the People News From Picton. { on, Dec. 16.---Miss Ryan left b Friday worning for Ottawa to ¢ the funeral of her cousin. #8 Dingoian, Wellington, spent 8y in Picton, returning home the afternoon train. Mrs. Say. and son Ray were town visitors iraday., Miss C. Fox visited «Smith in town before lea- for a visit to Consecon and £10 her sister's, Mrs. C. Wanna- 8, Salem. . -- Glendower Notes. dower, Dec. 17.--The late storm has made a little sleigh- James Willson and son, Rich- fd, are sawing wood at John Bab- #." The school will soon close the Christmas holidays. Some bors are drawing up their win- Wood, since the snow came. Fred- Leeman has moved in George meérman's house. Mrs. Julie Brman has gone to visit her phter at Godfrey | Willlaw Abel family have moved to the States. |||! Coming Events '§t Bath. Bath, Dec. 17.--Norman Hineman |Il! if Napanee, visited friends here for|! days last week, His son, nm Hineman is at Salisbory in, England, with the first Cana- contingent. Rev. 'Varna, \Ont., owing to the seri- finess of his mother. The Christ tree enteriiinment of St. John's rch Sur day School wilt be held Wein evening, December : Lind Sunday Schoa! iStnaay entertainment will held on Thursday evening, De- gher 24th. * Bath Ladies Patriotic Society (Bath, Dec. 17.-- The Ladies Pa- j¢ Society, Bath, held its last ng for the year in the library RAI&EWAY Mr. work- {iil has been called to his homel! ent u s town of and lineage of David, there her full time came, and Was no room for them in the inn. Po , there were shepherds in the same watch over their sheep by night in t an angel of the Lord stood by them, Now keeping suddenly shone round them; Bur the angel said bringing you good news of great Savious whe is the Anointed Lord town of David, child wrapped in swaddling el Awd immediately there was host of heaven, praising God and And on earth peace had left them and returned to heav- nother, *')aot us NOW go over happened, which the I Sa they made haste, told what had been said were astonished at w on Wednesday, December 9th, fop tae purpose of paeking.the bale to be sent to Kingston o 8 Society. rhe result was 106 1 dozen of pyjama jackets, 4 pillows, pillow slips and sundry other articles, as well as 43 "Knit- ted articles which were forwarded to Daughters of Empire, Napanee. The society also sent a bale con- taining articles of clothing to Belgian peor. There remains in the SYSTEM SIAL INTER TOURS the Land of Suushine and Summer Days - - fornia, Florida, Limited trains leave Kingston daily, : direct connections at Mont Detroit . and . Battalo for the States, and at Ubicago for , eto [Those contemplating a trip of eny } should consult or write me and be pleased to quote rates, ap reservations and attend to ad in connection with your trip r Ax. stad full articulars asply J. C Ratiroad Steamghip vor. Jobumes and Outarie Sts. {CANADIAN "PACIFIC R TOURS THE LAND OF " AND SUMMER DAYS THY "CANADIAN" Fast Time Hetwee HONTREAL- TORONTO DETROIT-CHICAGO (Particulars from Camadian Pacific 0 Agents, or write M. G. Mur. | , District arene Agent, cor. | | ne) NE and Yonge Sts, Toronto, | F. 70 AY, O.PA, €ity Ticket | of corner Princess and Welling. | i ts. Phone 1197. 1) - INSTT nr cn, CANADIAN NORTHERN as Holiday Rates SINGLE FARE For the round (rip good going ursday and Friday, December 24th ih. eturn limit Saturday, Decem- 26th, 1914, FARE AND ONE- ERD 'or the found trip ul in 'ednesday, ursday aw Friday, ber 30th, Sixt, 1080 Return Monday, January dh, 1915, treasui y cash balance of thirty dollars. Following the afternoon's work tea was served and. the meeting ad- journed to meet in teli library on Thursday, January 14th, at 2.30 p.m. for the purpose of reorganiz- ing as a 'branch of the Red Cross Society, to which meeting all ladies in the vicinity wishing to held in' this work are cordially invited. Long Point Locals. Long Point, Dee. 15.