Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Dec 1914, p. 31

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: p for agony. They are kept mercifully Stupified| where it is possible. It is mot als ways possible. Ask those who havi walked past the door of such a ward if it is always possible, Sometimes) putrefaction has set in before they have been taken from the field. This Lis the ward of the dying. One is ne- ver admitted. The surgeons are quite frank about it. "We cannot permit you to gee these things," they say. "They are too horrible. We only hope to les: Fa ANE Te # Eine én the pain until these men dle." : ; ) Pha 3 | Yesterday I heard of a Cambridge : ; Charleroi man, 20 years old, who had taken Wishes to announce that he has o ned a | on er : a ue : -- honors in his ¢lass. His parents had ; new store at . \ i S London, Dec. 10--* And 80," said 'of, unless it is Pdssible to move on | Pinched and striven to put him : {the old woman, "he died screaming." "una forget it. There is no more | !2rOUEh his school, He went out with f It was in a little village in France. sentiment in the riddance than it the | 9"¢ Of the London territorial Tegi- . |This war has been oddly spotty in | useless remnant wes brok ments, tall, stalwart, handsome, the " 8 y in ere a4 broken gun, {Its operations. Here one may find a [It is With the living that we should Ines, ivpe it ving Englishman. n 11 ) S little pateh of territory that is .un- {concern ourselves. © dave later he was shot through touched. Twenty miles away from! Then turn to the abdominal wards | the body. It was 5a hours--=50 the greatest battle Mme in ain of any hospital near the field. They | NOUrs---before the surgeons could get the trains may be running regularly |are filled with men whose bodies 2roung to him. The grist of wound- Fcople are going abotit (heir affairs, | have been torn until all that is lerr | 80 Bad simply swamped them. In the So it Wan in this little town. Its poo. ; 50th hour he died. . ple had hardly heard the thunder of Deafness Cannot Be Cured, There was a Tommy -- a name- the guns. by local applications, as they cannot] £58 Tommy. The man who telly 8 | "It was a stranger who did 1." There ih ny a BY. 1a urh dota] he Story did A0t Wing Sen lo tks sald the old woman. "A madman, and that Jo pet ¥ar to cur the number of his regiment. But that Is by constitutional " , Jacques was walking down the street, Deufnens 1 caused DY an in Tommy Was Jha Qrougm fue yo pedceful as you and me, thinking of | rachian Tube, Wii IE a le wun. ie corte aays in the ram ¢ . When this tube is dn. . his ducks, good man. This stranger flamed yon have a rambling sound po Hell holds no tortures like that Ay . 3 3 i rlod ameless Tommy suffered. Hé is only met him. They talked to vq {perfect hearing, and. when it 1g en. | Rame + Y i : then the iran er shot etie i Ang trely closed, Deafness is the rest remembered because of the mourn- g m and ran and unless the inflammation ean be tak- | ful comment he made to the sur- away, Jacques died screaming." en out and _ this tube restored to i's y . i All 'this happened six months ago, |11ormal condition, hearing will be des- | E60n Who tried to ease him. The stranger was not a soldier, but |ara eo, fo%eYers hine cases out of ten] "It's the lucky man in this war," faused by Catarrh, which is noth. a madman. He is now, presumahly, Ing but an inflamed condition of the $aid this poor Tommy, whe gets safe in some asylum. n adv. ... | VUCOUS surfaces, killed quick." 5 ani the one tragedy of that Reporte We will Elva on marundred Dollars for| There are other things. There are for. 50 years--has been the topic of [ts t cannot be cured by Iyaips | tD€ dysentery trains" of which I conversation there ever since. Its Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. | heard in Germany--heard upon the . people have heard, but they have not gold hy Dory £ C0, Toledo, O. authority 2 a great medical man. comprehended, the, stories of murder sop ce Hall's Fagly Pills for constipa. | BeCaUse there are too few of the S arie OO by wholesale only a few miles away, | oN ; hospital trains, with their swinging They still think of the murder in do: | mesaana so ~~~ ~~~ | cots and their white enamelled oper- tail of which they know. --ooeseffAsssssnsssssssas ating roofs and their private rooms We are all that way, to a greater Phone 920, for doctors and nurses-- and because : : ; Prompt Delivery there are too infinitely many wound- ar 6a5 eXtent. The censored phrase. NOLAN'S GROCERY men --freight trains Te ink for the O S al OO S oyun Which ¢ A tol 1s means Princess St, injured. These freight trains bring s Fn Ry i Say; 4 at \ the OUR FRESH GROUND corp. provisions and munitions to the to pay thes pine line'. is 4s pallid as| 8 KBE AR doe On pr BEAT, |B | fighters. The hurt men are placed : to say they had a breakfast of bacon. : : p TO say "the Germans made untvall. Soh