appeals most strongly. Men vith a § railway companies. business, which has been built up un- Why. can't government shipping be der the law, cannot be knocked out | made to pay at the expense of pri- « "Week Of Prayer. of it without some consideration. vate shipping ? A meeting of the Fvangelical Alk- In Saskatchewan the government 3 ance was held Monday morning in las baulked about imiiating Manito- the ig parlors, at which con- ba and promising prohibition for the P b . 3s Sisrable business was transacted. reason that it. would deprive a good u lic inion The committee appointed to inter. : p 8 vige. the press in connection with the . ; See Our $1.50 Sueds many of their = gceupations. They : announcing of , the mid-day sory ices re . : HEN night find better work, more congen- of intercession, reported that. both 3 ; ) wu . inl, and safer for themselves and He Ha ® Yet. papers had inserted the notice at the B 4 Xa ACT ah Gloves. . . amilton Imes. : request « «he Alliance. A hearty eis i others if foreed to do it. There are General Dewet surely lost. his head po i ee bine ou ety ¢ l Aet Ne : See Our $1.00 Mocka many-thousands of than--engaged in | when he rebelled, and he may lose it ; A <7 4 £ 1 management of the two papers for distilleries, breweries, warchouses, | again. their kindness. -- UB ¢ EY UNS : 3 Gloves. wholesale and retail shops, in dis } A Solemn Fact, The committee appointed to make s . SRR : tributing and selling the goods--and Toronto News. 4 o sckeetion of puliuiide; hve for the ~ ) 'See Our $1.50 Dog . : if coins In proportion as we buy = goods {above SErvice repor a hese had 7 , ; " 4 it. would hother some of them if com ed in Canada" we give employ. | been printed for the Alliance by the WEE E Skin Gloves. pelled, on short notice, to look: 'after ment and sustain the whole commer Jackson Press. A hearty vote of - Ca: : some other. kind of service. These are cia! and industrial fabric. thanks was likewise passed to Mr. » g J vr worthy of consideration] and so are mp Jackson, In view of the fact of the ro sy See Our $2.00 Pur the thousands who lose control of Just Where It Is. services having been discontinued the A % : ; Alda London Advertiser . secretary was instructed to hand over - i lined Gloves. themselves, and, through their intem- The troops in the trenches of Flan: | (}0 hymn cards to the secretary of $ perate habits, = bury themselves an. | ders assured. King George that they | the military Y.M.C.A. for the use of i See Our $1.50 Buck- unally in premature graves. The gov- | would fight to the last ditch. \ Phat | the soldiers. Lap : rtlment must in jubtice study both | Nill be somewhere in the suburbs of | gy, committee appointed to look - Ee EEE : reeset SKIN Gloves. ides of ti a Berlin. into the matter of holding service sides of the question. for the patients at the Oliver Mowat Hears Reports And Arranges Foy Prraneans ems: Object Lesson. as E : ject lessor Memorial Hospital reported. The A Jit See Our $1.00 Angora ir on ATR TEST FOR.A MINISTER, An. aviator. looped | the loop over , liffieulty of . transportation on Sun Ly Our store is a Christmas store r, delivered in ¥ ine : < year, de city . 3 The Financial Post is not--or is not | Antwerp to anger the Germans. This! 92 Made it seom inadvisable to ® year, If pald in advance : ; Wool Glove. 2 i n ! 