Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Dec 1914, p. 3

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NEURALGIA SETTLED IN HER LUNGS No Relief From The Pain Until * $he Took * Fruit-a-tives " CavrigriLvinLy, ONT, Mav sth, 1913, onl ra Tak too highly of a cing untold set! m and I took patties of nec ." The told me I get better but * Frait.e- od that The § was 'wrong ving me relief and Gnally ny completely curing me, not have my present health ' Fruit-a-tives" an Cai Spportunity of iving suc! did Temedy as is ipabout such a splendi M=zs. NATHAN DUNN. oc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢, At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited pri EUROPEAN AGENCY Wholesale Indents Jomptly execut- ed at lowest cash prices for all Brit- Ish and Continental Boods, including | Books and Stationery, { Boots, Shoes and Leather, Chemicals and Druggists' Sundries, China, Earthenware and Glass . Ware, Oycles, Motor Cars ana Accessor- les. Drapery, Millinery and Fancy Goods and Perfumery, Hardware, Machinery and Metals, | Jewellery, Plate and Watches, Photographic and Optical Goods, Provisions and Oilmen's Stores, Commis 2 to . Trade Discounts a. Special Quotations on Demand. Sample Cases from $50 upwards, of Produce Sold on Account. WILLIAM WILSON & SONS (Established 1814), 28, Abchurcy, Lane, London, E.O. Cable Address: "Annuaire London." ff xmas PERFUMES i Never have we had such a if fine display of high class peér- %, ranging in price from f§ i} 25 cents to $5.00, . Perfumizers Something new this year for I if spraying perfume. Be sure and Ji i} see them, Handsome and inex- pensive. Toilet Waters All the better makes from 50 cents up. ! they found out they drew housewife, . holdall, br ARMOURIES, Veterans to Give ment On the 21st, Rev. W, E, Kidd, chaplain of 2lst battalion, preached. his first ser- mon as chaplain 10 the soldiers of the battalion in the armouries on Sunday afternoon. The chaplain 'impressed his audience as being a very earoest and forceful speaker and admirably fitted. for the position he has taken. His voice has. splendid carrying pow- ers, and he could be 'clearly heard throughout the armouries. He chose n8 his text Acts xvii, 6: "Ang when Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, "These that have turned the whole world upside ddwn are ¢ me hither also.' " He stated that if, as chaplain of the 21st, it was in- his power to help the men spiritually he would be amply repaid for his work. A letter received from a member of the R.C.H.A. at Salisbury Plain gives the impression that the men will nev- er used on the front. The situa- tion seems to be to the writer that the reserves on Salisbury Plain will never be used and that the men will return to Canada in the spring, The writer mentioned February, The executive of the Kingston Vei erans' Asséciation has decided to hold an entertainment in Ontario Hall on Monday, December 21st, for the sol- diers. An extensive programme is-be ing arranged. The clothing and necessaries that will be supplied to every soldier who sails overseas with the second Cana- dian expeditionary force is as follows: I'air ankle boots, drab orage cap; drab jacket, pair drab puttees, service shirt, pair of canvas shoes, Balaclava cap, pair woollen gloves and sweater jacket. Mounted men are also is- sued with cloak, pair of drab panta loons and pair of service pantaloons. JDismounted men are also 1ssued with great coats; pair of drab trousers and pair of service trousers, The list of necessaries issued is as follows : T'wo pairs bootlaces,. one pair braces, hair brush, shaving brash, clothes brush, hair comb, two, pairs woollen drawers, table fork, Aasp knife, table razar, two grey flan- woollen undershirts, table spoon and two kuife, lanyards, nel shirts, two two pairs socks, hand towels, Reeve