Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Dec 1914, p. 7

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Everybody's Xmas Sho Gifts THE HOUSEHOLD CALENDAR 54 pages of useful informa ition and suggestions very valuable in ev- ery household. THE CARDINAL'S CALENDAR 54 pages of selected material. Also a complete record of all Feast and Church Days, contains the (igs- pel Text for each Sunday in the Year, the portraits of His Holiness the Pope, Pius X., and the Igading American Cardinals, MOTHER'S CALENDAR 54 pages of carefully selected ma- terial by Wallace and Francis Rice, MY DAD'S' CALENDAR A companion to. the abové selected' material pleasing to father. OPEN DOOR CALENDAR Selected friendship mottoes with special border design. OMAR KHAYYAM A twelve sheet calendar contain- ing the complete text of this classic Perstan border, title page and cover design. LONGFELILOW CALENDAR with the Christmas Is Not Postponable On Ac- count of the Weather or the War THE ENGAGEMENT CALENDAR Specially designed for making a record of all engagements. DAY TO DAY WITH CALENDAR Carefully compiled author's best works. SPECIAL ARTISTIC GIFT BOOKS ESSEX SERIES--Many of the best works of prose included in this series, Photogravure frontis- pieces and handsomely decorated title pages, printed on Japan vel- lum. Price PRE 40¢ NETHERLAND SERIE®_ A choice selection of titles bound in mottle m. Emerson, Stevenson, Al- Drummond, Browning, Kip- ling, Emerson and Hawthorne Price Cee . ; 40¢ SAVOY SERIES---A handsome ser- ies, chosen from the masterpieces of the world's greatest . writers Printed on hand-made paper, deckle edges Bound in Persian Ooze Price ....:.. eC BLACKSTONE SERIE This series is especially designed for gift pur- DICKENS from the len, Our stocks offer untold FINESSE © CLASSICS -- Ooze. Aq dainty edition, bound in selected Pergian Ooze, 4% x 61% inches, Kipling. Bryant, Longfellow, 1 Price . . 75¢ per vol. THE MY BOOKS ! The "My" Books comprise five ox- ceedingly appropriate presentation ¥ titles; jand 'with the idea of their be- ing "gift" books, have been compiled with the greatest care. Each page is decorated with pen drawings To My Mother To My Dad To My Pal ( To My Dear Friendship I In vellum hie 700 ( In Persian Ooze $1.25 ( FAMOUS JUVENILE BOOKS By Mary Dickerson Donahey t Stories of Princesses and Fairies. which appeal to the imagination of children and at the same time teach them' a good wholesome moral very easy to understand. Beautifully illus- trated with full color plates. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURD AY, DECEMBER 19, 1914, PHOTOS OF XXI BATTALION. poing for Everybody Bc Snow Falls Softly But It brance of the gift suggestions -- in many of which the PRACTICAL is strongly emphasized. This modern, conveniently arranged store is easy to get about in, its salespeople are alert, polite and helpful. VALCARTIER AND thousand dollars" worth of pleasure, long grateful memory. A most complete line of Toilet Ar- Soaks Deep No voice comes with the snowflake, but it changes the earth from brown to white and adds to the Christmas joy of the ciildren, big and little. So also is the Christmas 'spirit in the human heart. Even though it works silently it may reach far in reviving friendships and cementing affections. The pity of it is to neglect or forget the remem- aged, the lonely and the far-aways! Just a little gift, costing one dollar, may give a and be a life- TOYS, DOLLS AND GAMES AT 21st No more appropriate present could be seni to friends in-Canada, United States or England, that some of the nilitary pictures now shown in our windows 'ive "foot Duke Valcartier Review by the $6.00 in Cric- ket in Background House ."s . iraduates of the R. } tingent 2. C. H. A Mlicers . ieneral Hughes & Ofiicers. . . IMPORTANT NOTICE: Orders for hese should be placed at once as ame have to Le sent to Toronto for $1.25 C. in 1st Con- at Valcartier. . printing which requires three days. LEATHER GOODS, Ladies Hand Bag: Wallets for men. Music Rolls in latest styles ticles in Ebony, French Ivory, etc. Ladies Toilet Sets. Ladies Traveling sets. Ladies Manicure Sets. Scissors -sets of British Manufac- ture. Gentlemen's Travelling sets. Gentlemen's Shaving sets. BRASS GOODS Book Racks. Match Holders. Cigar and Ash Trays. Pen Trays. Candle Sticks. .Brush & Crumb Tray Calendars, ete., eté, FRAMED 2 FRAMED. A very large selection to choose from in the latest and most popular subjects, including the Military Heads most popular at the present time. PICTURES, AND UN- LESS THAN COST PRICE. EVERY ARTICLE IN THIS LINE MUST BE CLEARED THIS SEASON AT ANY PRICE. These are now offered at less prices than dealers can buy them for. SPECIAL BOXED A beautiful line of dars, wrapped in CALENDARS boxed calen- handsome art CALENDAR OF GOLDEN THOUGHTS 54 pages of very carefully select- ed mottoes, hand lettered, different design for each page. MUSIC. A most acceptable present would be four or