4 } Jo 4 erin hold Sunday service and that as now, full of gifts suitable for a ma Xiah r, by mall to rural o 80 | supposed to be--a political organ, ['i the first time such a feat has been { tito = Win ow pier -- : : a ) i Cc a8 3 used to exhibit contempt | ladies: are going put on - or a boy S ristmas. ere ee ur 1 ry oar. to United States ... "7 |ver, in dealing with the stringency of | ht alternate Mondavs it was recommend IRE i gency i . ft nd three months pro Fain. 8 3 -- ee n would you be more apt to find a gi wif I: Weekiy Kdifion) oo | the times, and the sufferings of In. A Fair Exchange. ted that the clergy co-operate with . : 9 Wool Gloves. Oe Tear: 17 noe aad sdviacs. HA bour, it sounds a distinctly political [ | NAO one's ue J Tile way acompted and a ("Yao appropriate for him than here? Ome year, United States 1. ote. onle wi Ta t 1s suggested that Torontuv's un i "edule of 'speakers drawn up. Ne al? To Pr. ws ind" chres months sro rete. I k plows with he Depattment employed be voted £100,000. hey are | Te ite on chureh. collection A ps gg 0 > See Our $2.75 Fur Of Labour in the federa government, | willing to give in return more than for the Belgian relief fund reported - . : srarohed 1s one ot the best job under the former government and un- | X100,000 in productive work. Here is i that envelopes had been supplied the #7 NECKWEAR ELEGANCE lined Mocka Gloves. } ads. der "the Present, and in a way which | ® chance for someone to rise nbove different churches and in many eases ' 7 E h le f c bo TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE ul FORTE . ' .the helplessness that is unable to lot | amounts had been sent in to the 4 EE sia ac alr in ian X. "om Sma) co 2, Church | 18 Shibey xe Ty desi bias > the ad- them do so. honorary treasurer of the fund hn. Xl 7 Each Tie in a pretty box i P y h RESENT. minis i f p ., . The tte . ss fr 3 3 4 Sow York Office ... jas Fifth Ave. ora nd added i at Non Consolatory. he fomgitice on Fhe Sondition of Ue 4} See Our 50c flowing end ties m! Frank R. No affairs among the prisoners at Fort » Manager. : . ont Tribune Bldg a ¢ . hic, a Montreal Gazette Henry gave a satisfactory repo ET new Persian designs. d ® ak R. Northrus. Manager. Neves WAS 0 lar ms ; the Whig San " W. Robinson, a former premier rorfitioe : a sHsAsOry ¥ Pe no gr Ti NEW SHIRTS SA er ---- Temes | understand, a vote-making Institution. | i the provinee, has been elected lead- learn them. Religious © work is ba See Our 50c Tublar es e ANXIOUS FOR A THUCE. Nor was it used, as the Post inti- | er of the liberal party in New Bruns- ng 'done | or of the sig ok-on Knots Mates, for the purpose of advertising | wick. Mr. Robinson when he was 5,000 bY a number of the staff ih Ge See Our 50c Ho The kaiser intimates that he js of Queen's University. 5 B heed of oi F beloce Lake tte 7 5 3 i ie See Our '$1.00 chalk- ready 16 act on the Pope's' sugges the feats or accomplishments of the head of his' party before inherited 84 Plans for the week of praver were -- pr ie See Our 50c Knitted T es : via § department. What jt did, at any lot of Joule. Hom his predeceasors. | gisenssed and the matter of arrang- 8 See Our 25¢ Knitted Ties line patterns. tion and have a Christmas truce, t i fudal . bli aud fered Sejent. His chauers fon ing details was left in the hands . of oa». ; % othe allivars a: Ime, under any minister, in a public { would be slim but for the lact that of the. Gv Ve tego «i : ( ff - o - i i # the Kho ie Higavents oe willing. { way, was of course known, and com. | the men who triumphed over him for- of 2 ; ey committee with the be 3 4 = See Our 75¢c Ties, large English See Our $1.50 Mush- e recalls the kaiser's, promise to ' don © ; 3 Py y . C OSs got the lessons of their own success rof. J. W. McIntosh | It the ress ; A HIRD) in and de- . enter into a permanent truce or |""Mted the press, sometimes and helped to build a platiorm jor "Pd F. G. Lockett. 