Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Dec 1914, p. 6

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Price Keductions in Fine Furs Unusual and Substantial Opportunities for peo- ple who have an appreciation of high quality for the sake of it, and all the more go when it comes with such real money-saving chences, « ° 20% To 50% Off Many popular lines in COATS, NECK PIECES and MUFFS. Ladies' Musk- rat Coats First-class and up-to- date in every respect. $75 value for . .$59.00 $70 value for ..$52.50 $50 value for ..$36.00 Ladies' Fur Lined Coats The best that money and skilled workman- ship can produce $70 value for ..$58.00 $45 value for ..$32.50 We are offering values in neck pieces and muffs Jot to be found at any othe: store. Alaska Sable, Mink, Persian Lamb, Mole, Wolf, Fox, Japanese Mink, etc. | Campbell Bros, The Store for Big Values in Fine Furs TIVO YTYYY THG CHURCH PULPIIS THE MINISTERS WHO WILL PREACH UN SUNDAY. Announcements Made By the Various Denominations As to Their Ser. vices--Serman Topics and Musical Selections, St. John's Church, Portsmouth-- 1The Lord Bishop of Omtario will be the preacher at the evening service. St. Andrew's Churech--Rev. 3. M. Compton, D.D., minister. Ser- vices at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday school and Bible classes at 3 p.m. Strangers cordially invited to all services, First Baptist Church--Rev. Doug- las Laing, pastor, at both services. 11 a.m., "The Lamp And the Bush- el," 7 pan, "God's Cafe of Love." Bible school at 2.405 p.m. Students, soldiers and strangers cordially vited to all the sefvices. ni. Paul's --Holy Communion, 8 a.m., Morning prayer, 11 o'clock; Evening prayer, 7 o'elock. Preacher at both services Canon Fitzgerald. Christmas Day. Holy Communion, 8 a.m:, Morning prayer, and -holy ccm- munion, 11 o'clock, preacher, Rev. Canon Fitzgerald, M.A. Brock street hall, between Well- ington and Brock street Richard irving (Evangelist) will speak Suh- day 'night gt 7 o'clock and again on Fuesday at 8 o'clock..' The subject will be "The Christmas Message God's Great Gifts to Man." Soldic students and civilians all heartily in- vited. Cocke's Brock strget M.A. MinTster. versity avenue. The minister preach at both services cn the appropriate to the Christmas seascn. 3. P.m., Sunday school & Bible clus-, ses. Students soldiers and strangers | cordially invited t6 all services. i ' ! in- Presbyterian chureh Rev. J. W, McIntosh Residence, 318 U Chalmers, Presbyterian, Barrie Farl street--Rev, M. Macgillivray, D., ministér. Serpices, Tl a.m 7 p.m. Christmas themes and cial Christmas music. Sunday school and Bible class, 3 p.m. Sunday school Christmas Festival Wednesday ing. Students and strangers members of the force invited to the services. Cal 3 and Dn. and 4 spe even- | and all y Congregational *hurch, corner Bagot and Charles street 11 o'clock. Subject, "The Differenc Christ Master." 7. o'clock. ."'Is Name in the Book?" 3 o'clock, Sun fay school and Bible class; Tuesday 7.30 p.m., Christmas tree and soc Wednesday, 8 p. m., ial; practise. Strang- ~ Whistle Cords Sam Browne Belts Leggings Crawford & Walsh, Princess & Bagot St. meeting and choir ers and visitors heartily welcomed. Pastor, J. Lyall, 180 Rideau street First Church of Christ, Scientist, Johnston street, between Bagot and Wellington streets--Sunday service, 11 a.m. subject, "Is the .Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Force?" Wednesday evening testi- monial meeting. Public reading room same address, open every after- noon, except Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock. All are cordially invited to the ser vices and the reading room. Sydenham Street Methodist Alfred Brown, pastor. pastor will preach at both 11 am.,, "Good News." "A Message to Young Men." hy soloists and full meeting, 9.45 a.m., Junior League, 10 a.m. Bible school and Wesleyan Club, 2.45, p.m. Senior League, Mon- day, 8 p.m. Prayer and praise ser vice Wednesday, 8 pun. Students | and soldiers specially invited. A cor dial welcome to all. First Congregational church, cor- ner Johnson and Wellington streets Church tev, choir. res Q 1068 morning worship, , 281 Alfred street; Special Christmas servic and evening Morning 11 o'clock, subject, "Christ mas Flowers"; cvening worship, sev en o'clock. The choir will sing a Christmas cantata Sermon sub ject, "The Nativity," a eontinuation of the series ermon Strangers : phone, in in cordially weld art re very ome to these ervices of enthedral Ontario, Bishop's Court; Rev. Cro- zier Magee, 25 Johnson street; Rev Sydenham Lindsay, 25 Johnson street 5 a.m., holy communion. 