Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Nov 1914, p. 3

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I'o the Land of Sunshine and Summer Days, California, Florida, Louisana. Etc Limited trains leave hingston daily, | making direct connections at Mont. real, Detroit and Bubialo for the Southern States, and at Uhicago for California, eto. Those contemplating a trip ol any nature should comsult or write me and 1 will be pleased to quote rates, ap range reservations and attend to af détails in connection with your trip For full partieuiars noply 4 R HANLEY, Ralivond and Sten atiahlp Age ent, cor. Johuson and Ontario: Sts. CANADIAN I WINTE TO THE LAND or Sunshine and Summer Days. okt "CANADIAN, ON AST TIME BETWEEN NTREAL-TORONTO MN ETROIT CHICAGO Particulars from Canadian Pac's Ticket Agents, or write M. G. Mur- phy, Dis trict Ps « " to. F. LONW, office, cor n Sts El CANADIAN SERVICE Salling dates will be announced when arranged. apply to local Robert Reford 50 King For information ticket agent, of The Co,, Limited, general agents, Street East, Toronto. WHITE STAR™ CIEL (W183 of Bulk oar In order to advertise more widely our Bulk Teas, we are offering an ex- tea good one at 30c Per Pound MIXED JAPAN J. R. B. GAGE Phone BLACK Montreal & John Sts. BUILDERS !! [|| Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Baves Time. P. WALSH,' Barrack Street. Perfect Rest FO Roe 'Women's Feet Cushion Sole Shoe Style, Ease and Durahility | Combined" | who, take a pride:in dressed, girment when 'you - sce -one. designed to meet the needs of the Young, Finishihg Touch To A Perfect Meal CHASE & SANBORN MONTREAL. 147 "NORMAN The NEWEST ARS AR Clustt, Swat, Prabecy & Go. loc. Inc, Makers, fakes, Sales Dept. Montreal Montres! Kit Toilet Rolls to keep Brushes, Razor, Soap, ete. in, a compact strong roll. Also Handy Comb, making T3¢ to $5.00, Pocket Mirrors Soap Boxes Fountain Pens Patriotic Stationery Military Brushes Vest Pocket. Unineras Tooth Brashes Hair Brushes, Satisfactory ete. Druggists and Make up your kit to-day at Best's Opticians Open Sundays 1.30 to 5, 6.30 mp 'SNAPPY This coat is for you young men well- stylish i i# being and who know a careful dresser. The wide velyet collar: wide lapels, form-fit- ting body and gemeral trim' appears ance will appeal to you » R18 to $25. The prices are just right to insure best tailoring and &xelusive gpods. ! 08D ROBERTS DEAD PASSED AWAY AMONG THY. Ir BRITISH TROOPS. | re Giving up His Lite For a Visit | Amohg His Beloved Troops -- Jhe Service Over Remains To Be Held At St, Paul's. : AG 4 Landon, Nav. 14.-~Lord: Roberts died of a chill, this evening, while on' a visit to "the troops in Franee. London, Nov To.--England, to-day, is awaiting in sorrow the body of "Bobs." It in expected that, to-day or to-morrow, the remains of Lord Roberts will reach Folkestone from France, where he died among the British troaps, literally giving up bis fife. far one more visit among his be- loved Indian troops. Fungral services, for of the South African war, and field marshal, will, probably, be hiéld at St. Paul's, where those of Wellington, Nelson. and other. British heroes have been held. Messages of condolence have been sent Lord Roberts" widow and daugh- ter by. King George. General Sir John French and others have arrived irom all parts of the empire the late hero Sketch Of His Career. The late General Frederick Sleigh Reberts, G.C.B., V.C., Earl of Ro- berts, was the son of the late Sir Abraham Roberts, G.C.B. and was born in Cawnpore, India, in 1832. He entered the army in December, 1851, when he was gazetted a second lieu- tenant in the Royal Artillery. was made a first lieutenant in 1857; aplain in 1860; brevet major in 1860, major in 18 brevet lieut- Col, 1868; brevet colonel in 1875 { z 1878 He in 84 rved thro 1857-08, (as « uty termaster-general of Royal Artillery) incinding the siege and capture of Delhi, He was present at many en gagements, was fréquently wounded, and in several battles had his horse shot under him, He received the Victoria Cross for personal bravery on the field and was thanked by the governor-general of 'India for his services He was employed on spe cial service with the