5% squares, swell colori gs room pleated shirts agreement for peace, "but," said the | |4VOUrably, sometimes unfavourakty, signs. - ' their opponents. In fancy box, both for Suitcases™ j oe al: RED CROSS EXHIBIT late W. T. Stead, "he immediately de- B his 15 only a side Toi Soc / mauve, grey, blue and cided to increase the army by many the Post is concerned most deeply . ' Of" Work Done For the Canadian Ex. ' thousands of men." He would pro- | just now about the work of Hon. Kingston Events Fic beditionary. Forces. : SEE OUR $4.50 GARTERS AND ARM. green. bably, in this instance, take advan- Nr. Crothers. It lauds his merits as | The Red Cross exhibit in the City ) h i Uomndssioner, his 0. no ah tose "the "splendid work that t i i a foe days, to bring up his armies Bl ee Wt wits f foes as i yere citizens and farmers a white soft bosom shirt. and big guns s 8 to be in a bet- ® OL oY > es 3 athi ' ho 5 cts 15 being done by the people the i ( ter Po we on hon Rostili nto a criticism of his inactivity at a E. ¥. Rathbun has Noufied tie city city hn . ! Rich grey, Teds ah 50 See Our $1.50 genteel $ivs 'were resumed. A truce would be | '™M¢ hen labour conditions are most bonus of $75,000 for the Napanee and pplive ed comiorts for the browns, soft cozy fabrics auc. P. K. shirts, plain white. yor. insistent. of attention. Our contem- | Tamworth railway. 30. diers overgeas, : & godsend to the Germans: at the | 104s n #0 : o 1:1. Bath has d od 4 Ba Bost G rters in fanc . 'Ors AVS . 4 The elect flicers p » fire ,'#th has donated a large number re ---- o-------------- oston a » 1 y Present time, and the kaiser is very It wary says Mr. Crothers must know ie election of officers for the fie i pajama ous ] iy ee aoe w 3 jo} | emmon, foreman; W. T. Bur . And Liginburg, Collins Bgy, Sharbot . JU, ---- ith bad effects on labour. He knows, A Ions gy ober C. | Lake, Wolfe Island, St. Lawrence NECK SCARFS ? COMPLETED THE WORK. (rom the announcements of Six George | Crane, sick steward. post office (Wolfe Island) and Harrow- . : S ats he wor Each in fancy box ouse Lo lands, bas gone a long way towards | of £2,400,000,000 are needed: to re Y-M.C.A. on '" irculation of Blodd." of York, a part of x kieh Yas on ex- S y K itt d silk DENT'S ENGLISH Fancy Vests iy { : i ' : ------------ | hibition, » ZOO! ese i finishing the war, as far as the sea {place the manufactures which Ger- "Belginm." places have been made from materials ee our nitie German fleet, in the previous meeting sumes that Mr. Crofhers should get lief fund come these verses with this The difierent church societies and fringe ends, for $1.00. S ¢ ses 5 alc en's Hiod C Booty: have . + J with the British ships of Chili, had | busy, that he should consult with | comment: "These verses are meant alse Prova lind & RE Liety ave No better assortment Club Bags and 'lemonstrated the power of the Ger- [Cons leaders, and determine what | 10 appeal to sluggish pocketbooks, | . a oi Tad of men's gloves to be Trunks " d ¥ 0 - 08 areie ihn Underwear : that any editor who believes that tno di ul supplies are splendidly - mule | . had anywhere . in Can- | ibad been able to account for ade The Post calls attention to the de- verses will pry loose a few dollarg "4 the ladies were highly Somp 1: Suspenders in fancy "yuately. The Mommouth and Good | mands of labour for millions of dol. | will print them, without reference to ted Dy & number of doctors' who box, 50¢ ada Full Dress Suits f + J : ; ere present, ' ' ud Hope were ns good as the Scharn: (%ars in order to provide émployment | he Jaws of the Brahmius of his pro- : ut tage of the cessation of warfare for | * J4¥¥er, his work as a School Book | | Twenty-Five Years Ago |] lini on Saturday was a great..suc. | 11 BATH ROBES BAND SETS See Our $1.00 plain that he has drawn on it for the and county in preparing medi- anxious for it. that many factories are dosed down, department resulted as follows: of pajama jackets for hospital use, Pyjamas, $1.00, $1.25 The naval dael, off the Falkland Is- | Foster, that manufactures to the value | Dr: W. G. Anglin, lectured at the smith have also done a great deal is concerned.! The success of the {many can no longer supply, and it as From the New York Belgium re.' 