THE DAILY BRITISH N\ WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1914. Hark! the merry chimes are warning ® us that this is Christmas morn- ing, And it's time that we were rising, though the hour isn't late. Still, the kidlets will be flacking, each to overhaul his stocking, And there's Scads of things we've } £0t 10 do that really cannot wait. [¥et, before we kick the clothes off (quite determined not to doze off), i Let's indulge in dreamy musing on this joyous Christmastide; [Let us, while the bells are pealing, get up some real Christmas feeling, ! Fill ourselves with Sweet emotions that are not quite cut and dried. ffrue, the minutes fast are gliding, but, consarn 'em, let 'em glide. [Think of these long weeks of waiting, : Of the gay and festive season that Never resting, never stopping in our mad career of shopping, Searching over the ideal, not too cheap and not too dear; [Crushed and elbowed in the reeking crowds, that like ourselves are seeking : Just the very thing. of all things that their loved ones most desired. Limp and draggled then emerging from the pushing, struggling, surging Mob, with parcels overladen, reaching home at last, dog tired. [Those experiences may be best described as "most all-fired " all the glad anticipating at last, at last is here; AN OLD-TIME STORM. | Tne Great Biow on Lake ora 1 Fifty-Five Years Age. I" Mr. Louis H Daniels, of the Dan- | | lel's Hotel, Prescott, who was a | steamboat agent in Front street, east. jot Yonge, Toronto, in 1855-60, has | { sent the Toronto Telegram a para- graph recalling the great storm which | swept Lake Ontario on Wednesday, the 25th November, 1856. There are many old time Ontarians whe | will remember that day and a few | of the mariners who are still about and who sailed the lake in the fifties | will also remember the great gale. } Mc. Daniels writes: "It will be 55 years on Wednesday Nov. 25, since L, H, Daniels, of Pres- cott, and the late T. D. Shipman, left the American Hotel on the northeast corner of Front and Yonge streets, Toronto, and boarded the fine steam- er Zimmerman, Capt. Milloy, bound for Niagara-on-the-Lake and Lewis ton, on her daily routine trips. The Zimmerman was a large side-wheeler named after the late Samuel Zimmer- man, who was one of the killed at the Desjardin Bridge accident, whieh occurred in the spring of 1857. "The morning was dark and emin- ous, with a rattling breeze from the | northeast. As we proceeded south- ward the force of the storm greatly increased. We landed at Niagara te transact some railroad business there, and joined the big steamer on her.return from up the river. Soon after leaving the dock, the dinner bell was sounded and some forty bassengers," nearly all gentlemen proceeded below to partake of al Sumptuous repast. Soon after many of these left the it was be- coming decidedly rough. Capt. Dun- | ¢ He left at once for the pilot house TRADE MARK Imperial ~ Imperial Brand For Thirty Years the Standard of Quality Next time you buy under wear, get the name right. Underwear for Men and the fit There's comfort and satisfaction in store for you if you in- - sist on getting "Imperial" Garments can Milloy was one of the umie | The purest of woollen yarns alone are used in their manufacture, and finish of every gar- where three or four big, stalwart men | ment is all the most fastidious could desire. were in control of ihe wheel. The | ' big 'Golden Lion,' nament on' $ : . . % » ob of the pilot house wae Duos Back of gvery garment we stand with our unqualified guarantee of quality, and ~ will cheerfully re- i | down, some thirty feet of her star £. x board bulwarks were smashed in place any faulty garment. [Yet no antiquated stoic showed endure ance more herolc ' Than we've manifested through the Weary ordeal of, that time; fad We have stood the stress of barter with rt the courage of a martyr; ld Now we find sweet compensation nN Ia list'ning to the Christmas chime, Ne TY clear cadence, soft and mellow, seems to whisper to a fellow That the worst is nearly over, that we soon may breathe again, Soon may find surcease of sorrow, and that, maybe by tomorrow Or the next day, may be lifted something of this mental strain, That a blessed sense of rest may soothe the tissues of our brain. We have done with haste and flurry, no occasion now to worry, Lest some