Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Dec 1914, p. 8

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Ee cap aa te unm as So 38 oe nr TE THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | GR Save to wo ves POLITE. Ei ~=What the M ts or pars THE Do! the Readers of the Whig. | full list of banking correspondents, is enabled to offer Its custo - , or 2 . FEATURE ACTS 3) conpEnsen ADVERTISING RATES | FOUND. FOR E. mers exceptional facilities for the transaction of their financial af- To-day's Whig is a hummer. And PHOTO- DRAMAS rd i SAL fairs, Thermos kits and outfits, Dr. Chows. First insertion word, Each con- » halfe |} spies | SATCHEL CONTAINING | THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. cosy For bread and pastry, White Rose Prices Mat. 10c. any seat. ? wT sum of money. Apply ta J little Obed 2 od three times, 0s. ~ Pald-up 'Capitay : ROR $5,000,000 flour. Ae Evening, 10c; reserved Se extra. gue tnmertion, n, S5e; three | Tweddell, 131 Princess St. one week, $1. Reserved Funds ...........v sess, +s.. $6,807,272 ~ick room requisites. Dr. Chown. | "Tommie samme : BARLING HEIFER, ON DEC, 13TH, GRESE FEAT TERS APPLY 10 488 . Capt, ¥. W. usler, of Ottawa, was y 4 ? ' + strayed onto (hé premises of C. F. Man, Asgets .........., $60,000,000 ; in the city on Friday. ° '$ . DELICIOUS |! HELP WANTED. Agalr" Catiraqul. Owner may Pavan 3 8 a > i same by prov roperty |CANARIES IN FULL SONG, COULD RR "vadoury sweets, 'at Gibson's, $ same by proving prope 3 i este eee eee ~, BD » F 25 WORDS OR LESS, paving expenses. "brought into mty to ne Sean, Apply a Ey ny TE See cur line of 50c¢ Books; the ( ol! WAGSTAFF'S AN AD head, Sons, 26 for one | - . Mrs. Perkins, IR. R. No. 1, King- lege Book Store. Ey night, or 0c for thr SE LEY sil ston: Mc¢Conkey's, Huyler"s Page and FINE OLD EN tLISH Shaw sweets, at Gibson's " $ A GENERAL SERVANT. "APPLY 4iapy oNE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, | AIREDALE BITCH PUPPY, FIVE /fctoria Terrace, Montreal St thi tmes months old, by Champion Rockisy William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders PLUM PUDDINGS Vicar ar Once 38e, eo times S00. Quran = a ai MS, A. on received at McAuley's. Phone 564. BAND BA MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK | g7oRAGE FOR URN NiTURE, OT rom, + Kingst OF ¢ CX Macpherson and C. Liv- AND Best wages for good girl. Apply 1: Slean and dry. Brock eet. ° ingston spent Friday in Toronto. MINCEMEAT §ydenham Bt. atr OFFICE DES six FRET LON ; "Nodak for Christmas." Sée "rib- erence. WIA MAID FOR GENERVL HOUSE-|pwo BEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING & bleh 1n Re Aware Market Square Kingston son's. Yr i( work. Per ent position. Apply room, furnished. Apply to 19% top shelf. fr used. GEORGE B. McEAY Manager. Robert Anglin, Kingston Mills, has SOLD BY ALL GOOD Mrs. Nash, Albert Bt. Stuart St. British Whig office i . r N a 7 Ee NE aan : : made a donation of $15 to the Bel . GROCERS ABLE HODIED MEN. GOOD EYE-|gpFICES IN CLAMENCE ST. OMAM.