Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Dec 1914, p. 7

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or _WHIG, MONDAY 14, 16d. : nvenien ¥ "GENERAL INTEREST = |Daily 2.30. Evg's. 7.30 and ok | § The Bank of Toronto, with (departments = equi to transact Urpoings tn te cr ant viens | DY] ITF VAUDEVILLE business of every description appertaining 'to ng, nd With ""=Whit the Merchants Ofter to |¥ | | Jal] | . ; ik adhd a i as numerous branches distributed throughout the and a the Readeds of the Whig. 3 FEATURE ACTS 3 eee oe mm ----e-- ee SOR : full list of banking correspondents, is enabled: to offer ity custo Gillett 201s." Gibson's. -- : A HY as fo gn 3 irs FOR fairs, or Tadilities for the on, of thelr ar- The Renirer Journal has increased And P OTO-DRAMAS Fire ertio ; TRE oiE or TREE NE VT, we its size to a seven-column page. Prices Mat. '10c. diy seat, halt. 5. ¥ hig THESE ROTIVE ADVTS, og William Setaine, patio Junee, Oars : Evening, 10¢; redérved Sc extra. Fin fe Rid La 4 : "Hoa os Mitaq mes, h received at McAuwley's. Phone % -- nnn uh FOR re . Mr. and Mrs. A. R. O'Neill, of San i : a --------=-- clean and dry. McOano, s3 B. GEESE FEATHERS, APPLY Tv \ Assets Juan, Porta Rico, are visiting in Wednesday Decl16 < i g street. : Goldman, 287 Division St. 3 : Kingston. Jur ws § In . eee TWO BEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING Ts INCORPORATED : "Toilet waters for Christmas." Gib- ¥ Special Request AN Anvr, ob 5 WORDS OR i oom, Jurnished, Apply to 198 son's. Pu : night, or §0¢ for three. ep The Fenidenty ut German street, Queen S Dramatic Club T 01 $! = FURNISHED oR UNFURN. 1855 Renfrew, want the name changed to A HOUSEMAID, APPLY MRS, N. ahaa Apply to "nt. 3 Mrs. Vernon Eaton, eee y Kitchener. Will repeat their Efeat success Polson, 317 University Ave. 20 Barrie street. BS 2 a br, Lo "A Kodak for Christmas" from |: sit . . - . F ; , i ANTEDSEWING MACHINE OPER- | OFFICES IN CLANENCE aT. opgn- at Kk. rawers BANK oO ORON O Gibson's. The Rogue's Comed " hago 4c Apply Kingston Hosiery Co, bers. ARD to Choningham Mu. used. \ top s The schools, public" and Collegiate, dle, 79 nos British ilo . 29nd ill open roe GENERAL SERVANT, EITHER A a FE IETY OF RANGES Market 8quare ed Kingston 3 flow, ow Doe. 25d, ond wil Tu: Thive Acts * Seoman or © girl Apply 16 115 (DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND a A ha) rot olds Na BO » Gibson' PRICES« Earl 1 8t. Qirnished; stores, offices, ete. Mc. Ww prices; also a big stock GEORGE B. McKAY - Manager, wl Bristmas toilet waters." Gibson's. SEATS NOW ON SALE Cannas Real "Estate Agency, 52 nitore, J. Thompson, $33 ! . W. J. O'Brien, Frinsville, died" at : ---- A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, AC. Brock St. St, Phone 1800. w t i n . customed £6. cooking. Apply at PE ales. witont owpital, Ottawa, * 0 = " ° St, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, | "UA RGR NUMBER or pic Fe [. 