Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Dec 1914, p. 8

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We point with pride to our very choice and ex- clusive selections of men's furnishings for the Holiday Trade We've elegant neckwear, the gloves, perfection in shirts and the best brands of underwear, choice hosiery, night robes, pyjamas, umbrellas, House coats, bath robes, dressing gowns, club babs, suiteases, cte., ete., all reasonably priced. : If You're still Undecided As to just what to buy "him for Christmas, take pleasure in showing vou a host of things *'he would be delighted to have. We've the sort of gifts men like: We're sure that you will note with pleas- ure that while our outfitting is of the very hest, our PRICES ARE MODERATE AND PLEASING Som-- Livingston's, Brock St. A Little Out of the war. But It Will Pay You To 1k best makes of collars, we'll , Are Always Appreciated Our Linen Department is full of useful and practical articles suitable for gifts. an Handsome Towels with damask ends, em- .broidered and initialed, from 50c to $1.25 each Linen Pillow Cases, embroidered and in- itialled, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 a pair. no ~- 4 Table Cloths and Napkins in sets and sep- arate, at special prices for Xmas, Fancy Linens, Centrepieces, Tray Covers, Runners, Lunch, Cloths, etc. an im- menes assortment at extremely low prices. A PA Hand embroidered pieces in all styles and siges from 25¢ to to $15.00. --~-- 3 blankets is always a very welcome We are giv a diseouny of 20% all white wool b q Avail San ll ORDINATION SERVICE IN ST. GEORGE'S CATHEDRAL. il Giie Service Of ri he Children -- Y. M.' €. A. Bible Class Had Supper Sun. day Hvening and Marched to Beth. el Cnarch. At "the Sunday mornin, St. George'e Cathedral Messrs. S. F. Tackerberry, of Jaspar; J. Cantrell,' of Mallorytown, and H. G. 0. Lyodd,' of Tweed, were ordained by the Bish- | op of Kingston. Dean Starr, the' Archdeacons of Ontario and Kings- ton, Canon Grout, Capt. the Rev. W. F. Kidd, Rev, Sydenham Lindsay and Rev. Walter Cox, of Gananoque, took part in the service. : Rev, Mr. Cox preached a very inter- esting and instructive sermon, outlin- ing the responsibility of a priest to his generation. He spoke of the help he was assured of from God and the courage he constantly must remind himself of as necessary to the 'carry- ing out of his divine commission. The tishop celebrated holy communion af-' ter the ordigation. Dean Starr was gosveler and © Rev. Mr. Lindsay was epistolar, service in Hrack Street Methodist Iutoresting © services were held in Prook Street Methodist Church on Sunday, tr=the morning the congroe- gation had the pleasure oi listening: t¢ Rev. William Jackson, D.D., of Vontreal, who delivered an int rost- ing sermon based upon 11 Corinthians i, 18: "But we all, with open face behao'ding os ina glass the glory of the Tord, are changed-into the sama image from glory to glory, even as by the swirit of the Lord." Special Christmas music ma 1 the evening service. Fifty voices took part, _ inclu ing the Misses Frances Davies, Myrile Stagg, Mrs, W. Duro ard J. Ne. Gihach as woloists. The | former aweetly sang '"I'he Star of I ihdehem." The choir rendered the anthem, "Glory to God in the High- St. George's Gift Service, The annual "gift service" held by the scholarg: of St. George's Sunday Senool, was enthusiastically respond- ed 10 on Sunday afternoon from three until four o'clock. The service was held in the cathedral and as each pu- pil entered he or rhe cheerfully plac- ed a gift in the lurge box at the en- trance to be used in promoting cheer in many of the poor homes of the eity. Dean Starr and Rev. Sydenham Lindsay were in charge of the service and the former delivered an inspir- 'ing address: His topic was based up- on "Christmas Morn," which was deeply appreciated by young and old. Clristmas Qymns closed the after- noon's programme, On Wedpesday evening at 6.30 o'clock the annual Christmas tree for ithe primary department of the Sun- day school will be held. Marched to Bethel Church. The early Sunday morning classes for boys have of late been Y.M.C.A. On Sunday morning F. G. Lockett addressed the meeting, and same body sat down to supper to- gether in the Y.M.C.A. rooms, Then the class marched to Bethel Congre- gational church to be present at the avening service, tev. A. Mershon| preached on "Christmas." 