Sample order and uid upon their rough boards floors, ing efforts to break through" offers There is nothing else that can be no picture. One must bring imagina- | TT CTS S Tee eae done. It is a necessity of war. tion to Bear to visualize the HOrridi ~~ Sor ma They travel, sometimes for four v | Scefies- of slaughter and agony out and five days," sald this doctor. jthére on the front. That is my , Sometimes they have no one to ' {apology for this relation. It is an tend them for days." Sometimes they effort to furnish a few of the fright do not even get water. Most of these ful facts on which imagination may Keep i oal Foie men are suffering from dy- . Yad. d There were weeks in which Ger- = Why The British Moved Back. or yor in wounded alone touch Everything the newest and the latest style : ' . - No one knows how a i as / back a heels Line 1 ee layed ha a many the allies have lost. No one British officer, speaking of one nar- Coal Keeps i i how many fortunates died A call respectfully solicited row point upon the battlefield. 'It wih ome Pais. 10. reilise th {was not that we were forced" back ing of ou begin to realize the mean- {| We could not stand the stench." ing of war? | The Germans had charged across IN BRITT A irr eta our | { 1aS an open field upon that first British| TOWN BUILT ON LEDGES. A A A A A A trench. They had died there by hun- Friends Tell Friends dreds. They had fallen there wound- In It Was Located Wireless Station ed. Neither side would agree to an Of Roman Times. armistice. Few of the sorely wound- The Wide World Magazine. ed were taken from the field under A few [miles north of Marseilles 'cover of darkness. The dead lay H d h and within easy walk? of the tram there--to rot. Stops ea dC e to Aix-en-Provence, lies a typical Rot--that's the only word--to ret on T acticall provencal village that tourists usu- They could not be buried. Neither Five years aguZUTOO was pn y ally miss. It was founded by the side would give an inch. Other Ger- To-day, thousands and thousands of men | itomans during their ogcupation of mans charged over those dead forms, and women depend on these little harm. | the South of France, and is built in and In their turn were cut down by less tablets for quick relief from Head- {accordance with the custom of that machine guns, and fell and rotted. aches. time. Between charges the Germans could Their fame has gone from friend to The houses appear to be perched i§| and did retire to a distance from that | friend--frém town to town--from coast | on top of each other, but on closer rawful field. The British stayed in| tocoast. inspection are found'to be built on the trenches. Wherever there are headaches, there |ledges on a hillside. This hill is ! "Our men could not stand it," said | should be ZUTOO Tablets--they cure |the most interesting feature of the : Hi | the officer. "Twice we dug new | in 20 minutes. 25¢ a box--at all dealers | place. What appears as a solitary e 1S ur . any fd | trenches and moved back. But wel or by mail postpaid. B. N. Robinson & crag is in reality a castle, the rogime, §i | held the line." Co. Regd., Coaticook, Que. fortifications, etc., being cut out of | Unusual? Not at all The same Aaa ithe solid rock and forming a fortress . Hf thing has been reporfed from every Practieally Drsguable in (hare Hi§ corner of a 200-mile field. The gen- days. At the side of the castle is a Friends and Customers ~~ ff teers bei win | For Rent || ues ots se irs the cold weather. They do not fear or en height and seven feet in diameter. : : The interior of this tower, acted as|For Cooking and Drinking, also for Cake Icing and making Fudge. > le ide their . . s they --u Je yal ® ove roi Six-room brick dwell- the 'wireless station" in Roman : . In Kingston and lf ers init Ses se oni | Ing on Chatham St. near | |ines, |X consted ot» eriee > 0 do so the men coul: ) v N 4, ar lulete di They could hoid || Princess. All improve- || bearing messages, were seni girs: the line, But there are some stenches ments. Rent $9 a month. to Rome. The whole of the interior [ d prove." Bs. Phone 434 "loft" now remains. That is the military way of sugar- Real Estate Fire Insurasos gC ------ 0 ~ coating a fact for soft eivilian con- 5 = Old Forts and New Diamonds for A Very H poy there in France. As this fs being covery that the old-fashioned earth- z ; meme fi} written the Germans hold Charlero:, © Stomach Acidity oa 8 on hoster "hie to Tesla ASE metal is no fit i i Sas ge . At Charlefoi and the nearby towns gre : @ litrmans than Ninesstenths gi] seen them. A brick kiln in any coun- h acid. In the beginning the stom- den voice of a t try look like any other brick kiln. At|ach Itself fs not. dieranes Bor etom-1 Among the forts at Antwerp was grea by the praus bureau as "particularly]ilc, Sciflis very likely to eat into the system. bel vi ¢ . Edison Phonograph, the spirited" about Charleroi. ro which may render