2 Friday, Dec. 4th once to 117 Dagot - . HE dry, airy rooms; your own lock an. it : "Beautiful toilet waters." Gibson's, ¥ a : A GIRL ABOUT 14 DR 15, TO TAKE key. Fronts { ty storage, we i Dunlop gen A. E. Corrigan, of Kingston, has : care of baby; one who can sleep Queen St. Phone 636b. Sarpet € ng and laying. vassed the recently held inside civil] | ii a iia at home. Apply in the evenings. Muller, 378 King : a rece 163 Bagot 8 EIGHT ROOMED. HOUSE, Armosy! "MSnTI0Ringft = = SprVice examinations, + ". n Be new, modern improvements, corner HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL OX B SINESS AS USU AL ,H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 CH | AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY Division nd Quebec streets. Apply fords, and other cook stoves, ; . - . (ing street. Leave orders at MM to J. D. Boyd, R c- earn $100 monthly corresponding 06 Pine Street. bec's, pugs and square heaters, \ulev's hook store. ¥ for newspapers: no SInvassing. TE emt ------ these In first class shape;- Work For the Unemployed. : "Kodaks for Christmas gifts." Gib. : " Sond red tiquiars. SP 8yndi- | ry RNISHED DWELLING IN CEV. close them out at Yerte small ros : location, § large rooms, hot fits. Turk's 'Phone, son": . son's, een er heating; gus. suitable for If thé men atthe front are risking their lives for their coun- Prol. J. M. Lanos will lecture to YOU. ANY ABILITY AS A pr rate Hy or boarders. Apply | INE PURE BRED HOLSTEIN B . . a a , ' « OR McCann, $2 Brock 8 tw est try, why should you not risk a few dollars for your country's work- Tueen's French Club, -on Wednesday aman ae Sil amn Can roc enty months old, choic s 3 . . 3! t Et ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ead men. We have the brick to build and the tile ' to drain the land. evening, on "Alsace and Lorraine." h o i a more money than Ai ars A FLAT IN WELLINGTON APART. BE rane butt call (Koen Work is what men want, not charity. Help us furnish work by buy- "Christmas sweets." (libson's, hI 243 hY-YR 11] at the present ime Cur. ments, 130 Wellington Bt. 'Also five head pure bred fe ing our goods. Sergt. W. Roherts, on duty at Fort hrc Tes ondence strictly confidential. sloir Nov. 1st. Heated by hot wat- Priced Jow for quick sale, {oa Rv 3 a to Manager, Box 47, King. : electric lights; G R. R. No. 2, Bl 0 . : Fy Henry, reported to the police on v = ston. Ont. ge . y hanasu Albert Juas. a 1. nytubury, A Neal Kingston Brick Yard Phone 13 6 Sunday the loss of a fine Irish ter- St._Phone 1406, MINERAL RIGHTS, FELDSPAR AND - ' vier. YouxG ney WANTED 10 PREZARE rok convenient to Station, . » t p, »silons on Cana. 1 A Whony bruh Gibwows. S Al MO N dita SERN Plory, 28, San MEDICAL. abi ghtin, RAMS HOUAES, TORN Mr, and re. Robert Foster, Charles: ceive positions immediately upon . $5,000-BRIC HOUS LAR: -- rt -- - ton Lake spent a few days last week graduation and $75 to $90 monihly [STUART M. POLSON, Mag M.D.C.M., and stable, By . Loa h 4 M Patri k Ralph, Mel- to_start. raflway ass to former house surgeon anhattan. S1800--FRAME MOUS 8 Ri the guest of Mrs. Patric alph, Me 3 to destination when Eye, ear, nose, and throat hospital, | §15M0--NEW FRAME OUSH, a ARK 3 : 'ombe. + . Tuition fees moderate. New York. Office, 132 Wellington. land St : or e "Christmas sweets." Gibson's. Relative Food Value of pandi Felgraah "Boho, Citi SUEUR Fyrf fice, oMice BOUL, AME\SEikw, eaumaxcm AmB : fir Dean Starr will speak at the com- . a ane hn. 20, 183 117° rh of pm, p.m. ne Real Estate, 67 Clarence Bt. Good brick house, 6 rooms, and stable, together vencement sxeecisen of Renteew Col CANNED SALMON -- : 'eginte Tostitute on Friday next an 'AL. with 25 lots, well situated, all for $3500. : ate . WANTED GENERAL All ale oh a ian Club; » Mett SNAPP Pr Te |® KINGSTON BUSINESS 0OL~ @ i n vill al '0 address the anadian Club Ne a aning wal I Ruiletin A. E. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, DDS, BE. | # LEGE, Limited. J. K. CARROLL AGENCY he Whig has five postal cards from --ahown the percentage of braim, ROOM, WITH USE OF BATH AND moved to 268 Princess Street Head of Queen Street "8 BROCK ST. JOHN DRIVER. Representative, PHONE 6s | hildren on Colborne: street asking {Jl Siane™s the bereentage building telephone, about four blocks from Renton bn oyries In * + + * Santa Claus, through us, for re- elements in CANNED SALMON as Cereal building. Apply Box 11,|%PARKS AND SPARKS, 158 WEL. ng, Shorthand, Type . . dy » v ' i e > Ing, Banking, Civil Se {ce, nemhiance on Christmas eve. Somupnred Fith other foods. Whig office. . Phiten 3 (over Carnovsky's) oN I, call a aly 5 "Christmas sweets." Gibson's. lola St oy : h---- en! » a A e------ mercial subjects. Ra The Renfrew Collegiate hockey team Sugar Cured Ham, ' GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR DR, ©. C. NASH, DENTIST) DR. T. B te, PI 5 cloth 'and have it made up Into up- nt hone 440. 'H. + 3 > yt Rent as FP A vill take a trip during the Christ- Maearout, . to<date suits, Price and workman- Braet Phor ant. 148° Princom Hinelpal 93 2%. i Fresh Eggs, 1 hip guaranteed to please. Press- FEE EEALP ELS PL EI 4 4 nas vacation and would like to get Spring Chicken, ship gua P | ¢ y .s - lng and repairing done on S. H. SIMPZON, L.D, x - N : | ' Al ES and rames in Belleville and Kineston, Bread, 092 aE and notice. oon Galloway, fat, corner' Ls, Db. ly PEAT i FOR SALE OR TO LET | "Shaving mirrors," at Gibson's. 131 Bibby's | Brock street, near . straets. Entrance on Bagot street ! W. 8. Farle, P. Doidge and H. 8S. Use "CREST" Salmon Gurage --|A SEVEN ROOM FRAME HOU Nicholeon, all Queen's engineers from ARCHITROT. Nem re ci and C. alsotrid ry '. uy HT 3 ny » - + ~ vy - { Po Aon - Vancouver, arrived in the city on CHERS WANTED. WM. NEWLANDS £ Sono E 8 anon | ol Bond, 26 Fromenhe PP Y Boi Sunday morning fo join the local -- nnn tects, ete ..Offices, 268 ' Bagot # | 743. Orps. [QUALIFIED TEACHER, PROTEST- Phone ¢ . * r :8t on the market. Made from the choicest "Chris swaets." Gilson" t . or Se Section No. 16) -------------- | Are the best on the market ade from the choie Christmas sweets." Gibson's, . orice STRiD oF Bonet ni re & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. FINANCIAL. 3 " ap . % "Q This aftérnoon the Woman's Mis- ; alk aod : chants' Bank Builds 4 ) are " a ge as ; 1 ] . 4 & salary, to George Buttesill, ullding, corner | malt and hops ard are not carbonate d. The se beers onary Sodiety of * Queen Street Me. | The New Grocery and Feed Store wi| 108 saRIY. lo] Georg v Brock, and Wellington streets' BR | oven Teas | are a great heéalth-builder and physicians recom- hodist Church is holding its annual ) pe ot recep ay; Dee. 1 would apprec- | ------ | ~~ ment Soctety: Incorporated | : ) n . thristmas event with refreshments at [late ® call from any of our old friends |Q1 ALFIBED TEAL HER FOR §, Ss. No, resident, Colonel Henry | mend them. Put up in kegs and bottles for family [B|ibe close. and nixo any new oues. od poitiomale, Protestant prefer- UPHOLSTERING. 