Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Dec 1914, p. 9

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4 The Weathr x i Man| HILLED MISS LETITIA COADY VICTIM OF TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. She Fither Jumped or Fell Off Train ~~ Awfal Injuries Sustained -- Died In Fifteen Minutes, A shocking fatality occurred at Crow Lake on Tuesday, fhe 15th. The ~vitim 'was Miss | Letitia Coaty, aged seventeen years, who was killed by a C.P.R. train. The vietim had been down io Par- ham on a visit, and when returning to her home, in mistake she took the fast express, No. 20, instead of the train for which she had pur- «hased a ticket. The flyer does not make a stop again after leaving Parham until it reaches Smith's Falls, and it seems the unfortunate girl either tried to jump off at her | home siation or she fell off. Both|; lezs and jaws were broken, and her head was crushed above the right eye. The girl died fifteen minutes after being picked up. Dr. W. J. Geddes was summoned to the scenes, and after inspecting AT CROW LAKE -- : THE. R. 8, A. COURSE HAS BEEN COMPLETED, : A---- Sixty-five Officers Took It -- Six More Foreigners Have Neen In-| terned In Fort Henry. With the. exception of five or officers . who . are 'taking 'final exami- nations in battery tactics, the R.S.A, fourse is finished and the officers have returned home. The new course starts on January 5th and there is already a large number of a lica- tions for entrance. The number that six were hrought "to Raturday morning Six foreigners Fort Henry on We will place on sale a particularly attractive handkerchief bargain, 7.30 to 10 o'clock. \ 125 Dainty Booklets : irom Vv {the remains placed them in charge i the west. of the city constable. An ingnest --- x 1 will be conducted on «Wednesday, . Harold McGrayme, Bloomfield, has | Decomber 23rd a* Crow Lake by Joined the second contingent for over CONTAINING GIFT HANDKERCHIEFS, some with one very fine em- broidered handkerchief finished with edge of real Armenian lace. | seas service. Coroner Dr, Geddes. The survivors of the dead eirl are] © parents and five brothers. ns REMEMBERING GRANDMOTHER. Thomas« Toffington Muses On Full _ Captain H..H. Post, V.S., has Joined the second contingent, Hugh MacKeachan and George Marple of Renfrew have joined the 21st battalion pipe band. MacKeach- Other Booklets with 2 EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS. These make a very suitable gift as each booklet is enclosed in a suitable en: velope for mailing. The regular value of these are 50c each. Clath. atl is 3 giant, piper, a native of You should have heard Thomas Aten, in Sostland, Where he i Toflington dir bimeelf the other aay! onvithern Hu te e Artyle and .on old times when the "Made-in-Can-j front ghlanders, now at the ada" movement was to be found in| er 'every farmhouse in 'Canada. Yours To-Night 33¢ a Booklet Or 2 for 65¢ 1200 Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs Neat narrow hem and suitable as gifts for children or others. Special To-Night 6 for 20c 400 Very Pretty | Embroidered Handkerchiefs All entirely new designs, hand worked, ranging in values from 25¢, 30c, Your Choles ToNighe18¢ 2 for 35c¢. 187 Fancy Beaded Bags 10 different designs, ranging in value from 75c¢ to $1.25 each. Your Choice To-Night, 45¢ Or 3 for $1.25. Kid Gloves for Christmas Genuine French Kid, each pair fully guaranteed and in neat gift box, $1, $1.25, $1.50. © Come to-night. John Laidlaw & Son | be age EA enn, ons aes i oe o 5; ATS ey " hn ITs Tein out some very stiff doses of winter weather | these days. Well, let him--we're ready, for we're plenty of good overcoat protection, ! Hous : Trooper A. L. McDonald, of t {, "Hum, yes! he cald musingly as. «cn 'oquadron Alexandria, of the |" he ley on his imperted sofa and Bink. sth P.L.R.G., who has been attend. ed at his made-abroad carpet. "Hing (he ony a # i well remember. when I was a boy, Ba has nay shoe! at oowick i{ how dear old grandmother and my battalion at Kitgston, training for {ll dilizent old grandfather made the the second contingent. He will {liom and the axe, the symbols of! gery as a piper. Canadian industry. Why