Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Nov 1914, p. 3

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Lh A 1 < 2 POPP ; Haghe, U % Sb dd dot dd bir dob gd 4 , EEE . TEED = A SIMP LE WAY 10 ETold In . i. yam, it lao ore Von A WAR BULLBTIVS, PROBS. Fair and cold to-day, followed by some light snow. ¥. h Mr. cand Mrs. ald Caldwell, of ---- REMOVE DANDRUFF § Tole os Beat 1 conto: ta Ped visiting their brother, Captain Tom has been chased into Tromgh- t Caldwell, of the 21st hattalion. Jeim, Norway] by British ships | * ea. oe and ioterned there with 450 ed i men. She was trying to run the British blockade to attack shipping. * Fh bdh ae See Special Announcement To-morrow !! Prevent Falling Hair and End lich. ing' Scalp. | etd bh bd Mrs. Vernon Eaton returned to town yesterday after visiting friends in There is one sure way that has Mrs. Doug! Hammond, in never fatled to remove dandrafl at foi ap a. anne, fing gisen]. H. Byrne arrived from Ot- once, and that 1s to dissolve it, then j 0 Tuesday In honour of her guest{(awa to-day to visit her sister, Miss you destroy it entirely. To do this, Miss Esther Kerry of Montreal, Mrs. !1. Fam Just get about four ounces of piain, | Hallo ay Waddett and Miss Loretta |' are Oldrieve. ived by friends common Hquld arvon from any drag ISyire resided: 1: the toa table whic +. | °Td has - en rey a store (this fs all you will need); ap- fyi ror 14 artistic teftre-piece af jon abd } re ve, ry ne ply it"at night when retiring; use stivee- binot. filled. With pink car- don, ngland, om 3 a, o enough to moisten the scaip and 'irk nations Mrs. Hubert Ryan and and Mrs. ©. Prederick arson a wr it in gently with the finger tips. Miss 'Mildred Jones assisted in sery-] Wo fons, and Miss Fisie Ponte. By morning, most, if not all, of | ing the guests, who. ineluded: Mrs) Mrs: Charles Waitt, of Gamanoque, your dandruff will be gone, and three Edwird i Kenny. MPs BE. I. "Fortt, was a guest in town on Monday. or four more applications will com- Mrs. Carlos Kirkogaarde, (Cordova). |. Miss Edith Hague has returnesl from pletely dissolve, and entirely destroy 3s Handord ord Mrs" Keene Montreal, where she has been visit- every single sign and trace of it, no Hemming, Miss . Paterson, Miss [Pg relatives for some time. x matter how much dandruff you maY! Grace Hah ii Miss Marjorie Mrs. Ww. J. Livingston and Miss have. J Pense, Miss Winifre d Claxton Miss Livingston, Princess street, visiting You will find all itching and dig- Hilda Kent Miss Doris Kent, Miss Hi Montreal, returned home on Mon- ging of the Scalp will stop instantly Marjorie Brownfield. Miss Nan Rey- day. , . Rae and your hair will be fluffy, Instrons; molds, (Brockville), Miss Charlie glossy, silky and soft; and look and Short. Miss Dorothy Carruthers and Mr. and Mus. Tetley Blackburn, of feel a-hyndred times better. Miss Rose Rogers. Belleville, amnmounce the engagbment If you value your hair, you shoula | "5 . of their daughter, Mary Selina -Black- eet rid of dandraff at once. for noth- Mrs. Bdward T. Steacy, Jolinson | burn, of Belleville: to Mr. William ing destroys the \hair so duickly Tt : isa 'hosiess: at tes this 'at Horace Ludington, Vancouver, son : sireet / fits 2 hi an akes || 3 3 { T i fot only starves the hair and Aes ternoon in honer of her daughtef-in- joi Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Ludingtbp, of Montreal. The marriage is to take it fall out, but it makes it stringy, 3 . i Ava ota : Hida + 3 law, Mrs. B. Noble Steacy, who will e eT: Trtie and He: | or Toke amit, [Rime 1 Pico yg : -- = rooni, where the table is fragrant a Re oS Tcy\iaiy with roses and lilies of the valley, GANANOQUE OVERSEER