Troable. Knicker--All men are equal before! e law. Bocker--That's just the trouble. they should be equal after the law--- Judge. th Fixing The Blame. Dobbs--Did you ever notice that! ------ in times of war there ig always a lot of counterfeit money in circulation? Sobbs--Yes 1 guess it's passed by the censor --Judge James McParland, Agent 339. 341 King St. East. Nr A AA CAR STORAGE Consult us about Yooking after your Car for the sori Wintér. Om Prices are right and our Services can't be beaten | His Fall. Jones--Yes, I met the widow, i fell for her. | Joker--Did { when you fell? Jones---Y es pocketbook. -- \ and | you break anything | PORRITT GARAGE CO, Limited Always st your service. AGENTS FOR CADILLAC "Bo { SWEET CIDER [f |] ruse 120. + 30c per Gallon Ble oon nEmne . Coast Sealed Oysters, 3 | FR AT dor. CANT BE BOAT. Try a sample order aq be | convinced. 3 | 60c per Quart D. COUPER | Prone 7€ R41% Prinonss Sc. | PROMPT DELIVERY every Judge No News, { "Did you ask little Jimmy Wom-! tat about the tight oyer at kis Reve the Other night? "Ye ea dag i you gel Tout ofr i ~~ much, His exceedingly "bone'" in my "Xud what did him ? }] "Not very tevidently an Judge is) con- mother striet or." Phone 720. Found In The Ballot Box, "What do you men mean?' de- {manded the woman watcher at the I polls | I "What's wrong?" 'I 'hear you have oeen {out the ballets of women." "We have not. We did throw out {a recipe for sponge cake, a package ql {of powder papers and a couple of! love letters, -- Judge. throwing "Let Us Be | George Clarke Peck i ' ---------- Woodrow Wilson says that, "the task of the lifter is the only one that For Rent {does not beconte stale." { There are few "vocations but pall {upon their pursuers soon or late. | ue v . Six-room brick dwell- ing, on Chasham St. near Princess. All improve- ments. Rent $9 a month. Q Even the passion of money-making! W. li. Godwin & Son. | defeat 8 If in the heart of its de- otoes ase for honors is always a! Brock Ss, Phone 434 Real Estate Fire Insurance 'Lifters', BUILDERS ! ! Have You Tried .. . GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? . It Baves Time. | P. WALSH, Marrack Brest. CHRISTMAS Suggestions USEFUL GIFTS -- i i ---- | er | disillusionment to the candidate. i The task of entertaining 'oneself | becomes utter ennul at length. + Only "the task of the lifter," re. {maips always worth while. What form the "lifting" may take] is not a first consideration. | Lift something. t Most things need lifting --whether | politics or business or social life. {. me to let the sctandard- stay] 2 when we might life it, if ever| | s0 Tittle. | At work or at play, do -a let us be "lift- Such = vocation never ne E | Bulk sters, | becomes §i Dy stale." Fi i ddi | Deafness Cannot Be Cured. i innan d 18S iby local applications, as they cannot | ea 1e diseased portion of the ear. only one way to cure aesinces § i g er min S } is by constitutional Temiedies. i used by an inflamed con- | mucous Hning of the eus- | When this tube is in-! ave a rumbling sound or ominion is 3. and when it is en- ss is @ result, + ST Pe nation can be Ko vd this tu be restored to its 1 condition, hearing will be des- «il forever; nine cases out of ten caused by Catarrh, which is noth. ¢ hut an inflamed condition of the surfaces ¢ will give One Hundred Dallars for ase of Deafness (caused by ea. tarrh) Jat cannot be tured by Hall's Catay Cure. Send for circulars free. CHENBY & CO. Toreds, © Eatd by Druggists, 5c. Take Hall's Family, Pills for constipa: Sen ------ Hockey Boots, Oil Tan Moceasins, Overshoes, Overgaiters, Rubbers, Felt Slippers, COAL The kind you are look- ing for is tke kind we sell | Scranton Coal Is good , Coal and we guarantee prompt de- | livery L BOOTH & CO. Foot of West St. SPECIAL DELIVERY } i , XMAS DAY | BOX CHOOMATES | Ice Cream jo | | ~ S OWARDS Keep Coal and Coal Keeps SOWARDS _ } ¥ ANeY ' £ i