that dear] {old woman, God bless her, used to] || ctin the wool from the sheep's back il! hér elf, ecard it and spin it on her lown wheel, weave it on her own loom into the very best of full cloth, ana then, by George, she eut and made the coats and vests and trousers worn by ny futher, sir, and all his bro-| thers, und 1 believe even by myself. Blers the woman." Mr. Toffington took another puff al his imported cigar and went on to show how Grandma Toffington's in- dustries extended to the kitchen and fii #the larder and beyond. He enum- erated the cheeses and the minces, the pickles, the preserves and the | bread, the rag carpets and the mats and the sheets, and the socks she knit by hand. He lay on his back {{ and praised her name. He kicked off his duty-paid slippers and rubbed hix foreign socks, as he regretted deplam Street Methodist Church are that no.more Grandma Toffingtons putting on an entertainment. Thurs- Were left in this country. But when pi hi a usual the committee from Mre. Toffington glided into the room Queen's will look after - the pro- and thrust before his nose a Made- gramme and on Friday night the big in- Canada motor car adverticement ¢pnyartninment for the week is to and asked him why he hadn't PUr- hn given to the soldiers. The ladies chused a Canadian made motor car from every church in the city are co- that she could have used that after- operating to make an extensive pro noon, he said -- "Bless my soul! I gramme on that evening and re ordered those motor-car repairs days freshbmonts will be served. ago and they haven't got to me yet. I wonder if they can be held up in; one. of thoge infernal customs houses?" ! x There are our warm storm-resisting overcoats | with convertible or shawl collars, guaranteed to keep out the eold and storm, very swell, you know, $15.00, y ( h6) p : Ee $18. 0) and £20.00 Thi soldiers' who are being allow- ed hime for Christmas on furlough will he given leave for four days. Forty per cont. more of the 21st hat- talion will ha given - leave, making cighty per cent. in all. Then there are those for members of the over- coat family, the Chesterfield, the Button-Through and the Balmacaan at $12.00, $15.00 and $18.00 that will do their duty splendidly \t the militia YM.C.A. on Sa- our turduy night an excellent programme is promised the Boldiers. Sergt. Mur- taugh, and Ptes. Northey and Mac- donald will give selos, Pte. Nich- olson will give a mouth-organ selec- tion, and Sergt. Sterling "will give a piano salo. You'll travel some if you try to mateh our over- coat values at our prices ---- C. Livingston & 0. BROCK STREET. A Little Out of the Way, Bu It Will Pay You To On Sunday at 8.15 p.m. Rev. G. Campbell will conduét a short ser- vice to' the soldiers. On Monday night the veterans will use the for a reception to the officers. Tuesday night the members of Sy- 1. HAD NARROW ESCAPE. D ASHORE. Kingstonian, Chum of Dead Operator po" At Whitby Fired At. Forther particulars have been re- ceived regarding Henry Birmingham, the Kingstonian, who was 'fired at by an ltalian at Whitby, reference to which was made in Friday's Whig. It appears that Birmingham was a chum of William Stone, the G.T.R. operator, who was murdered at his post a few nights age. Birmingham cays that on Tuesday night he was ¢hot at from an Ttalian shack about a mile and a half from the G.T.R., east of Whithy, According to his story he was re- pairing a signal bell at the .T.R. croscing when a bullet whizzed past his head. He said that a few min- utes hefore he had seen a couple of Italians "standing at the door of the Birmingham made tor home being shot at and reported the e to Chief MacGrotty WERE. DASHE | Wolfe Island Men Had Thrilling Time In Motor Boat. A thrilling time was experienced by Joseph Bray and John Anderson, of Wolfe Island, while they were at- | tempting to cross to Kingston on | FOR TO-NIGHT Friday morning. The two men tried AT -- to make the trip in a thirty-foot § | motor laugeh, named the Twigg, BOXES FANCY EMBROIDERED / and' before they reached their des- HANDKERCHIEFS, 3 in a box, each' lination rough seas drove the boat handkerchief worth 25c. Special to- and its "occupants ashore at Poiut Pleasant. The launch was beached night for 39¢ a box and would have been dashed to pieces had the owners not immedia- fel gotten six horses and hauled it high and dry-upon the shore. New Goods. 