PLATING the ladies ig charge are: Mrs. John : tg ee McKay, pouring coffee: Mrs. James | Seized Nets in Trip Over Eastern Sec. Is: Rickia Niiver Cavver. Hrass: Rigney pouring tea, and Mrs. A. W tion of River. Winnett cutting ices; their assist Gananoque; Nov. 18--Fish and « = 3 i ree » slg y ) I ants joing Wise Bledgor Plan, Game Overseer George Toner has re- Miss a : ange. a 8 Ne To by turned from his trip over the eastern Jab. M a Asue » anes 5 oris scetion of his territory. ' Tle nade a Kent and Miss Jhaeen yan, fair cldan-up, taking five large night THE Aoronto Globe Femarks: Mra lines and "five sets of forty-rod gill 3 Ho >. ALIS. 1 he p Tai 0 James Massie received for the first hets between Union Park and Poole's i lesort., time, yesterday, sincé she and Lieut Mi e ' : itchell 'and Wilson, ' contractors . Massi rg a 0! < ston, . 3 . Col. lassie came up from Kingston who had the contract for laying the | Chancellor Lloyd George, on Tuesday announced an increase of six cents a pound duty on tea, saying it was the only way to catch "tea-totalers."" FREER ERT CPE Shh VE The allied troops continue to hold their lines at all' points with slight gains in the viein- ity of Ypres, noe NEW WINTER SUIT Sales in ~~ [SUIT PLUSHES AND COATINGS HE Co ------ The British commons passed a war tax which will add one cent a glass w the price of beer, In a public address in Toron- to Tuesday night Gen. Sam. Hughes said the test mobiliza- tion of the militia regiments, in Toronto, on Mohday was a Jot of nonsense, Blankets & "A splendid line of just _ 4 : ; the correct weaves and weight required for the SEES L BEES LPR LPP rhb e making of smart tailored be ol ode A letter received in Ottawa from a prominent officer with the Canadian contingent says the whole contingent may he ordered to Egypt. winter suits and coats. Comfort IS a 7. Sees Some of 'the materials The British officially accuse 4 | J ; are corded poplin, Broad- the Germans of using dum-dum # 2 s cloth, French Ga berdine; bullets, v aw a a $ : : 3 We offer for to-morrow 's ERR rE English serge, plaid Turks fired on the United sell 10 ¥ i 2 +a . - States cruiser Tennessee when Seiung ; tweeds, Frizoline coating, entering Smyrna harbor. 100 PAIRS Fad a Reurl cloths, Duvetyn and Forty-two "misfits" in (he + 12-4 flannelette blankets, ut plush, ete., ote Canadian contingent have heen reenlar $2.00. 1 ' ' * deprived of their uniforms and ) RAL ol sent home, TO-MORROW $1.65 \ : ? 4 These are shown in the ------ #2 sd . x s. . Ada 5 Massie wore. black brocade, foundation of . th a Ye oe foufiode de fideo foe eo eo 0 Be Be i ep g 3 geason's newest and best with a touch of lace, and Miss Mas- |" oramis - - h ts : a nls TE nived oil Her mother, Lodge, has also been awarded the FOOTBALL AT QUEEN'S 87 PAIR a colors, as well as black. - al kit of ve id Wie wore blue satin brocade and a blouse Sonthaet J the Suction Lu the bulla: ow ete uy : Regular $1.75 . 'ec make » nde © TO : lace ris ER. Peacor g ¢ ave a gang ol en on we | Science '17 on the Science Rughy | 4 : Re teen, of creamy lace Mrs. E. R. Peacock' ee . . J dt > WwW work at pricen made tes, and the whole afternoon |JoP to rush it through in reeord Trophy. TO-MORRO $1.45 PARTRIDGE & SON? i Assie' ri time. ) ines. 4 eV 2 ad' 8 . in 'Mrs. Massie's cosy little flat in ge . : ris '16 fos ts . ; Both lines in grev and L d Kink St. West. mses | 'Fle' Abernethy, Howard street, wa The Y\P.A: of St. Andrew's church ih Woolson : Heth 4% bt | hi iL adies ome ourna -------------- reer y, set, : same soccer yesterday fio ts ] a pledsant one for the visitors who hey Paton enjoyable old-time so- at upper campus, This wis one o | 3 ite, Winter St le