Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Dec 1914, p. 14

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- % > TURDAY, DECEMBER 19,1914. = oo _ PAGE THIRTEEN _ - ; A ANADA'S | i re | = ; FF W¥ Lovie Leaf MEMO AND PRICE BOOKS PACI FI( ih (CHP TRRT RL STUDENTS' NOTEBOOKS LL T Et eo i rR db oblibiogir V0 ig {| PROFESSIONAL AND COMMERCIAL FORMS TERMINUS - ~~ > - Ideal Scrap Books PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, MEMORY BOOKS - Canadian Office and Pocket Diaries 1915 250 Varieties Canadian Information and Manufac- ture for sale by principal booksellers and sta- " tioners. Published By BROWN BROS, Limited, - TORONTO wet | MANONGROS.| Vangouves TORONTO MAKE SPECIAL DRY AND PULP > ' v } # : . f . : T will scon be twenty-eight years since the Canadian Pacific Railway ran ifs first train into Vancouver 0 .. over the single track which rhkod the beginning of what has | . been a most astdnishingly rapid growlh of ohe of the great cities on the Pacific Coast. - In those sho ars; the imcreased- bu f the railrp as outgrown three Orin an ai 5 stations and the C.P.R. has just completed the construction o a beautiful six storied station to kee; vith the rapid and sul xtial growth of this gr Peeifia great Coast country. The work of reconstruction was commenced in March, 1913. it is constructed of red brick, terra-cotta and limestone ni From East to Wes the track side, the new station measures 450 feet, practically two blocks ix stories high) and 3 along - » § a g 1 ova Street side there is ir he cc of construction ten | great Corinthian free-standing columns and ten engaged columns, all con 10 limestone. Terra-cott 10d limestone cornices gud trimmings will S reatly to the | 0 1! or I general beauty of the building when completed. . | 4 4 4 The big main entrance opens out upon Cordova Street, exactly in the center of the building. From th iain sireet entrance straigl 12] e room is the main entrance and exit to and from all trains, while frm the Granville Street entran'e on the west f 1ilding, by 3 1 1 1 n \ buliding, by a id f co )r run g » full leng of the station, people can walk lirectly through to the Plaza entrance on the east end el i also another entrance on Cordova Stre and or \ , De os is { ment tie class passengers from the wharves and trains making six entrances in I. _ A retainin 1 i On erectod ! ipport the track v v CCH 1 above ti ' " old level. A covered passenger bridge thirty feet wide leads from the main entrance n the track sidé to 1 nlatfy below, while the stairs x down to the i from both sides of t*e passenger bridge are six feet wide. - ' There are practically two floors below the treet level on the track side of the new station oh ar used mostly for heavy and bonded baggage. The mail room, w 8 all 1 ¢ t of the Company also i 1 gs floor, ag w h lept » " Scatesl Seryies rooms, part of the dining cer service department, boiler a: MINE rooms. The boiler thr it mse 150 hor Wel v v 1 " , If you have any trouble in getting the al eat to the station and wharves, using the hot water system of heating tie lower Mezzanine fio ® Litchen auxilia § x } rage T entra . : i portion of the main floor contains the general waiting room, which is G0 feet wide by 150 feet long. w massive oly ot i he sides, and ihe ceili f Hsavy bean { Shade of Brick or Mortar Joint you require. and panel effect, i= 40 feet above the floor. AN floors, with the ex eption of the offic are rranolithis, and th n sround floor a y 1rhle n the mai yy are situated the restaurant and lunch reom, railroad and steamship offices, womens w room, at on 1 ticket offi 151 f t ths. a1 obl o n AD opens off from the general waiting room for first and second class pas er busines irate | immodations ( upplied. fe wi : havin a jt ite WRITE Us AND GET EXPERT VICE ing room entrance, etc. The upper storeys of the bi lding accommodate t rious of ompany A ee floc re of ard ' i toilet facilities througo.t | 4! FREE the building of the most modern type. A master clock, operated by thos station master regulates v 1 i | arrangement of the interior of the station is such as to facilitate the handling of pass pgers and i » platforms ¢ lower floor being construciion, and nr ree i THE LARGEST MAKERS IN THE DOMIN- EE-------- | |r] that she should be sacrificed {once," Mark said. 1't thore room in' that hammock | uke care of the little things and | ION just so that Kathleen could get her "1 will," wept Kathleen. "Oh, I'm | fo: nme, tod?" the big things take care of them ' 8 é 2 { Pp P = 3 | happiness. S0 upset I trust you two to do The second morning after the 5 Wi . THE OBSTACLE Mrs. Baker's verandah was an ideal everything. You will , won't you 7" |} ful evening Joan got 8 pinkie ves is a molle- lor the BUFSE. i | place for carrying on a courtship, es "We will," replied Mark, firmly. grammed perfumed