3 tins sweet corn for 2c. 3 tins tomatoes with the fresh fla- vor, for 23c. J tins peas, pice and tender, 25¢. | J tins pumpkin for 250. 3 tins string beans for 25¢. Every tin aranteed the 'quality, at W. R. MoRae & Co., 'Golden Lion grocery. , | | | lmnertant Order, - .ivingston & Bro., received or- ym the last army class of the litary College cadets, lea gihis work to take wp commis In the Twmpefial and Canadian for complete military uni for | best the Ha, { : cousistibg of British Warm wliipcord lined jackets, trousers and Bedicird cord breeches, forage caps, Sam Brown outfits, together with o w'zrer Co's sleeping bags, muff- lers' and other necessaries. The ga. denis have all been 'made to their individual orders. Their hav- irg been military tailors to the Roy- al Jdilitary College for upwards of fifteen years, is having a great de- wand for military clothing, etg., as the firm is noted for Keeping in ocx hie best English khaki materi- aie for officers' including whip cords {for service ja"kets and Bedford and other English materials for breech- 'es. The firm makes a point of giv- ing catisfaction and prompt deliver- ics, Vuke Elections By Acclamation A citizen has suggested to the Whig that in view of the truce mov exieting throughout all the { Pritish dominions in connection with 1 »11 eoniroversial matters, he thinks it would be a splendid plan if the iwe political parties, representatives of the Board of Trade, the Trades aud Labor council and any other Lion grocery. "artles interested in civic affairs. ec. { would meet together and arrange The Pulmotor Used for the clection, by acclamation, of The pulmoetor was used last night the mayor, and tea aldermen who unony a child o° Dr . G. W. Mylks, are i» be selected next year. He e little girl choked until uncon- | thinks , that it acclamation scious and the insirument was Were give: to a number of leading called, Later an operation revealed Citizens, tiey would willingly agree that a pea bad been swallowed The general objection of candidacy caused the obstruction. is the canvassing that is necessary. i a -------------- | The matter is worthy of considera- ' 4 New York rofton 'exchange 5 house tion nd tho following wire on. 'night: |. Grr De Jo low no ves- w t their con- 4 No Official Notification. Col. T..D. R. Hemming has re- ceived no official ' notification of | the court of enquiry that will be held over the Bourassa rumpus in Otta- wa. When he receives notice to hold an enquiry he will appoint a 'committee of officers who will hold an investigation and 'report the re- sult to him. There has been no no- tice cent, him yet about his appoint- ment in Winnipeg, succeeding Inspec- tor-Ceneral Steele. AR A er tA SAA to LONG WEITE KID GLOVES, best French make, elbow length; sizes 6 to 7. Reg- ular prices $2.00 and $2.25. To-night for $1.48 a pair AAA ci tN FINE EWEATER COATS for men i navy, tan and maroon, best makes. To-night for | For Him. How about a nice pair of military brushes, or perhaps a Gillette or | Auto-Strop Razor. Has he a col- (lar bag? Wouldn't a cigar case or | box of cigars will be nice ? If you let | Pest suggest ing you will be satisfied. .. Something to please all at Best's. Crosse And Blackwell's Crystallized ginger, 30c. Ih. Dey. sweet ginger, 30c. 1b. A delicious confection. n grey. one of Penman's Regular $1.75 and $2.00. A AA rt A AAA MEN'S BLACK CARDIGAN JA large sizes, elastic male, $2.00 and $2.25 - quality. To-night for FINE RIBBED C 20 ASHMERE "HORE, i ure woo sae 51 3b 51 . Regular 35¢ Stocking. Yo night | a pair The Golden Boys' and Girls' Skating Boots at $2 00, ; Boys' and Girls' Moccasins at $1.00 and $1.25, ° Boys' Tan Leather House Slippers, $1 and $1.50, Boye Carpat Slippers nice tes, $1 00. : ub Bags, Fittings, Men's ippers and every- thing that's ni fet : 3 - Fei uMs vines eas 'th 8 nice. The Lockett Shoe Store f : ---- : made kind, 124c. Ib., at Lion grocery." or Choa. : ee adiaCk

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