10.15 a.m., will hold an ordination; preacher Rev. t. George's [The Ideal Christmas Gift Allow us to suggest ag/n Christmas gift for your wife and fam- ily a Policy of Life ingurahce in the Mutual Life of Canada. It will be a living proof to them that you think, not of to-day only, but of the many to-morrow's that are to come. If you already have a pol. icy, add to it. This is the readiest way in whic, you can create or increase your estate. Let us furnish you with figures for a policy at once, S.ROUGHTON, GENERAL AGENT. 0 Brock St, Kingston. Office Phone, 619; Res, 061. Harry Sharpe, Special Agent, matins, 11 a.m.; Bishop of Kingston W. Cox, rector og Gananogue, 3 pon. ordination; preacher, Rev. Walter Cox, rector: of Gananogue. 3 pm {children's gift service. 4 p.m., holy { baptism. 7.p.m.; evensong, preacher, Rev. S. F. Tackaberry, incumbent of 10.30 .a.m., holy communion daily except Widnesdny and Friday; 330 p.m., intercession daily, except Wednesday; services' on Wednesday at 9.30 a.m. and 8 p.m.; holy ion on. Christmas day at 8 a.m., and 11 am. Broek Street. Methodist Church, cor ner of Broek and Montreal streets Pastor, Rev. John Webster: residence, 242 Johnson street, 'phone 704. - 10 a.m. class meeting; 11 a.m., Rev. Wil- liam Jackson, D.D., of Montreal, will preach. Be sure and hear the doctor Jasper. commnn 6.45 a.m., CHRISTMAS Suggestions For Each Member of theFamily HOUSE SLIPPERS = HOCKEY BOOTS MOCCASINS RUBBER BOOTS FELT SHOES Anthem, "Angels from the Realms di Glory"; solo, "Christmas Carol." Miss Davies. 3 p.m., Sabbath schol, bra therhood and young ladies' Bible ! clagses: 7 p.m., Christmas service; spe cial Christmas music, chorus of fifty voices; anthem, "Glory to God in the Highest"; soloists, Misses = Davies, Stagg, Mrs. Drury and J. N. Gibson: solo, "Star" of Bethlehem," Miss Davies. Monday, 8 p.mn., Epworth League service; Wednesday, 5 p.m, midweek service. ' Strangers, students and' soldiers welcome. Upion Street Baotist Church--Rev. G. A. Lowes, minister. Residence, "Victory Heights," Mack street, 7 p.am., a Christmas sermon on "No # Room in the Imn." Tf vou are a stranger to a church home that seeks ll to work out in ites daily ministra- tions of Jesus for the whole man, body, mind and spirit, with their various needs, it is out first business to help von just where the need is greates, if you so desire. "Victory Heights," the hospital home of the pastor, is always open. to those that need help in any wav and those who feel the need of a friend mav come at any hour during day or : th 3 Bethel Congregational Church --- Corner Barrie and Johnson stremts, Rev, Mi minister, 8 church Wednesday ' His Star in the East; Yourj, prayer| Atomic |. Rev. Le Roy Rice, B. A., pastor, ° Ihe Dean of | igh R A. P.. Mershon, LA be a. RDAY, DECEMBER, A PA Communion of the ' * service, J School for all. p.m. Haffer; very: brief sermon, | Lord's Supper at! | Sunday | § 7 p.m. anthem and ~s 5 akivs 'wy 0 BY. Choir, solos by ff Miss W. Woolgar, Mies by special request a solo, "The Story | of Bethlehem," by Love. the Sunday Morning Bible boys of Y.M.CA. worshipping with us in a body. Seats free to all. wueen Street Methodist Church, cor- Private George |} Brief Christmas address to | fi cldss | Holland amd | Everybody welcome. | | ner Queen and Clergy streets--Rev, G. |} I. Campbell, B.D., pastor. Christmas Services. . 