Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Nov 1914, p. 2

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-& © McKay Furs are Custom Made IN KINGSTON IT I8 noticeable that visitors who leave this store to « ~ look elsewhere and compare the values, come 'back, saying that our furs are not only the best, but almost invariably are lower in price. Buy Baby's Robe Now Our special real white b robes, pocket and straight, are great sel. lers at $2.05, $3 00, $3.50 and $4.00 You can't wear them out, JOHN M 2 ; KAY, Limited THE FUR HOUSE. 149-157 BROCK ST. LIFE, " -- OUR FRESH GROU SICKNESS, ACOI- » AND AUTOMOBILE IN. 'anted--A Grocery Store in ------tAskas ND Ou¥F. FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. re. Try a sample order and be ibd of the city, t J Pe 18 Maher Bao nrigced. 3 | Kingston, Ont. | Princess St, i Phone 720 Prompt Deliver) Signs That Are Passing Away Science has taken the pro. fession of optics beyond the 8) of the old time "side line" man. The strain mod- eern civilization places upon the eyes demands the attention of a specialist, We are Opiisal Specialists. Wa devote our entire time to examining eyes and correcting their defects. with proper glasses. ROE RRR 1.5. Asselstine,D.0.S Eyesight Specialise. 843 King St Fhone 1019 and Rugs for the Fall Trade + Ie have passed into stock sixty-seven bales of Rugs.. Designs are smaller and prices as low as last season. Every make of stair -and hall fo matek. - R. McrAUL .. Oarpes Warehoues Here's a Chance To Secure 2 Xmas is Not Far Away Very acon you will be in the hustle of holiday buying. Why not, at once, got busy and make your selection while stocks are large and shopping is comfortable? purchases at our visk until needed. This year you will buy the useful and durable and not expensive. With door and window for a detached neer residence, Easy chairs and fine gift, ne | ve home whieh could - he hidilt during the winter. nn Desks, tables, cabinets, chiffoniers are all useful, ornamentsl and dur- able. morning by a man named We will store your |' 3 ii | i Clothing For The Belgians. i f £ --_--. PRIVATE F. W. HARRISON CAN- 1 * NOT BE FOUND. Feared That He Was Drowned in Harbor.~Cap Picked Up Mane] Water Front. : The finding of a military cap along the water front, belween Brock and Clarence street, led to the discovery that "Frederick W. Harriso vate aftached to "PF" company of the 21st battalion, for overseas | "duty, was missing, and it is feared | that fie fell into the Mater and was ' drowned The police and military authorities are now looking for the missing soldier. The harbor wilt be dragged. Information from military --eircles | state that Harrison has béen missing from the ranks since Tuesday noon A representative of the Whig was informed that Harrison was noticed walkieg along the waterfront on Monday night about 10.30 o'clock The cap wig picked up on Tuesday Cleary, ] | a pri- livigg on Wolfe Island. Harrison is thirty-three vears of age, and enlisted in this city. For some fime ha was a cook with the R.CMA. in Kingsion. He was born Jin London, Eng. The description | 2iven of him states that he is 5 feet, 77 1-2 inches in height, clean shav- ren, weighing from 145 to 150 pounds. He appeared to be well Sills and the) company ean fand happy and Cant jothér members of "1 assign no reason for his ahsence. [and on account of the finding of the ap, it 18 believed that he fel into {the water. 3 | The eap, which was picked | i | i | up along the water front was handed over to the police. It has the initi-! als, "W.H." and his number 137. | Looking For Rody. : Constables Bateson. Naylon, Craig jand Jenkins patrolled the water- [front this afternoon with grapoling {hooks in search of the body of Fred- erick W. Harrison believed to have been drowned. | BASKETBALL GAMES. Two of Sunday School Tuesday Ev ening. Series on The second double-header meet of the Sunday School Basketball As30 ciation series took place in the Y M C.A. gvmnasivm on Tuesday evening. { The contesting aggregations this time were Brock Street va, Bethel, and St. Andrew's vs. Y.M.C.A. The two matches were more closely contested last evening than they were a week previous, owing to the fact that St. Luke's line-up, which was in a poor condition, had dropped ont, and a Y.M.C.A. aggregation taking its place in the series. The referee, C. R. Pow- ors, gave ontire - satisfaction. Roy Day was umpire for both games. The first match, between Brock Stréet and Bethel, resulted in a vie tory for Brock by