letter from | MO {} | pecially when there was such moon- | in less than half an hour a cab athleen, saying: "It was mostly a ------ x sp-- --- | light as silvered everything to night. | was waiting, Kathleen dressed, her are Tother got hysterical ' . - -- Kathlgen cropped gracefully into. the | hag packed ready for the journey, her |is ming out all ' Joan Lee sat in her lighted room, | #wving séat and looked as bemutiful as excuses ntade to the principal and ------------ i ® ® with' the shades down to keep out | she kvew how. And how beautiful her ticket bought. Joan and Mark THE FERRY-HOUSI WINS 1 0 in ston . aw the June night hosts of insects, ) that was it"geemed as if Mack Eliot | had indeed done everything. Onee in ; Tr ee O 9 marking test papers. It had been | must know if anyone. tthe cab with them flving toward the _ (Between Y pre and Vixmude * a hot, hard day in the schoolroom During the lively conversation that station, Kathleen became calm and | there i { y uge which has heen ° and she was tired. In the next [followed Joan sat very still, hali inl{,ld them something about Donald | Persisiently chelled since the Ger- / room she could hear Kathleen [the shadow, listening and at the same | ip. Hats Yearly ie gant Hank H e anano ue €C r Thompson moving about and snging | time thihking her own thoughts, This "We « > I pate ® A : went to school together and to helgelf. Kathleen was also a | was the last week of school and her 1 co've alway been frionds Mother teache®, but she' did not make hard | last week in Westmore. In just six thinks almost as much of hiny as she de 1 Yeer's lazy bank \ work of her teaching. She had | days more she would be at home with does of my ' brother, Harold He's \ Cot of stdne wis found, an a er u 0. romped her way through a difficult | her father and mother and the young so fine. And to think this has hap- |A rose:embowered Ferry-House, v 9 : year and roses still were in her [er children, whom she was trying to pened to him. Why, why this after A vine-clad wall around. Cheeks, while Joan was as pale as a help to Suton 's D¥ Siting them every noon I got his letter ! Oh, Joan, do | And there the larkspur, proudly ghost. » ! : Spare. 1 vou think he will be déad by | they Climbed tow . x kin th . a she u , . or | 3 ' 3 Te 'loc e forenoon a Some one ran up the stairs and | edt fall she would go into another Ten O'clock in t 0 to ap- : . SW ld-fashioned garden spot, | wg : ansmissi Jlectric Light, Hear, . ! Gr 4 von' time 1 get there Kathleen asked, A sweet old-fa hione d garden spot, transmission of Ele ght, el , ttend at: the vari ~ knocked at Kathleen's door. Joan's fann ta, begin > Suother year's ork "No," said Joan, gently. With swallows whirling by i - aw 0 Power and_ energy under the Br ae aforesaid and at pencil paused as she cought the hy of sality, It was the increase ¥Racp. up courage, | my dear girl," r Fl : id, fn of fais paplcipity i a he nal summing up of votes by the sound of Mrs. Baker's voice and increase of salary § cav | Mark said. "It will all come out |The Flemish ferryman was old, Carry their wires i NUON (Cor) 1 ine i salary that was taking her away ark said. v . y . . 1 'arry wires for the t ap Clerk on behalf of the persons 'S ITY, unrestrained | 0! salar Rs pao ' ai res y But happy as a wud to also carry wires fo he ta 4 on The coor came to her | from Westmore and Mark Eliot. Kath- right. Bun sure of it... Hyre's your rend 1 Ahoy!" 1: By-law empowering the | mission of such electricity for said [terested in and opposing or promet- 3 o! a o have a ve train ! We've just made it." y ] Whi NY in ssing of this By-law re cheek, then fled quickly. "He's Jeo Was going. to have a yedr ial After Kathicen had been handed along a r ring, Gananoque Electric Light urposes attoss andialong aay Au. | Ing the Passing » Mi home. She had only taught for pas- i , . ? up : ay of id icipality and. | spectively. . re," she thought. Mrs. Baker |" $ : abod y a lunged | dis ) 1 x proudly way of said municipality hove, 8h aust, Ke el time, she said. Yet she had not dared Rhea And He an h ad Siang : proudly land Water Sup iv. Com said purposes to-erect and maintain] § 'The. Clérk of: the said Towne heard -fhe dorbell ring 3 i dor io Bo nie Cl Marg Beeguils | re suggestion dismissed {he cab Acros the sunny stream Ply I y poles, towers and wires upon sai | ship of Kingston hall stiens ot the . 