11 a.m., subject, "The Light of the World." Anthem, Gloria in Excelsis; solo, "Holy Night"; an- them, "Te Deum'; 2.45 p.m., open servide in auditorium; "white ' bifts from children; good programme, _as- sisted by Kingston Symphony orches- tra. 7 p.m. subject, "The Christ Message to Men of Peace and Men of War." Anthem, "It Came Upon the Midnight. Clear'; quartette, "O Little Town of Bethlehem'; solo, "Star of Bethlehem'; chorus, "Holy Night'; solo, "Night of Nights." Soloists, Mrs. «J, Evans, Mrs. G. FE. Reaman, Mrs. H.JT. J. Coleman, Harvey An- grove, Allan Hafner, Princess Street Methodist Church-- Corner Princess and Albert streets. Rev. MH. E. Curry, pastor. 11 a.m. the pastor, "The Beginning and the Ead." 7 pim., the pastor, "Joy." song service by choir. Sunday school nd Bible class, 2.45 p.m. Epworth League, Monday, 8 p.m.; prayer meeting withdrawn owing to the White Christmas entertainment-in the evening. Cordial Music: Morn- Have Seen evening, song service by the choir. Anthem "ihe Lord is in His Holy Temple"; The Glory of the Lord," R. mand choir: "(iletia in Ex- celsis," Miss A. Timmerman and choir; solo, "Night of Nights," Miss seebner; solo, "O Holy Night," Miss S. Parrott; solo, "The Gift," W. Mack; quintette, "Manger in Bethlehem," Miss A. Timmerman, Messrs, Mack, Thompson, Woods and Ulaxton. all. "We invitation to ing anthem, Mr; dole dedi dofrbdedodefed doiedededofeodod Sd dedodor | * * "SHOP EARLY." -» --- The wise ;merchant has his # Christinas goods in early, and is now advertising and display- ing the. The wise buyer is on hand as soon as they are on display. Selecting the Christmas gifts onght to be the 'most blessed part-of the giving. It is in selection of the gift that loving, sympathetic thought given, Fitting - gifts can be selected only at leisure. There must be time to think of the ones for whom the gifts are chosen. + There must be oppertunity to examine many things and from among them all choose wisely. In the great crowds of Iter « Christmas buyers all will be confygsion, rush amd grab. in » - the the is «| By them free. value. . « . A Travelling Bag or a Suitcase makes one of the best gif ts that you could think of. See our line of black walrus grain leather bags, the prices range from. $4.00 and $5.00, fair values, to the better grades at $8.50 and $10.00, We initial Gur Suitcases are the best in this city. Our best grades are $7.50, $10.00 and $13.50, while our $5.00 and $6.00 cases are also up to the standard of fair If you are puzzled or undecided what to give to a lady or gentleman friend or relative, you cannot do better than give a case or bag. { Ten Other Good Gifts Evening Slippers for young ladies Dancing Pumps for men Hockey Shoes for boys and girls Snowshoes for boys and girls Moccasins for everybody Slippers for mother and father Slipper trees trimmed with ribbon, for ladies Rubber Boots for children Spats, Overgaiters and Leggins Bootees and Fancy Colored Moccasins for the baby Baby Cosy Slippers, 50c. FITS | TRENCH"S REMEDY | the pushing jam it will be im- possible to think clearly, to in- spect articles with any care or to choose with any diserimin. ation, Besides, the best things will he gone before the rush begins. The wise Christmas buyer is the early one and carries away the prizes. only the things that have been + much handled and many times rejected. The thoughtful few do shopping in the early mor 2. It is then the stores ave in order and the salespeople fresh and cheerful. It is then selections can he made with care and comfort. Later in the day 4he unthink- ing, pushing, grabbing crowds rush in, the salespeople are ¥ overton, and all is confusion. Buying under such condi. tions is torture. Selecting gifts + under such conditions is little fess than insult. The Christmas spirit not be confined to the giving of gilts. It onght to shew iself 4 ein the buying and to overflow in consideration jor the worked girls behind the Bo le ode odo BR + 3 should Overs count. EH, because of the rash, th cannot give you good i the fault is all your own. # bave no 'need to at 4 times, * vie -, You rush 2o 8 Adele deol he ode dodo sb de foe oo QUEEN'S ENGINNERS. Who Will Go Overseas With the Sec-| ond Contingent, The 5th company Canadian En neers, oversea volunteers, 1 as hingeton on January tawa where the 2nd remainder the Engineers, who are going overseas, are mobilized. The remainder of the 5th company is still attending col lege and will finish the term unless the