Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Nov 1914, p. 6

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* HE DAILY BRITISH wHIG, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1914. -- i -- -- 8 . MAIR F R SEDGHICK. section. The whole baitalion Js asssssassssss Asan a Assess anaes given rifle practice. every dav' under : = Tm - b Sage -Major - Edwards, W.0., each ? : y to Deaf five rounds. The average . of the shooting. Jn remarkably High: : ou Pay Less - Here Without Mecusnlent or or Aiiifelal Jrear- The Suit } The Coat i Hear Owing io the coptintial ute of the { % ir Own Fars. A op armouries 4 the schobl cadets have i Bi Anainanie ol eyes ster : House | Thotisands of people suffer ¥ trom on. een given no opportunity to shoot ouse 3 ? Hil deafntus or OE BEANS ane but arrangements are being made so i Ib ving tried specialists, : . ; , uments, artificial ear drums, ear . . . N that they, Sill bo able to in the oar UA : 4 #8, electric vibrators and various e rites - A B Cunningham About His Exper- uture, e' are' now shout 250 -- -- 2 ! hanfeal appliances without suceees s Ma BW public school cadets drilling daily S-- 7 ! v6 at last resign themselves . . » - : y Pe. I have st lant | epee" thinking that Both- fences With the Artill .--He Thinks the as & battalion under . Lieut. D'Es- | g i 4g oun ever restore to them thelr nor- terre and t. Gilbert. The Cal | : ), hearing. Yet thelr case is Dot ; . leginte battalion is drilled by Lieut. | §} uc urct ase | Ry War Will Last Some T . | Tirbaiment discovered a little more than ar ome ime. Pater and the separate eeliol bat- : a Your ago in Englund is making peo- talions under Lieut. McDonald. Fach | ear alter years of deafness and is Stesp-- is composed of about ninety to oue | ¢ Tao. 'Wibaquaded for quickly stopping bundred = students. Majer ©. 1. ® a S 4 Biot ras head noises Shas fe so - The following letter has been re-yare intersected by deep ditches, so Gillespie, who is opganizer for the q oy Ao, to calla Par | ceived by Lieut.-Col. A. B. Cunning- [the outpost work is comparatively division; is very busy on this work i has attracted widespread [bam from Major F. R. Sedgwick, of |easy. He has' organized Jin many ¥ s, Toraughout Burope where re-ithe 123rd battery, R.F.A, It is dat-| "Black Maria is banging away now |p as anized .. corps Jin many '» Fules of the remurkable results it hasleq France, 23rd October, 1914 tryi loc a siege b rand] heaces a Yas: pul, division. and. is hepk 5 ven 10 deaf people have come in by "yr Noa . ' Fing Ia locate a HIeEe atlery ane very busy as a result. The boys { or en an omen on i De Hinds I am In reserve to-day." writes |a heavy battery which are in action are given regular regimental drill and | ¢ " Ai urs ay i The effect of Parmint It seems is by|the major. "So I was yesterday for [near here. Occasional dropping shots | 1 oh a 11 d other 4 : tonic action to produce a stimulous|the first time for some few weeks, |are heard from the infantfy and ara 1 80 taught signa >= an Tae or | 4 ) a hEcaaars 3, luce wl) jafanmation, capped by ten days continuous fight- | sometimes a field battery tunes up uo. yl aadnnpotS. The ary vii § the orghins of hearing and to stimu-|iNE With a sort of grand finale of 48 {for a few moments. abd Tt B : Hvey held » Jate the entire auditory tract. hours without time even to wash. "Taines have quieted down a bit, |'P Stetson. fh SeRVIN. 