Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Dec 1914, p. 16

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a So reliable TRY. ASHBY The Tai 76 Brock 8t., Kingston For khaki uniforms, great coats, caps, putties, swords, belts, whistles and whistle cords, rank badges, buttons, etc. Nothing too large for us to supply; nothing too small to receive our prompt atten- tion Repairing and alterations carefully attended to. We can save you money and we guarantee to please ou. J. M. ASHBY, Lieut., 47th Regt. REAL ESTATE or Sale EEE En, Frame house on Jame: , street with improvements, good . - good house suitable for a carter, with 00 1 invest. F Real Estate and Insurance Office 177 Wellington St. The Bets Line of Xmas Ever offered. in the City 8m Stella, Dec. 15.~Mr. Rourke, Picton, has tge Royl hotel = from John Eves. He will take possession W. F. Strain has John Miller, Hght- keeper on Brother Island, has return- to his home here for the winter. .J. ay made two trips to the city last week, with his motor boat. Samuel on the island. Miss M. Nelsop has Speers, Parrott's Bay, spent Saturday returned home from Kingston Model Desert Lake, Dec. 15.--Farn.ers are engaged in hauling wood. A nugber from herd attended he poul- try fair at Westport last wed. Prices are cogsiderably lower than last year. Mrs, Wilfrid Babcock is seriously ill at her sister's, Mrs. 8. Deyo"s. Mrs. Fred Orser visited friends at Rosedale. and Sydenham recently. Mrs. William Collins, Long Lake, spent the week-end with her parents and friends here. Mr. and Mrs: C. Orser were the guests. of Mrs. E. M. Snook on Sunday. Tho small lakes are frozen over, and there is good skating. Miss Sadi : Snook hag returned to her home in Sydenham after visiting friends here, Junetown Jottings. Junetown, Dec. 16,--W. B. Warren, Lansdowne, was in the village on Friday evening. - Frederick Stride spent Th in Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Warten ad habe, Brock: ville, were at Jacob Warren's on Sunday... Mra; Martha re, who has. been (quite ill,' is recovering. Mr. and Mra. WH. Franklin were in Brockville on ay. A' Christmas entertainment will the given on Dec. 21st by Mise Price and her i Howard Laking : "visited fri *, in Brockville last week, = Herbert Scott was in Athens Jest Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eligh, Brockville, vis- ited friends here 'on: Thursday. News From Murvale. Murvale, Déc. 16.--The annual tea meeting held on Tuesday even- ing was a big success, over $70. be- ing realized. A mumber from here attended Dr. J. W. Edward's lec- ture on the war at Harrowsmith on Saturday evening. ' School has been closed for a few days on account of the teacher, Miss Needham, be- ing ill. . Me. and. Mrs. William: Cook and. Frederick Wallace, loft. on Tuesday for Ottawa to join the en- gineers. John' Shellington.. cut 'his toot very badly 'With an axé, requir- ing the service of a doctor. Mrs. Taggart and Miss 8. Hamilton spent one day last week visiting friends at Glenvale. George Jackson, who has beep confined in. the Kingston General Hospital for some time, is much improved. 3 Bath Road Reports. Bath Road, Dec. 16.--The farmers were both surprised and delighted when they saw such a thick carpet of snow. Benjamin Mounldey moved to Kingston, where he has taken up residence. Killing pigs seems to be the order of the day. Cornelius Bridge has returned home after hav- ing spent the past two weeks in Kingston. Arthur Keys and Elston Bridge are expert pig killers. George Elliott has returned home from Gan- snoque, Samuel Green has finished building the new weigh scales. Ro- bert J. Bushell has improved his place by building a pew fence. A. VanOrder has, a shortage of water. Miss Marsie Hyland spent Sunday with Mrs. W. N. Hamilton. J, Hy- land is digging a well. John Mec Knight is driving for the R. R. No. 1 mail route. Seeley's Bay News. Seeley's Bay, Dec. 15. Mrs. S. Gil- bert, very ill the past few days, has taken a ¢ for the better. A. Wilkinson has gone to England to spend Christmas with friends there. W. Willis is rushing the completion of his pew resi . The poultry fair held here on Wednesday last was a decided succes: About sixteen tons of i poultey were brought in. A large: number from 'this place attended tha sessions of the county court held at Kingston. The Methcd'st Sunday School is practising for its Christmas entertainment. About ten inches of snow fell here last Sunday night. J. N. Chapman is visi i hers. J. A. Steacy and family vigited at Lansdowne last Sunday." The Oregon Indian Medicine company is holding forth 'in the Masonic Hall this week. W. Welsh, who was making cheese in B. Henderson's factory this season, re- moved to. Newboro last week. There are several cases of "chickenpox in this place and vicinity. Maple Grove Personals. Maple Grove, Dec, 15.