Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Dec 1914, p. 8

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On Friday night 'William Lesslie received a cablegrai frown his son, Major W. B, Lesslie, deputy adjut-' 'ant general at Delhi, India, stating that he had been ordered to Egypt and that his wife was sailing for England at once. Major Lesslie has seen service in Somaliland and has had considerable experience in handling Indian troops. It is like- ly he will be in command of some of these in the campaign agalust Turkey. Major Lesslie is a gradu- ate of the Royal Military College, and has made good in his chosen profession. f -- et Canadian School Cadet Corps. "The nilmber of school cadets: in the dominion is increasing rapidly. | Mdnitoba has the largest percent- ize of cadets to the mumber of pu- pils in the schools, thelr percentage be'ng 4,54. The number of cadets between the ages of twelve and eighteen years of age on the 24th of May last and what percentage that number is of the total school attend- ance for the province was published in the .latest militia orders. = The} list is as follows: \ Manitoba, 4,146 cadets, 4.94 per § eent,: Alberta, 3,778 cadets, 4.75 pér cent: Quebec, 18,148 cadets, 4.29 per cent; Ontario, 14,610 cadets, 2.76 per cent.; Prince Ed- ward Island; 1,471 cadets, 2.63 per TSE] tant; ' British Columbia, 1,493 : y Corvagin fi GIVE. GLOVES wan 1.037 cadets, 2.14 per cent.;' The Christmas Kid Glove ' Le Premier" at $1.25 ecent.; New. Brunswick, 763 cadets, | 1.2 per cent. i This is our tested glove, every pair carefully inspected by the maker be- fore being shipped to us from France. These gloves come in black, white, tan, greys. Each pair in a fancy gift box. WHEN HE WAS ABOUT TO AR- | REST A YOUNG MAN. Willian Conway Given Month in Jail And His Brother Percy Two Months -- Police Recovered Stol- en Money. Tuesday, 9 Days Before Christmas | Found guilty on a charge of steal- ing fourteen potato bags from Jos- epn Abramsky, Princess street, Wil- liam Conway was on Monday morn- ing sentenced to one month in jail i] by Magistrate Farrell. His brother, |} Percy Conway, was also charged with having a band in the theft, and was also given a month. He got an extra month for having assaulted Police Constable Jenkins. « | The constable moticed William Coriway, coming out of 'a 'laneway near Abramsky's store with the bags and notified the owner of the store. Abramsky identified the bags as his property and caught hold of the youth. Constable Jenkins then took him in charge. After he did so, Percy Conway took objection and hit the constable on the head. Two soldiers assisted the constable in getting the two young men to the police station. Frank inchman was accused of stealing money from his companion, ja young man named Robertson. The two have been sailing on the lakes and came down from Port Arthur on Suturday night. They secured a room at a local hotel. Yesterday morning, while the two were in the r¢om, Robertson took no "map" and while he slept Wis wad, amounting to $22. disappeared. He notified the pol'ce and Constables Bateson and Nayvlon who investigated, round- ed up Inchman and the money was found 'on Bim. Inchman, however, stated that the accused must : If you have a certain sum to spend on Christmas gifts and many friends Our store is a Christmas store now--full to remember, here's where we make the problem easy of solution. of gifts, suitable for a man or a boy's Christ- : mas. Anybody that is looking for a' Christ- mas refnembrange for a "him" can find any number of choice and exclusive things here that will be appropriate, appreciated and 'just the thing." We make the wants of men and hoys our study, so far as their outfitting goes. ep . WHERE WOULD YOU BE MORE APT TO FIND A GIFT APPROPRIATE FOR HIM THAN HERE? A Few Suggestions Buits, Bath Robes, Mufflers, Overcoats, Neckwear, Suspenders, Raincoats, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, House Coats, Gloves, Umbrellas, Fancy Vests, Caps, Underwear, Pyjamas, Hosiery, Night Robes, Sweaters, Dress Shirts. -- -------------- German Mines Near Sweden Stockholm, Dec. 14--The Swed- ish minister of foreign affairs gave ot a statement with regard to the 'teeling the money. re ent sinking of three / Swedish "1 thought it was my own he (steamers, as the result' of