expedition of 1863 against the tribes of the North- west frontier of India. He in the Abyssinian campaign of 1868 as assistant guarter-master general with the Bengal brigade, and in the same capacity and as senior staff of- ficer with the Cachar Column, Loe shai expeditionary force in 1871-72. He commanded the Koorum field force from the commencement ol the Alghan war in 1878; was pres- ent at the storming and capture of the Pluvar Katal and at the pursuit of' the Alghan army to the Shurtar- gardan, also at the affair in the Mau- gior Pass and during the operations in Khost, for which he received fhe thanks of parliament and. was made a K.CeB. He commanded the (a- bul field force during the march on and occupation of Cabut in 1879, and in 1880 the Cabul-Candahar field force during the celebrated march from Cabul to effect the relief of Can dahar, which he accomplished, and subsequently defeated and dispersed the army of Ayoub Khan, for which he received the thanks of parliament. He was made & G.C.B. and created a baronet for hiz distinguished servi- ces in India. He then became com- niander-in-chief of the Madras army, with the rank of Lieutenant-General In December 1899, with Kitchener his chief of staff, Lord Roberts sent to South Africa to direct British army against the Boers s he took command, h swept the Doers before "although ti compaign asted two years Fa 85-5 marshal ro commander « from 1 ant quar- as was the Wh 18446 be atest fiedd A 1548 to entenary ippointed o LIi# force and it was pride during the past monih he views Canadian troops England He ds were as fine a bot had ever comman Whether or ition that hi { juestion, but at =n rate yea! to the Indian ' troops fighting side by side with the British soldiers in* France It was In India that he was born and lived for and he hed a deep regard for the dusky waf- riors whe have been so loyal to Bri CHILD'S TONGUE BEES COATED IF CONSTIPATED When Cross, Feverish and Sick Give "California Syrup of Figs." be ny coe years Children love this 'fruit laxative." and nothing else cleanses the tender stomach, liver and bowels 20 nicely. A child imply will not stop play- ing to empty the bowels, and the re- .sult is, they become tightly clogged with waste, liver gels sluggish, sto- mach sours, then your little one be- comes cross, half-sick, fevérish, don't eat, sleep or act naturally, breath is bad, system full .ef cold, has sore throat, stomaeh-ache : or diarrhoea, Listen, Mother! See il tongue is coated, then give a teaspoonful of "Caltfornia Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the system, and: you have a well, playful chiid again. . Millions of mothers give "Califor- nia Syrup of Figs" because it is per fectly harmless; children love it, and it never fails act on the sto- mach, liver and bowels. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babi on the kt e. served | j for es; children of all ages and for gang. plainly printe tain. Fs desire was met, ang he died hear the descendan(s of the men among whom he was born. The "little red-faced man," 'as Kipling called him, -wa& publicly proclaimed by the kaiser himself no mean judge, as the "ablest soldier of hi time." From William 11. he received the decoration of the Red Eagle, being the first non<German to be thus honored, and in explain- ing his action the kaiser compared him with the ablest military genius- es of the past, and deelared him to be the greatest of to-day"s gener- als."! ; While he was on his wedding tour lie was commanded to attend Queen Victoria at Balmoral Castle, «nd there was given the V.C. The ex- ploit in whi¢h this coveted decora- tion was won o¢curred in the Indian Mutiny, in the course of & pursuit of a pumber of rebels, who faced suddenly round, dud firing on their pursuers §'ood at bay. In his book, "Forty-One Years in India," Lord Roberts h'a8 given a matter-of- fact aceount of the deed. 1 saw Younghusband fall," he records, "but I eould not go to his assistance as at that moment, one of his sowars was in dire peril from a Sepoy, who was attacking him with his fixed bavonet, and had I not helped the fellow and disposed of his opponent he must have heen killed. An instant later I described in the