13 ev om b i Farnint is now being sold by tany "Yesterday was to be a rest day: |f suppose, after ten heavy days. My of respect tb the late Earl Roberts » nity nd - Reedy trial ry i] upon | I Was early out of action and into [observation posts have "geherally the cadets will likely take part. 2 all who suffer from catarsbul deafness |the billets assigned to me; but the | been on the tops of haystacks, once| 3 ---- i for head. noises in any degree. Ask the|general staff proposes and Black | (for two whole days) on the top of | The picture taken Saturday of the | g | 1 gus gat for 03, 91 Tanmint (Bouble Maria disposes. I was shelled out be- Ja coal dump near a large mine. A |2Ist baitalion Jas been given to 13 2 |fore ten a. m., and remained har- pstack i > > -e |Ldeut.-Col. W. S. Hughes and besides | with 1-4 pint of hot water and 4 © ' haystack is preferable and more ug i» f granilated sugar until dissolved. |nessed up ready to go into action all | comfortable. The post I have had being a well-defined picture of the Colors are Navy, Copen, Brown, Black, White, Cream, Slate, Tete and | ' [iia Loe. tablasycintul four times a day. = The poor old horses had had | was found out af last &nd the Ger-|battalion is undouptedly one of the Purple. Regular values $1. 25 and $1. 50. markatie improvement in your hear- hastiess us fof 72 pi Sonuugeusly mans gave us a' very unpleasant half ot pictires of the court honse ever b . i » sod was the more grieved. hour. Fortunately we had a deep |taken. « S Th 0 WwW d * } Fimportant--n dering Jarmint modern battle is certainly a|hole behind it (the haystack I mean) ee em In ur mn ow o-night 3 AIRY A Metity on aut ne dreary affair. It is no secret now {but it got toc hot when the haysts Lieut.-Col. Hughes Popular, iB Fean et it for you; if not, send 76c to that the second corps is on the left | burnt up and we had to shift. That A writer on the Ottawa Journal ? . { "ithe Tuternational Laboratories, 74 £t. [pear the Belgian frontier, not far |place was given away by a spy. My says : "Lieut.-Col; W. S. Hughes, ofli- olnisine St. aMontreal, P.Q, who make| from Lite The cOuitry is Seid flat | battery had been just behind iter commanding the 21st battalion { o - ) spect or nearly so, but of course, theflattest | shooting over my head, but the pre: [second overseas continge he eCcila a e in er 1 3 4 N g. | ES] € ren Ss gent, 18 the { e oe p plain has some slight elevations and | vious evening the position (though | most popular man in camp. 'Thel gl! d a S |p He tetsu oe ond | Sues eben he, or | elas coh Ll 3 mater ; y ars g s - ghly se vith shrapnel. Nex at interes im. N atter is | § 4 ' numerable farm houses and small |day the same pgsition was searched great interest > Sih for hon i o | All sizes at $5. 95, $7. 45 and $10. 95. See them. Exclusive models, $15. 00 i villages surrounded with trees effec- | by howitzers, af almost 'every em- |i ootionte Yesterday afternoon dur 4 to $75. 00. 1 Wholesale Indents promptly execut- [tually obscure the view. placement was/Zhit, but the battery |. Bo. ov . anid 4 1 5 yr : i ' ¥ | ing musketry «instruction Col. Hughes | > od at lowest cash prices for all Brit- Artillery positions are very hard | was not there for I had thought the passed through the armouries. Ie] ¢| ¢ oo 3 t rhich 8 ality a: sh a hv: 3 j ass ug ! y . « us aud Continental guod, tociding {12 fousous which sieetate supsect}lovati sudo urbenghy aso tao [Rend oul mpc He, soon | 2 uits Now Half Price | 2 3 ' ie ad a 3 yards a flank. | ies a ire » cole " , Books and Stationery, guns now-a-days must be kept hid-] Only one shell fell in the battery and] "rughtway and enquired if the cold : 3 Boots, Shoes and Leather, den. This brigade: paid the penalty | that 1 x ' were & bad one I have a tittle cold, | ¢ I$ Chemicals and Druggists' Sundries og on ace J ® Dena oY q hat did no harm, sir,' said the sergeant. 