Old Man Water is paying his first call, giving fair warning to get ready, and that the really proper and only safe 'protection for the full grown Canadian var- fety of winter is fur. Christmas gifts that are useful as well as or- namental are more ap- Preciated. From our great variety of useful gifts we have selected the following: Down Quilts $6, 7, $10, $11 ea. Rugs, 27 x 54 in, $2.00, $3.00 $3.50 ea. Carpet. Sweepers, Bissels Best, $2.75 ea. Mirrors, $1.50 to $10.00 ea. Bathroom Cabinets, $5.00 ea, nce ON w-------------------------- R MeFAUL * Carpet Warehouses Suggestions Fine Furs suitable for Chript~ mas presents may he bought this year lower ix price than you MAY ever we again. Very Cholce Labrador Mink Muffs in deep pillow shape. Regular price Sale 7 price Large Binek Fox Mufl, two skin size, from hest Alaska Foxy Freneh dye. Regular price $50.00. Sale price . .... $33.50 Handsome Bisek Fox Isrge two akin with heads, tails Hegular price price White Arctic Fox, finest quality, two akin size, muff finished with white wntin. Regular price $75.00. Sale price .. $40.00 Handsome White Fox Stoles, large two skin slze, long stole effect, finished and trimmed to Watch, muffs. Regular price $75.00. Sale price $40.00 Natoral Alniks' Red Fox Mufts, in twe skin styles, Regular price $45.00. Sale price, $25.00 Stolen of the heat Alaska Red Fox to mateh mufls with heads and brush, large two akin size. Regula Price, $45.00, Sale price terssiaiariaaes $25.00 Lorgnetts We have just received the newest assortment of up to the minute Lorgnetts in enamel and extension handles. Get your Lorgnetts right. 1.S.Asselsting,D.0.S Wyesigr: Bpsetalis?, #48 King Se. Phone 101% AUTOMOBILES AND CARRIAGE? FOR HIRN Phone 1177 aT GERMAN OFFICER BROUGHT TO ¥ FORT HENRY, Broke His Parole And Made a Dash To States--Had a Revolver and Sword--Father Killed in Action. The-military axthorities have been rounding. up Germans suspected of Hying to leave Tue oity, savy . the Mantreal Star, aad several hi o been interned either at Kingston or at the immigration deteftion offices, Une man, on weekly parole, | went to Lachute, where there are Other Germans. He was informed' he must report at once, Tailed to do ws, and Was scen boarding a train for New fork. Ie was brought back." His baggage was checked through to New York, hut with the cooperation of Canadian Pacific Railway offi- cials it was obtained and found to contain an inleresting assortment of articles. There was a brand new Colt re- volver, an iip-to-date bayonet, and a service sword in scabbard, together with papers which showed he was an officer in the army, whose father had been killed a short' time pre- viously.® He is now at Kingston Two young Germans, living Rougemont, and working on a farm, are also at Kingston, They! are Fred and Joe Closen, and triéd to get into the United States. A military file- was sent across to the South Shore and the two men were taken in charge. A search of théir effects showed they had been petty officers in the German navy, that they were receiving money from Germany, and that they had made full prepara- tions for getting out of the coun- try. at THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. A General Review of Country District and Local News, Sick room requisites. Dr. Chown The store of a thousand gifts, the College Book Store. The most beautiful assortment of high-class Sweets are at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Mrs. R, J. Newman, Cape Vincent, suflered a badly sprained right wrist as a reqult of slipping on the walk Shaving brushes, mirrors and shaving materials for Christmas at "Hoag's." "Made son's. On Thursday evening a committée of the Evangelical Alliance met and arranged for the annual week of prayer, beginning Monday, Jan. 4th "Hoag's" stock of Christmas chocolates in fancy boxes cannot be surpassed in the city, at all prices. A new novel by John Galsworthy, "The Freelands," begins in the Janu. ary Scribner. He calls it "a tragi- comedy of the English countrys.side." "'High-class Christmas Perfume 3," Gibson's. The letter box at the G.T.R. city Station, which was removed a month | 880, has been restored to its former place, following the protest of the Board of Trade. "Hudout's Perfumes and Toilet Water," at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. After choir practice in Queen street Methodist Church on Friday evening the members were treated to light re- freshments, the hosts being the mem- bers of the musical committee. | Dairy specialties. Dr. Chown. { Richard Harding Davis was in {he cathedral at Rheims during its bom- bardment, and he has written an ac- count of his experiences and impres- gions for the January Scribner. "Christmas sweets" at Gibson's. Solid eBony backed hair brushes, with pure bristles. Dr. Chown. Charles W. Crossmon, proprietor of the Crossman House at Alexandria { Bay. was married in New York, Wed- | nesday, to Miss Laura Winnie Scrib- jner, daughter of Mrs. Christopher + Scribner. in Canada sweets." (iib- "High-class perfumes' at Gibsor's, | Latest