Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Nov 1914, p. 7

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rl ot SCORPORs Tie BANK K or TORONTC Rose EB MCKAY | py Fire Insurance Now inat the fall season is once again with us, necessitating the starting of stoves and furnaces, the danger from fire risk consequently 'increases, so that it is essential that a. Property should be adequately Yo in need of any additiona jngurance or contemplating a change, I would appreciate the figur OB your requirements. 1 represent several st ot Ray non-tarift panies. GEORGE BAWDEN PHONE 350. COAL. 168 PRINCESS 8%. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE. houses, side side, on Division St, between Queen The Trick. one * wal it of Kingston Brick, the unfin Brie! Honently neo doesn't the Kingston Brick ust as good, and they cost ews, being a home product. besides your home industry and bulla of Kingston Brick. A. Neal, Kingston Brick Yard: Phone 1396 No. as Alfred St., 10 rooms, furnace, electric light and gas; . Rent $20.00 per month. "J. K. CARROLL AGENCY JOHN DRIVER, ee urate; large Well worth the money. / / t8 BROOK ST, Shaving Coors We are making a Special disgliay of PHONE 68 ame Is hereby given of the jssie of Writ ofSummons, on the 7th Jan of Cad) 1914, in an action, sidhie vison Court (A the ined of Fronion een IL. W. Murphy, Primary reditor, and George Jones, 'mimary Debtor, and Collins Bay fac- Fn Gernighees, in which action the Primary Creditor claims from the Prim. shaving materials in ary Debtor the sym of $33.63 and costs. havnt. the Y.M.CA., this Ana Botice . ke erehy Biven of an or- s Honour Harry Anson week. If you are interested we Liavetl, on the 30th day of November, would be glad to have yon call, and 1514, that notice of the fssue of the we will be pleased to show our stock |aaia w th of ed and of the said publishe nN a4 newspaper in of shaving comforts, | the City of Kingston on the 24th day of November, 1914, shall be good and suf- S-- fctent service of the said Writ of Sum- mons as of the said 24th day of No- vember. ? JOHN L. WHITING, | 69 Clarence Street, Kingston, Ontario i Soligftor for Primary Creditor eee Opposite ¥. M. C. A. | Kington oe. For Sale Gramophones, Phonographs, Graf onolas, Columbia and Victor records | Odeon and Jumbo records, Edison 2 Albion Hotel [inate records, Blue Amberal re Remodelled throughout } Allen' One of Kingston's Best || ens Brock St Everyone Should Try and Get, 'a New Home for Themselves Why should you pay rent whem you can save money by paying rent on a pew home of your own? Why not build a home of your own, trom $1,006 to $10,000, on easy terms, | Try SWEET CIDER, 30c per Gallon | Coast Sezled Oysters, 60c per Quart 'Chas: 1 Jer D, COUPER 20d Floor, Room 4 En OMPE Diy Ring Edward Building vee tried "Cold creams," at Gibson's. Ladies' and Gent's Sulungs below William he. piano tuner. Orders received at MecAuley's.' Phome 564. A mechanics lien action will be al session before Judge La "Bore t i" at Gibson's. Miss rng res of Brew- ar's Mills, who came to Kingston to attend Queen's medical dance, has 'returned home. , eream," at Gibson's. The remains of the late Mrs. C, D. Horne were, taken to 'Wolfe Island oni Tuesday afternoon for interment. Rev. J. W. Mcintosh officiated at the service. : "Face creams," at Gibson's. Col. W. 8S. Hughes is flattered by the compliment that the 21st bat- talion though having inferior build- ings have the men the best housed on the Sountss. . on H. Cunningham, piano tuner, street. Leave orders at Mec: Salisbury ling \uley's book store Arthur Wiiianson, at Plain, has been confined to the hos- ital with a sprained ankle. He was laid up for a number of weeks, and the regretful part of it was that he was unable to participate in the review attended by the king and queen. "Sore