the score of 34 to 19. At half time the tally stood 12 to 9. As a general rule, this Congre- | gational team put it over its oppon: {ents, but this is once where the Meth- f odists trimmed it to a standstill. Ac | times this game was fast and excit- ing. The second game, between St. An. drew's and Y.M.C.A. resufited 30 to | 20 in favor of St. Andrew's. The hali time score stood 17 to 7. The last | match produced several fine plays and (was really the better game of the two The four contesting teams were : Brock strest--Forwards, M. McCon- | ville,- F. Pound; centre, F. Reid; de- | fence, Ferguson, C. Pound, Burtch. | Bethel--Forwards, G. Holland, W. King; centre, H. Singleton; defence, M. Veal, H. Edgar. St. 'Andrew's--Forwards, H. Holder, Ld Mercer; centre, R. Day; defence, W. | Mercer, HE. Kelly. Y.M.C.A.--Forwards, W. Joyner, T. McCormack; centre, S. Fleming; de , fence, 8. Marrison, A. Murray 1 The Late Michael J. Lynch. | 'The funeral of the iate Michael J. Lynch, who died on Monday, was held -on Wednesday morning from St. Marys cathedral. The pall- bearers, T. J. O'Connor, James For- rest, Thomas Keenan, James Keat- ing, Daniel Dennis and D. P. Biani- gan, carried tho- remains from the |deceased's late residence, 240 John- {30n street, to the cathedral, a dis- jtance of about a block. A requiem {mass was celebrated by Rev. Father {A. J. Hanley, assisted by Rov. Father (Joseph. McDonald and Father Me- Neill. From the cathedral the re- {mains were taken to St. Mary's cem- {etery, where they were placed in the Lo } ition | A Splendid Meeting, i Charles J. Stevens, evangelist, of Toronto gave his final address of a Series in Brock Stréet hall, Tues- day nightl, The subject: "Israel's Deliverance, Their Journey to and Entrance Into Promised Land," was | exgeedingly well handled and in a 1 very original and forceful way. Mr. Stephens is a most attractive speak- (@r and lis nightly niéetings are sure {fo be well attended. i i Seven large packing cases of {clothes and other necessities of life {were shipped to Montreal on Tues- {day in ald of the Belgians. The | {firemen of No. 1 station carefully | packed them and will be glad to re- | 'ceive any other goods that may be! sent. Ofe of 'the cases was sent | iby Miss Ida C. Ronan and another by Companion Court I. 0. F. Died At Ottawa. Word was rectived om Tuesday * of {the 'dedth of Mrs. Ernest Hubbell, wife of F. W. Hubbell, chief (of surveys, Ottawa, daughter of | Carlefion W. Corn: | many the late G. deeply i | ! | i | i Hubbell in Kingston who will i ith her' family in their Crrnavity sn and oyster [ I Thermometer Showed Twelve Above Zero Mark Wednesday Morning. All that was needed in Kingston Wednesday to make real winter wea- ther, was a fall of snow, and it look- ed for a time as if the weather man would send along a Hurry of "the beautiful," "Is it cold enough oo: you." This time-worn expression was again in or- der on Wednesday morning. It was cold enough for the average citizen, all right, for when he looked at his thermometer early in the morning he found that it was just twelve above the zero mark. And this was going some for November 18th. Frost on the window panes, and ice in the mk bottles and in water pails, recalled the fact that Old Man Winter was again upon us. TIEEPIPII IIRL 00 00 M000 : READ ADVERTISEMENTS. * The Whig's readers are ur- %+ ged to carefully scan the store # news i the various advertise- 1 ents, The merchants are making their space valuable in offerin E bargains. + study of these will save citizens * , ahd that is what is + sought after + from home 3 help the cit these days. merchants, and you y thereby. FREE E IPI PEPE E SD 400 ---- ea Fall And Winter Imporatations. Prevost, Brock street has received his fall importations for his tailoring department consisting of suiting and overcoating im great variety to choose from. Also large Stock of ready-made clothings and Gents' Furnishing, | | FOr bed Bede Lbs al "Hudnut's toilet water," at Gib- Ron 8. Execiitor's Sale AT. George Mills & Co's Is Altracting Crowds of Keen During these "rush" days at our store, all who can, should shop in .the morning. The after- noons are so busy it is impossible to give ev- erybody the attention we would like. Remem- ber, too, that early choosers get the best. Ladies' Fur Coats PERSIAN LAMB COATS, made from finest selected skins, 36 incces Jong. Begnlar price. $265.00. Executors' = Sale price rs ane BT. B0 PERSIAN LAMB COATS, best quality, 52 inches long. Reg- wiar price $350.00 to $375. 