'UPPhied by the local society. scarfs, large size. silk GLOVES "an cralt. Two of the best British a large number of ladies in 'the city, Suspenders in fancy of any man or newspaper, It is hoped ww Cauada con do to provide trade and | LPeY dre 6t for the use or behoof lhe woollen goods and also the me box, 25¢ ships had been sunk, but how no one | labour, gr Th a, Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, Mrs. J. B. 3 f : ts horst and Gueisenau, but for some j and a living for thousands of men fession, fe arruthers, Mrs. Garrott and Mrs. J Silk suspenders in See Our $1.00 Kid Sweater Coa reason were nol handled as well, | Me. Crothers should, therefore, in the The %! fancy box, 75¢. Gloves. Hosiery ( Jl serve re . : word went forth from Prugsiy Ser tea to the visitor Something went w rong ith Admiral pinion of the Post, "tell tl Minis "We do what war requires Cradock's ship early in the fight, and | ters of Trade and Agriculture that he | Before the hosts of Russia | it and all hauds aboard of it per- | hus a number of men and women for feud ihe slow English shires From Fort Henry -- To Be Sent to i ¥. : n al move, our conquering masse { Hearst, Ont ished. " {Whom he needs employment and these Shall smite the heart of France, ' i There has been a balancing of the | ministers, It they are managing their | Our host through Belgium passes: | About a hundred £2 Joreigners account in the disposition of the | departments properly and with the Way for the Prussian lance, {ho are eened rg om enry Wed IG | Ye ; 2 2 be moved either on Tuesday or We five ships that constituted the Ger- | one rmous demand for Canadian goody { nesday to Hear kur ; WA wr in x nes rarst, Ont., where they man fleet, that had assumed to wen bin ight, should advise him where Wi would not harm you, Belgium, | ull vi il to wa ke : ) th : # a . ) Fora : Our neighbor and our friend; Si t TK on the new ace the Southern Pacific aud had al | they are wanted. [his would be But when war comes ADF us (roads and bridges that are being a ready done considerable mischief. They | rel departmental efficiency." The We go straight to our end. {constructed in New Duturie. A eatip have all gone to the bottom, having, "0:0 sls a {esi w hich wll try the Our way lies through your cities, + bons, Daing Dude =a he ike wilt ! whea hopelessly' on the defensive, re- | Minister of Labour And it remains | Your well-tilled fields beside: oy : ¥ - ' a ir. abe nla " . ; > y X : Woe to the ill-starrec tral quartered there. "A number are also A fused to surrender. All of the men ' for him to show how far he will prov | Werta ii ToS ne hie \wing sent irom Montreal and the e ur me nnouncemen who composed their crews did not go ~jual to the emergency. * : Montreal guard will likely be kept at | - . down with them, however. 'The Bri- | Then up spoke little Belgium, that camp permancntly. . " corn As T have decided to vacate my tish ships rendered aid to them as! EDITORIAL NUT) Ss, Dutnumbered ten to one; | PI NISHMENT OF REBELS ( ne 0 i Pe aL present premises in the early spring far as possible and rescued many.' Germany is gradually, but slowly n! the Faith of all the nations, : pl . we i 1 of 1015, T am now prepared to make VE Sine mo wo baton" | ade To Renin Ful Gravity of | Ee pa emt Sh he empire, It stands |is not right. The Bernardi philoso 0. anv Offense. | ave. in stock, t . an honour to the emp To any in this fight, | { : : tention of purchasing it would be to oul in strong contrast with the !phy is not the philosophy of ~ the ! Your way lies further southward, lohannesburg, Dec 14 It ) is | : > - your advantage to buy wow. abandonment of the British who