'Better pay At Kingston's Only Exclusive Ladies' ¢ i ! i» a »lof taking an open position at the "The war will last some time yet| > poo ha = doctor -t Alngston's Unly kxclusive Ladies and Children's Ready to-wear 2 China, Earthenware and Glass-|hattle of Le Cateau as did the 14th|I fancy, unless the Russians come |>d¢ before Sa lien alin Store s io ware, brigrade of the same division. This| with an even bigger rush than they | [OTN 8 a a ee A oe y i - | brigade, the 28th, lost 6 officers, two at se sides 2» 8810 Lal. /Jughen, anc he. passe | Ora, Motor Cars and Aveussor thirds of the gun detachments and are doing 3 nor oa He hor po 4t® | on. This ia but one example ! on. th . ED : In, dotachiments g : are Xoo 3, tal of one jsother to do "He insists that' all men should 1} { ' 1 feta] ih OUl O Buns. e drigade | much. Seldom is an attacks succe insists : x d hi { | Drapdy, Millinery and Piece lost-8 or 10 officers, 40 or 50 men at! ful. It may ibn a da A Tt as comfortable as is possible. .In his | 3! 3 h the guns and had to abandon 10 out|runs up t one s against a second pre- military instructions he demands in { 132 & 124 Pn S ) Fancy Goods and Perfumery, of its 18 guns, pared Te. © aga A necol@ P| stant obedience. 'He is strict, hut. he © rincess t Bb Hardware; Machinery and Metals, "I was very lucky to get a battery "We are all dug In every wheres, |i® square' is the way one private pu | p Jewellery, Plate and Watches, iso soon. I had expected some long |and an attuck generally results in |b Yesterday. x ¥ one 532 2 T J. 0'Connor, Manager f Photographic and Optical Goods; (months with the new army in Eng- | not much success and a long casual- me < = ' | Provisions and Oilmen's Stores, land but was ordered out almost at |ty list, unless it is prepared for very |. .os - desde ob of fade fee 4 re a ! eote., ete. once carefully and for a long time." 3s SEEFEIPEERELI PELE yyw vewewww veevveww vewww TESTER TeT Commission 2% % to 5% "The ordinary procedure for us is -- TEE tN - = . Trade = %: to be in action at i. m., and come Major Sedgwick resigned his posi- : THE GRE Ar CHANGE. ° - oa pw-- Special Quotations on Demand. out to go to billets about 6.30 p.m, [tion at the Royal Military College Te -- SIGHTY CAPTURED OVE ob -- Sect! Sut from $50 upwards. [A® the days get shorter the hours |and from the army in June, 1913, wo 3 How SIreumstantes do Meer & EIGHTY. CAPYURED, OVER. 201 ' Consignments of Produce Sold on will get SBOFter too. take up farming in Nova Scotia. At > te. ey ey A re to : While Enemy Was Attacking Uni- . "The infantry take the work in {the outbreak pW > ve » 3 - a b ta half battalion shifts, half battalion |the key in the lock and left with hi: |# Prove that people should' buy + Terms Stuffed With Straw , * 2 in firing line and half in reserve. | wife and family for England where |T ®00ds made in this country. It * Paris. Nov. 17--The usual hail of 5 WILLIAM WILSON & Hereabouts night movements are al- | Mrs. Sedgwick and the children have : Sen HET AHS Sond sper "|steel and the surging of armies in : most confined to roads for the fields | remained. Sjon: on to o A %" {Northern France and Belgium seem- d (Established 1814), * % who placed the order. He ad- ed to have met with obstacles, beh Lane, London, E.O. T-- | mitted, "Oh well, I daresay it's for the roar of cannon was less vio- ake Om aS rey "Annuaire London." : + a good thing to help along na- lent and the troops scarcely came in Ina beautiful, N om .