00. Executors' Sale Price . $205.00 HUDSON SEAL COATS, plain or trimmed, 45 inches long. Executors' Sale Price $91.50 PERSIAN PAW COATS, 50 inches long. Regular pricé $60.00. Executors' sale price $43.50 : RUSSIAN PONY COATS, 50 and 52 inchos long. Regular price $75.00. Executors' Sale Price is $46.50 MUSKRAT COATS, 352 inches dong. Regular price $50 spec- ial Executors' Sale Price . MINK MARMOT COATS, 50 inches long. Regular price $65.00, Executors' Sale Price $43.50 Electric Seal, Astrachan, Cara. cul and Furdined Coats at Sacrifice Prices 9. Men's Fur Coats COON COATS from $53.50 up OUR REGULAR $100.00 COON COAT for' $82.50 ALASKA BEAVER COATS, » Regular $25.00, for SIKTS MUSKRAT LINED COATS, ot ter ecllar, for $43.50 BARGAINS FOR EVERYBODY COME EARLY TO-MORROW | I s scelery, ole. fl stores, Now on Sale 15¢ Per Copy The College Book Store, Open Evenings Mail Orders 2c Per Copy Extra Phone 919 HEAR THE ADDRESS BY MAYOR SHAW AND LIEUT. STROUD. S. Shaw, of Philadelphia, Also Spoké ~=Veterans to 'Drill In the Ar mouries on Thursday Night. The Veterans association held a' | We have well-attended 'meeting in the . City Council chamber on Tuesday night, the commandant, A. M, presiding. . There were several new members at the meeting. The list of names secured by Lieut.Col. G. Hunter shows that the membership to-be nearly 200. Mayor Shaw gave a short talk on the history of the British flag. He told of the glories of the St. George's St.Andrew and St. Patrick crosses. The address was very much appre- ciated by the vetgrans. . Lieut. Albert StPbud, signalling officer of tlie 21st batalion, gave a very interesting and instructive talk on "signalling." He described the different methods---the hore, viorse lamp, helio-telegraph, tolé- phone and. wireless... The speaker demonstrated the methods used. His address was well received and appreciated. : Shaw, of Philadelphia, tola of the sympathy of the Americans to the allies cause and the' loyalty of the Canadians across the border. As Lord Roberts was af honor ary member of the association, a re- solution of sympathy to Lady Rob- erts was sent by the executive. It was decided to ask the militia department and the city to consider the appointment of veterans when choosing guards for home duty. The veterans, through the cour tesy of Col. T. D. R. . emming, and by an a t with Lieut.-Col. W. S. Hughes and Major H. J. Daw- son will. meet in the armouries gn Thursday evening at eight o'clock for driil and rifle practice. - Mujor Henderson will souad charge- of the. rifle The meeting closed after remarks by We Shaplain, ha Forster, Rev. Mr. fee, Mr. Ingledew and Mr. Davidson by singing of the Na- tional Anthem. "Hidsot's folet water" Gibson's, THE VETERANS MEET; *rm=-- Chisholm | ¢ just a little ahead of the other fellows. This per- tains both to style, fit, finish and reasonable- | ness in price. If you want the latest, you must come here for it, and do so at once, 2s the | range will soon be brok- | en. AAA et Pt ate The Hearth Fire-- -"Anglin's Lump Coal Youn think of one--the other is a part. an extra choice stock of large, blocky, smooth and shiny lump coal practically free f~om slate and screenings. SANGLIN&CO. Coal and Wood Yards BAY & WELLINGTON BTS. Phone 86, weeeslamber, Coal & W or. urae, son 2 SEAR at e Pros. pray FOU. want the Iatent Be Show you 'the ae S i and dust. - (Ef see 'em go out with g § faces, JSant 5 hapa. | or 160 Princess Street Oddly cased clocks. Clocks to match mod- ern furniture. Old Country designs mostly. a os are going up ce, delect Yours before that happens. D This is the time to buy your furs You have a better assortment to choose Gourdier Furrier 78-80 Brock St. ALFRED ST A handsome, medium sized = dwelling, on this attractive street is offered for sale at a low price. The house is solid brick, econ. tains every convenience, and is in excellent condition. Large lot with stable, | | A complete list of homes and investments at office. Houses To Rent $1830 will bay frame conveniences (near Clergy), E. W. Mullin, | ALL KINDS OR REAL ESTATE Cor. Johnson and Division Sis, Phones 530 and 1456 a iis " detached 'with modern Uneen "Street dwelling, on From the first "ring<up" of the |g curtain to its final drop, you ij are asked to inspect the work- ings of = THIS LAUNDRY See how we attain Perfect : § sanitary, cleanness; see things come In grimmed and sofledes hining : Observe every stage of tHe transformation. Ask questions. Haneda

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