--A number from here attended the funeral of the late John Berry, Berryton, held at Olivet Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Connor visited at A, J. Flood's, Delta, on Sunday. Miss EF, Townsend is visiting friends in Mallorytown. * T. G. Tye and Jos- eph Bevens made a trip to. Ganano- que on Saturday. Much dissatisfac- tion was felt over the low prices paid for turkeys at the poultry fairs held in Seeley's Bay and Lyndhurst this week. Charles and Miss M. M. O'Connor visited friends in Pittshurg on Wednesday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Slack, Sunday, Dec. 13th, & son. Recent visitors : Miss Mabel Moore- head and Miss Geraldine Wilson, War- burton, Mr. and Mrs. W. Moorehead, Sweet's | Corners, at John Moore. head's; A. N. Slack, Wilstead, Mr. and Mrs. George 'Stevens, Athens, at Charles 0'Connor's; Miss Rose Fodey, Outlet, at A. 0. Slack's: Mrs. R. Moorehead, Outlet, at W. Warren's; Christopher Andress, at Mrs. Sara Burns'. Piccadilly Sends Gifts Abroad Piccadilly, Dee. 16.--The friends of Richard Judge and William Bush have had sent to them at Salisbury Plain two hoxes of Christmas dain- ties and wearing apparel. One gift worthy of notice, was a pair of socks Knit by an aunt of Richard Mrs. Chesier Godfrey, of Piccadilly, who is in lier eighty-first year. Mrs. and is said to be the oldest subsecrib- er 19 the British Whig. The fariners are enjoying rather a slack tine at present, Council met in the village hall to-day to finish the YHusiness for the year. A number of young people of this place attended the concert at Ver- ona on Tuesday night Howard Moon ha returned home after pending : yme time in the States. £5 } house has been complet- ed. The oung people' are practis- ing for tbsir Christmas entertain ments. M's. J. Walker spent Sun- day in the city. Two baby boys . For tekets and intormation, pare and ing ear reservations, Ly 10 R. A. WARD, Town Agent, DUNN, ation Agent. hr LINE ER DIAN SERY YEAR'S INGA PRON RALIFAS TO LIVERPOOL. INARD fe come to brighten the homes of Mr. and Mr H. Snider and Mr. and Mrs. G. Harper. Mrs. C. Godfrey, Mrs. W. Diack and Miss Godfrey are visitine in Sydenham. Miss Mary Howes spent the past week at West- port. Ahwis Harbor Runaway. ~ Abmic Herhor, Dec. H.--~What might have been ou serious accident happened here on Wednesday night. W. Farrel. +, who was driving J. Bimson's team, Came to the Harbor accompanied by Albert Simson for the purpose of get- ung a new saw for the. mill. When they were ail ready \ with a light. , J. Hunter's place the horses became frightened oy unmanageable, ing Mr. Farrelly out in the hard Mr. Simson caught the but could not hold them with J gia attractions includi and it uda's ly to 4 one hand, having the lantern in the Other. Mr. Hunter, hearing the noise, Fan to se: what was Godfrey is enjoying exeellent health P from Galilee from the town of Nazareth, to Bethlehem, to have himself who was betrothed to him and was with child, she gave birth to and wrapped Him round, and laid Him in a manger, because there and they were filled with terror. unto them, Joy--joy for all the people. For & And this is the soken for you; es and lying ina manger." with the angel a multitude of saying, ""GHory be to God in the highest heavens, among men whe please Him!" +* + + and came and found Mary and Joseph, with the liale child 1ying in the manger. to them about the child; and erds told them, elling #ion them i | | branch of Red | W, two months work {A Wee issued hy Cacsar Augustus for empire. It was the first regis. hy because he was of the. house registered together with Mary, But while they were her firstborn son . ® part of the eotintry, he open fields, when and the glory of the "Put away all' fear; for I am is bom to you to-day--in the you will find a little the as far as word has made And when they saw Him, they all who heard But Mary treas- n her mind. And raising God for all they had Bouncement made to then i | ff | taken dl of fever. Myr. and Mrs. VF, Bosley and family, and Mr. and Mes, Wager, and Harvey "and ree, spent Sunday at J. Hunter's. baby boy has come to stay at Charles Newell's, > ! sons, Ge -- Township of Pitsburgh urgh, Dec, 15- Council met) a.m. 