a radical surs | 5° being massive earthen bar ' fighti They 'are shapeless now i = gd tr a ae pon only abaut a 3 ¢ hile the newer D oud, A ing. 8 PRE ola shou e trea * = . . oyous ana Pr OSPRIOUS Jf ios ome? somite Jin puice 4 Ae Sik ut of Lorn they enatealad twice that vi This gem is a per. a gil to the eve. They offend--good God, [a #1". Stomach hyperacidity must bel It was also found that the dam- manent part of the instru- IE i TET Ee = ; itary operations. The sweet air off on" teaspoonful doses in a fourth of | The explosion shatered the concrete metal needles which must France is poisoned by their myriads. |a glass of water after each meal. Larg- | in the new forts, while in the case be cf sed with every d stly for humanity to stand. was constructed of a very hard ce- Vi sy \, $0 Sant Yr Tae teers 2: & ment, which with the wear of ages is 1Icmity Hf will tell you, *conditions will im- W. i. Godwin Son. now slowly decaying and one perfect Brock ] i ¥ | Sacrame Union, sumption. Let me give you another Racpaments Tim ian i picture--a keynote glimpse at the EN NA CAN, the Be ee vuliar teatures of Grand Opera Stars monstrous thing that is going on over Practical Prescription . * ash 18 dis Of 'all cases of stomach | the modern concrete and steel forti- i i are great brick kilns, We have all trouDIe Me re aon if "jomach the mods setting for the gol Id con lowed to continue, | Oe Old one which contained little singer. So--in e new and one time the fighting was described ALR UL to eat into the | concrete or steel, its chief defence ng : th ; riers. Into these piles of solid earth Reproducing Point is 0 ical o tion necessary even to pro- ucing Poin s tha Jere ate end when ong Tite, Therefore tn Sama toro: the big shells of the Germans sank how the offend! They 'imperil|neutralized by the administintion of co age caused by these shells. was much . | health. They are a hindrance to mil- By a ah hi purpose. the legs in the old than in the new forts. ment--doing away with | pr iiles a ry sila fer quantities may be used if necessary . | ER A FA CA St Be AR I i: to ask your druggist for the bisurated{ Shallow hole. record. With > they are slowly mergin magnesia as other forms of magnesia It was found earlier in the cam- = ---- make effective mouth washes but they palgn that the modern fort was of have not the same action on the stom- ie Germans Burning The Dead. ach as the Disiraten . | little value when attacked by mod- E 3 Ror 43 y ANE : r filery. A singie Lig shell qn So the Germans are ridding them-| -- . ern art selves of these nuisane®s that once ® . Molished Due of SiG torts of Lisge were men--peaceful, honest men; like t - . 4 - the poor murdered Jacques who S on : em ed by the giant projectiles with little , is : delay. - i} thought only of his ducks. Great lug- If any of our customers are short a hun Shaught only of his ducks, Great lug. ent Products On the other hand, inthenchmentss We Make - , stricken fields. Soldiers --the im- Which sheltered strong forces of in- dred or more Calendars, we have odds and pressed men of the countryside -- fantry, protected by artillery, have " : hardened and debased by this con- SILLS, LIN- | proved a hard pro stock can make § stant contact with the sickening re-| TE BRICK. | mies of both the a and I} sidue of humanity--throw these poor ASES, allies. : | : y : a In fact, the success of the French a i} bodies into the vans as though they eryth cement. eran within twenty-four hours after orders are ff were logs of wood. Those great ind hoki ag tn Y in Jrevebting the Germans from in- brick kilns of Charleroi are roaring OFFICE 153 N ST ping 2 to a fon that - the received l§ by day and night, Their clay walls WELLINGTO! ; that ; . ; an i lw y troops in the intrenchments along -- are heated to an incandescant bright orks, Cov. Charles snd Patrick Sts me i bang bie to keep the " "Ny ad of , ; . eérmans away from the forts. In 3 a Tk the perfect efliciency of the other words, the ¥ has ¢ 1 ETT These bodies are tied together in ; ie forts. fours. They are dumped into these , It Is not likely that the day of glowing kilns. Sometimes a thick, , black oily liquor trickles slowly from | : 'them, through the piles of ash at the : J e . ! ; 1 0. 9 mouth of the furnaces. A thick, -slow § t & 5 : a ae : smoke riso- from them, It leaves a : 4 Breéasy foct behind. th % ? i . it | Revolting? Sickening? That is h n . i} culy bLecatce We have not quite yet over Plano TY 4 o not 4 P-. rescued that higher plane of practi- Come Many soldiers of the cross 4 Ie ey fis 0 yheiiie men of warns Prayer Basing V KINGSTON A & 5 i aE Specialists. i Tcronto, Ontario. S00 body i of 1 Token ele Hoo Sa Daweh 104 Save yut to a . W, Coste 18 oA £. Reade, 3 Po ; 3 - Rap war. Therefore it is to be got rid ol semen | pocketbooks, ee Disc~T. F. Harrison Co. Limited. . A. Bran emi eng Neon x X }

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