Bromley, Pembroke, . has made a practical gift to Pembroke's' soldier boys at Kingston. All of them have been given waterproof match cases, each one with the mane of the recipient and Pembroke, Outario, engraved on the end, so that besides keeping the matches dry in all kinds of weather and un- der -all conditions they will serve as 4 means of identification on the battlefield. The boxes are a new contrivance and are much apprecia- ted. After the service in the armourivs Do your Christmas shopping "The Camera Shop." At Best's || | OPEN NIGHTS Sunday Hours, 1.30 to 5, 0.30 to 9» Discount TILL XMAS ON Suits and Overcoats pda (4 FOR MEN AND BOYS The mild weather of the last two months has left us with too many overcoats, so we have | decided to clear them out and that right now, CHRISTMAS SHOP- PING MADE EASY Give him a practical sent, a suif or a coat. t 20% discount. | examinations | non-permanent militia ¢ | "eng service on Sunday afternoon the 21st bat- talion took a short route march, in command of Major C. C. Bennett, through the streets, before to their quarters. -- a Urquhart, of Toronto, the Army Service Corps recently) held in that place, and has heen gazetted to the Kingston branch. Lieut. T. C. has passed The Army Service Corps is rvecruit- ing up to full strength of 106 men. At present the corps is thirty strong. The recruits are coming in rapidly. Orders have been issued to recruit sixty-five more men for the Army Ser- vice Corps in Toronto and Montreal The R.S.A. course will finish on Saturday. Applications are already being received to take the course that commences on January 4th. ter gave a short service in the On tario Hail to the soldiers. Io chose as his text, "I will return and go unto my father." It is announced that officers of the: alled upon for service in Canada will receive from the government, after they have been on duty at least three months, an al- lowance of $100 toward the cost of uniforms and equipment. When any of these officers is selected for over he "will receive an addi tional $350. ' On Monday. night Queen's Glee Club is giving its Ynitial programme for the season to the soldiers in Ontario Hall. There are a hundred voices in the club. ------------ IMPORTANT CHANGES In The Canadian Pacific Train Ser. vice. The attention of the public is respectfully direc Sifroved train service yi tario' Shore Line, with Toronto mencing 'to-d trains ie Wit be , rt ourg, Trenton and Bellevillé, instead of Peterboro, Havelock, Tweed and Sh re. Eastbound--Train No. 20, "The Canadian" {leaving Toronto * 9.00 a.m., daily, arriving Montreal 6.10 s Train No. 32, ""The "Wolver- ine" leaving Toronto 11.40 p.m. daily ThE Montreal 3.33 rE Vestbound---Train N , "The rine ing Montreal 8.45 aitiving" to 540 pm. ving Montreal 10.00 p. Comoe Pec. 14th, Train N . 'Com ng Dec. } rain No. a8 Sore 8.05 am: and tradn $ travelling ted to the a "Lake in eonnection Montreal route. Com- ay, the following fast ted via wa, «® Ne. 3; §.50 "will run onl THE SUNDAY SERVICE IN THE Rev. W. E. Kidd Officiated -- The An Entertain. thie returning | On Sunday evening Rev. John Webs. | nfon," lea- B: .atriving To Sth, ' Mrs. Gage, Utica, 7 Balaclava caps; Miss Gage, Utica, 12 "pairs wristlets; Mrs. H.- Farrell, Utiea, 4 knitted cholera bands. Miss K., Drionen, wool; Miss Glyadon, wool; Mrs. C. M. Harris, {Marmora), 1 pair socks; Miss K. *isp, 1'pair wristlets. Per Rev. T. Leach, Trinity Church Wolfe Island, Mrs. William Watts, Mrs. Horn, 2 pair socks; Mrs. Mor- gen, 3 pair socks. Miss Daly, Miss Porteous, 5 house- wives; Mrs, F. Macnee, 1 scarf: Mis. MacGillivray, 1 cap. Mrs. A. Tait and Mrs. D. J. Ran- kin, Collins Bay, 2 pillows, 4 cov. €18, 1 pair blankets; Cataraqui, 1 scarf; Mrs, Melntosh, 2 pairs socks; Mrs. John. Haney, (Joyceville), 2 prirs socks; Mrs. William Brown, (Pittsburg), 2 pairs socks, Hospital nightshirts -- Drury, 1; Misg Wilton, 6; Carter, 2; Miss Bailie, 1: ers, 2: Mrs, Snelling, 3. Knitted Cholera Bands-- Miss Milton, 2; Miss G. Barclay, Mrs. flanks, Mrs. Devlin, Miss Peters, Miss Mair, Mrs. Bates, Mrs. Perriau, Mrs. J. Johnson, Miss I. Weir, each 1 ALLIES ADVANCE IN BELGIUM, BUT LOSE HEAVILY, German Tosses Were Three Times as Great -- One German Regiment FlanRed and Wiped Out, Panis, Dec. 14.