|A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND ian relief fund. i sight, for firemen and brakemen hers, ADDY to Cunniagham & Mu- dwhumber Sf Jirst-ol Deaterd on . : : c 100d ; experience unmeces dle, rence Si. low prices; also a 8 JH Cusniaghum, Plato tuner, = 4 wane an - pny ee ha Ranway, care . niture. J. Thompson, $38 Princess Ring siceet, Leave orders at EE ER NE Rely pre yaa sms Whig office. DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND ¥ St, Phone 1600, Auley's book store. NOMINATION furnished; stores, offices, etc. M Igave your orders for cut flowers INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY Cann's Real Estate Agency, 52 and plants: at Johnson's, florist, Township of Wolfe Island fara Jieo Monthly sottesponding Brock St. i : : a a mee or ; BUSINESS AS USUAL. Ring street. Open every evening. inp nice ia hereby spiven: Etat Sond for particulars. Press 8yndi- STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLAN : une Stun Waa tie only Ode af the: township of Wolfe 1sland, cate, 3,968 Lockport, N.Y i gr ; Sirk rosie. oli: Sw Jock and -- n 'the police court Saturday and he|c ounty of Frontenac, will he held ; | roa ownshij 'olfe a INCED GENERAL SERVANG Phone §36b. HAPPY or IMPERIAL 3x Work For the Unemployed. ~a8 given a chance |e sow nau, Birt yt Esl EXPERIENGE of three; no washi at atmos fords, and other cook ort ; "High-class Christmas Perfumes," 7 of 12 0 must be able to cook aid ; bec's, pugs and square honters, iski heir lives for their coun 1914, at' the hour of 12 o'ctock noon, tor troning; n t by | EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, ALMOST ea 1288 If the men at the front are risking their lives fo | 1 Gibson's, ; * the purpose of nominating Reeves and and wait on table. Apply by leit new, modern IMProvements, corner these in rst eo hag try, why should you not risk a few dollars for your country's work- , do better than read the Councillors to serve in the Municipal to. Box 162, Whig offic: . Uivision and Quebec streets. Apply close them out a Y, y : i land You cannot do better than read the weil of the sald Towns nih Sein And Sushas atreets. "°C Turk's 'Phone, 708 men. We have the brick to build and the tile: to drain the as d. advertisements of the wide-awake LOUnCil of the ' nship for the Norrie maRvAvT. ) : ork hn. what men want, got charit Help us furnish work by buy: merchants in this issue. "J. D. COSGROVE, Clerk, wages In yroporiie to ehilit A FLAT IN WELLINGTON APART-|'NE PURE HRED HOLSTEIN B pe o at. Chri , Township of Woife Island. wll morning or evenihg i , . i twenty month® old, hotcedt Sead sweets" at- Christmas from | Dated at Wolte Sand. Bo) 2 as Call Srning Hvis 8 Alert ments, 130 Wellington St. Posses iihson's : P : B, MTR. : hey 208, Alle sion' Nov. 1st. Heated by hot wat- ing. Grand head an, . N Ki ton Brick Yard Phone 1396 a thing "device for use on guns} Doember, 1914, "Btajust of Unlun ut. er; electric lights; also gas range. Pure bred bil' eat » (Kornavke A. Neal, Kings Bhi -- ao ' o-- r Also five head pure bred f i er------------------------ Apply F. W. Meagher, 99 L. Albert > used to fight airships has heen jinvent- HAVE YOU ANY ABILITY AS A 4 Poe 1406 Priced low for quick sale. A, ed by au Clayton, N.Y., man. A NEW CEREAL salesman? aE have propesitian - 3 : Guess, R. R. No. 2, Elginburg, On i " : . ch will & PL ; m-- "Kodak for Christmas." Ses Gib 1 ae a AT IN THE WHaIVATON MINERAL RIGHTS, FELDSPAR ANN ms 4 Soi's. earning at the present time ns. he : ASTOR mica: convenlent to station rooms, heat ed, eleotrie S Je Thomas H. Saunders and wife, of Dr Jackso ' re ondence, sthictly oe pial stove and Jaundry tubs, gas g e; THREE ew FRAME HOUSES, YORN 'levelund, Ohio, came to the city on Ne hls Panay pin Lado gr 5,000~BRICK HOUSE, LARGE LOY For a e friday night to spend the week-end. . n 8 honragher,. 