Book | Cook's Cotton Root Compound; came and went Cia) last evening. the games of the MeClement Sorcery ---- iit . atm : the games 1 entent Song £3 ds Hable regulating *« » =» Patrick Hifernan, an aged ond x He The: final Roore™w >. e, relia ati . a] i . erie «fing Core" wi } Ce TI eT ae J a . Ps =. nad ivine. Bold in free des Me. T. K. Robertson was host at A bed reaidedt, Sind a wg a Phere was no score when fall tim: | 96 COMFORTERS Now on sale at o I pattern counter. Price 25¢ . h sme LA rr, Mrs, mm | 3 P A 4 ; No. 3, $5 . T on) 3A : 3 cabled so fourteen minutes ov . i 3 ality weluding one 15¢ irrer ee ciual cost oO by i 'dragsias,or eat | in his rooms in. Ontario Hall. | Corboy. Ihe finer} tagk place this ortime was played. during whic) Made. of a fine quality im- Zone Bb tt HN Ea . Actual cost of on receipt: of priee, | (ueon's Umaversity where Miss Dupuy | Morning to St. John's church, where '16 noteh'ad t Unte a A Hina « Vhs wok only c. 'te pamphlet. Addressi | *" ii oy Pm requiem mass was sung 'and his ng < 1%0 count ported filling and cover . TORONTO, ORY, (Feet Wei ing his guests. mains laid to rest in the. [oman Sciente "17 succeeded in winning ing. Reg. $2.00 A ot. "ew. 8 Catholic burying ground. the science rughy series by defeat | | TO-MORROW $1.49 Miss. Helen Uglow, Barrie stieet, I'he home of William Salter was the ling '18 yesterday afterno m by returned home on Monday aiter spen- | Sete of In ost eating focial lecore of 17-8. The game was vers ding a {ow days in Montreal, the [function last evening when his voung- [slow on account of the froze 20 owl 1 775 guest of Miss Mabel Henderson. est daughter, Miss H. Eulalie Sal- | around Lymburner and Mann wer: Regula FL.75 5a ter, held a reception for her friends he s 18 and Rowland th | TO-MORROW $1.25 The Reading Club will meet _ to- | of Grace Methodist Sunday school, {best ms on '17's line morrow at the home of Mrs. Harold |in the primary department of which -- Davis, Stuart street. she has for a number of years. done All star teams will he picked fron 2 5s elicient service," and of the Wimona the different faculties and the In Mrs. P. BE. Prideaux, Wellington | Mission Circle, of which she has been ter-faculty rugby series will star an active mewther since its inaugura- | 'he end of tie week tion, and also of the choir of Grace At the Y.M.C.A. meetinz this af PLAGUE OF GLANDERS. church, where her sweet-woive has |ternoon, Harold Harkness presiden aren been used in praise for a number of }3f the A M.S, will read a paper or |rHorses In Michigan Are Seriosly with instanter? If you have get Monday at the home oi the Misses [¥ears. The drawing room, in which | 'he "Faith of a College Man Affected. un Hiekey-Dover Combination st Crisp, OU street. she received her friends, was toate AAT TEAR AN a ------_ 200 de ] - Best's to-dny aud to-morrow nian. "ion S. | fully decoratéd in the Winona Circle CONDEMNED FOR TREASON, Ral ano ! Mich, Nov Bt An you'll be xiad. ry, . : ther disease among live stock even {colors (yellow, green and white) 'oA ts re deadly hs b hoof & r | Among the large number of hand- | Phepherd With White Goats Betrayes I & yt i ! Je ge ao ' : + , nou 1sease, as bee 18CoVei is stantly curd head and chest colds some and useful testimonials of es Battery to Enemy. he h_ ditous Ls beery ¢ vere | Bought special lot Tungsten Lamps, excellent quality » REP TTS Tha Theat cobis aoe om teem received by 'the bride 'of to-dm _ Chalons-sur-8#tne, Nov. 18.