1. Duties t I ith ney saved on PR 1d and . . . : " r : i Respectfully urs, red. Duties to commence Jan, th, D on, unietpat use, and delivered to any part of the city. Order di- aS Uigs, 50 and 100 in boxes, J. A ROY ; 1915. Apply to Archie Campbell, os m Da: an W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. Sevent ures: mor The war prisoners at Stanley bhar- pu 3 pairing and carpet work, and deposits received and nterest -- Mattress renovating. Drop a card lowed. 8. C. MoGHIL, nager, 49 acks, Toront me forty Germans A NEW CERE L QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S. S. NO. or call 216 Bagot street. Clarence street. 3 'acks, loronto, some forty Cermans, y A 9, Kennebec: duties to commence "ave been brouglit to, Kingston and Jan. 3rd, 1815. Apply, stating qus CATERING. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND . ' pr . : Te fcatio " ol te Fire Insurance Company. Bajus Brewery - . - Phone 2 will be interned in the military pri- ' Jhcatl Pema ary gibected, to eet assets $61,187,215. Y, son here, La Xo WE _OATER TO PARTIES, BALLS which the' polie - ---- The soccer game on Saturday. be- r. a nN S . . Wedding breakfasts, banquets, ete security the un mited Habu : ) vs ete ttt eee er i ETERS EEE v \ . . - also rent dishes, table nens ne roperty, twen the men of the right and left A PROTESTANT SRD CLASS TEACH. silverware. and Hombre, Possible rata. Insured : 4 Reid halves of the 21st battalion, resulted er wanted for the Junior depart. . P. Reid, 30 Union Street. F.C old or giving new busin I ---------------------------- site m---- | | ol : ment, Portsmouth 'public school 3 : \ b a winner for the latter team by a oman e Salary $400 per Ry State ex- Bambrodi n't Allred: '8irke rates from Birah 5. & EEE------ TY the request of a large score of 3 to 2. perience, if any. Applications re- | "Shaving mirrors," Gibson's. This is Bot only a medicinal ceren! celved up to the 19th aha? Thos. 1 number of citizens, Ian- Major G. H. Gillespie left, on Mon- [but in tasty as well, It ia delicious ar & F. Sraham, Sec, Portsmouth. MUSIO. PERSONAL y mas ug es ions : day night, for Colborne, where the |®ereal or made in pan-cakes. A -------- pp p---- LL TTT | nounce myself a can- Board of Education is considering the !'Trial nize os 10 cts. BUSINESS NOTIOES. MUSIO AND DRAMATIO INSTRUC and all growths and skin b she 3 R ) did f organization of a cadet corps in the |ReSular size .. »» 28 etn, . I Miss Nopeh 3 aoe permanently, wi ue For Father, Mather, Sister, Bro- | ate for schools, At Your Family G oe JONEPR HUSH, ¢ CEESTAUT ST. He} SE Tolgmanc: toarhonans, BE "wri 10 years expert ence. wi ther or Friend, a Kodak or Comera, | "Hiah.-olna : ie "» ay ua ruee Y. » . a box of Choice Christmas Choc. | High-class sweets for Christmas. FENWICK, HE ¥ & co. & 26! md ke, Eye, Wa ri x A on a tion, plano, violln and all stringes Throat and skin specialist.' olates,'a bottle of French, English Fihgou SW Cris dengan tha or American Perfume, a box Choice Yr a se Sn 8 oe Cigars, a good Hair Brush and | . sSumme! b supplied promptly at reasonable instruments. got street. som prices m-- - - tn -- ry Com engaged in the construction of an THE LATE f. X BAZEAU -- o | ITY ! * . mb, : witomobile road through the Banff . CUNNINGHAM & MNUDIE, BARRI - = rooney to suit the. depth of your : National Park. Li : -- ee Sra ang SoHettons, naw office, 7¢ . i Christmas sweets at Gibson's. TENT AND AWNING MANUFAC. Shar trast 4 Huyler's. TURER DIED SUNDAY. BUSINESS CHANOES. 