striking aid, "If 1 wanted to steal it I could ; miues in the Gulf of Bothnia. inve taken the money from him in "The Germans," the foreign mini- the night and got away." jeter says, "declare that the mines I'e arked for a chance, stating | were Russian, as no German mine- at it was near Christmas, and he 1» ~ing had been done up to the time vanted ta get to his home which is of the disaster. _ Official investiga- New York state. tens made by Finland disclese that . It appeared that the two men had lg~veral groups of anchored mines ven drinking and the mazistrate | v ere German and hot Russian, and UMBRELLAS INITIALLED FREE. TIES ard meng Up the case, stated that [tt they had been laid during the did net appear as if Inchman had |r jn the Gulf of Bothnia. No . GLOVES, ETC., PUT IN FANCY : had "Th " : i e Natherine intended to steal the monev, snd | ¢utipe mines, it was stated, BOXES Ted FIALOR THAT he. a0cem my jen found. The best ONE DOLLAR GLOVE we have ever sold is now ready for the Christmas buying. All shades wanted, tans, greys, white, black $1.00 Each pair in a fancy gift box. SAE now Ng PEEIINGS New Crepe de Chene Waists AS inte verious tronble SN OR SCRAPS AWAY Dainty New Design in shades of Maize, Black, White, Wild Rose, Light coe. $2.99 * drankenners. Ormicton comes to ll "=. ti "e court altogether too often apd Vil S Oil [0 "a magistrate paid no attention to ! im, ° * A fine of $3." and" costs or one mth was imposed 4 Willis Heath. ¢ hor d=vnk A Litto Out of the Way, But It Will Pay You To | +" His sy nr, 10 alk Tearance man was given a chance THE LATE "JACK" COUSINS. re sid Frederick Ormieton. in o. gorman Population Urged to Cook Potatoes With the Blue, Pink, at Another model, at Boudoir Caps from 50c to $3 + Dasle, Dee. 14 --The Prussian minis- A fine collection of entirely new styles Tea Aprons mavion urging the population of Ger 30 different makes, for 18c, 20¢c, 25¢, 85¢, 50c, Tbe, and on up to $1.25. Maid's Aprons and Caps 80 as to save the loss due to peeling You will find many "Chic" new things in this collection. when raw. "Throw mo peelings or, other scraps away," he sgys. : wy In Turkish Fleet. Athens, Dec. 14.--Mutiny has brok- he Funeral Took Place on Monday 3 Afternoon. The funeral of the late "Jack" Cousins took place Monday afternoon At 2.30 o'clock from his late home on Jniversity avenue to St. George's|cn out among 'the crews of the Turk- 'athedral. Rev. Crozier Magee and! isk fleet at Constantinople, owing to tev. Sydenham Lindsay officiated at! the long continued brutal conduct of he rervice, during which the Dead! (he Gorman offiters with the fleet. At Marth was played by R. R. F. Harvey | the same time, owing to a similar \ very large number of floral tokens|cause, there wds.a revolt in the vere received, the casket being|hurracks at. Stamboul, in which two banked with them. The beautiful{(icrman officers were killed. *ollection included floral offerings| The anti{lerman sentiment is in- from .the Frontenac . Hockey Club|erensing among the populace and fur- ind the Black Bass Fishing Club. | her disorders are feared. Phe pallbearers were J. Gregg and ren d. Scott, Toronto, Dr. W. H. Sands, Engagements Ammounced. William Moore, William Frizzell and| Mrs. Walter Nicholson wishes to ; John Macdonald.. The - remains|announce - the: 'eng t of her y rere placed in the vault at Cataraqui| youngest daughter, Sadie' Katharine, cemetery, ; HEAVY FALL OF "BEAUTIFUL". [THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND THE BEST [}{* Lively storm Set 1n on Sunday to James Godman, both of Kingsion. VALUES it Night. The marriage is to take place Wednes day, December 30th. It was a lively storm which set In Men's Irish Linen, hand embroidered, initial BE Sunddy Bhi iad 25.3 rem) 6 in a box, for AALAALLLSD AOLKEDALLLLDADABOABAS BLE | Handkerchiefs "he. 75 Little Girls' Pretty White Dresses The engagement is announced of Miss Nellie McVeen, Stratford, former- (4 Iv of Kingston, and Rev. F. L. Mac- | here. was a heavy fall of "the beau- dful" with good sleighing, the first if the season. Citizens had a busy donald, B.A., B.D., Burk's Falls, the ' ime finding their snow shovels and marriage to take place at New Year's Arranging The Entertainment. making them work after such a long rest. The sidewalks were in a ter- Already the ladies of