lost | hour. Your threatenimgs despite." emizofficially stated that the gov : Chili flict The result | ------------ ernment does not intend to go to e 2 ' SE in the a in Sam il oc" : lhe Second Contingen! will pro- | And Belgium, little Belgium, extremes In the policy of lieniency urniture in . . in the Southern Pacific is due 0 Upon her faith stood fast: th the leaders of the late Boer | | bab! rave Cdnada towards the end ' 3 : . FE ! three things: Faster boats, better | 78! y leave W a iy Ee 9 {She murmured not nor wavered rebellion, including General Dewet | Ea 3 E Cor. Princess and Clergy Streets equipped boats, and better gunnery | © -'anvary. Who will command AL: Before the coming blast afd Lieut.-Col, Maritz, but that they i ! Pe Phone, 1417, 1 : of the British. Admiral | v0 ral Lessard has been named. The Without a doubt or tremor | will be made to realize the full <3 a he British. i ; % 3 ' or y of their nee on Sh art o leted the task that |*PPointment lies with the war office. She barred the Prussian's wav, sravity of their offence. Sturdee has comple he tas was assigned to him most gallantly, ed MORE FOREIGNERS GOING This is an act distinetly British, and end painfully, realizing that might | i. inn Where are her old, famed cities, Sg re i i | The, United States leads with a de: Her fruitful farms to-day? Kaiser Must Undergo Operation. and can pow return to the North | fieit in five months of 271,000,000, . Geneva, Switzerland, Dec. 14. A re i \ { BRIGHT XMAS LIGHTS Sea to help in the round-up and des- |}, government says this is due "Mo i W here pre. er best and Braves: ? ort i i toned rom, Bertin i Muve ween wir Snnhlightet : . 3 V ik, a re +€ 8S B § reply, lerday i . reror mm must | 4 \ Rd \ Aruction of 'the rest of the Lerman | the war. 'The republicans say 1t 3s | where are her babes and mothers? undergo an gperation of the throat he ent mi ane. seeing fleet when it emerges from the Kiel | to a defective tariff, and too | _ Their turn has come'to die, { when he has sufiiciently recovered . city. harbour, * | many free imports: "The war does uot | Their husbands and their fathors i from 'his present illness, which is not [1 bagiees $530. Best bulbs, best Sol Ruta tahun : hip 'the politicians. Have paid the last great price: considered serious, . | ~ : We have flashlights for the IDEAL LOCAL CONDITIONS, | : Their country is a resort, The doctors, however, consider it in- | > | burn And girls. Fiashlights for : : : " : v is: & TR 3 is . ¢ hi & ' \ o } 4 service for men and wom Manitoba's action on the liquor | Tcromto University, through its Lord, will not this suffice? advisable ioe his majesty to i jo i | Awd the Delco Lamp ore . : i he fri OF Seven seks, @ el \ Jal Question continues to be the surprise | various societies, has cancelled all x p § 4 ershody. This lamp takes a No. ie ; The bitter cry of Belgium vroliably will spend Christmas at rnd f ordinary. dry .eell and burns for of the year. The government, which es during the winter. Trinity > - aided the liquor trade to the utmost | oye has gome one better, it is Dies out upon our shore, home, . : i Sh (+. A ; hours aud only why He Deep sympathy we give her,' | Crown Prince F rederick William, the f 5 } ? : extent, is mow posing as a tempor to, "apd called off all functions of What can we give her more? Fepal ftom phe capital says, has ar- i i T ioth , 5 py : Fit n Berlin. ance party. .The premier and his |. kind." The societies of Queens | Her fame is surely founded; ive an Sn i : What would she have but fan p? | ---- colleagues are apostles of righteous: had better take notice. Lone on Sule he J ae but fame i F Shortage In Germany. ness, The bars and clubs are to ood rma : at 3h To the glory of her name. | Paris, Dee. 14.