five copies of the latest Operatic Numbers including such as The ROSARY by Nevin, DESTINY, The Waltz that Grips the Country. Oh Fascinating Night. The most complete line of Music The Castle of Grumpy Grouch Down Spider Web Lane Through The Little Green Door The Adventures of a Happy Dolly The Magical House of Zur The Diary of a Birthday Doll Mother's Hero Moses P. Pickles and Others A Ohild's Garden of Verse, Robt. Louis Stevenson The Stickum Stamp Other Stunts. ; .. a in the city. ATER C S, framed. "yw n i RO ~ - ATR wo Ne EXCLUSIVE XMAS CARDS, CAL- a ENDARS AND BOOKLETS. Our line of Cards, Booklets, Post Cards, ete, is not equalled in the lar- ger cities. Collar Bags Coin Purses Ladies Purses Loose Leaf Kvdak Books Writing Portfolios. BOXED HOLIDAY PAPETERIES The largest and best assortment we have ever shown comprising the lines of Geo. B. Hurd, Eaton Crane & Pike and others, Priced from 25c poses. Printed on paper of the inest quality and bound in select- Persian Ooze leather with bor- design and title in gold Price v $1.25 REGIS SERIES---In this series are many. of the best known @nd most popular books ever published, each having established a place among the classics of the day. Persian Ooze, gilt top, boxed. Price $1.00 Containing selections by this most popular author, THE TENNYSON CALENDAR Containing seléctions by this author, THE the Ray Studio, London, Eng. small consignment of Water Colors, which serve as most acceptable gifts. Priced from 60c to $3.50. CALENDAR OF THE SIDE der Containing the Famous Varvme CALENDAR (Wild Flowers) Gives a complete list and fun in- formation of all wild flowers, Thirty pages of reading material. Gibson Art Line, The Barse & op Kins Art Line of Boxed Calendars . i ' and the best British Manufacturers. Companion to the Calendar of Golden Thoughts with material es- TOILET ARTICLES MAKE FINE pecially prepared for it. GIFTS. BRIGHTER by Family and to $5.00. Field, with. Court House Serving Trays. vellum or leather covers, stamped rae tis stone STB Writing Desk Sets. ' in gold leaf design, and tied with a Batt in i Col showing Court Clocks, silk cord or tassel. EE -------- THE SPORT REVIEW|":'::::.:. "LET WELL ENOUGH ALONE," terference was us BC RFI, DEFENCE. - U., games as in the inter olleginiy games. The only improvement need ed is the total elimination of hold ing, Mr. Sliter reduced number of thi this year and in all these he een one play what might a mass play. This 'was due 70,000 BERLINERS KILLED had onl INDEPENDENT FOREVER. be calle¢ to the 1 offside. The bad in the 0.8.1 THE WHIG'S JUMBLE iH Per Cent, Of Organized Labor in Germany At War, pernieamienion | a servian Victory Has Saved Balkan | General Review of Country District Independence. and Local News Amsterdam, via London, Dec. 19 Dec. 19----On receiving the White Rose flour for all purposes. | Berlin newspapers re aching here | news of the rout of his army by the Perfumes, reliable odors. Dr. Chown. declare that a majority of the 70,0001 vians, emperor Francis Jose ph "High-class Christmas Sweets," approve of sidents of Berlin Who went to the | eXpre sed great irritation at the in { Gibson's. . ' players although 'ToNt have lost their lives. [Capacity of his generals. Count Be r-| Many times the acts of the tar. would make no great differences Other statistical Information giv-| hold has Bad a long audience with | in-law depend largely upon the acts d jen. by these papers is that of the or he emperor of the son-in-law. Curling elub | Stuized workers of Germany, who| The Giornale d'Italia thinks that I'he "Albert" hot ator Hote, Preside nt, | Mumbered 661,000, about 31 per cent | the Servian vietory 'has forever say acceptable gift. Sold y only by vice-president. are now in active military service. | ed the Balkan peninsula's inddpen Chows. yom 0. the al wh secretary-treasurer 3 Ue rman Federation of W orkers | dence. It says! : . gs oil > 1 ie ov a i These skips were] has given over $3,750,000 for the! "Bulgaria, after theAusirian rout Fails, uy oy bis cote que z Godoy i, | telief of the unemployed and to a {is no longer a menace to Macedonia, 0 yor Een, thief of time Fairlie, Miss W., (Gordon, Miss TI. Sit needy women and children. | Greece is freed from an incubus, and Pronrastination 18 Ee ae T Fe. Tandy, Miss M. Betts, Mr H. J ---- Rumanien jrregentin wil be nd dy t to the Genera 08- Davison and Mrs. W.. R.: Givens English Sweets, at Gibson's J sein TRUSyvania. A -new-Ba an "Ple: es ; 3 y st -elipe a - - -- \ good many times happiness com | League tuight even be practicable Ri re Taw no V-ngliah Kodaks at Gibson's to us - with the endeavor to mak: | SE language. Dr. Chown. | others happy i "The home of high-class Christ- ill "Page and Shaw Sweets," G bson's mas Sweets," Gibson's Red Cross In taking the Drug Store. pathway you Miss A. Edith Giles, Brockville, man to follow has been 'appointed art instructor at the Windsor Collegiate Institute. Rome Tarontos Will' Have Hard