-- 2 chere many horses have been found 10 Watt . needletnly hut. get them (o-dny. J Miss Nan Reynolds, who has been [are noticeable a beautiful parlor | Frenchman, AMred Durot by name | doin, from glanders 15° W Mrs. H. A. Calvin's guest, on King |lamp from the staff of the Kelly and | aas been sentenced to death by Aldready inspectors have killed {| J att eer tia street, for the past couple of {Bulloch grocery; a handsome silver ourt-martial for treason. Rie hia Noni ; / 95 Wats : ps a , eventeen head. Because of the vv att weeks returned to Brockville to- [bake dish from. thé teachers amd of. During the battle "which rage ighly contagious nature of this di | Watt : ite Irs po 1s 1 re t 3 3 . + ~ » . a : sd 0 } } y § ficers of Gracé Methodist Sunday | iround Rheims on September tt | CC and its fearful offects officers are Wa att ces unas Hos red urns , enac |e i 38 he Fr arti ati of i Best's Mis Fred: Burns, . Frontenac lgchool, and from the Winona Mission ie French artillery operating nea vorking with utmost speed to wipe ote TERRE PEARS RE GRIER ET EE EE TE TT o> erigth=--N +81: | © most enjoyable tea this afternoon very kindly wssisted him in entertain Street, entertained informally at tea -~ one day early this week. = . te a .a And a bad cold you 'want to part The I. C. Reading Clab met on Mrs. Hubert Ryan, King street, « is rr entertaining informally at tea this | d in. i This pair ix gusranteed to afternoon. street, who has béen in Toronto, | Circle a life-membership certificate. A | 'he village of Puiseulx was sub . ' t ie » bh T t. N Veste ay fic i « q visiting her sister Mrs. B. Hamil large number of her friends availed | ected to a terrific hombardment b $ out, ki ob ati} ye 4% Ray Ha 100 Watt «eins $00 ton Partridge, will spend a ' short |¢hemseives of the opportunity of ten- | he Germans, no matter how ofte; ome Sng Pay lata ai Home Ill inati i Opticians time with her cousin Mrs. Burns dering) to her their Ix wishes for | 'hey changed their position. A care ir spread shout thie fouth ond e umination a Specialty. Open Sundays 1.30 to 5, 6.30 BY | before returning home. future happiness and prosperiuy., ul wateh was kept and it was dis | '* the county, Dg. ia etn Principal Gandier, of Toronto | The marritige took place ut eleven | 'overed that a mile in front of the 0 the disease and human beings spent the week-end in town o'clock tl Narn i |. Pu- | "rénch batteries a shepherd wa ish comiract it easily. : * Miss A. A. Holland, 126 B Nel fied ceding his flock, among which were | (Complaint was made that some of » . ewman ectric LO alie Salter, on ' of : lalie be farmers who own horses sus A son street, is visiting with Mrs, W "hi Tae es | Ive snow white goats. : , o | n Willian tr, " X rected of having the disease are Phone 441. 79 Princess Street ol A. Daly, Napanee. Rolly iil et n Afi } The shepherd was arrested; ani 3 Mr. John HoOpRIFK spent the week- Gelirze : Kell 4 rd and | 'nquiries showed that during th ndeavoring to, hide them and an end with friends in Montreal SADIOR "fy frm 4 Kell. | Ferman occupation of Puiseulx he | ficer was called to investigate ae vas the only inhabitant who had no Glanders is a highly contagious ructive disease of hors- 5, ete. It is character any Hal 'een molested and that he had beer | wd very des i the a . : iven the white goats, whose pre 8, asses, maul ' of 2 : 3 'ence was to signal the position o zed by inflammation of thé muweuous was ¢ ; H on CEHERY | vhe French -guns. Durot admittec | nembranes, especially of the nose, the DY nh ia { tis guilt nd a discharge of sticky matter, daint i Ci nd by an enlargement and harden spent the week-end with, Rev. and wolorsd to ' . t » Ap on { Mrs. W. F. FitzGerald, Brock street. a a Ri WA NEUTRALITY IN SPAIN. ng of the glands beneath and with- |] ode ,0 Mrs. Charles Livingston, Barrie A he with Telaticte. in : 'Y 3 Niroleis ProWiere m i a the lower jaw. It ends fatally af. f 1 1 1a en street, spent the week-end with f+iends irele roliibited From Sending er an acute or chronic course. I i n eir retin ihe vill locate y , in Montreal. on their re Code Miessages. 