23 wwer Albert St and_ stable. : Thermos kits and outfits. Dr. Chow. YOUNG MEN WANTED TO PREPARE | » foa--rRAME Ho) HOUS) Ri Good brick house, 6 rooms, and stable, together ' ES Shaw Sweets." Gibson's. Roman Meal Tor telegraph positions on C " MEDICAL. ara Bt EW % HOUSE, MARIA with 25 lots, well situated, all for $3500. In purchafing goods, patronize Whig fi SE ALR er A AN ATEMAN, INSURANCR o advertisers. Help the paper by say: This Is not only a medicinal cereal graduation and $76 to $50 mostly STUART NM, JULSON, M.A, m.D.C Toni Koiate 01 Clarence th 7: K. CARROLL AGENCY ing vou saw the bargains in the but is tasty as well; It ix delicious us & to start. Free jallway ais 0 former house surgeon Manhattan. Sb bbb db bd bd DRIVER, Representative. Whic cereal or made iu pun-cakes. a Tortora oderate Now Sor Konica 133 Wellington: > TELEGRAPHY . h, . ol e 3 4. 8 . e ial B on, {LE - 8 BROCK ST. JOHN y Christings perfumes in fancy cassvees 10 ota For particulars apply The Dler. opposite pos: office fice hours, : * Or 1 'a , \ 0 62 .1 wm, 3 + Civil Service, Shorthand, /ackages and in balk at 'Hoag's, ces 26 etm. Graham = Telagraph School, 1 53 am, 2.4 pm, 7-8 pm. Phone " "Christ is," at Gibson' At Y Family G : 3 Tyvewsiting, Bookkeeping, Christinas -sweels," at (ibsc 1's. our Family Grocers. EE + Banking and General Improve- a----------s At the request of a large| ke. .. t. Shaver, late of Picion, FENWICH, HENDRY & Cu. POSITION WANTED, DENTAL. # ment. Day and Night Olasses. : sas will he inducted pastor ofr St. An b -- * : Jollege, Xmas Su gestions number of citizens, Ian- drew's church, Strathroy, on December Nietribuioia) CHILDREN'S NURSE aE ot A. By RYArP, BA, LDS, gD RE- ob Ringston {usiiean College, i . 31st. man, have returned home to Kings- sition. Apply Box K, Whig offic ead pen Stree . gg | nounce myself a can Christmas morning delivery of high- | tan, - . S WANTED SFARKS AND SPARKS, 159 WEL- 3 Hud of Quien Street, Hause didate for class sweets from Gibson's Red Cross Service's latest book, just issued. KACHER : Ppston or. {over . Carnoveky's) * Metcalfe. re For Father, Mother, Sister, | Drug Store. : College Book Store TCALIFLED TEACHER FOR 5. S. NO = . ther d. a Kodak or Com | b : h QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR §, S. No, What not to buy--a set of military The most beautiful ispla f edt lary acc [oR ©. C, NASH, DEN a box: of Choice Christn 8 display o 11, Bedfor Sala ara, TOR IST k a a - brushes for him who weareth a wig; Christmas packages of high-class qualifications. App ly ti Henton, phafistant ih"F: Princess FOR SALE OR TO LET olates, a bottle of French E ngiish i Ot Spearmint for grandma; a Gillette for | Sweets are at Gibson's Rell Cross wood, Sec.-Treas., Tichborne, Or ri noe TH am | l 4 or American Perfume, a box Choice | th , Ty -- ¢ baby Drug Store EE RTA CR OR < S. H. SIMPSON, L.D.S. D.D.S {A SEVEN ROOM FRAME HOU! : Brush = and A de \ iba. Pa ap ier B. TEACHER WANTED FOR S. 8. NO. ist, corner ' Princess and Bagot A seve Sloan, "94 Hur J : sil Higu-class Christmas Perfumes The heavy snow storm which set Abinger; duties to commence J streets. Entrance on Bagot street with furnace, B. and C., elec | Gibson's. in Saturday forenoon i ath, 19 Salary $335. Apply light; ou Montreai St. Ap ply Poi Ah . | E : 3 > put quite a . SR n A F. Bond, 26 Frontenac St. pocket hook" the. depth of your | A' special meeting of the plumbers damper on the Christmas market. Be ont. CATERING. 