distance two Sepoys making off © with 'a standard, which I determined must be recaptured; so I rode aftér the rebels and over- took them, and while wrenching the stafl out of the hands of one, whom I eut down,.the other put his mius- Ret close to my body and fired, for- tunately for me the piece' misged fire. I carried off the standard." THE ROARING GALES TERRIFIC WINDS WHISTLE AND SHEIAS SEEK VICTIMS, Chilled To Very Marrow ayonet Charges "Gr of Dunes Are Up Into Blinding Clouds. London, Nov In reports reaching to the allies have which , the Tuesday, the of the conditions neighborhood of Daily Chronicle Northern France is --No Bash- ace Swirls ts Tate view of the night Dixmuds, stormed deseription on of the corr of particul ar was one of the most unple: ant surprises which we had b fore and shall have age I 1x mude was re-taken by AN A% a town, its poss ion is not es ul priceless value to the foe. They have retaken a pitiful ruin--many streets of skeleton houses, filled with burnt- out ashes, a town hall with gaping halls in its room, the archway of which <hrusts up from the wreck of pillars like a gaunt rib, and a litter of broken glass, bricks and decom: posed bodies. | "The character of the fighting in| Flanders does not permit a detailed description. Therq is nothing to conceal in the way of heroic charges by cavalry, dashing bayonet attacks, or rapid counter movements.of infan- | try in wass. Such things for which he public imagination is eager are | = aot. happening Just now. What i happening is a howling gale shriel ing across the dunes and swirling up i the sands into blinding clouds and fl tearing across the flat marshlands as |» the old | racing | 1 | if all the invisible gods of st world were playing at 1 their chariots. 'In the trenches along the men crouch down close to the me mud to shelter themselves from the | wind, which is harder to dodge than shrapnel shells. It lashes them with a fierce cruelfy. ger | vist Men Cannot Keep Wamm. "In spite of all the woollen com- ifgrters and knitted vests, made by | nbmen® s hands at home, the wind inds its way through"to the bones nd marrow of the soldiers, so that | they are numbed At night it is an | wgony of cold, preventing sleep even men could sleep, while shells are irching for them with their cry of ieath Gunners have dug pits for them elves and when. they cease fire the time they crawl to the shel- smoking through little outlets amp blankets in which they have pped their heads and shoulders y tie bundles .'of straw around r legs to keep out the cold and k old newspapers inside their 1 us' breast plates and swear to ¢ep themselves warm at least in i maginaston. » wind gave & new horror to his war. There was something de vilishh in its howling, in its long an gry roar, as it came with enormour farce across the flats and hurled it self against the walls of the village r the raof of an old barn, as if na ture itself had been seized with the fury of destruction. "It was very hot; as well as cold, at Oudecapelle and Nieucapelle and along the line to Styvekenskerke and Lombaerdtzyde. The Germax batteries were hard at work again belching out an imexhaustable.sup ply of shells, Over there the dark ness was stabbed by red flashes and was zig-zagged with forked lightn ing made by machinery. In Wind And Shell. "At intervals the. whole horizon was illuminated by waves of vivid splendor which showed for some mo- ments upon the blanched faces of mén, who waited for death. High above the witchlike howlings of the wind came the shrilling whistling nate of the shells, like night-birds, rushing through the storm, in search of prey. "The guns of the allied batteries answered back, roar echoing roar. The 'thunder claps of the wind were less loud than the concussions of gunfire and, yet mingled with them and prolonged thém and became a part of this storm of deadly oun: increasing the horror of war. Through the darkness along. the road infantry tramped toward the lines of <repches to relieve other re- giments who had éndured a spell in them. They bent their heads low, throstiag" forward into the heart of , which tore at the bl Frenchmen and pl at | norning papers complaining of | spread about by the