--The most desper- ate fighting of the month on the ex- treme western line of the hattle- front was resumed to-day in the re- gion from Ypres, through Armen- tieres and Labassee. The Germans have met the attacks of the French and British in this | region with a vigorous counter-of- | ous oo "which has resulted in fx ir ely bloody, hand-to-hand hgat-{ ing The allies have slowly advaii-| =u their ¥nes, trench by trou.h but it is admitted their losses have been heavy. The German losses, however, are three to one greater than those of the allies. In charge alone, along the La- { bassee canal, an entire German re- siment is declared to have been ractically wiped out after it had taken a French trench. The French, aided by. the Bnglish territorials, succeeded in flanking the Germans, few of whom escaped, Miss G. Miss D Miss Pet- Clarendon--Mrs, M. M. Appleby, 2 cape; Miss Edith Appleby, 1 pai~ wristlets; Miss Maggie Campbell, 2 pairg bed socks; Mrs. John Glenn, pair socks; Miss Myrtle Lishman, 1 ! scarf; Mrs. Harry Larmon, 2 pairs mitts, 1 pair socks; Mrs. Thomas Kirkham, 2 pairs mitts; Miss Kats Glenn, 1 pair wristlets; Mrs. J. Camp Lell, 1 cap, 1 pair socks. Work done for the society : Army shirts--Mrs. J. Saunders, 2: Mrs. Ranous Miss Wilton, 6; Miss Bailie, 1. 5 Flannel bands--Mrs, Belton, 7; Miss I. Cunningham, 12; Mrs, Glover, 12. Miss Dix, 7; Miss Richmond, 18; Mrs, W. G. Craig, 1. Knitted scarfs--Mrs. Ramsay, 2; Mrs. Dyde, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Gleeson, Mrs. Wray, Mrs. Greaves, Mrs. Mar tin, Miss E. Martin," Miss Ramsay, Mrs. Iva Martin, Mrs. N. Fraser, Miss Oberndorfier, Miss Sawyer, M; J. Sawyer, Miss Kerr, Miss son, each 1. Balaclava caps--Miss M. Miss Draper, a POIACE IN THE DARK. -- To the Whitby. Whitby, Dec, 14-- Although days have elapsed since ths mur- der of William Stone, night opera- tor at the G.T.R., gtition at Whithy Junction, neither the local nor the provincial police are any nearer to the solution of the mystery The theory that robbery may have been the motive for the crime hag heer abandoned absolutely. If he had had any scuffle with any person mined to roh the office it doc no: | seem reasonable that after he liad | been shot he would have called the police and the Belléville oper: then turned out the lights. again the money would have casily obtainable, The reputation that Sione gained as a fearless tighter would not allow any person to loung about the station, may provide the] key to the mystery. The only theory which seems at all feasible is thai | 'ome person. who bore him a grudge, | came to the station with the deliber ate intention of evening hi: with Stone. With Regard Murder at four y = tor and Then bean | ! had Gib- Murray, 3; Mrs, Martin, Miss Drum- mond, Mrs. E. Young, Mrs. Rogers, Miss Burke, Miss Tandy, each 1, Nocks--Miss Hysop, Mrs. Brebner and { Miss Wilton, each two pairs; */ Miss Warrington, Cataraqui, Mrs. Max- well, Miss Peters, Mrs. William Reid, A Brebner, Mrs. G. Ritchie, Mrs Hunter, each one pair. Wristlets-----St. James' chureh, two {pairs, Miss Crisp, one pair; Mrs llammons, one pair; Miss M. Murray, three pairs; _ Miss Warrington, one pair; Miss Burns, five pairs; Mrs. Hub | bell, one pair; Miss Baird, one pair; | Untaraqui, thirteen pairs; Mrs. k { Young, Mrs. Rogers, "Miss A. {and have . valtied™the efforts fyer, Mrs. Tandy, each dhe pair. [forth in their behalf is shown | Harrowsmith, per. Miss