743. k ing ting Hb 1s held cn Friday| Some cheap turkeys were picked up|ay ALI 1gni Alter K the business a smoker y WE _ CATER TO _EBARESES, BALLS, FINANCIAL ' eid RES pesult. i Kinke. a Ck ! Es md Bay. Abpie y ean , dred usta, ae vas hela nermometers, all kinds. Dr. Chown, yb , INC] also re shes. table linens and |g HOAG'S DRUG STORE and respectfully solicit your| 'loly wraths itom 2c up at | 'The county' property committee Fun SH Ne®y, Fanti BF HU, 06 Union Street Koh | ment Socials' Incorporatad lohnson's, florist, King street. Open !met at the court house on Saturday Hambrobk, 178 = Alfred Street Be ional PY Xo every evenin i a AL 2D TEACHER FOR 8. §. NO, 26 Y. M. C. A. | votes and influence. very evening. morning and recommended the usual|Qt ALIFIED Phones 843 or 303. and SNE Bag . OF | vi roperties, muniecl as Tang coun The council nominations 'vecur on | bonus of $50 paid to K. Wells, head 8 oY ship of J ortland, Salary eee 3 pai Kingston . December 29th Are the ratepayers | turn-key at the jail, 3 ® Se i sses0008ee Hy il ebentures; mortgages pu Chaown, t Yaitu b vis securing. eood ) g Apply to B. A. Snider, Sec. ARCHITECY. Jeposits Ee d Interest gL | doing iythiog_towar 8 securing gooc "Christmas Candy" at Gibson's. reas. R. R. No. 1. Godfrey. ont. TT lowed. * Ee representatives ? Ss 1: ol . : L Sajs - - ain 'Su er dll Hudnut's Perfumes," Gibson's. ie oy jase) hair brushes, FOR S§, 8S, NO. 1, 0S0 TOW Nsmir tects, etc. ..Offices, 368 Bagot Bt LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND a - with a limit d Third Cl Phone 61 I Compa While W. R. Givéns is president of ~ tans praferred; pi) Py, 0 per PO TE EE pe aiiibuitat-------- Fire Insuzance A { 1 ? $35 essets $61,187.218 fn C lev St. George's Cathedral, on Sunday, | the Kingston Curling Club, Mrs. Giv- annum. "Apply to Ernest Hender- | POWER & gh 2ER. which the polleyhosd ee omas op ey | | at 3 pm., will be a worthy event |eng has just been chesen president son, Oso Station,. Ont. Rrock and Wellington streets. Drop security the unlimit among the Sunday school scholars. -- a. ------------------------------------ ty : , " 3 2 faDerty: insurea at ow; NODE Fhe ny, Bes : of the Ladies' Curling Club. Quite) QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S. S. NO. 8 car posstbie ra Before re Telephone 987 "Don't forget Christmas delivery | a happy coincidence. 9, A The annual children's gift service in 3 y Kennebec; duties to commence old or ey new of high-class sweets frem Gibson's Perfumes, reliable odors. Dr. Chown Jan. 3rd, 1915. Apply, stating qual MUNLO. rates from Stran, nee & : | * i salary scte ents. Phone 3 : 3 Pi Red Cross Drug Store. I ' » rh : fications and salary i, Ag Drop a card to 13 Pine street n I Th zie} Huduut's perfumes" at Gibson's. J. A. Newton, Hec.-Treas, pa Fanting anyuiing one in the ca 5 1 Toe Prete naer, Dy o Robi. W. Ser . At a meeting of the congregation Creek, Ont. Cy ATT Sok tery line. Estimates given on ai! vice: just Issued: in cloth and leath-| ji 'gy 1 urs porer oro ohregation] Creek, mt ~~ 7 tion. 216 Frontenac St Miss Norm LEGAL. of rep i DSW Ora: ALSO or bindings. College Book Store J 3 o of i 1 AN : ening, Canon Forneri, on being |\ NORMAL TRAINED TEACHER FOR O. F. Telgmann, teachers of elocu~ | CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, will recoive prompt atien'lon Nuop '"High-clagss Christmas Sweets," School Section No. y . ae i rs Howe Island tion, plano, vioiln wna ail eiriue. ters and solicitors. Law office, 70 | receive p 1th Gib | pressed to reconsider his __resigna- Catholic teacher. Duties to com instruments. Clarence street, Kingston. 