sensitive relation may bave been quite overlooked All the lists of names are checked and all the walls with green are decked, ana Now within a few short hours the Christmas dinner will be cooked, Halil to Christmas! happy season! There is some substantial reason To be gleeful at thy advent--the beginning of the end As thou comest 'wreathed with holly, we can certainly be jolly, Welcome thee with feast and wassail, and in general unbend, For we know that we have spent for thee the last cent we can spend! Now the door bell will cease ringing to the people who were bringing An endless string of packages from morn to dewy eve; We no longer will be running to con. ceal those things with cunning, And we'll lose our wonted air of having something up our sleeve. There will be a deuced litter, when | -the gewgaws gleam and glitter, Of waste paper, string and cotton, from the kitchen to the hall; But, with consciences elastic, we will grow enthusiastic And "wonder how they guessed," as on the donors' necks we fall, Looking blisstul over dewdads that we didn't want at all, Ab, this blessed thing of giving! It is half the joy of living To wateh the looks of gratitude and pleasure and surprise That, at least to outward seeming, are upon loved faces beaming As the loved one opens his parcel and digs out his gaudy ties, And the gentle wife and mother her emotion tries to smother When conducted by her husband, to some secret corner, where, As a proof of fond affection, he has hid from her detection, His gift to her, a cozy, costly, well-upholstered chair (Of whose comforts, in the future, you may bet he'll get his share). Now this Christmas spirit moves us to sense that it behoves us To keep Poverty's bare platter and fill. Destitution's cup, Bring turk and pie and gladness to the homes of empty sadness! To help out sweet Christmas char- ity who would not loosen up? But it's highly aggravating not to say exasperating, When we've given most nobly and without thought. of stint, To find out,cas we expected, that the modest are neglected And our princely benefaction hasn't found its way to print. (Certainly we didn't ask it, but a man might take a hint), But away with sad reflection! This is no time for dejection, Merry Christmas, happy Christmas, as we said, has come at last! All the many tribulations, all the trials and vexations That have crowded thick upon us for the last six weeks, are past, Not a protest shall be uttered, though the house with toys is cluttered And the kids are all parading to the sound of horn and drum, Lusty lung and larynx voicing the extent of their rejoicing. We will have to stand the racket now that Christmas day is come. (Later tone our nervous system at some sanitarium), Thank the Giver if we're able to sit 'round a well-spread table, Where the plump white-bosomed turkey sheds its savor through the room, And pudding comes on smoking, and there's no end to the joking, | and the water had free course ACross | her decks. Several of the big rods supporting her smoke stacks were broken away, and after three hours | | battling with the frightful storm, we,' returned to Niagara, realizing we had | had a narrow escape from a serious | shipwreck." | Mr. Daniels was for forty years the! agent of the Richelieu and Ontaric Navigation Company at Buffalo and i Toronto in the fifties and in Prescott in later years In 1860 he left To ronto, and in 1862 entered the hote) business at Prescott, of which places he was mayor in 1908-9. He was onc ! of the best known men in the city during his residence He sold out his hotel in Prescott last July, as he thought at 82 years of age it would he a good thing to retire from busi 'ness. T. D. Shipman, who died in Quebec a few years ago, was also a well known steamboat man, and wi | «whief agent of the R. and O Company ot Quebec, while Mr. Daniels was the Toronto agent. Shipman was a keen, sharp business man and had lots of friends amongst the Beard of Trade men and mafine men during his resi : dence in Toronto. , Feel Well "Fit - Well industries. Established 1882 Ask your dealer for "Imperial" Imperial Garments Sold by all good retailers at popular prices. Made only by Brand, and don't be put off with a substitute. Wear Wash Well Well Support home The Kingston Hosiery Company, Limited KINGSTON, ONTARIO Buy goods made in Kingston. Program Is