1ay be transmitted to dogs, gos James street heap and human beings, Bovives are [li Notice the fine line of pocket flash-__ rhts in our' wit The Rev. and Mie. A. I. Geen are Harry Barnes, ) R'. 4 New York, Nov. 18.--Wireless sta matiine. expected from Belleville to-morrow to teraed to the diiv : 3 ions have been prohibited hy the We a dow. We have them all prices Call and see them eit Baw. IQ : ya vitit Rev. R. S. Forneri and th week duck-hnnii {ld Overnment from transmitting mes - Misses Forneri, Alfred street. successfinl af ' 1ges in code Sr secret language to HIS LATEST JOB. » - - aire om three ducks r from individuals, warships, merch . ------ a H 11 d El ct 8 Liet.:Col. W. St. Pierrs Hughe eee nt gi ond consular agents, ac- | villie Always-Pul)s String in | - alll ay S En e ric e St. " 18 ording to a nnou . t ade : spent the week-end in Ottawa. BURIED 40,000 IN A DAY IE by the © Wor ent. mad Guns, Phone 94 Mrs. W. G. Anglin, Mrs. J. W - = waph Co non. ee I Campbell, Mrs. G. w. Myke and Radio telegrams for points in Spaiy onstant movement from one pol Mrs. Edward Ryan™ will be the pa- Laid in Three Layers. _ bould be written in plain En lial oF 0 anotger on the front is now ronesses' at the Medical dance, which Amsterdam, Nov, 18--The Niedwe | French g ounted for by the German tradit | a es . --a a is to be held in Grant Hall on Fri- Roiterdamseht Courant quotes x lets go hat the chief war lord shall fire day evening. ter' from a Galician priest stating FOR ANSWER. rst hg an a. Yaa Come bot that 40,000. Austrians have been Pan ji guns new 17-inch howitzer . " y Ol AC ay » eo eT - 4 i i . ¢ 3 ol - ¥ : enever a ew i-1 } F he ) Fora, spe buried in one day im a grave six and | South Americans Den Violat ) with the Rev. and |" ; : A : 3 ¥ RODS: i mounted the Kaiser proceeds to u omo (1) 3 or Y *. 0". » Mr. Rodger Clark arrived in town from Fdmonton on Monday to enlist with the Queen's Engineers for over- sens service. Ven. Archdeacon Paterson-Smyth Paris, Nov. 18 shot from each of the new ing a few days A p a by tn ore. ; ane half feet wide and a little more Neutraiity, : Mra. John Webs Johns reet. > ; - > spot and hurls the first shell by es TH Ta out. ib then fer miles long. Buenos Ayres, Nov. "18. South Am 30 hoy A ina Com ity strest, who has been visiting Prof. | 1asa sexe i ar oi teT S78, Were |ccionns are amviously watching for sme distance tebind the line. BEST SERVICE IN THE 01TY "a laid next to each other in three 1ay-lihe United States to answer to the a MODERN CARS ; CAREFUL CHAUFFEURS and Mes. James Small, at Westmount. ors Ya " -------- = 8. British and French protest © on "th: HUDSON BAY RAILWAY ed, during a battle lasting only a Heuador and Columbia. It is sug 80 Miles Steel Laid and 323 Miles $2.25 Per Hour Montreal, returned home on Tuesday. These men were killed, it is stat- alleged violation of neutrality. hy : ; Miss Reid, of Toronto, was the i ent of Mrs. Aloxunder Laird Joh few: hours zeited that the British forget tha Graded. ¥ - ¥ ah ar To et, Lar s : ------ ee hey had several times' violated Uru Vita Nov. 18 The Hudson PORRI I I GARAGE CO Limi ; Messrs, William Antlif and Terence Collegiate Debate, guafan.: newtrality, The press says | Ota way is Delf advanced at «| "WELLINGTON ST. KINGSTON : MeDerniott, of McGill University, who | On. Tuesday, afternoon the K.C.J. | Nat neutral trade must be unmolest a a eye ALWAYS.OPEN.. ~~ oT i hid : were the Misses Shaw's guests ? for a