10 Queen Sieet. } Gibsons, 5 tion, decided to remain until Easter. mence Jan. ith pply to Jo i The steamer America was able to Guaranteed fountain pen, $1. Dr. ; Beaubien = Howe Islan ET Sp ---- - : PT reach the city from Cape Vincent at Chown. P. O., stating hi y 100n Saturday. I'here was a heavy 'Kodak for Chris 5." - See Gib- simi _-- - For Sale : wind-and a snow-stecrm on the lake. |gon's. 2 hristman b WANTED GENERAL ) "High-class Christmas Perfumes ' The Civic Finance Committee de-|HoRsmES Ww) PED. MR. JENKINS IS or erman Gibson's. (cided to recommend to council that still at Vhitiey Hotel, buying Gramaplionty, Phonographs, Graf- The steamer Glen Mavis has been | the. surplus of the patriotic grant, horses, and will be. until Saturday, > onolas, Columbia and Victor records, aid up at Fort William, Capt. J. Dix,| about $3,000, be transferred to the Dae, In, oa Odeon aad Jumbo records, HEdison 2- and Chauncey Daryeau, jr y Daryeau, jr., wheels | city relief committee. CENTIEMEN AO BR TREN ) Fine Bright Nut Coal, {Scran- minute records, Blue Amberal re ww ne / -- EE ---- --reu ------------ - cloth and have It made up Into up- cords ET 10 gate sults, ice and Woritman. 4 / " A ton). Large or Small as desired. aaans + - : 3 ; Pp guarante 0 please. ress- A Allen's RIDEAU WARD |{ ling Scag < ( Delivered Shovel in for $7.75 rock street, near Bibby's | Garage. \ : ATE per ton Phone 2082 118 Brock St. W. R, Clugston solicits the votes and { For the Lady | BUSINESS NOTIOKES. C = -- a influence of the electors for Fc-election JOSEPH BUSE, 6 CHESTNUT ST. HA4) ¢ " v | RINGS--Signet oi stone se : | opened up a quarry on Stephen 8. PI ATING as alderman for 1915. All his properts 1 x Ig o stone set a ug oo, Shen 8 I» Nickle, Siiver. Copper, Brass. Interests are In thin ward, | BROOCHES--Vast assortment. sunplied promptly ai reasonabl g PENDANT } -- i -------- Ira i bd ANTS--Cameo the test, n NOMINATION sad | . r 3 - --~-- - - ------ __ _-- -- TOW NSHIP oF HINCHINBROOK E | Nn a Ris. In. eat, AWethysts. and rE NAL | tice 4s hereby given that Br ind CP a Ts a eA IRE EVERYTHING READY FOR THE ee elect { 3 I t | nT Ta i RRY -- THE RE LL C . of oe Te ' ! ied \ | J HAT PINS always in demand. Na dential I LAR LL . Noy nship Hal lecadilly, on Mon: the T } ali, Plecadilly, M | BAR PINS~--Very popular from 25¢ up. Pe hd wiipble Ten 'WE HAVE BOUGHT | i he I5t recember, 18 at ( - : p pe, ) { HE our of 13 old = naan for the | €1 BEAUTY PINS--Of various kinds, 25¢ up. RoE Seseription,. tree. OVER $300.00 WORTH § f ' 8 CARD OF uncillors to serve in Mun i : CASES--Always suitable. {} | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS mell of e said Townsh.p tor th at FN | g J hier the said Towns: IS MESH PURSES--Sterling and plated, | ai) beta at the "UNIQUE GROCERY G. A. SMITH, Cle : $1.75 | ° Bl Sup. Township of Hinchin A, \ scar; 20 years' experience. D N 4 p » iE pron rate | § as un, : j scar: 10 years' experience, Dr. EL AND MEAT MARKET. Dated at Parham this 17th da of LRACELETS--GoMN, silver and filled, any Throat and ekin specialist, "258 Ba We make all kinds of from and wire | ecomber, 1014 price, Rot street. work. Get prices. eA re -- PERA GI | ° his +t Ww, nd NSHIP F § 0 | rm -------- OPERA GLASSES--Best made. | » ' King St. West. TOW 0 KiNGS I N BUSINESS CHANCES, MBRELLAS--S AX re , terse tees. Q > 1 5 NOMINATION WEETING. Undoubtedly it con. {| CIBRELLAS--Some exclusive handles, ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN STAR? Consisti f travellers' 490 PRINCESS STRET. Notice 4s hereby given that a meet-] ¢| ) 1'OBS--Gold and silver, | a mail order business at home; nq onsisting oi tra Ph Ear he electors of the Municipality | tains some of the » canvassing: be yur own boss 1 hich one 530. { the Township of Kingston will bel §! things named here. WRITING SKETS--Brass and sterling. Bend for free booklet; tells how samples which, we hein at t the Tow Lalip Hall, Cataraqu' { For the late shopper RAVICIN .re Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. bought away down and " £3 he 28th ion : ecembe I who must make a Se- NAPKIN RINGS--Some new styles. pros i NOMINATION me x Reeves ! | lection of the gift this LOCKETS---Plain and stone set. HY a. 11 sell « ors 'to serve in e inicipa © : . sho fiers many -a 3 " 2 as | We 3 GAVINE. FRCL RR Re. Township of Pittsb h. JU the said Township 'for the year { §f poph, DCTS Restion. | WRIST WATCHES--The best made. w, Ts, Ble par, I RE, Notice Is hereby wiven a - \ yr ® : " ing of the electors of the munici Dated at Cataraqui the 17th day of Anything from Kin PHOTO FRAMES--In sterling ard leather SF oh} D6 Pant ran roy a sare gf township of 'Pitisburgh. ay ugges ons December, 1914, | near & J'Esterze is { , tf Frontenac, will bo held at the town A FAA Clerk ] ship hall, Barriefleld, on Monday, the Township of Kitgsion | good to give and good A | to receive, { 28th day of December, 1914, at the hour e . tors ot 1} Sedocle, noua, Tor the Burnose 5 : EE | Shop n the evening eC ominating feves and ound rs to Pham ain set toveo B/TOWNSHIP OF LOUGHBOR® { {ic vou' "wise "es {- ") | ' Plum Pudding Sets, 40¢ to or t e an > erve in the Municipal Council of the $1.00 main open to accom- their Remember the City [| *™ Towrshir for the year 1915. Bosarica, $130 to #S.00. _[}| The Susicital Sumisstions tar the | gf Wodate the late'shop. | 1 Book Store is the place WML MURRAY, Clerk. © Thim} : : | owngl tt. . ola Thimbles, $4.00 to Township of Loughbore will be held is = pers. CUFF LINKS--Gold, gold filled and ster | araqui an to get bargains. Dated at Rarriefiold Pn 19th ns of Hall, Sydenh: 1 ling, Gc up, December, 161 :« § am, rom the hy Leather Photo Frames, $1.25 (§ |™¢ Town Hall, Sydenham, 3 ' i L Bibles and Prayer Books, we to $4.50. Nour of 12 o'clock moon until 1 o'cloc! SCARF PINS--Some new things. Frontenac Wards jure the Sates in large type. Xmas Stationery, 60c to . SIGNET RINGS--Hand corved. © { i from 25¢ to $10.00, Come as innear VEST CHAINS--Best quality made. i y 7) ha You can as our. place is SILK RIBHON FOBS--With sea! and lock. A meeting ok, end electors of the Pansy, Mildred and Elsie et charm. above Wards whb are favorable to my Hopk Fall y. ' : inl SFLDG-fets of three, peazi, gol | candidature for Mayor will be held'g y= Dun, Fo a, Girls' G for 1914, pan, Monday, December 28th. Cameo Rings, $4.50 to $10. FREDERICK M. LAWSON, Cles! Sterling Pin Trays, 60c eaci. | Bridge'Sets, $2.00 to $2 50. Sydenham, Dee. 17th, 1914, Our optician tests eyes [rom Sam 9 pam, free of Shaves CIGARETTE CASES--eary sierling rom |§ | WEDNESDAY, DEC. 23rd, Diamond Importers. CANES--Splendid line to select from. |} at MIEQ'S HALL, Princess Princess and - Welling. UMBRELLAS--AI new styles. { Street to Te | on te ine: {COLLAR BAGS--AN shies, best Teather. ai sight. o'cloe RODGER'S 'THE KING ST, JEWELER Everybody welcome, R. D. SUTHERLAND |

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