8S. Lilly, boy's secretary, looked after the' elass. NO AGREEMENT MADE, Electric Commission. The Hydro-Electric commission has notified the City Council that no agreement has yet heen entered into with J. M, Campbell for a sup- ply of Kingston Mills power for this city. The 15th of December was the date fixed by the council for the agreement. to be completed. Howev- er, the commission has hopes thag en arrangement will be arrived at] shortly. The delay is with regard! io the price, Mr. Campbell wanting 2-4 cents a kilo-watt-hour, and the, commission offering only Dumped Out of Cutter turning the corner oi King streets in a cutter on While and Princess Sunday night, young man and woman had the mis- fortune to be dumped out. The horse was punning at a pretty good rate of speed aod in, turning, the sleigh run- ner caught in the street railway track.' , Both occupants were thrown out and nulled some little distance before the pile was brought to a standstill by The young lady was up and she was taken The couple had After se- returned some citizens, badly shaken into McGall's store. driven in from the country. curing a new sleigh they home. To-night, Grand Opera House. An. excrllent bill has been secured for the Grand Opera House for the first three days of this week. The programme includes Dorothy Watson and Brother, in a college act, con- sisti ng ¢ of ing snd bo musical act athletics; O'Neil, the a comique; a nd Mrs. Ben pelt, in a farce entitled "The Mas- ter." These splendid acts, with three ll good Photo-Plays, "Shorty and the i} Ar'dville Terror," "Ten Million Honey lf} Makers" and "Caught in Tights," will I make a first-class entertainment. Ev- ery afternoon at 2.30 and every even- ing at 7.30 apd 9 o'clock. |] vr Marsden Kemp Coming Il} * Marsden Kemp, specialist in piano } treatment and tuning, has finished Wis enyagements in Cornwall and Brock- ville, and will attend to any of 'his [} patrons' work before going to his en. "yageteats in Napanes and Picton. Mr. Kemp has one of the best train ings and is one of the most successful men in his profession travelling, and if it is more than twenty years since he "has canvassed a single person. ------------- Hl. New Pack French Peas. i Two tins for 2%. Henderson's Gro- sory, Brock strat, hn -- : Pulled Pigs In Fancy 3 asap, 1 fo. och Crawford's. Bible Jereating considerable interest at the on Sunday evening at six o'clock the Between J. M. Campbell and Hydro. i 3-5 cenis.! | REPORT WAS CANARD about nine o'clock, a! ON SUNDAY. Choir Of the First Congregational Church Sang "The Nativity" -- Music in Ohalmers, Cooke's amid Princess Street Methodist, Special Christmas services were held in the Fit Congregational Church on Sunday. - In the morning the service was given over entirely to the young ple and special music was furnished the Junior choir. The pastor, Rev. E. leRoy Rice, spoke of Christmas ! flowers, He told of the flowers that grow in the heart since the coming of Christ. At the evening sorvice the choir splendicty rendered the Christmas can- tats, "I'he Nativity," after which the pasior spoke of TeRolle's master- piece, a picture of the 'Nativity.' The preacher drew several lesson: tron this modern emphasis. i: Princess Street treet, Methodist, ~ Oia Sunday evening Princess Street Methodist Church was erowded to' the doors when the choir rendered special music appropriate for Christmas. The anthems, "Ihe Lord Is in His Holy Temple, " "The Glory of the Lord" and "Gloria in Exeelsis'" were espoci- ally well rendered, the solo parts be- ing taken by Rupert Claxton and Miss Annie Timmerman. Solos were alsa well renderéd by Miss Agnes Bre ner, Miss Shirley Parrott and W. Hack; A quintette, 'composed of Miss . Trmmerman, Messrs. Maok, Themp- son, Woods and Claxton, sang "I'he Mang rer in Bethlehem," with pleating effect. Bert. Cooper very ably pre- sided at the organ. Church. Preshyterian Church had, at both services, special Chris'mas music. In the morning, J. Ti. Dan- kier