militia departmefit wants their fervices somewhere in Canada, in which case they would be obliged to 4 fer Ot of The names of these going to Ot tawa and leaving for the front, with the second contingent are as follows: Captain Lindsay Malcolm, Lieuts. D. 8. Ellis, W. E. Manhard, E. A. Baker, P. Earnshaw; C.QM.S., F. X. Ahern, Sergt. K. P. McPherson; Cor- porals D. F. Dewar, W. 8. Laing, N. G. Stewart, J. A. Fournier, J. C. Bonham; Lanece-corporals R. L. Duns more, J. W. D. Farrell, M. M. Aston The list of sappers is as follows: A. Craig, J. K. Forbes, T. V. Lord, P. M. Macdonald, J. 8S. McDonnell, J. R. Miller, P. 1. MacCallum, G. B. Pat- terson, C. A. Poynton, A. Pope, W. J. Stewart, A. A. Webster, J. L.. Youngs, D. J. Emery, C. A. Girdlerg B. 8. smyth, C. B. Huyek, W. P. R. Hold- creft, A. C. Malloch; W. G. Perks, W. J. Clarke, W. C. Rogers, R. F. Clarke, E. M. Medien, W. 8. Harle, R. M, Calvin, J. D. Calvin, C. C. Scott, J. Madden, J. H. Stitt, W. J. Mcintyre, A. Munroe, L. H. Spriggs, L. J. Kavanagh, L. Germaine, E. Whitelaw, R. R. Clarke, W. H. Ellis, A. Mowat Rn D. Site. E. W. Long- ford, E. B. aul, . Sutherland, J. rsh, E. . Browne, FF. G. Alea. L. R. Calder The later ones find + | fo deofo oe sfortonts | fated] by the Whig some weeksago will leave | re | TRENCH'S REMEDIES, LIMITED, All St. James' Chambers, Toronto. {Sie Proprietors Treneh's Remedies, Limited, Dublin, Ireland. Cured || : Abernethy's | ais { Fancy Slippers $1.00 Xmas Chocolates In Fancy Boxes A big assortment--. Prices from 25¢ to $5 per box . All Kinds. of Home- Made Oandy, Made Fresh Every Day SACKELLS Next to Opera House [Loose Leaf Supplies BINDERS TO FIT ANY SHEETS SHEETS TO FIT ANY BINDERS ikinson, M. Freda, +. Me- Daly, K. I. Murray, E. H. S. Nichoison, J. L. Mc Small, C. H. Hopk Clarke, Foote, E nd H. Willi Located At Westboro, Craig has located at t., a growing suburb of Craig 1s a recent gradu Rev. Wil en's and son of tg, Albert street Sale. ir brushes and combs, suitable hristmag at *"'Hoag's." cht surgical cases for the phys Dr. Chown. : remains of the late William Pe ters, who died at the general hospital on Wednesday, were transferred by Un dertaker S.° 5. Corbett to Verona on Saturday, : Don't forget" Christmas morning de- livery of high-class sweets from Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store. . = br. M. C. Costello, elected mayor of Calgary, Alta, married Miss Pearl Corrigan, daughter of the late Dennis ia rigan,s of, Singston. OLD-TIME - REMEDY MAKES PURE BLOOD Hood's Sarsaparilla has been and till is the people's medicine because of its reliable character and its won- derful suecess in purifying, enriching | { | Hockey Sticks, 10c, 25c, | 35¢; 50c. | Skates, a very large as- sortment. Barney & Berry's, $1.00, Dutton' { ' qo ' Lunn's Agency All the best qualities Corbett's SKATES and STICKS { "weYwewww. PYVVOYYVYYOYYY TTI TYYY MORE NEW EVERY DAY FOR SERN ed % { A visit to our gift room. For For For For kets, . For Ladies' Cedar Fur Boxes. For Ladies' Music, Cabinets, For Children's Carriages, Bassenetts, Chairs, Baby Walkers, JAMES REID, Gentlemen's Cheflioners. Gentlemen's Arm Chairs. Gentlemen's Smoking Setts. Gift problem easuy solved by a Ladies' Japanese Work Base Piano Benches and Toy Setts, Doll Rockers and Mail orders have our prompt attems tion. The store with the Christmas Spirit, a AAAAMAAAAALM DIAMOND For Xmas Gift Giving these days, and and revitalizing the blood and reliev- ing the common diseases and ailments | --serofula, eatarrh, rheamatism, dys- pepsia, loss of appetite, that tired fecling, general debility. Hood's Sarsaparilla and en- riches the' blood, in so doing renders the human system the great- est service pos bie. This edicine has been: 'or years, is per- feetly pure, clean and absolutely safe, { as well as of peculiar and unequaled i madicinal ment, ' Get Hood's, and get it now from indefinitely. See our offerings while Beautiful single stone and three stone prices to suit all purses, We have excellent values | 1 continue these favorable prices rings, at | i | i The Christmas id Spirit Prevails GIFTS ARRIVIN

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