Kept Up. } The Government program: for th: | development of New Ontario did no: suffer to any material extent durin the fiscal year of 1914, which hs just closed. Any retrenchment that might have been thought necessary | in_view of financial conditions in th: : country did not materialize until the vear's work was completed, and th total appropriation for last year of the five millions set aside for this purpose, was spent under Commi s'oner Whitson, according to inten- | tions. Premier Hearst, who is still! carry on the duties of ) ot { Crown Lands, gave the year's figures | recently. What Well-kn out ter wn English In all, the expor | was $802,578.18 | less than tha expenditures bg } 198 out of t propriation One new | ment has torfly. settlers | cssibili Governm 1 perimental far ready proven $9,000 for this heen worked at . Croundhog and points root crops has wonder growth and the wheat ret #lso encouraging The bulk of expenditure hoen on good roads, and that th work is still proceeding. It is prob i able that the permission to export; pulpwood, granted last year, will he continued through the fall and win- ter because of unémployment trou . bles, This permission originated | with the vast quantity of bléwn-down / timber following the fall storms, and Premier Hearst will ask the House for the privilege of its renewal it | loczl markets cannot be had. It is| purely an emergency condition. for 19144 somowha of f the crop cided th veral ex have al With | 6 € worth work, f is h Cochran He; FIRST PRIZE 000= IN CASH rand offe - any On HA by ott rn 8 dian And no heart that harbors malice | and no mind o'ercast with gloom, | Let us be' profoundly grateful that we have at least a plateful, Grateful for the pepsin tablets that correct our Christmas cheer; Hold it as among our mercies if there's coin left in our purses, Be thankful for those dear to us and those who hold us dear. (And most supremely thankful Christmas comes but once a year). (Copyright, 1911, Western Newspaper Union) CHRISTMAS IS A PROPHECY | its ins, its ills, from the world, and to give 4 to common humanity their rightful it Forecasts the Perfect Social Con- ditions Which Will Fulfiil the Sovereignty. He worked with His Promises of Christ. hands for His daily bread. He is yet to dignify and glorify in the thought ; Christmas is not only a fact com- i the one sacred festival of mankind all honest toll. He hou ored waman with His sympathetic and in the world's calendar, but the glor- i prophecy of a coming day, sur appreciative regard. He is yet to re- [passing all the brightest social dreams ha A lieve her from every form of serfdom ve ever visited the most ad- created by the past ages. ' He took litle children in His arms and blessed them. He is yet to make blessed the' {vanced human mind. He sprang, on| child life in every welcoming home His human nature side, from kings| He gave His peace to His distracted peasants, from saints and sinners. | disciples. He is yet to make wars He {8 yet to lift every peasant to the| cease unto the end of the earth. He throne of character and trans-| united His brethren with Himself and. the chief of sinners into the| His Father in one unbroken on holiest of sain@®. He allied Himself {with poverty and the common people. is yet to banish poverty with all He is yet to make every man a his Father in Heaven. . g omy are the tendurcst; the N Too are the daring.i at first be i i i r er to his fellow-man and at one with Many On Battle Line. The announcement that Capt. Alan Graham, A.D.C., figures in the list of | wounded at the front, while not con- firmed by any news received at Ot- tawa, directs attention to the fact j that no one institution is quite so 'rhis is the most wonderful opportunity ever offered by Peaders. $500.00 in cash is the first prize that yon ean win Other magnificent prizes al most equml- ing it in value, make a total prize lis TO-DAY, One of our clever cartoonists has complied a | sories of tw > presenting a well-known Standard English i , Shei w above, and t ture Number 1 represents IN PRIZES GIVEN AWAY IN [A] 0 ) fl & great magazine, to {ts friends and tL aggregating over $5,000.00 in value. Send your entry . Enter This Great Contest, English Proverb "The Early Bird Catches the Now what proverb does picture num esent? on' obisin entry to this great Contest by us the correct answer to picture Num- Thisstarts you on thie road to sharing in this stupendous distribution of prizes. Jf rrectly wo will tell you that pic. | your answer iscorrect we will write and tell you that well-known ! 