'Members present. Minu- | last meeting adopted. Polling booths and deputy returning offi- cers appointed: Div. No. 1, Town Hall, Barriefield, H. Murray, D.R.O.; No. 2, &t or near Mrs. Barnes' house, RI. Gates, D.R.O.; No. 3, at or near William Curtis' Thomas Woods, D.R.O.; No. 4, near Mrs, Halpin's hall, William Hyland, D.R.O.: No H, at or near Dillon's cheese factory, R. W Spence D.R.O. Accounts World, $1; fees and and the Man n British Whig, advertising, $66: Standard, ting and advertising, $11.50: Me- Kelvey and Birch, iron box, oil, Me, §6.23; G. Simpson, bonus, 14 rods fence, $1.75; w. BE Pierce, onus 100 rods fence, $12.50: -G. Woods, work, $2; R. Donaldson, 52 rods fence, $6.50; Mrs. R. Maxwell, Jonus, 40 rods fence, $5; J. W. Spence, telephone, 35¢ and $1 to F. garrett, balance on stone: James Barnes, 19 loads gravel, $1.90; E Bradden, work, $11; H. Macrow, 'rushing stone, $178.25: S. Patter- ion, stone, $23; treasurer account, salar i3.and postage, $2: Willi- Pitts at 11 tes of passed township Webb, award, printing Municipal engineer, $19.59; $9.27; and print- charges, am McAdoo, culverts, $7: W. J. Rut- 'an, bonus, rods fence, $6.8 and royalty on 12 cords stone, E. Anglin, statute labor, $10: Seabrook, statute labor, $9: Greer, royalty on 31 cords $7 "James Quinn, work, $i: Millious, statute labor, $1: John O'N statute labor, $3; G. Crozier, on -stone, $2.12 and work, eration of council, Bennett, statute labor, son, culvert, $6; the iven cheques for county school : rates, $9,- expenses, $500; corporation notes, $3,794.62. The 'treasurer presented the financial 56 i, stone, J yalty reniumn 5.80; J 5.80 58.82; current Judge, | | | statement which was accepted and 100 conies ordered to be printed. Moved, Shortall-McLean, that coun: cil place on record appreciation of the manne which W. J. Franklin, r conducted meetings throughout the 'vem llis courteous manner and fair treatment made our duties very pleasant. The motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Franklin replied, thanking the members Por their very kind'vate of thanks and stated that in he had endeavored at all times to work both in municipal as well as the County Council for the best of both. Moved, McNeelv-McLean, that mem bers of coungil express appreciation of the care taken in performing th duties of the township by the officfuls The motion was: carried. John A. Wilmot, treasurer; John S. Sibbitt, collector, and: the clerk replied, thank- ing the members of the council for their kind vote. Couneil adjournad sine die. interest ---- Manly To Resent It. A statesman once came to a friend of his, a man of noble character, who had been a judge, to ask his vice ahout, a man who had n- sulted him. He was full of indigna- tion, and 'described the insult in strong language. "Tell me," he ask- rd, "is not my indignation rigat- cous * mill it not be manly to resent such an injury "Yes," was the calm reply, "it will be manly to re- sent it; but it will be Yod-like to forgive it." How many quarrels are Kept alive because the one who is wronged cannot, forgive. How sweet { a world we might make if we would } hurry with our pardons ! EE A kodak or camera makes a -suil- | able Christmas @ft. See. them at! "Hoag's" i TE : | The Hospital needs you to-day; you ! may need it to-morrow. Why not Se your gift to help so worthy charity ? x The man who is convinced against his will is a poor subject with which to argue. i8 is a made in Canada Christ. mas." Made in Cantida sweets at Gib- son's Red Cross Store. : The matrimonial knot has been to tie up the freedom of n " bh. old lady who ki Gib- used to do leaves of BRITISH WHIG, The Kingston onstruction Co. Limited General Contractors Contractors' Supplies Phone 286 "168 Princess Street Kingston, Ontario mrt hen cA dh om a nS mr en LAND ALS LS BBSALLDDLDED SALAS ALAMALALLALS OAS SSS Ss a AS a ASS Steel & Wooden Shipbuilders Dry Dock. Operators VIEW OF DRY DOCK WITHSS. "TURBINIA" We have the best facilities for SHIP REPAIRS. Plant fully e juipped for work by day or night. STEEL STRUCTURAL WORK = Specialty. ates cheerfully given on all classes of new construction. Stone Dry Dock, 323 ft. long, 55 ft. wide at gate and 16 ft. water over sili will accommodate any vessel, if plying on Lake Ontario. car vi § Kingston Shipbuilding Company, an N a RS S. DYMENT, President. J. F. McMILLAN, See.-Tréas, pe FRASER, fe H.C. WELCH, Superintendent. 8 Fa e-Pres. Tweyvevwwewr s x tives. of tract societies. Rha the sacred volume back of the ter, and tore off ¥he leaf after: other as pr One n "Thrift, Thrift, Horatio. In a certain new England /v ot so many rs ago, the the torn off with more 0% usual picts: - : a da] id an: | "Dear me ! Dear me 1" bmsinnsn: wai preity: brisk | another teat fe ie bast ves of the fat Bible 5 hate, to be getting another illage | 1 "Fpretty quick. They're thick, little gasped the | th trade village store tore 0 Bible y Bing they get used up fast when is. /