Books at College Book Store: The Pretender, by Robert. | W. Service; Patrol, of the Sun Dance, {Ralph Connor; Eyes of the World, and Bert 12s Millan, The Christmas Letter wns nailed crowded. fame, Hust, Co gs: and Jolin > orating Me- arey. Kingston General Hospital to vou to yr. . anteed fountain pen, 81. Dr. hown. When speaking to one of the com- pany officers of the 21st battalion during the inspection on marked that a certain member in JAY. company was one ofl the finest soldiers he had ever sesh.' This sol- dier is a member of "€" company of the 14th regiment. Pocket surgical eases for the phys- ician. Dr. Chown. . Hudnyt's Perfumes," Gibson's A runaway horse dashed along Barrie street near Princess street on Friday night alout eight o'clock, which endangered the lives of citi- zens, The driver waf thrown out of the sleight and the animal ran cn to the sidewalk. bad to make a hasty retreat: Perfumes, reliable odors. Dr. Chown. A $1.00 hox of sweets from Gib- son's Red Cross Dru - Store means mare than a $2.00 bex from any other place. Why. Quality, not Quantity, counts. Although the snow was deep and blowing all over, there was a very large market on Saturday morning, the island market being particularly Turkeys - were selling about 14c¢ to 15¢ a pound before the much-talked-of American buyers Sr -------- New Fruits For Christmas Baking. Nine plump raisins, fine flavor, 3 1b. 25e. Choice currants, 3 1h. 25c. Seeded raisins. Seedless raisins. Sultana raisins. New shelled walnuts, New shelled almonds. Selected lemon, orange and peel.' 3 At the Golden Lion grocery. ciiron Cameras From Best's Means something . to the aniateur. A camera not properly explained and understood is a source of useless expense. Much care is taken at Best's to get. gooh results. Cameras from 81.50 to $20 and all guaranteed to give 'perfect satisfaction. Corsets, 60e¢, Dutton's. Alexander Sheriff, born at Point Traverse in 1847, died in Toronto from pneumonia. His remains were brought back to Picton for burial. He had lived 'there for twenty years. "MeConkey's Gibson's. Christmas Sweets," Mrs. Sarah E. Lane, relict of the! late Freeman Lane, died in Buffalo on December 8th. She formerly lived in. Napanee, and was an en- thusiastic Methodist. Two sons sur- vive. "Page and Shaw Sweets," Gibson's. Kingston's Famous 'Far Store Friday Hi morning, the Duke of Connaught re- Mi Several citizens] After that the prices jumped about a cent a pound. { The Now to "Does thé question of untold suggestions at me polite and helpful. a Thousand Gifts has its at $2.25. Contingent would Sold here only, The photograph of the graduates of the Ro litar, : 'be most pleasingly received by their friends and relatives. [0 - NIGHT k Store is at Your Hand our Christmas Perplexities , "what Shall I' give' derate prices. a helpful answer ready. FOR DISTANT FRIENDS No finer Xmas gift eonld be made than one of the large photagraphs taken of the Canadian troops at Valeartier and those now in the city. No finer set- ting for a photograph could be secured 'than our historic ( ourt House, so weil ghown'in the quarter col. seetion at $1.25 and the Circular Column of Neetions a sfe 50 DOZEN LADIES' WHITE EMBROID- ERED HANDKER CHIEFS. special 2 for 25¢ 25 DOZEN LADIES' KID GLOVES -- French make, all shades and sizes, with guarantee and in fancy boxes. $1.25 for cr A i LADIES' FANCY WAISTS . designs, all sizes $1.00 A Sy in handsome HALF PRICE SALE OF COATS Special in fine quality Monday black Duchesse Silk, 36 inches wide. $1.25 quality. A. 2 yards in a fancy box, a waist length Mon- day for A Dress Monday NEWMAN The Always [ovEEN'S STUDENT REMEMBERED Presentation to I. B. Calder Leaving For the Front. NA ct il Nua A. Length, 6 yards in a fancy box. & SHAW, Busy Store r+++BUILDERS' SUPPLIES ewe ORDER YOUR worry you? I Is the time you have for shopping limited? This modern cenveniently arranged store is easy to get about in, wide aisles, no erpwding, well lighted and ventilated: its salespeople are alert ral Military College in Our stocks offer . 3 » 2 « + « : . CF a v For these and all your other Christmas questions, this Christmas Store of o ne i the 1st |Chas.H.] Leeder, Michi | SPECIAL OFFER TO THE FOR THE NEW YEAR We will give our designing and ser vices as a ish t is desirous of a mew home or building, and of a loan on same to the amount of 60 Lo cent, of the u | PUBLIC Sos. Buys A Gent's | Coon Coat Bourdier 78-80 Brock St. Furrier Real Estate Al Its _ Branches . Buying, Selling, Leasing, 'or Renting. A complete list 'to select from. Estates man- 'aged. Valuations given, | George Ww. Boyd, Harold Bell Wright: Innocent, by 89 Earl Street | Marie Correlli; Arcadian Adventures, . A ' Di a Oe Christmas Perfumes," Xmas Furs For The - 2 Gibson's FERE, LINE, SIOKNKSS. A0( . A meeting of the city hockey league . Christmas Children On Thursday evening a number of friends of L. B. Calder a student at Queen's University, who is leaving | for the front with the second con-| tingent met at the home of Mr. and [ rs. Wilson, 73 Lower Alfred street, {for the