throat tablets" at Gibson's. On Monday night the fire alarm elegraph wire near the corner of Arch and Deacon streets became en- angled with an electric light wire and as a result the fire alarm system wuth of Princess street was out of nasiness during the evening. The 'ecessary - repairs were made -oa Tuesday morning. Owing to the increased cost and he scarcity of supply of raw mater ial, the Eddy Company have had to lightly advance the price of match- 's and some other lines. The Eddy "ompany believe the public will ap- preciate this when they realize it Is lone so that the hirh standard of quality for which the Bddy goods are famed, may be maintained. THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. A General Review of Country District and Local News. Reports from the Adirondacks state there is from one to two and a half fest of snow in the woods. "Camphorated oil, 10c. Gibson's. At Geneseo, N. bottles. » Y., the Seigel jury DJEMAL PASHA. Turkey's minister of mari returned a verdict of guilty of migde- neanor shortly before midnight. "Face ereams," at Gibson's. The Mexican flag is again flying over Vera Uruz. British voys fear for safety Mexico, "Cough syrups that cure coughs. Sold at Gibson's Red Cross = Drug Store. Mrs. J. B. Roy, Montreal, was shot and killed by her fifteen-year-old daughter, Donalha, who was fool ing with a gun. "Almond cream," at Gibson's The Ross Rifle company, of Que- 'woe, and United. States firms will be given an opportunity to tender on a ten-million dollar order for mitrail- 'euses and cartridges. "Coughs and colds" cured at once. 'zihson's Red Cross Drug Store. Two bodies have come ashore from the steam passenger schooner Hanalei, ashore on Duxbury reef, a few miles north of San Francisco, and there is little hope of saving the fifty-six. of nationals in "Coughs and colds" cured at once. : 3ibson's Red Cross Drug 8 William Rockefeller, Standard Oil nillionaire, this afternoon 'petitioned 'he federal court, New York, to dis- niss the indictment charging him and twenty other former New Haven railroad directors with eriminal vio- 'ation "ly the Sherman law, "Almond" at Gibson's. At New York. "istrier: Attorney 'Vhitman began an investigation of +11 the circumstances fittendant upon he granting of a pardon on Novem- ser 27th, 1912, by John A. Dix, gov- srnor of New York, to Albert T. Pat- | ek, serving a life sentence at Sing 1 for the murder of William Marsh Rice, TO-NIGHT #57" Jor Eid WUR Cannan Pivorite Feldman & Christie AM u Brandway easts Chorus Presenting To-nigh SEATS NOW ON a he T.F Harrison If you are satisfied with his record in the Council for the last five years; kindly endorse his candidature. Auction Sale 208 Prineess St. Rich Cut Glass, Silver Ware, Clocks, Wednesday and Saturda; Evenings at 7.30 O'clock All goods left for repair must be called for. "The Girl From oil" EE ers 16 3080 | Se $ yi * LOST, ve cent = one © Minboam fasertions, Boe; six, a aa half. | ON AY NIGHT, A HY E- Fe gk receive one week, A GOO! HELP WANTED. Teor Ta WORDS Sh Ls. WORDS OR LESS, under "nig ily oat costs 360 for one rg COOK. APPLY AT THE WINDSOR Hotel, A GOOD FLAY Og0K, APPLY MISS | Macd EXPERIENCED FUR FINISHERS, AP- Be John , Lémited, The Fur ouse, Bri st. A SEXTON FOR COOKE'S PRES Apply to ngeton. = 8S. #Corbett, 281 Princess Si, be- tween 9 and 10 in forenoon. ABLE BODIED MEN, 6G00D EYE. sight, for diremen and brakemen, Good wages; experience unnecves- sary. Stale age, way, care Whig office. A PACKAGE OF CIGARS, AT WOLFE ND GROCERY BUSINESS. . AP ply Box #11, Whig office. reward. Princess Sts. ar pin. with cluster olivines, on Saturday, Finder kindly leave at OddfeMow's Relief or 396 Johnsen Bt return to Whig ol i JOHNSON, vision, BROCK OR A BLACK LEATHER COVERED AC. count book, from delivery wagon, Saturday morning. Fiader will be rewarded by returning same to Pollitt's Bakery, Collingwood St Ont orgies 4 FREE Ro 15% Buen ify Sheet office. FOUND: - --- A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND a number of A nus heaters, ins low also he ey. a. 