the different churches are preparing the pro-| rible state up till eight o'clock, and much eriticism was heard round gramme that will be given the sol- diers in the militia Y. M. C. A. on] ibout the city. Many citizens stat- 2d that the corporation should bave Primm An. Christmas night. - At the meeting on | Friday two committees were formed one to look after thé programme and the refreshinentst * Ladies from, Ladies' Irish Linen, hand embroidered, ini- tial, box of 6, for AA rim Dainty Embroidered Handkerchiefs, - in y gift boxes, 3 in a box, 40c; 3 in a box, 50c; 6 in a box, 50c; 3.in a box, 75¢; 3 in a box, $1.00 a Real Irish Linen Embroidered Handker- chiefs, each in a pretty folder, only . . 25¢ ~ Real Lace Handkerchiefs, from 50¢ to $3.50 | 3 St Hand Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs, from... 00 =295¢ to $1.50 each "wl < AN - \ Plain Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs in all width hems, for men and women, from Suits, Coats And Shire "Ke Half Price LDF | the put on a big staff of unemployed men very early in the morning so.that the streets could have been cleared in time for people going to their work. All Feature Frogremme. Coguneucing Monday. Dec. 14th, the patrons of the Wonderland theatre will have the opportunity of . wit- nessing at each performance an "All Feature' programme. manage: ment have recently closed negotia- tions with Warner's Features of Ca- nada and ysu mey look forward to a season of fine photoplays. The price of admission remains the same and the first of the. new. plays starts to-night, together with a roaring comedy. Make up your mind to miss none of these productions, 'Won- derland theagre. Made-In-Canads Policy Rev. G. I. Campbell, in Queen Street Methodist Church, on Sunday morning talked to the boys and girls regarding the "Made-In-Canada" campaign, and incidentally urged all people to make as many purchases ot Canadian goods as they possibly could. Almost everything that is needed is manufactured within the should be encouraged in their work. Mr. Asselstine Appointed, -T. M. Asselstine, deputy registrar of the high court of justice, Kings- ton, has been appointed deputy of district registrar of the Toronto admiralty district of the exchequer court of Canada for the counties of nce Edward, Jentz, ngton, tenac, Leeds, Gren- ville, Dundas, Stérmont and Glen- This appointment will not AW country. and these manufacturers! necessitate the of Mr, As- selstine from Kingston. 4 rl BACT i , every chureh in the eity are on the committees and a big programme is planned. Death Of Brockville Man. Brockville, Dec, 14.-- Charles Flanagan, the Montreal man who at- tempted suicide by jumping into the St. Lawrence 'river while visiting friends in Maitland village, died at the Eastern Hospital for the Insane, to which he was ' committed for treatment following his rash act. He was forty-one years of age and a native of Brockville, | For Raid On England. London, Dec, 14, -- Eighteen' super-Zeppelins, according to a re- presentative 'of the Turin 'Stampa, who has had access to the sheds at Friedrichsafen, are being prepared fo take part in an.attack on Great Dritain in the spring: The corres- pondeut says that every three weeks an airship leaves the Zeppelin han- gars for a secret destination. sh amreadygae C. P. R. Changes. The morning train over the C.P.R. leaves the city at 11:15 o'clock now instead of 11.25; so as to make con- nections with the main line train at ichborne Jun . ~~ The change went into effect to-day. The name of Parham Junction on this line has been changed to Tich- borne Junction. ; Make It a Camera ? A camera for, Christmas wakes na most pleasing' gift, - Best's 1s surely the place for cameras of all . kinds-- and prices here they ave pro: perly explained. Tf it 4s a comera get it at Best's.' et waters." Gibson's. tharines the unionist in he age of 4 4 # 4 4 A For ages 1, 2, 3 years, some very pretty new designs, for $3.00 down to $1.00 and less. John Laidlaw & Son {= 1] i i i i i At The Lockett Shoe Store "JAEGERS" Pure Wool Slippers, celebrated for their warmth a good wear. 0 other } Can compare 'with these J. goods. Ladies' sizes, $1.75; men's sizes, $1.75 and $2.00. Tse as oR 2 Try a pair for Christmas. Put them on your list. , ,

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