--0. Ruttan and W. Wood, Sydenham, are cut- ting wood "or H. Woodruff at Gould Lake. A new shed has been built to the sc . J. and O. Var- ette, Sydenham, are fishing in the Gould Lake. Mrs. F. Wood was taken to the General Hospital, King- ston, to undergo an aperation. Hope is held out for Her recovery. Visit- ors: Mri Al Suiith "Wilmot at B. Martin's; D. Timmerman, ham at Shaler Te Toemars La ct te] "Mrs. Vi Fl ston, with "her parents 'a few days; Miss sie Whaley has re- 'urned after visiting relatives at Verona; B. Freeman and J. Vau-i koughnett and family at S. Step. hensou's. 5 At Pleasant Valley. _|Smith, Chéstervill .|visitors at the home of their par- .jents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith. Don- THE DAILY BI = bary & Practical' Home Dresr Making ~Lerrons / 7 Prepared Especially For This Newspaper by Pictorial Review FRILLED SKIRT Lh SY WAIST 8083 SHIRT 3908 Design for an evening gown that may be carried out in lace 'or batiste em- broldered, combined with velvet orf charmetge. Fixclusiye in its minviest detail 1s this frock of cream ceplored lace with AND VELVET me {mm Fk fu BASQUE. found in ruffles of natural color batiste combined with or liberty eatin. Ten od are Is of laing material 1 converting. the ining into a foun- datign, first turn undef front ot tront gore at 1 Lap right trom gore: on Jere, ce even (la "" 0 indicate ¢enter- ) and stitch. Take up a dart in Back gore as perforated. Join gores as notched Close back seam. leaving edges free above large "0" perforation tor placket. Ruffles--Close back seams af all rut. fles except upper rufile. and leave the upper ruffle free sbove large "0" oration for placket. Gather entire upper edges indicated by singe small Arte YO" per- dotible "00" ruffies along crossiines ill "0" perforations, bring- ing small "eo" partorations to side seams. perforations with line of singll "b* perforations on ¢ lenigthwise thread of material. Adjust a webbing or & straight strip of eAnvas two inchs wide in position underneath upper @ of skirt for stay; stitch upper § together, Sul another effective way of carry- ing owt thik desigh is to use silk or vasGue of velvet. The velvet may be satin and hive the ruffles of the same bluck. dark 'blue or red. A more eco material scallopéd and buttbhboled or. nomics! - development: of the idea Is bound with fancy bald Pictorial Review waist No 5953. Sizes 32, 34, 86. 34 ob; 43 and 44 inches oust Price. 16 cents Skiry No. 6388. Sizes 22 24, 36, 28, 30 and 33 inches waist Price 115 cents assisted by a number of young peo- ple, are préparing'to. give a * concert in aid dfsthe soMiers'; comforts. on the evening . . of, Dec. "18th. .. Among recent) vigitors, noted were: Messrs.' S. Boyce, J. Manson iand .G. Whitty, Syde shigh school, spent "-Suan- day with thelr parents; Mr. and Mrs. A. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. N. Filler beck and Mr. and Mrs. E. Ellerbeck, at KE. Hughes'; Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Bradiowd, at H. Watson's; Mr. and Mps. Frank Lakins, Harrowsmith, st A. Gowdy's; Mr. and Mrs. "Henry Sears . and Miss © Sadie, -Glenburiiie, were Sunday visitors at D. Barr's; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ellerbeck were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Tlughes; Miss E. Sigsworth spent Sunday at home. 3 News From Yarker. Yarker, Dec. 16.--The concert giv- en in the Methodist church last Sat- urday night by the La Dell COmpRNY Was a success, the church being packed to the doors. Earl Cummins is home from Gananoque to spend the holidays with his parents here. Dr. Oldham was in Toronto last week. The soow of last Sunday night ended motoring. Mrs. A. Hill and Mrs. C. Lee are on the sick list. Yarker Council No. 33, Canadian Order of Chosen Friends met last Thursday night and elected the fol- lowing officers: Chief councillor, Mrs. C. Peters; vice-councillor, Cy- rus Peters; Prelate, Miss Illa Peters; Marshal, George Woodhouse; guard, Miss Sadie Peters; recorder; J. F. Connolly; treasurer, D. A. Stewart; sentry, R. Curl; medical examiner, Dr. Oldham; delegates to grand council in Hamilton, Alexander Lee and Cyrus Peters. Westbrook, Tidings. Westbrook, Dec. 17.--Rev, L. M.| England took charge of the anniver- sary service in the Odessa Methodist church on Sunday. W. H. Hall, of Kingston, conducted the service in the church here, and J. L. F. Sproule filled the appointment at Collins Bay. Miss Edith S8aundercook is spending some time in the village accompanied by ber aunt, Mrs. Carrie Marley. Mrs. P. M. Grass and Mrs. J. L. F. Sproule attended the missionary sew- ing circle held at the home of Mrs. B. Rease and Mrs. Bell at Collins Bay on Thursday last. Mrs. W. shane spent last week in Napanee with her sister, Mrs. M. Saul. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Anderson and fam- ily spent the week-end at J. H. Sproule's and W. L. Grass'. Mrs. Dawson, of Odessa, at Mr, F. Caton's. Mr. and Mrs. P. Rease spent Wed- Bender at Collins Bay with Mr. and Mrs. B. Rose, ' Géorge Gates has re- turned home after a visit with friends at Mountain Grove. : ------ Morewood News Budget. Moreéwood, 'Dec. 18. -- Warren Feeley, Russell, was a guest here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Allison, Chesterville, were guests here on Friday. « Mrs. Lawrence Walker, Winchester, and Miss Ellis e, were week-end ald and 'Ian Gollan, Ore. Swerdfer- ger, Stanley Shaver, Douglas Hunter, and Arthur Swerdferger, Miss Aggie and Jeanie Colthart, who have been attending :model school at Cornwall, have returped to their homes here. Mrs. (Rev.) Gollan gave a party at Tuesday 1 the magse on most interesting feature of the pro- gratnme was .a patriotic address giv- en; by Rév. Mr. Wirten, Chesterville, The. bazadr, i fontart 'héld: by the RAE 1K 'the Mission. Citele on iaay (Arter ing evening was a decided su "5 The" "pridceeds antounted. to. $1.25. The funeral of the late J"(Rev.) Waddell, of To- pady was brought here was a sigter of Mr. Fraser, of J Myer, of Finch, h ethodist parson- lundhy. Born on Mon- day to Mr. and Mrs.' Vern. Fetterley, a son. The boys of the hockey team purpose holding a concert in the hall on Friday evening. Bellrock News Notes. Bellrock, Dec. 15.~Some are dicting a fihe winter. Miss Lena Van- nest has ret: home, after spend- ing the past week in Kingston, Mr. Cade passed through here en route for the lumber camp. Harvey Cronk, Pacham, called on friends. = Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Leitch paid a visit to their parishioners last week. h Pom- eroy was quietly married in Kingston recently. Joseph Timmons is at home. The party. held in the school- house, Friday evening, was a decided success. Much. credit is due Miss Ma- bel Timmons for go kindly officiating. Miss Laura Phillips spent Sunday un- x the parential roof, Harrowsmith. E; D. Yorke has pufchased a 200-acre farm near Parham, and intends to do a lumber business. Twenty dollars was realized from the patriotic enter- tainments, which was forwarded to the Red Cross. Thanks is extended to the Smith brothers for their able assistance. Misses L. Phillips, C. A. Yorke and M. Yorke spent Friday avening in Bellrock. Fdward James will hold weekly prayer meetings 'in the school house, Tuesday evenings, assisted by Mrs, James Meeks. C. Grant and Miss Elsie Moir spent : Sat- urday in the Limestone City. Mr. and Mrs. Damon are at M. Per 16y's. The railroad men have returns home for the winter, having complet- ed their work. The .mines have also clos d. A' number attended the shoot ing match in Vgtona on Saturday. Frederick Snider, of Camden East, re: newed acquaintances . here last week also Nirs. Sanborn, of Stockdale. A of young people intend tast in the Mrs, Clark Shey and Mre. James Walker called on Mrs. N. Retin Recently Frank Clacke ie slow- Vv improving from his unfortunate ae: cident. A 'number sttended the play 5 in Verona. pre- ti: TAMWORTH EVENTS. a PMeasant Valley, Deo. 15.--Miss Gal lagher and gb pupils of the school, Ast ots small 1 from want of discipline when He & | ve-ton use. i Lodge, No. 86, 1.O.O.F., from Napanee Alonds T by the worthy noble gan replied to vi breth- ren. The meeting Dy a about 12.30 a.m., with everyone fee i the visit had been fitable. Queer Specimens of Inconsist York hospital from cancer, She had never been married, and left a for- she upon making money that she estate to cousins of her mother's fa- mily. Other cousins contested it. After finding that the woman was in sound mind when she disposed of the fortune she had augmented 'by cruel but deliberate self-denial,'" Sur- rogate Fowler expressed the opinion that she ungracefully parted with her money. the most of life. Some. will say that she took pleasure in the accumula- tion of her fortune, and that family life, children and even a devotion to ter a while. This criticism is, to 3 great extent, true, but money canno 'purchase many things that the really wise desire. parent who has. given all his labor ily, who is unwilling te Beélp him in this old days; 'thew, too, there are | cases where the parent is frugal, and the money he has accumulated causes everyday life around us. impulses. having many good things. Une can- mens of inconsistency. The an War Song. While the British. soldier .to-day is singing, "It's 'a*Long