- Black, he said, was the champion |# tive industries. But I've al- ontaet with each other. It is gener- all who desire io ------------------------------------------------------ 3 . . ; S | MADE MERRY swimmer of Sgnada, was heavy-|% ways got my goods here and ally believed here that mew inunda- Hake the, inost of T IF BACK weight champion in Ottawa in both [+ there and all over, and I had tions started by the . Belgians pu have the rian A PENI Stnst - boxing and wrestling and came se¢c- [% no patioulas Tenton Jo doing many of the German guns out of ac iy of paying a i 4 OPENING OF RIGHT HALF |ond to being champion heavyweight | anything else. 4 right, put tion and also prevented the move Fish to KID YS HURT RECREATION HALL. wrestler for Canada. He is also a [4 me down for a hundred dollars «| vents of troops. } stellar foptball player. The splendid |% or so. Charity begins at home, Reports from the front tell of a Professor Officers Of the Battalion Attended-- | Blanner in which he rendered his se- [#1 suppose z That Shecien ot hd brilliant feat of a British infantry Dorenwend * fake a Glass of Salts to Flush Kid- A Splendid Programme Was En- lections shows also that he has a - conc gn ng : LARA fe on * detac iment of eighty men w ho were : oF TORONTO neys If Bladder Bothers You. joyed By the Large Gathering spiendia ¥ Nels ) dl tit Nl) to k Sgn! fam man whe Will be. at. the » ) . 'rivate Nelson, (Scotty), gave a [4 er of to-day ows right well | and took refuge in a wood during a . f " The build ! Tare sword dance, and after repéated en- + that he can get as good goods + |fog. The wood was surrounded by R d | h H f | K t S t N 28 ang me Jegularly Svetituaily ie hullding. thas. a iginally Khe cores 'gave several selections on the f+ made in Canada as anywhere « [Germans. At dawn the British heard an 0Ip 0 el, ngs on on d ov. u wonton ia Any crladt), "| bag pipes: + else under thé sun. He knows «| (he French attacking and decided to with an immense stock of the Latest Fashions in Hale . Yor ather, gs a waliskiiown Rito Se of. Bagot aul Queen Hireei, - -- + | # all the economic reasons why + [charge with the bayonet at the rear Gosds. A Style to Suit Every Individunl 1 Ee r aa oh Sa n __. nas: ol In the singing of "Tipperary," |# he should accustom himself to + |of the Germans, of whom they cap "I a . : - py » we y 3 pg } ary entertain , i ' B i he de . . 5 ' two verses were on tlie programme [4 do so. He knows it's a piece of < [tured 400, it is said. d WwW h Th H worked; got sluggish; clog up and ments ever pug oa in the Siwy, I'he that have not yet appeared, All| + exnlted selfishness: so to. do. \ regiment of French Hussars | 1€8 it m air gause all sorts of distress, particu ovedsion wast he paring of ie DEW | ihe men are learing them 'now as |+ And unless it's something very lear Ypres stuffed a number of uni- |} see and have a demonstration of THN DORENWEND YRANSFORMATION. larly backache and misery in the kid- recreation hall for the men of the 00 ve very appropriate Tae | 4 much out of the way, he would forms with straw and attached them |§ They will give a charm and attractiveness to an oth plain face and ney region; rheumatic twinges, se- right hali of the 11st battalion. Sim. |g00 ir ona firth verse of tis famous [% as sodn think of selling food {0 wounded horses. These they drove || Wi! I assist any woman to keen her Youthful appearance per are [superior xere headaches, acid stomach, Sonsts ilar entertainments are to be put on song is as' follows: |% and clothing to Germany as to into the German lines. While the |} ficiency. of workiasahin Frou rT TR ET pasion. lorpid jJver, Rleeplesm 58, on jstefvas, until the haitalion leaves wb | place his orders in any other Germans were firing at the dummies FRB DEMONS xi FFERED TO ALI» er and uripary irritation. the city 6 men certainly spent an |», To SIAEY. 