'S DRUG STORE Page and Shaw's. pe eee N J . . HO : McConkey's. Deceased Was Bors on Wolfe Island | ANYONE ANYWHERE GOAN STARA : . Fine Bright Nut Coa} ran- (and respectfully solicit your Cadbury's. Seventy-Eight Years Ago -- Had| Subvasites py ines as J to La 2 Small . {Be Rowntree. 8 y Bend for free booklet: tells how / n). rge or sm as desired, Opposite ¥. M, ©. A. | votes and influence Try. Lived in Kingston Sixteen Years. Heacock. 2.080 Lockport. Ne / 3 Kingston . - Ont. | ° : Dr. A. M. Bateman arrived yeater- Francis Xavier Bazeau, a promin- . Delivered Shovel in for $7.76 i lay from Washington to spend a [ent citizen of this city, passed away . . d I A----- couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. (3. {at his late residence, 152 Ontario per ton r---- U er dal \. Bateman. He leaves to-night for {street on Sunday morning at 9.45 : " . . x Sec, Clarendon Sta. Ont rect from brewery. a EM Nevada. o'clock. The deceased was seventy- B. & H. Cigs, 50 and 100 in boxes, | eight' years of age, and was born fee ---- libson's. at Wolfe Island. In 1870 he settled Expected opening Saturday, Dee. Phono 320. c's i Several marine men, including John |at Napanee, where he resided until|19th, Office is now open for the sale \ Princess St. | i. Hore, Hamilton, William Mon- {1898. In this year, the deceased of Season Tickets and '.ockers. A SERVICE OUR FRESH GROUND COF- | | Rideau Ward roy, Cardinal, G. 0. Merson,' Toron- [took up residence in the city, and season ticket is the best Christmas ER ANY r RE '0, and Hugh Calderwood, Colling- | had ever since heen a resident of [gift for your boy or girl. PR vc. CANE BE BEaR vood, were in the city on Monday. tae Limestone City. By trade the| Season rates: convinced, | SETTER RETR e Eee "Hudnut's toilet water," $1. Gib. {late Mr. Bazeau was a tent and Lady or Gentleman ; oy ; : 1 J. oli's: awning manufacturer, at which he Children undeér 12 years .. ... 2. { ) EVERYTHING READY FOR THE ; At the Red Cross and Belgian relief | Was considered to be one of the best Family of 2 SR 1 'GEORGE LATURNE\ Bs ai ag a gal ny to be found. 3 He years in son. Family of 3 : WE HAVE PG { under royal patronage, by M. Tivadar [D€Ction with his trade, he carrie VER $300.00 WO H | X AS IR | Nucher, the Hungarian violinist, and [OR 2 grocery business on Ontario 0 | Mrs. I. W. R. Mulloy, of Kingston, a \5treet. For the past year he had tic OF For Rent ! painting done by Princess Patricia [Den in ailing health, It was only atthe "UNIQUE GROCERY was put up at auction and sold for tie past four. weeks, however, that 2 | . Six-room brick dwell- For Alderman $175. © jue was compelled to take to his Boo ks ' AND MEAT MARKET." : - 'hris veet t Gi "a. ing, on Chatham St. near Pa a Shen: ut Gibmon In religion the deceased was a Dy . k= Mole , Roman Catholic, being levoted 0 i PICKERI Driness ar HnpTOve: MeCankey's. melber of £5 Jarvs Cathedral * . ments. Ren a month. ssasa aan T : and of the Hely Na me Society. In t politics hé was a liberal. To mourn now open to the public Consisting