F. Stewart Fig engrossed address s5COr¢ Js. MODEL SCHOOL CLOSING. A Presentation Made to Principal W. | F. Inman, lhe Kingston Model school clised on Friday after' a strenuou veek of examinations. [hat the students have enjoved the A ROSKION session put in a which princi Saw *) army shirtdy, 24 "nightshirts, 42 |{}ey presented to the gemal 1'airs socks, 18 knitted cholera bands, pal, W. P. Inman. The address was rs wristlets, accompanied by another tangible Lawrence Aid, Wolfe Island, proof of their appreciation in the { Mrs. Dier, president--6 army shirts, 10 forrg of a handsome silver tea ser pairs socks, vice, Collins Bay, per Mrs, Clark--id flan I'he address stated' that the stu nel bands. dents would bear away with them the recollection of a master just, fair riinded and devoted, affectionately en- <hrined in their memories. It spoke of his high example, aod equable, considerate, well-ordered personal onduet in manner and deed, which had impressed them deeply. Under Mr. Inman's rule they always felt that he had their best interests | heart, | 17 pai St. LIEUT. HUGH M. INCE 2 t. Fan R. M. C. Graduate Writes Of Work at Front. James Ince, Toronto, has receiv- {cd a letter from his son, Hugh Me- [¢ arthy Ince, only "randson of the | lite Dalton McCarthy, and a first {l'eutenant with brevet rank the { ftoyal Feld Artillery, now the 'ont, attached, however, to the Roy- | Horse Artillery. This letter was | begun 'at the British buse at Havre France, on the 10th of November, in at a MUCH HEAVIER VOTE CAST. Total Is 3535 More In Recent Dundas | Contest, hd finished. trom some peint on 'i Winchester, Dec. 14--The official | battle line on the 16th. It tells Vie figures in the recent Dundas bye-el- roy JL tx rapid rise tn the Bri} Go 08 Th1e provincial legislature tish army Ir MM 3 you raduate | ooo the majority of the conserva- fof the Royal Militury Lk five candidate, Trwin Hilliard, KC. Ieton, on a iy to bin nd in Jane] to a lieutenant in Royal Horse Artil- 1lery at the wita the allied ar 8 in November Lieutenant Ince in a ) 2 'anadian of t 3 w Year 2 : = oung Canadian of Yenty-two yea ,|fizgwres is that the total vote is 355 { weighing 159 nds without us | | | | { ) clothes, and measuring 6 feet 1 3.4 |igher than that polled in the imi \ { } | | ! | lof Morrisburg, as sixty-two he poll- 'ing 2,084 votes, while the liberal candidate, John Alexander Campbell Ormond, obtained 2,022, | The significant feature front stalwart in these | i i general election, 29th June last, and { "hes ght He graduated | y ' | neh PT height, uno graf an increase of 549 over the total vote from R. M, ast | 19 to England. When war : 3] Ye { © offered his services and was DYe-€ | tied a second leutenant with bre | Wy rank. He was stationed at first went broke out | the | most in general election of unusual thing for a a gaz tion. German Press Displeased, Hague, vie London, Dec, 14- ierman newspapers which have just | at Aldershot with the Royal Fiel | Artillery. Later he was | Bordon and helped 106 train two bat-|( i 4 j tories for Kitchener's second arn | been received here'/show that the | tle was made full second lienten German press, althbugh prohibited | i was sent about the 10th of N« | letly from criticizing any acts of | vember to Havre, France, with thelthe government during the war, i | | Horse Artillery as a brevet first much displeased by the sudden | | lieutenant, but it is not known change in the leadership of thie Ger-| whether he is to be permanently {man military forces. They state that | { {ransferred to the Horse Artillery | Count Von Moltke has been "polite- (Cr not. The Horse Artillery is dis- |] sidetracked" as chief of the gen-! i linguished from the Field Artillery eral staff, and that supreme com | in that the men are all mounted, mand has been given to 'a war min- {and they