Debating 1 op held a meeting when od, nd Tu, Bein wil be hub a yu aons pr that 180 ie a PRONE Aig 2 iv, turned t _ . " Ano. | CUPL. rad 8 n w a We mercy of Rae. a1 a ai and if GOD ol IR id days last week, have returned to the, subject, "Resolved, that the Eng- | it iistors attempging a blockade of | 11€s of stegl had been laid a | lish school system is of mors benefit Ty 25 miles of the road graded. i | MrsS Wright, sister éf~the Bishop to the boy of to-day than the Cana- | 1° "o% " Both of the railway- proper and Ero cf New: Westminster, has taken a flat | jin system," was debated. The ai- Iso on the terminalé at Port Nel , ; in the Argyle" and will spend the fitmative was sustained by Messrs J, | FEES EESME0000 00 PP Pb bbb ip: on, it is intended fo conthiue tiie EN \ : winter in the 'city, says the Ottawa Giles (lsader) and H. 8. Hooper, and y /ork during the winter months' Op- : pa * feet 4 : v y : SNAPPY | Ne Puts: MeLiéod' and 'Miss. the negative by Mesars. H, J. Farrar TO STOP WAR. . 'ration early in 1416 is looked for. | Pe . AER. have Teeny isdylanes | (jagder) and R. Ga-vett. The debate Jov ey . Mesum } : ' Ne n "Ro Meleod, » have heen the guests of was ably judged by B. 0. Sliter. wha : a nden, Nav. Js The aut MADE IN CANADA BY CANADA 8. B : : Word has been vevetved of the Geathi! Mrs. I H. "Breck, University. avenue, gave decifion for the negative. : H Bor Joint Intervention FACTORY Ly VE df Mrs. Walter Southworth, Morris Thi coat is for you young amen |"*uu®d fo Toronto on Saturday. + from the queen of the Nether. § | rg, au. honored resident of MEN'S solid leather witerproof ; ¥ho take a pride in being well-] Wo Rodger, 168 Division | Af St: George's A. Y, P. A. + lands and the president of the ¢ | lace. White Rose: flour Ham $3 50 6. dressed, and who know a stylish street, will receive on Friday, Nov. | Rev. Mr. Cox, Gananogue, spoke to | # United States is increasing, !mt Jusist on oy Mes CUR Wilsor boots, from Smee bans alsieny " VE garment when you see one. Iti oni and aft is "om the frst the St. George's cathedral | h. of | ¥ it Nis not as yet evoked any o of Mrs. C. K. y tg a eet Io, "i of the | or vhind Friflays of the tenth dor 1the: AY.PA Tuesday evening $+ romment here, Mrs. John Conley, of Remirew, is! young, careful dfesser. The wide ast thi winter, "The Apostolic Succession of : : : 2.8 Hyun : 4 ; faiting Mrs. M. > X. Donnelly, 157 We ; rr ji it. iti re | are leather experts and back our' judgment. [weed, occurred in Manitoba. ABBA LLD n.d | 'ormerly Miss Maggie Falconer, | BOYS, wear like iron, : From ...:... 0... .: Cand a to relyét collar, wide lapels, form-fit- A oy ting body amd general trim appear- JLB, Ri ion Church of England." The jeot fait Nr t aute Wilk appeal to you Thursday in December and not again enjoyed. Thanks were Removed: By Constable. wi Lenin WO A -- trial will convince you. : : $18 to $25. until after the New Year, given Mr. Cox: ior his oxcollent ad- | Constable Jenkins was called upon - : a A The prices are just right to insure | Mk and Mes. Harold W. Nelle, Wil. | dress, potter which all joined in sing. |to_sreei. & Tap for drunkenness on : ALL KINDS OF RUBBERS i street to tow ing " > 's Foundation." | Wednesday mo ; acendad, | : SS best tailoring and exclusive goods. | liam street, 0 town on par cl ndation" v rang ; Ni Fh > > ¥ 8 and small meeting was brought to a close In i i ly Tie ) 1a i I Rd 1 Boa "eb; , arrived, [singing "God Save the King." i | NJ Shuler Saturday) "to" visit her parents, Mr. jmorro¥. y po %e he } bh p and Mrs. Smith' Elliot. ER E2320 Miss Helen Dribpmond; | who is the "Gilson's Fuiulsion," 23e, RF

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