8 ia , anim try. but "th ne wi re he «| on horseback, it is said, the Hussars . i 'REE IMONSTRATION IS OFF 2 x u xR J The moment your® back hurts or [enjoyable evening and very much ap- Ba a Tibpe rary. started Paddy of N yi rofts ne ie = . | charged their flank and took a large |] Wi&% Transformations, Pompidouss. Bung, Fronts, Waves, Switches, t y Eg : pif p p goneros fs of : AP a umber of is s . SS Rldners Gren, dong re ror |precialad the geneous, of same of | ond when Salt wa fie heard thom |& ae Le " Y bn . ' k on y ficers, spe 8 able Re iri she fede fede deeded 3 de | -- A B Id" ounces of Jad Salts from any good |time in making the opening the suc He ay, ¥ ie Aging bad Vegan, a} " -- "re NOT DIVE] » { Gentlemen If ou re a A ite ; Ame EE rer, uning Sue ote Molly saying: g Seespeim-- OT DIVERTING FOODS. pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a| cess" it "was. Great credit is due to althGugh I love you so, | . on ts oo ks | I TING FOODS call and: see 'THE DORENWEND glass of water before breakfast for a| the 0.C. oi the battalion, Lieut.-Col. My wntrv's calling. and 2 I" | KAISER'S T RIBLE WORK. : 5 ---- sat AR PATE NT TOUPERE, Wn few days and your kidneys will then |W. S. Hughes; Major C. C. Bennett [7 (QHRHFE COHURE, and as uj ---- | Supplies For Belgium Not Molested TARY AT INT Mu a act fine. This famous salts i§ made {and Lieut. W. Macnee, These officers TI% must go. | Trainloads of German Dead Come | by Germans. { Slr iral effect, sty % from the acid of grapes and lemon | worked hard. at arranging the details |, 'a in Ih : | From the Front Washi T tf 2biuty, ayaen Wy ' g 2" Pu pre a " ag fio . as rton, Nov. o state 're unequa 3¢ » Juice, combined with lithia, and has | of the entertainment, but now know Now Jraddy Jn the oi Bthes high | Geneva, Switzerland, Nov. 18 done oe De ov. 38. Toes ah 4 fhpiad p béen used for generations to flush | their work was not in vain B 3 ion ho. Nhe : s blishes a 100g | fro . eis : ta ¢ 1 id Kidn d stimu} 1 Pe 'ogi : ; And Irish Molly waits with heart a he National Swiss publish | rom the "American sal in - clogeg eys and stimulate them | The patriotic spirit of the men was 4%, rue as zo, [letter from a Swiss who is doing Red | London of the Ge tack: intion to pormal activity; also to neutralize| shown in many ways during the even- | : ha! is rn and Cross work at Brussels. An extract | i i ' : R And when the kaiser"s down and |! or hat shipments of food ior Liclgium the acids in the urine so it no longer fing. Whenever a knock was given |° : y ¢ ly | he 1 says. "The number | " Do not fail to call and see them and remember date. a | out d Brit f ags from the letter. say were mot being stopped 1 acl srritates; thus ending. bladder disor- | the kaiser or when something patrio- | Rh BN ritain free again, ded here is: ore Roi being WLODJ or civerte eV atid. the fedtias ih | He'll start for Tipperary town sing- (of German oun i arriving Fre nl to the use of the Germans. The am THE DORENWEND COY. OF TORONTO, LTD, BAN 8 Ie ex- } ing this refrain: junimaginable. Traing, which we ca Bead o > on m------ fen Saits cannot fultive anyone; {pressed by prolonged and: strenuous ing this refrain cemetery trains, full of piled-up dead | bassador informed - the state depart 103.108 Yonge Wy he House of Quality Halr Goods) Z Toronte { yatkes & delightful effervescent lithia- applause. . } i OB : ' soldiers tontinue fo arrive from the | Cot that shipments to the Belgians o¥, water drink which millions of mea} On the platiorm were Col. T. D. R The mesting closed with the sing | tront "They contain bundles of dead | had not heen interfered with hy the ' . . y e ations by nd | it. p, 5 & Carman . 