Way to Tipper- Key," his .G enemy is. singing "Deutschland Usber Allies." The fol- lowing translation of the song was made for the Chicago Tribune by of Professor Hugo Munsterberg, of Harvard University 1: # ir German' land, 'above all others," Dear above all other lands, That, a faithful host of brothers, Evermore united stands. That, from Maas to farthest Memel, And from Etsch to Belt expands-- German land above all others, Dear above all other lands ! German faith and German women, German wine and German song In the world shall keep the: beau- ties That of old to them belong, Still to noble deeds inspiring They shall always make us strong-- German faith and German women, German wine and German song ! Union, right and freedom ever For the German Fatherland ! So, with brotherly endeavor, Let us strive with heatt and hand ! For a bliss. that wavers never Union, right and freedom stand-- In this glory bloom forever, Bloom, my German Fatherland ! Discipline Is Lacking. Toronto World. Wonder is still felt in meny quar ters why the Canadian contingent, of whose valor and efficiency there have been no two opinions, should still be lying on the Plains of Salisbury in- st of in the trenches of Flanders. It ia beginning to be understood through various channels that the real reason is lack of discipline, It may disappoint many Canadians to hear ;this, but there is no reason why Canadians should not know what people in England are aps in formed" about. Valor, drill, physique and other virtues are all valueless without the cardinal virtue of disci pline. Of course there is no suggestion that the whole contingent 'is defec- tive in this respect, but unfortunately no discrimination can be made, and the vast majority must remain until the wndisciphned come" ui the re- straint and control which form backbone of military power, - Whet is b dang. connection t with the se n the second con. tingent may aiford a clue to those who are interested in this question. The new battalions are being selected with a rigorous watchfulness which ensures that there shall be no delay goud contingent proceeds to Eng- the Royalty and the Oldest Industry , The announcement: that the king and | will send as usual a consignment of fat stock to the Slough Christmas Catle Show recalls the su'bority of an most pléasant and pro' AA woman recently died in a ow tune of $2,000,000. So intent was) failed to cultivate the friendship of || her relatives and about her only|| compaion was the rich Hetty Green. The will that she made during her] last illness left the great bulk of her| . Now this case raisés the question : as to whether the woman really made}, charity deeds become burdensome af- || We find sometimes a]! and kis savings to an unworthy fam- | the most bitter controversies. There || are many unsolved problems in the | Certain | | things, and gold is one of them, have || a cold, deadening effect on our best || he accumulstion of the | fortune of $2,000,000 herein referr-|| ed to seems to have naturally pre-|! vented the woman possessing it of |! not be certain; though. .She may have given much in charity in a secret|| way, and her interior life may have|| been one of prayer. Nearly all of us}| are quite peculiarly made-up speci-|| Miss Margaret Munsterberg, daughter. | not! #0 much in life as a tramp wr Te vn 3 : A WELCOME SIGN When you buy coal two things are necos- sary: k The Coal must be right and the Price right. We give you rightness in every detail. danger of dusty or dirty Coal here. Lumber Going to Build? If so, you will want - LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, DOORS, SASH FRAMES, Etc. We will make it worth your while to come to us for these goods No We carry a large assortment at all times, and careful builders consult prices gnd materials are right. ns because our The Frontenac Lumber and Coal Company A. CHADWICK, Manager. pee SKATING ARE YOU READ Be WHI any ~Aaoiianer What are the Nest Ne--We are the sole tn for Kingsto! key am skating is our specialty, and we have the Anent line of os ne ---- Je only ask you to look them over before you bay and Skate Sharpening a Specialty. nGolD SPORTING G | [El Co BY JY {I PHONE 529 ~------=88-90 PriNciss 51 Thomas Copley Telephone 987 Drop a card to 13 Pine street whes wanting suything done In the carpen- Lary Nne. timates given on all kinds of and new work; also hard. 04 i] yo all xinds. ull olders v ention LEA » Dibaba bbb sin. SWEET CIDER 30c¢ per Gallon 60c per Quart D. COUPER Phone 78 41m Princess PROMPT DELIVERY " ti. Madein Kingston By Kingstonians SMOKE THE BEST Milo, 10c. Peel 3c. be. L oa Rideau Street E. J. COUSINS FURRIER wu } COAL] a tinker gp 1

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