of travellers' 490 PRINCESS STRET. . Rowntree's his death threre is a wife and.two d : Phone 530. A stereopticon has been installed in | $008, Francis H., and william Al- 35 Montreal St. samples which we i een Street Methodist Church and bert, both of this city. Two sisters PP ; ill B56 uded by' (he vari jza- [2150 Survive, Mrs. Isaac Jamieson, bought away down and : = toms rein) it organiza Toronto, and Mrs. Daniel Bell, Sault Shatalrs over (Wte's Piano will sell ew ns. $ ' A \ RN. $ " al A % : or social evenings and illustrated ad- | 5'%:, Marie, Mich Come long boys and N S Yu -) y The funeral will be held on Tues: get your hand fh. Ww ' Ar Iressck will be given. G. E. Rey- qo morning at 9.30 o'clock from e have now in stock--V . . E. Rey- Raisin, Sultans nan, M.A. will speak on Germany |yic late residence to St. Mary's Ca- SIMPSON BROS PROPS. Raton, poled Poiaias, Curr v ' : ind Holland, giving views of these thedral, where a solemn requiem : Peels, Dates, Table Fi ng 'wo countries, having travelled | mass will be celebrated by Rev. | . Figs, Prunes, Evap, Peaches. . through them two years ago. Father A. J. Hanley. The remains : q , o Phonographs, A ------ ! : All of the best quality for Xmas umbia and Victor records, Remounts Arrive For Battery. wil be placed fn- St. guary's vault, X onolas, f . | : trade. & rd i 3 EEE -- . | | Ww Odeon ang, Jtnibo records, Bd 3- Twenty-two remounts arrived in the Representatives of Toronto com- i Remember the City cet Cider, 30¢ gal. Hise records, Blue Amberal re- From now until Christ- fty, on Sunday, from Lindsay, s for plained to the Railway Commission 1 4 - ; | Book Store is the place ny" Peas, Tomatoes, 3 cans for mas we remain gpen un fk of ef ie EF nh Yo TS pr fl ogee mrgains. "| 3p pga tian. for the con- ff iuvers seyelniad br Sie Siam ck, rarda. 0 Herent mie | (J |. mox and Prayer Books, we [Montreal & John din venience of those who tan Na oy gv oo The Unite aratouigers. Gifwons. if the latest in large type. R -- ye on ung te [Ed Cr ei SEER | Epa W. J. Morgan, Major W. A, Mitchell | "The most beautiful assortment" of | | : v : ! i Books. Fall A and Capt. €. P. Fee will examine and high-class swebts ever displayed in | Boys on wap y \ take a description of all the horses Kingst y at Gi , G | I R'S that aveive. Four more carloads are Drag Se te at Gibsons Red rom ! on ory all the AR \ J | x; ected this Weck. Joseph E. Thompson, candidate ! : : Sno : Will be pleased to see you. RR for controller, Toronto, condemned | ===" SR rm THE KING ST. JEWELER Legithef Godds. Iodea mile in civic malitics, Doolittle Tofonto, 8 coroman- : brushes." Gibson Dr, ! Something at Blea i d | "Phony bru 's. dant of the motor squadron organiz- Where the Clock ts on the Wan [§ [ 'omeihing dome] Tay el government - {x offer. ed for mobioaibn oF troopt in' the . to the h : or travelling {ing 75.000 acres to Indians who per- city. A So | - " -- n ------ oll all are tobe bad at Best's. Look | fom valorous deeds in the war. "The home of high-e sweols in 131 W MUS generally better to bé a small this 'well bad over Some- Sir Wilfrid Laurier addressed (he Kingston." haat] To Croer in : or. Clusrles and Patrick 5 Success than a big failure. thing sure- Reform Club at Montreal. Store, 3

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