purpose of extending their (best wishes and regards to Mr. Cal- STORM SASH NOW Delay extra coal bills. We Wake the = means DENT, "AND AUTOMOBILE Ix. was called to meet in the Y.M.CA. on Friday evening. Those who call- ed the meeting did not themselves BURANCR, Wanted---A A Home Why does it pay the landlord to own the one in which you live? You will never have the real home feeling i until you are comfort. ably settled in your own. We have a good selee- tion of homes or real es- tate investments which will pay you to investi- gate, - No time like the present. Cheer at (As usual keep the spirit of kindly! giving alive. We can help make it ii more than usvally happy if you will See our line of gift furniture. = Ww | NEEDED turn up, with the result that there was no session. Sterling - silver cased thermometers. Dr. Chown. "Christmas sweets" at Gibson's. The first curling of the season was {indulged in by twenty members on | Friday evening. Last year there was one day's curling, on December 28th, and none until January 29th. Gifts for physician and nurse. Dr. Chown. About 140 children were given a tea by the King's Daughters of Syd- enham street Methodist Church on Friday afternoon. Miss Jennie Shaw was mistress of the games, and T. F. Harrison showed lantern views. "MeConkey's Christmas Sweets," Gibson's. Saturday morning's snowstorm will put some money into the pockets of the laborers. The city engineer will be excused by the Lord's Day Alliance even if he does have a force of men at work on Sunday morning making the crossings fit for travel. "Huyler's Christmas Sweets," Gib- son's. Earl E. A. Couch, Watertown, N. Y., accused of criminal assanlt has put in an alibi by witnesses testify- ing he was in Kingston on July 18th, the date of the alleged assault. He came here on the S. 8. Thousand Is- lander which had on accident and was detained all day. "Christmas sweets," at Gibson's. Mrs, Jay Farrar, Tweed, is here to undergo special treatment for her eves, She suffered partial blind- ness and an operation was deemed advisable. The operation. was pers formed Monday and the patient is doing nicely. Complete restoration is looked for. ; : ""High-class umes" at Gibson's. The funeral of the late Jeremiah Hunt took place on Friday Dg an gmt at Hall at & mass; The - pallbearers were Pat- In our immense dis- play of fine furs you will always find a nice as- sortment of Children's Furs. We don't forget the kiddies--especially at Christmas time. Here are some new things just made up for our Christmas trade. White Thibet Setts at $3.50 and $4.75. Large White Thibet Stoles, $4.75. Large White Muffs, $4.75. Muskrat Coats, $12.50, $14.50 and %18.50, Muffs, $4 Thibet Grey Lamb and $5. Muskrat Muffs at $2.60 and $2.75, Raceoon Muffs at from $2.50 to $6.25 25.» Ask for one of our new catalogues, 800 'der, who is going to Ottawa before 'leaving on overseas service. He is held in high esteem by his host of friends, who took this opportunity of showing their respect for him. During the evening he was the reci- pient of a gold signet ring. on which | were engraved his initials, the gift being accompanied' by an address. Supper was served and altogether a 'most pleasant evening was spent. | W. H. Adamson was the chairman of the evening, and read the follow- ter replying in feeling terms. "On the eve of your departure to Ottawa, en route for overseas ser- vice, for our empire, we wish to show in a small measure at least, the es- teem in which you are held by us in presenting to you this ring. It is our desire and sincere wish - that your comforts and pleasures may be many, both before and after your re- turn to Canada." For Her, Jhe ever-popular toilet and mani- cdre cases always are acceptable, and {chocolates in fancy boxes. Who {wouldn't be tickled with a box from Best's. Also jewel boxes, perfumes, Sprays, purses, cameras, hand hags, and many other useful gifts at Best's. w---------------- Selected Apples. By the peck, barrel or in sale quantities. Each barrel our guarantee with it and means something. W. R. McRae & Co., Golden Lion grocery. ? whole- carries that S--e S 75¢. Corsets, 50¢, Dutton's. ---- ing address to Mr. Calder, the lat- | complete sash, glazed and primed. S.ANGLIN&CO. Coal and Wood Yards BAY & WELLINGTON BTW. Phone 68. . . Gemeral Office Phone 08 At Factory Phone 1418 MITTS FOR ROUGH WEAR MITS for street wear. MITS for home use. The toughest kind made of mute hide, horse hide, sheep hide, to han- dle everything with, from the horses ~ to making wire fences. You can't wear them out. At prices from 2c to $2.50, to suit everybody. i I would be more pledsed with a 50c box of sweets and know they are from this store than a dol box | from other places, said a lady in Gib- & son's Cross Drug Store on Tues- Quality couns. A er 2 E. W. MULLIN, Cor. Johnson and Division Sts," Phones 539 and 1456, WHIMS! The more whims you have about laundry -work the better we're suited. Come here with your knottiest whims and see how smoothly | we'll iron them out. Your daintiest "bits of finery do suffer when passing |