3 and. women take now and then to Hemming, Mayor Shaw, Major C. ( oe gue, Jational B nthe n o i that is, four bodies tied together to | Crermans, and that, on the con EE ir " -- ------ A ------------ Kéep the kidneys and urinary organs | Bennett and W. F. Nickle Fhe room b i gg A . jag dog and | facilitate transportation. The bodies | trary,, German military authorities clean, thus avolding serous kidney | was crowded with soldiers, officers, |, o ughes, he genial and very |. 'wyroag promptly in special fur-| vere ging useful assistance to the : disease. N.C.0's and men who gave every item popujar Commander | naces erected just outside Brussels." | agents distributing the supplies. an | ] ' Mahood. Agemt Geo. W. on the programme hearty deserved ap Col. I. R. Carleton. commandant | reser tre pe --- plause, constantly demanding eo-|.r ihe Royal Military College seal opres. > a lecture™ to the officers on Tues- The speeches were short and to-the- | gay afiernoon on "Marching." The point talks. Col. T. D, R. He JOOtUTe. Wars Tire eat aid Te congratulated thé men on their fin subject was thoroughly treated in appearance, In two weeks they have the speakers usual splervid Main- been made soldiers and are now re: [par : ks ceiving instructions from intelligent a and - hard-working * officers, and pro The fourth item in Tuesday's order gressing rapidly by that: instruction. is: "Under no liquor be brought circumstances must his i 4 into the barracks, Mayor Shaw, wearing gervice medal, Peicomed the troops to Kings. wid: anivons 'disobey ir th png . ton: He congratulated the men on |p" "700 © ey IDE Sls order Wi I " h their fine appearance and behavior, | ¢ 1 dest with. / Kingston has had a great deal of ex Mair Wr Canis . » . perience with. soldiers and. the citizens d Cal et amd Capts. ones # .' | appreciate the fine quality of the men azo BOW M of the right haii ont 4 in the 2lst battalion. talion, and Major McLean, and Capt. 1 . f. F. Nickle, M.P., in a few well ang & apt. ESotts ot the leit a : ; chosen" wo! a attalion, aré the two enler- 76 Brock St., Kingston | Mat of oe, pave {he _ reasons ang tainment committees. These officers will look" after the arranging of en- For khaki uniforms, great- coats, eaps, putties; swords, belts, whistles and whistle TT feonds, yank badges, buttons,| Yete. "Nothing too large for us .4to supply; nothing too small Re ey tween two ideals of government--aris- tocratic and demoeratic. It was Can 'ada's war as well as Britain's, battalion was a good example. tertainments for the men during. the but | Winter in the two recreation robms. Canada, to repay in part her obliga: The entertainments will be held as tions to the motherland, was sending frequently as possible. the flower of her land. The men she . is sending are all splendid men, beth | The best shot in the battalion so physically and mentally, and the 21st {far in the miniature practising is Pte. G. C. Wines. of "G:"" company. All the hes were very much en- | The best shots of the comnpanies are "to receive our prompt atten-| joved by the men, shown by the ap- | as follows : A Ca, Pla. .l. Esford; plause that rl and later thanked |B Co., Pte. ©. Wright; C Co., Pre, E. tion each speaker. , Wiston: PD Co.. Pte 1D. Anderson; ' Repairing and alterations Te RCHA. Jand rendered ex- | F Co, Plo, [. Williams: F. Co,, Sergt 3 cellent music and accompanied se: |. W. Terryv;:i Co., Pte. Wines, and x carefully attended to. veral of the items and also gave se< |H Co, Pte (1, Ralph. Me. Redpath We can save you money sand we guarantee to please yo i. J. M. ASHBY, Lieut, © 47th Regt ad 1 There are six vacancies (n the Ca: padian senate. i & i ' £ a lections. fey, Privates Bra Bandsman Tapointy. Marseillaige in ton and Lieut. lack. Hons were given in the order nam- led. Coli Hughes made the remark that athletics as well af is the best shot in the machine gun Solos were given by Captain Duf- ard, A. Craig, (who sang "le Pte. Mur- The selee- Tench), In instroducing Lieut. Black, ha officars of the 31st battalion were soldiers. Lieut. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. Long Pole: TocaIN, I Young Woman of Brightén Threw long Point, Ros 18 --H. Bevins bs Tai | at Keelerville domg carpenter work Herself in Front at Feuin. Mp {for B. Card. Master Ethel Haskins, | drighton, nat., Nov. B. rs. fwho was ill with a light attack i Frank Murney, Brighton township, | poeamonia, Hh able ps be roy] whose husband was arrested charged! in Mr. and Mrs. T. Bevins spent with incendinrism, attempted to com- | Sunday, the Sth, with friends near Init: susie by Jhouing haradit - of rn gin. Jodpls jovi ins, nsession for ont' 0 mov Ms ae Wak k19 was * called to Brockville on not successful in hor Sbject, bit WA Friday Jast' in the interest of the uni badly cut Faris the lik 1 hn I of {ted counties assessment appeal. Jolm was cut oll, anc she wil 1 i ely JRC. Sykes spent Saturday last in his the sight of an eye. She left a note factory: here. C. J. 0'Connor and saving she was so humiliated by her | Madeline to husband's arrest that she could not! Miss Madeline went to Gananoque on | Thursday of last week, the latter re- stand: the disgrace, even though she | L050 al : : knew that he wis not guilty. in' Kingston Yih, friunls, Shiere ad TOIRTING THE. CHIR ENS "W. Bryan has returned home from a COUNTING THE CHICKENS. , | visit with her sisters and = other Germans Bestow New Names on | friends 'at Frankville: Mr. and Mrs. {W. J. Singleton spent the week-end French Cities. { with friends at Lansdowne. Mr. and Paris, Nov. 18,~The German postal | Mys. T. G. Tye went to Lynd authorities have issued an elaborate | esterday and returned home this table of Germanized names of Delg | moming. Harold Tye spent the ian cities and of "annexed territory" | ok-end at. Sand Bay. Recent visi- {in Northern France. Among the lat- '{,ra: Mr. Snider and sister, Gladys; ter we learn that Calais is hence | nd. (3. McRae, Lansdowne, at T. Be- tforth, ¢o be known as Kales, Dunkirk (in.'. Mrs. W. Griffin and children, as Dunkicchen, Lille. as Ryssel, and .¢ ha father's, H. Bevins'; L. Seott, Boulogne as Boomen. Further east, i Addison, and W. Bell, of Delta, Besancon ~~ becomes Disanz; © Nancy, | J. Bryan's; L. Green, of Oak Nanvig, and Epimal' and Vesoul be: Jeaf, at R. Singleton's; J. Ripley come Spienelen and Wisel: and sister, at P. Kelsey's. Sp co ei | Rev. Father Nolin, 8 J. parish | priest @t Waubaushene, died at the' residence of Rev. Father Barcello, Midland, Ont., as a result of injuries May Commonder Mills. Huddersfield, Yorkshirg, Nov, Owing 3 the enormous Lgho! nd th, resulting in ithe *York- received in fire whi royed the 'Roman Catholic church and rectory ills 'working night iu Say: iat Waubaushene late on Saturday rders, it is t a night. the authorities are considering com- bring the mills. Manufactar- M 8 ol ext week to cGill starts classes n complaining of short. train wireless operators for the mi- { our good intentions | tia, labor, raw material and dyes. Overcoatings Lt dy A A A ASA ANA St NN Nl iN | Prices Reasonable Ii we could only hberos: money on "poverty" would soon be an obsolete word. Wisdom is merely conmmon in an' uncommon degree, Fall Suitings Crawford & Walsh, Civil and Military Tailors, Princess and Bagot Street A man can always count upon 'bis wile Gn aga AH hi if le ts want her to. The fashionable Ball gown represents ong king gion weather strip, , sense

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