sang "The Manger Cradle" and in ihe evening Miss Annie Tweddeli and "uv Macfarlane were the soloists. The former sang "Christmas" and the | latie "Nazareth." © Special anthems ! marsed bath services. "Hail to the Lord Anointed" was rendered in the mor. ing, and 'It Came Upon the Mid- rizht-t ear" in the evening. | At Chalmer's ! Chalmers At Cooke's Church. Miss Ada Rosevear rendered spo- cial Christmas solog in Cooke's Pros- hytorian church on Sunday. The choir also did its part and in the evening it. rondered the anthem, "Hark the Hernld Angela Sing®' Se doled Bb ob ddedbodofedob pododd MUCH IMPRESSED Sennen 4 T. Conley, manager of the Vittsburg Plate Glass company, New York, writes to the editor. «f. the Whig saying: 'Many times I have been going to write to you complimenting jour paper on' the wonderful +uterprise it is showing in pub- lishing the war news. I read the Whig with a great deal of interest and have been very much impressed with the mah- uer in which it is giving fits readers the foreign news. It speaks well for the paper." + AbeerasiRo brassy - ELA ARE Rib e bb Bash at dol HB TWO MONTHS IN JAIL. Mys. Mary Nelson Pleaded Guilty to | a Charge. Mary Nelson pleaded guilty Jolice court. on Monday morn- ing to being the keeper of a dis- | oracvrly heuse, and was sent to jail {for two months. She hails from the United States and when her time is up, steps will be taken to have her | deported, She was arrested a few days ago and remanded. She plead- ed guilty, through her counsel, T. J. K'zhey. Her arrest was brought about by members of the military Dolice. Mrs. Nelson had a house rented on Lower Princess Sireet. One drunk was fined $2 and costs wid the option of twenty days and the other was dismissed. {in he About the Part of Halifax Heing i Bombarded. 'There is a report going the 'rounds that the port of Halifax was bor barded. Is there any truth in € 'was a question put to the Whig bv 'many anxious citizens from all parts of the city on Mon- day morning. 'There is no.iruth in the report, and how the rumor got sterted appears to be a mystery. It s likely that some person started it goir vy just tor alark. At any rate, it get many residénts very much worried, and the telephone line into i the Whig was kept very busy for a (time, announving that the report Wag untrue, Candies, Candies, Candies. Pure' sugar candies, 15¢.; Bon Bon, . Crawford.' | News "Front Elgin) Elginborg. Elginburg, Dee, 19,~The Sunday school will have. a Christmas enter- tainment on Tuesday evening. The boys are getting the skating rink in shape for ating Em- monds has the job aaTing for the rink for the season.. Mrs. J. Alk- son_has been quite ill, but is im- proving. Master Neil Pixley and sis- ter, Ftia, Kingston, aro visiting their sister, Mrs. John Silver. . Chocolates, Chocolates. Home-made chocolate creams, as- sorted, all flavors, 25¢c. Crawiord's. eta Ae Corsets, G0e, Dutton's. "Tor Christmas shoppers' at Gib- son's. Red Cross Drug | Btors 1 "Hudnut's pavhime." brushes." gp of. Royalty Take advantage of the 3 shopping days remaining before Christ- mas, by making your purchases early. Women's Silk Stockings Neatly boxed ready for Christmas giving. 75¢, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 BLACK SILK 75c¢, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 FANCY SHADES $1.25, $1.50 In Pinks, Blues, Nil:, Cardinal, Helio, Maize, King's Blue, Copenhag- en, Silver, Old Rose, &c., &c. Christmas Umbrellas $1.00,$1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $2.76 up $1.00, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3, $3.50 up For Children KNITTED OVERSTOCKINGS in Red, White, Black, all sizes in each. SNOW MITTS, long or short wrists, White, Red, Black. CHILDREN'S BLACK WOOL TIGHTS for wintry weather, all sizes ready. KNITTED WOOL OVERALLS for babies and small children in red or white. t John Laidlaw & Son WHITE SILK Boys" and Girls' Skating Boots at $2.00, Boys' and Girls' Mero at $1.00 and $1 25, Boys' Tan Leather House Slippers, $1 and $1.50, Boys' Carpet Slippers, nice ones, Club Bags, Fittings, Men's Slippers and every~ . Shing that's nice.

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