are attached to cavalry. ister," whose behaviour towards the | { Hugh Ince is with "F" battery, of Reichestag in the Zabern {ncident| the 14th Brigade, Royal Horse Ar- was insulting. Hil 7th division of the British in France. In his letter he describes a battle between a Gor- {man battery and a British aerovlane, | The battery fire 'was accurate en- , ough, but the aviator was so clever | with his twists and turns in the air that he escaped. ------------ IMPRISONED AS ENGLISH SPY. sent to{ The He May Cut It Out. Ottawa, Dec. 14--At a special meeting of the council a by-law give the ratepayers an opportunity to vole on the abolition of the board of control was given first reading. will likely be voted on at the Janu- ary elections, army ------------ You will never regret using White Rose flour, \ sample of the productiveness of Canadian farm lands is found in the experience of D. M. Engle, Humboldt, Iowa, who owns a quarter section at Gleichen, Alberta. quarter for 1914 on the basis that the renfer was to furnish everything except threshing and hauling, and oue-third of the net receipts were to £0 to the owner. Although only 80 acres were in crop, Mr. Engle re- ceived a profit of $612.65, which is his net rental of the land for one season, HOOD'S Major Ker, Formerly Of the BR. M. Cu Made His Escape. Major C. A. Ker, D.8.0., ona of the staff officers at the Royal Military College, who recently left here for the front, was imprisoned two years ago by the German authorities, along with two other Fnglish officers, on the charge of being spies. Y were {tuken while looking over German {fortresses along the Rhine. One of {the officers had a camera. Major Ker mana, to escape. He spoke Ger. man fluently. Ald. Panter Seeks Mayoralty, Belleville, Dec.' 14 = Alderman William HM. Panter, for eighioen years 'member of the city council, here announced himself as a candi: date for the mayoralty for 1915. ------ is. White Rose flour 8 26. mast deter | who | § | | | of it} He rented this' PROBS. --Most Sw We are now devoting special attention to ly fair and decided] y colder. Tuesday, fair and very cold. the requirements of the hour and featuring all types of merchandise most acceptable for Christmas gifts of usefulness and charm. The finest grades of women's evening gloves ang the smartest street gloves for men, women and chil- dren. Now Ready 1200 pairs of the best French and English makes --every pair beautifully boxed. WOMEN'S EVENING GLOVES Best quality white in 16 button length $2.25 and $2.50 12 button length, at hite and black, special at, pair MEN'S CAPE KID, Paris and spear stitching, at MEN'S CHAMOIS (Dent's) CHILDREN'S ¢ WOMEN'S f STREET GLOVES. | In black, white, tan and grey, finest makes of Perrin, Charles Perrin, ,at $1, $1.25, $1.50 r Reynier and Dent Chamois gloves, pai $2.00 $1.00, $1.25, $1.60 . LOVES in White and Tan. rrow ! ° OUBLE DISCOUNT STAMPS FROM 9 TO 11 A.M, WITH ALL CASH PUR. + CHASES, ces. The STORE WITH The CHRISTMAS SPIRIT S 4 : ¢ < < « 4 « Boiling Eggs 32c. Guaranteed Davies Co. Limited. Phone 597 Every Egg The Wm. See our beautiful line of semi-indirect fixtures, from $6.50 up. Eminently suited for Xmas present, A handy electric bracket lamp will fasten on mirror, bedstead, wall, glass, everywhere. See it, H.W.Newman Electric Co Phone 441, 79 Princess Stree For Your Christmas Cake USE THE BEST Gold Medal Cleaned Currants LABDAOLAIDS Ma 4 4 i § i ¥ | By Kingstonians SMOKE THE BEST { Geo. A. McGewan te inKingston | llo, 10c. | | | | | | Manufacturer | Rideau Street Kingston. ple life pleases the PILL for all lver ills, + fastidious, them Case, When a bachelor tires of the sim-| he gets married. 1 Military Officers Full Weight 160z Package SAM BROWNE BELT $9.00 Crawford & Walsh, Ready made advice seldom fits the f§

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