'f How sure she must be o m! Joan |v ro a re EH . ey : re SH onviacei ld 2 : : "Thigh\vays. skid Township wo ay yr of Juana Pog opcned feared that Kathleen was something {and they walked back together, to |Or walked among Ig « ntless | Limited, to exercise its pow g y sid Townablp Hall lt clos i or Mrs. Baker's. But, instead of say- blooms, thi i 6, That the rights and powers 1, the: rot to | : 3 wi wnshi v.16 up the num- she now wore was of pink printed SF a Sis, for another oh ras: he {ing good night at the steps, as she And life was Hke a dream. . ters thin the To Pp and granted in the preceding section ara January, '1315, 10 suis up v d against crepe, with a wide, georgeous girdle. | ue of this. As if any man living | Supposed he would, Mark calmiy| : {for that purpose to use and {subject to the Public Utilities Act pap of Tote siven for an pink waa Kathlasn's color, and she |, 4s worthy as Mark to stand ina found bis way back to the green- Yo-da) 2.20mi raiv of shell 'occupy the Highways of the and sald Wires, 2 Jowers uid Datod at the Town Hall by Ye i ' Pe . as 1s wi ius . A ic aah « "Mark Elliott is downstairs on a Ee down the street on a "Oh, T don't want to, : Joun cried. | His roof-tree is a blackened wreck, Township. and laid subject to the approval oi Toutiip of Ringuen Sig the veranda waiting," she said. |; : he - | She drew a long breath. It all seem-| The flame has fed its just, | the Engineers ©f the Municipality | © she "Put up your work and come with biayele, Sitntad vor 0, Ball alighiing aa so strange. Kathleen gone to af For fell Destruction walks abroad, 2. WHEREAS it is deemed exped. | which is mot to be unreasonably JOSEPH T. HAWLEY, Reove. me, dearle. % .. yhlled to the group on the veranda ; | lover and she and Jlark mining in _And e'en the vagragl Mouse {ient to authorize and empower the Nithheld and that the rates sharged CHARLES F. ADAIR, ah Joan shoo her head. "I musn't Jeg this Mes. Baker's ? Here's a tole. the maoBlight « ope! ae Bo ed at | Flees, terror-hastened. from his nest | Gananoque Electric Light and Water | to eousEmers wid n ha Sule pall. . Katuioen danced across" the floor |EFM Or ene of he boarders--Mies | him earnestly, He did mot soem | witnin the Ferry: House ioe Its power. within the' towhahip |b the sald Company to conautaers - " i 2 * - {cise its powe e » ahd eh, a Sweep cleared Joan's lap Kathleen Thompsun: cibkien said ex. | ID&. . Tt must be hal he Was Very { And, ah, the sturdy ferryman -- fon to Rosi and occupy the er for similar service in the Town of NOTICE. Lo of its litter of papers.- "You can | SS he * 'yellow | Clever at hiding his feelings. Or dead, or brokenshearted ? of the Township for the supply and | Gananogue, : Pe j : « ;citedly. She snatched the' 'yellow {| "€7PT 1d." Mark sai "ad, or brokepshearte De : Take notice that the above is a she OO oITe ecru} envelope and tried to open jt. "Oh, thas A Sou et "the a: Hip Jems Mas Hell : Juathema, Slstrition oF Sieetric Power, UEht.| ¢ dnat the votes of the electoi- | true copy of the proposed By-law you'ver got to go." Joan! I'm trembling so. What has |, 00 0 TH0 C0 something I've ROU| Ana srl Thee Separted. - 2. THEREFORE be it enacted by | °f the said Township of Kingston o.i | which has been taken into Joan RO up at her wistfully | happened ' 3 to say. Fate has given me this st ¢ Iron furies ro [the Municinal Corporation of th] iPi$ By-law shall be taken at the |tion and (in the event of the +How. is he ever going lo propose |. 10an opened the telegram and read | nance." He hitched the . chair], Ci ABEer (rom the Wood, Ifthe Municin Kingston as follows. | following times and places that is to | of the electors being obtained to you if.T am always by?" she ask- | #loud, while Kathleen hung on her Shane up to Joan's hammock. Miss And bustling Savile seam on Bigh, | Oe sald The Gananod io] 5aY on Mouday, Jasuury 4th, 1915, {t0) , wil Ie Jakes tite onsid . shoulder : | Kathleen" » : B : Blectri commencing the hour of nine |tion by the Council of said . pr io | } { Electric Light and Water Supp yg], soliton loughen, _ugging at | [Come bore ot cnn Donald fs SHG vepeus dour was tian Toon, {County Dimited mall or pert] lock tn te forenoon and con | cpa, for, ihe xoirtion of » " v . } ? u $0 hs by 5 NS pa} Sean DelL fad MOTHER." | **"Niqs' Kathleen very bright and] "Why doesu't the policeman pay oT eas frum the passin; of crmoon of the same day at'the pol. |leation which date is Sat d one," She answered merrily, | "Your brother :". she questioned, | pretty--but didn't you kmow that |bis fare?" inquired gla. gentle-| norered to eXercise within thie | 08 Places used on said dav and br | December 5th, 1914. "What a little, little bit you know ingly. I'd never have come here tha way |Wan on the fwopenny tram, ObServ- | movnehip of Kingston its = power: She arty Sturuing Oca ap P for taking : i! Never mind how you | '"Nown mn sobbed. I have if it wasn't for vou?" ing that no ra between | and franchise for the supply and d's al king ch Bh not notice : 3 : No!" gasped Joan. The moon- | the constable a IBAUCLOr. | tribution therein of Bleetrie Lighy, | *iP#! election. Ci 'seemed to be spinning around explained | Heat, Power and Energy and for| 7. On Wi , the 30th day of ™ yy

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