50 and send you FREE--A Fine Book of Standard English Proverbs and the Series of Twelve (12) Proverb Pictures, Completing Contest The publishers of Canada's 4 corrects, and this fins Ce wl How to ve Proverb Pictures, each one re- 2 have chosen two of these pictures et { Numbers 1and 4) which are shown y are the only ones of the serie published in this paper. In order 1} you verb The senders of the winning answers will be magnificent prizes shown on the prize list on the right. Prizes a ided for en fully solving the twelve Proverb tures very Contos tan cy Sane fully : a Tht stupendous test ing _condasted by people who will great contest pantie or aniest 1s being 10, solely. | sy ma ie no other monthly wih the object of 's greatest | magasine . Bl ner homes and SEA c in 29 ro ih a Proveria, and the Series of proverb pictures: sach ie aa tom to usinted with a contrat "eV tem of bo & subscriber in order Sons of EVER a | do asked This is vend to you withoas purl Mere know once this reine | Fou* mone woman's Worl Ist Prize--FI' nd © Han VE HUNDR™ DOL deorae ipo © weert Piano Shetland Pony, Cart «1 Harness Columbia Geatono'. 2.4 Records Fine Diamond ling . Famous Kitchen Range Genuine Singer Sew ng Cleveland 1934 Bieycle Ideal Kitchen Cabinet | Ladies' Gold Filled Watoh Gents' Gold Pilled Watch . Gold Lavalior and Chain Teliance Vacuum Carpe: Sweeper 97. procs Dinner Set . St bi Machine' jv Ri 4 with proper swale for Tag, of birth of winbeew) Cut Glass Froit Bow! . «Value Vienese § o'clock Tea Sot Grand £33 SEsass SasssaseassBRiaieaiitall well represented in the battle line as is Rideau Hall. As soon as war was declared six officers attaphed to the duke's staff | left to j their regiments, while Col. Lowther had gone over some n "= "Wwefor T - others are Col. Farquhar, m. secretary, com- wasting L 8 ¢ 3 e Sir Bdwird Wort cu.agton, a) a ers-Bulkeley, Capt. wen, pt. ! Buller and Capt. Graham. \ Maj. Rivers-Bulkeley has been | killed and Col. Lowther and pt. | r Graham wounded. . a "Canada's Word." The only overseas contribution in Princess Mary's gift book, just pub- | lished Jdn London, is Ralph Sunct's five-verse m, en "Canada's Word." oy Doth figures in Sir Wiltrld Kinltdie¥ poem on the big ships bring- Ing Raglish ing [nod to the Mother C "| French, EY --------a 4, art and '3 ly in about 4,000 'of two is kod of two Toronte being in a fair diane, h " - 'counts. extract 60 per 'canto! it is ga Jer want, 8 because it is the. language diplomacy, not to u tongu would be put out of business, race being to do z 0 i ~'ereed i ppear, t Bs ivredaced 1030 (he homes Read Carefully the Simple Rales of Everrwoman's World, which we + will mail to you. aa, 4. Different compete, but onl wi % | be awarded 10 any one family . ! ~All must be full o letters y prepaid ray 1 and are art SEERA derstand Quebec. If Ontario read French, and Quebec read English, the politicians would find it 5 har taatter to play the devil's game bw setting the two vincas against | each other. Mr. ng Both Ways | got unded the French skin and ua | Laurier has been tell: | Audiences to learn men- all {and man local problems 4 10 the t and many loc due ~The of ha oso od fom | lished in due coarse, rded ancwers accordance with h at a Renerad to skids by fhe L iestanis mrt egree Poay, Cart 5} Prone age oil the Book of Canis the jnd-es. $250.00. Cares, hustrRted pesse ie ane Hes | 7. Contestants will be asked to ghow CONTINENTAL PUBLISHING CO., Limited, A Véry Broad View, lish Canada learns French, Saturday Night French Canada learns must expect politics in to be blind of one eye. of the second Canadian contingent i are learning 'mem! of a fami! FRESE Committes will con. prominent Toronto bus | hose names will un pat Priges will be correct or fiearest Eo the copy three or §: rrect | RAs and con- {Comtast Publishers of " Everywoman's World," Dept. tis country Froneh, their intention to It is. 'a good 1 to eat in. a language aE ES ies -dreéas in, to to of Everywoman's World, wi we will our Treanor ASIEN Ke Rl want et Ton sol ed (mii roverh. aod th 3 na Fated { may find his way around [English aad and be stuck nowhere.