'Thompson, on Wi Princess Gt. Phone 1600. A FIRST CLASS BONY Yo KIN: AND AND A oul driver, 8 Island. Owner may have same by applying to Harry Card, Wolfe Island, 2nd paying for this adver- n TO LET TRY ONE OF THRSE SM. ADVYS. Once 25¢, three times INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly coerresponoins or, Bewapapers; no _CANVAREIDNG - Mn PER fi HAVE YOU ANY ABILITY AS A salesman? We have a Droposiicn to make which will enable you to ears more money than you are asfning at the present time. Cor: ence actly confidential A iy Jo. Ma nager, Box 47, Kiung- ston, On YOUNG MEN WANTED TO PREPARE for telegraph positions on Cana- dian railways. Our students re- celve positions immediately upon graduation and $75 to $90 monihly to start. Free ratlway pass to school and to destisapion when qualified. Tuition Yees moderate. For particulars oN ply The Dier- Graham Te ool, 142 Bank Street, FERRE I RRR SALESWOMAN WANTED. Young woman with dry goods experience preferred. Apply be- Sween 8-10 am. John Laidlaw & on, Hira Sheed al SITUATIONS VACANT PURE CLEAN FOOD IS ESSENTIAL TO GOOD HEALTH ; ia, Sven the and French en- } BE PARTICULAR Insist on getting "GOLD BOND" Canned Goods A New Flag Raised. A new flag has been raised on the staff over the Sons of England hall, corner of Princess and Montreal streets. The raising took place on Monday evening and was the octeas- fon of a stirring event. While it Lawes, being unfurled Rule Britannia and the national anthem were sung. Short addresses were also delivered. who came from Ottawa and Picton. The Sons of England will fly a Union are victorious over Germany. "Cold creams," at Gibson's. E. J. Lovelace, liberal Tahfiaate in in Lincoln for the dominion house, has asked to be relieved of active respon- sibility in that capacity, heeding the call of empire as more imperative than that of 7 : at ans ul i aunounesd that will axk legislation from crown aia Sent rd Ru Vithe Tosse 'ndecors "ated by. thy German government, Present at the function were several. of the soldiers of the 21st battalion, | Jack over their hall till the allies IWANTED--ENTERPRISING MAN OR 'woman as district manager; ex- perience unnecessary; salary, com- mission and railway fare. Write Nicholls, Limited, Toronto. LADIES WANTED TO DO EASY, pleasant coloring work at home. Can make $15 to $20 weekly. Ex- perience UNNecessaAry: No CANVASS ing. National Decorating Co. Dept. ! C..- 69 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Same" Co, § = at STORAGE FOR __FURNITUR 556 Poesy Street, clean and McCann, § street. Br.., R MAR. FURNISHED RC o 59 Division YOM, GIRL ried couple preférred. Street. TWO BEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING room, furnished. Apply to 198% Stuart St HAPPY stoves, Yec's; pugs and square' tors, these in first: class shape; Glose them out at ver , Small Pros Turk's "Phone, 7 ONE PURE BRED HOLSTEIN he twenty months old, Shojeest any ar (brn): bred OFFICES IN CLARENC hers, e Ty yy 19" Clarence St WFICE SPACE, heated; with rapher. Box SEPARATE ROOM, oint use of stenog- , this office. DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND UN. furnished: stores, offices, ete. Me- Cann's Real Estate Agency, §2 Brock St. MINERAL RIG FELDSPAR ann mica; Ssnveniant to station, THREE NEW FRAME HOUSES, YORN ok HOUSE, LARGE LOW HOUSE NO. 277 SYDENHAM ST, WILL rént furnished or unfurnished. For further particulars apply to 275 Sydenham 8t, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy, DE oa ImAL, key. Hs Storage, 399 Queen St. land St. G. A. BATEMAN, INSURANCE AND Real Estate, '87 Ciarence St. Phone EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, ALMOST new, modern improvements, corner Division and Quebec streets. Apply to J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine Street. TWO OR THREE Ri housekeeping, coal, electric heat supplied. ton St OOMS FOR 1LeHT unfurnished; light and furan Apply 140 Welling- Crp treme eters thers esses testes ONE COMFORTABLE FRONT FURN- ished room, warm, electric MHght, for working girls or married couple Terms very reasonable. Apply 34 Sydenham Street. nerhgne ee FOR SALE OR TO LET 100 ACRES IN TOWNSHIP OF LOUGH - WANTED GENERAL CUSTOMERS TO BRING THEIR CAR- pets, rugs and portieres to be wov- en by J. C. Swaine, 140 York St WINDOW CLEANING--PLACE YOUR orders at once and be sure of good work. We clean and put up storm windows. We employ only good, reliable men. Drop us a card Kingston Window Cleaning Co., 8349 Allred St, City. { |GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have It made up into up- to-date suits: Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press ing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway 131 Brock street, Bibby's Garage . CONTRACTING. OR HARDWOOD FLOORS AND ALI kinds of interior finish, trv Jams "< Selby, Contractor, 212 University Avenue. BUSINESS NOTIOES. ee -------------------- JOSEPH RUSK, ¢ CHESTNUT ST. HAS opened up & quarry on Stephen S Bt Cut, buliding and rough stone ars Suohiied promptly at reasonabi. near boro, 4 miles from Sydenham. Ape ply to 8. P. Buck & Son, 8 ydenham, A FLAT IN WELLINGTON APART- Ont ments, 130 Wellington St. Posses- ston Nov. 1st. Heated by hot wat- o 3 Sleeere HEhte: aie Sas range. FIN pply F. W. eagher, 99 Albert AN St. Phone 1406. ! UAL. FRONTENAC MEDICAL. STUART M. POLSON, M.A, M.D,C.M., former House surgeon Manhattan Eye, ear, nose, and throat hospital, New York. Office, 132 Wellington, Srposite post office, Office hours, 9-12 am, 2.4 pm, 7-8 pm. Phone 177 city properties, municipal 4 and' coun Jebontures; fred nd purchased; epos! receive interest lowed. S.C. M i Rat [14 Clarence street. LONDON AND DENTAL. A. B. KN/ APP, B.A. LDS, DDS, RE. moved to 268 Princess Street. SPARKS AND SPARKS, 159 WEL. lington St. (over Carnovsky's) Phone 346. yon. Go. c NASH, DENTISD Pag ™ RB enton, assistant. Prine Street. Phone 785. - S. H. SIMPSON, LDS, D.D.S DENT. fst, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot sireet Agents. Phone 325, PERSONAL HAIR, MOLKS, WARTS, and all Siowihe nas es femoved n Pekin lemon: ut Scar; 30 years "egperienss. mer ign Throat 'and kin Soestailet 288 got street. BUSINESS 'ORANORS!: MUSIO. CATERING. ere e------------------------------ WE_CATER TO PARTIES, BALL ' Wedding Snes krasts; banquets, 13 : a Alfred / Street 6a. Phones § 84 UPHOLSTRRIN:.. W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RF. ping and carpet work, and mattress renovating. Drop a card or call 216 Bagot street. tamporaey sipers of crown lands. he INE deve + "Huda the os Tolet ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START & mail arder business at home: n. canvassing: be y~ir owh boss Bend for free booklet; tells how Heacock. 2.969 Lockport. N.Y. TEACHER OF SINGING, MISS CARRIE pa 47 Rideau St. Telephone MUSIC AND DRAMATL ton, 216 Frontbne BL Toigmans Al Alida Te tion, plano, no, violin a and a all 'netruments. LEGAL. TUNES nd Sons ty ah larence street, Eston. THE SCRANTON BRAND Grate, Nut, Egg, Pea, Stove, Split Pea. A uniform size for every ARCHITECT. WM. NEWLANDS SON, ARCH]. facta. ete. ond, 253 Bagot Bt POWER & SON, ARCRITECTS, MER. chants' Bank Bulldiug, cornel Brock sme Wellington streets. Drop "A Partial Moratorium. A notice has been sent out to all courts In the province that in ring session, a bill will be ro effect that every fore- gage holder iy This will be a tori i

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