Time Re. Placing Allam Davidson -- "Varsity Has Lost Two Good Goal-keepers, Winnipeg will hold its usual in February. | would bonspiel as an Dr. The Kingston Ladic -- elected their A syndicate fried to purchase the | Mrs. W. R Wanderer franchise in the N.H.A. yes- {Miss A. Birch; terday, bat the owners turned down | Miss L. Tandy the proposition; Fairlie, Mi Ww | = TT asas ChristmasBeef IMPORTANT1It is important to all house- keepers that their joint of beef or mutton, lamb or pork for Christmas dinner is of the best quality in taste and cutting. Therefore, to obtain good quality, Wien good value, good cutting and good attention, your Christmas joint at Givens; order Ottawa' Free Press : have a hard time replacing Allan Davidson. He was a Foe on offence and defence, and alw ays had his check looking for him, Toronto's will PARKER BROS. KINGSTON'S LEADING BUTCHERS 217 Princess St. Thermos kits -- Coarse of nature is Toronto Telegram : "Hunting as [ps the finger usual" in England: also racing as us fortune ual. Then why all this row because Apples, the footballers continue to kick ay | Anderson usual, and outfits, he derision Remember Christmas morning de- livery of high-class sweets from Gib- obstacle out of your | son's Red Cross Drug Store. Way benefit the next | You must be a consumer in this old 3 | world; therefore, try and ho a pro | ducer as well. who w Phone 1683, Opposite Opera House. int of at mij revveweew ew TweYweww) good Bros cookers Low price \ Dairy specialties. Dr. Yhown Boston Nationals will stand to seat 45,000, July 4th. build a to be ready ov, Shortstop Roach, the Buffalo tain, has jumped to the Ruffalo erals, cap Fed adidd _ Varsity has heen rather fortunate in the past in having good . goal keepers, but with the passing of Par- ker and Laird the Blue and White do not look overly strong in {hat department, although Malone was ou fair man last season. Hamilton Herald : All the sane changes suggested in the Canadian Rugby Union's code availed nothing. Sine Molivenue, conch of the Mon treal Winged Wheelers, and other eminent foot critics in this fair do- mwinion have offered their opinions of - what should be done, but the pow: ers that Jovem absolutely refuse to "Let well enough alone" is the O.R.F.U. defence. Play in the American and National. leagues next season will 'start on April 14th. The 1915 sche. _ dules, it was said, will eall for 143 g i in former years, and the soason will close .on about the same date as the last season, in order io 'get the world's series started in good - weather. : E. O. Sliter when asked for his opinion of the change in 'the Iater- giate rughy rules, advocated by said that he did not approve rules being changed, nor did that they would be changed. pproves of the * back" of scrimmagingout theballin- UOUSE AT KINGSTO N MILLS WHICH WILL SUPPLY POWER To Vo YrhorNbin COUNTRY, ' * $i : ba KINGSTON we GE THE - "Kodak for Christmas." See Gib- son 8s. Thermos kits and outfits. Dr. Chown. On Monday the residence of John Blanchard, just below the English church, Napanee, was damaged by fire. "Huyler's Christmas Sweets," Gib- | son's. | Hudnut's toilet waters. Dr. Chown. | | A. 8. Valleau, collector of customs | { Deseronto, was notified on Monday | | to g0 to Stratford and take charge ; for some time. "High-class Christmas Perfumes," Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Pure sweet cider, made from choice apples. The kind with the nice flav- or, 30c. gal.,-at the Golden Lion gro- cery, ' o. A. Branscombe, Picton, has received a large order for mitiens for the Canadian contingent. The mitens. are to be made ¢f horsehide and warmly lined. "The home of high-class - Christ- mas Sweets," Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Victor Parks, night operator at the G.T.R. station, Napanee, was transferred to Whitby, 10 fill the piace deft vacant by William Stone, murdered last Thursday night while on duty, -- son's. § ia | 4. N. Osborne, Napagee, will be in | the field for reeve for 1915. In addi- tion to the present council there will ' be two new candidates, W. M. Cam- bridge and E. B. Waiss. Azealias, hyacinths, narcissus, prim- ulns, ferns, ataucarias, etc. at Johnson's, florist, King street. Open eagle lectern, family to in mem- B.A, who in "Huyler's Chrisimas Sweets," Gib-|| | Saturday Bargains at Kingston's Music Hall Pianola cabinet, mahogany case, that will relieve your presein position of ha a silent piano in your home. With the ca Jager hy you can operate your piano to your own - tion. Every member of the family will be able to entertain themselves. This Player, with 1 dozen rolls, complete, $75.00. Thomas organ, piano case, 6 octaves, 11 -vops, octave coupler. This organ is in first class condition. When new price was $175.00. Our price, $65.00. Terms, cash $10.00, $5.00 per month, Bell organ, piano case, dition. Our price $57.00. Terms, per month ;

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