-M. Jean lo Jeaux, be closed at 7 p.m. each day while Britain will buy Tess abroad as | the political economist, predicts that the soldiers are in Winnipeg, and lat- jun as she can Mstufgstuce mote at SHidren of Dations yet Unborn i by the end of Jmunry aun wi Soon Recess. isla- (hows, She is acting on the advice Hl marvel when they hear begin seriqusly 'to feel the effect o ls a 2s the ary gio ber public men have been urging on | How little Belgium steadfastly i the blockade. tion can be passed, the Proviace ia to ; loni To. thine own self be Embraced the Prussian spear; Six thousand big steamships, mak- b : . i accept or emforce prohibition. the v0 En . E us And when far down the ages ing twenty voyages each atmuglly, 0 t. J. Reid, ideal condition would the soon- | true. Get busy. Employ your men Heroic decds betide, - are necessary to. provide Germany 1 The to if Sir Rodmond Rob- {sd turn out the goods. Men still will tell with bated breath | with foodstufis, combustible ahd raw | The Leading Uidoetaker and Furuk er . of 'the . : my ---- How little Belgium died. { materials. Within six weeks M. leo * ' o lin pursued the plan ol 3 pro The Toronto News is mortified be. feaux estimates, she will have ox- | 250 Princess St. Telephowe 573 vince of Quebec for making the trans- couse the London Morning Post fa. | And what of the great nation, hausted the supplies on hand before | = ition (in the Shstotms of the people. | yours separate navies under the eolo- Whprarked bY SHeadly ay | the .war. How To Hold On. vepecial ,» which was passed a | . 3 Ki i k WTI oronto PW Sonservative). By. a l act, » i dita 171 The News says Sir. Robert Hug close their well-earned ease" | anadian Aviation Corps Abandoned | T wr Ter Native Nocti fysar ago, there" can "Ae "| Bordon consulted the admiralty before | Shall her fame, linked with Belgium's Salisbury, Eng., Dec. 14.--1t is with fairly plain speech that Sir "reduction 'in the number of licenses, {the war and it favoured concentra Be; "Her people had no bread -ohahle that the organization of a | Janes Whitney was the . strength, of y adic : i os : 5 itney g to the Siminishing poidt, seq the ition. Suppose he consults it after T9. "hare. foe tum he iss Canadian aviation <orps will he the ¥hituey government. The Jesu councils and betors can have wo i, Me ak irals : J ¢ | svanaoned. ebtain auney and | for the existing cabinet must se, for t pi the war. Men, even 'admirals, learn dead? |! ieutenants Farr and Shayre may present, until some other personality compunction of conscience about it. a be transferred to the royal flying | has developed and tore hold of th - The wason is that the province has At Peterbore', over $50,000 has corps. a y yg ation of a People, hg the ovided for the compensation of the | The American press is warning Pre- | heen subscribed = for 'the * patriotic provided pe be cr 4 government, must establish Stwelf, ani license holders to the extent of $5,- !sident Wilson to keep out of gov- | funds as a result of 'the three days' Immigration into Canada fell off : ean only establish itself, as Sis 000 fach. In Manitobs the wet | crament ownership so dar is nthe | Campaign. i fifty per cent., as compared with last James Whitney himseli did, by the - x s + % by hip line is concerned. But the The Canadian Bar association, re- year, the decrease béing chiefly in adoption . of forward ies, by would quickly disappear it a yJeamship Lins is con . cently organized, will apply for in- laboring classes, ' striking out in new directions and scale of compensation wore president is optimistic. The parcels Sorporation by act of parliament next When a man Das. ove. to send it ing the : hr from experience. i ---- ' : ishes of 'the 1 To the Whig this view 'post has been made to pay at the ion. {is time to plant Sons 3 wi hoe Poop ww '