more oY , mpire 4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1914. j= h ep -- Md ------ DT , Art and Stamped Goods. Our display is a large and com- prehensive one and features many novelties. New stocks of Royal So- ciety working silks and floss are now in stock! ! Special orders promptly at- tended to. Hi PROBS. Tuesday. toeal snowfalls and flurries, EEE EEE Ee g2 Steacy's First --LARGEST DISPLAY in the city, en- abling you to get the coat that suits you. Second--WE HANDLE THE BEST MAKES ONLY You can't buy a cheap-looking coat here as we aven't got them. Third-- LOWEST IN THE CITY PRICES Made possible by large buying and being satisfied with small profits. Fourth PERFECT SATISFACTION -We never consider a sale closed until the pur. chaser is perfectly satisfied. SAVE AN EXTRA 5% Steacy's merchandise discount stamps mean a distinct saving of 5% on all cash purchases. wel ao e. weliably rv wiating Sold 1a, 3 eb = foo, A reo tr 0. Ke or 3, $5 et a fond _ Oh receipt ot 'ree Be ampniet: ise, THE COOK CEE co, « J0R0NTY. GT. (Formarly Wiadsar.} vif les Srom bayoneis and drag "the heir grip. 'They never lance at the raised their heads to Red Cross carts goi SALISBURY. CONDIT IONS A There To Serve Cause Of Empire. London, Nov. 16---A communica- tion subscribed to by a number oanadian--soldiers-appears-in 'anadians has been "chicken- nearted of the members" that condi- ions at Salisbury Plain Camp are ar from satisfactory 'It's true," hey say, "they are not such as we hould adopt for pleasure in times f peace, but have we not adopted hem in grim earnest at a time of mperial danger For ourselves and ill those with whom we have come | u contact we most assuredly say | hat we are a great deéal more com- aortable and better off than most roops in England to-day. "Our tents are not poor, but wave three or four good blankets a- diece, straw mattresses, pillows and; vater-proof sheets; we shave 'reat coats and an abundant supply ; f warm underclothing, sweaters, ocks, helmets and boots. 2 "Finally we should like to say the 'anddian troops arriving in England vere given a reception that went o the heart of us all ahd particular- y those who are Canadian bern and trangers to this country. This treat- rent, has, we regret to say, been re- arned in a manoper that may well| ring a blush of shame to all, ough happily, the great majority, | ho have come here not to picnic, | ! wrong impression that we ' yut to undergo whatever might be | up our comforts if the to give lives, 18CessSary, d be our in service of WILL GO TO JAPAN. ormer Commander of Tsing-Tau and Five Thousand Prisoners. New York, 'Nov: 16--<The follow: | 1g cablégram was received here rom Tokio. '"The formal meeting of the com- nander-in-chief of the Japanese. ar- ay, Lieut-General Kamio, and Cap-| ain Meyer-Waldeck, forniérly 'goyer- | or of Tsingtau, occurred on Nov. Oth at the Moltke Barrack. Captain Valdeck will go-on board a trahs- yort bound for Japan on Nov. 14th "he total number of prisoners taken) s 5,000, "The ceremony of entry by thei Japanese troops info the City of Ts- ng-Tau is expeeted 29 tdke-- place Nov. 15th." Tnsist on White Rose flout. The United States troops will eveau.- | ute Vera Cruz on Monday, November 23rd. KINGSTON'S ELECT RIC STORE Bought special lot Tungsten Lamps, exgelion quality 10 Watt 15 Watt 5 Watt Watt 50 Watt 100 Watt $1. 00 Home Illumination a Specialty. H. W. Newman Electric Co Phone 441. 79 Princess Street or good § ~ BRING YOUR CAR HERE when It needs any repairs or supplies. Our mechanies are all first Class and stand A.l in their trade. No repair (oo small or too big for Us (0 haddie. We also have here AN UP-TO-DATE GAMAGE Where you ean keep your ear in perfect confi ce and where you will receive colirteous treatment at all times. Our terms are very moderate. PORRITT GARAGE CO, Limited Acces: AY TroMoBILES Repuiry 210-212 oe A thigion St. » Telephone 454 Kiangston, Ont. Agent for CADILLAC asd REO CARS N EWFALL ap IN CANADA 8 BY SANADA'S 'LARGEST MEN'S solid Jeqther terre ® |BOYS", » wear like iron. -- trial Militia Men Notice the fine line of pocket-flash-lights in our win- dow. We have them all prices. Call and see them. Halliday" s Electric Shop Phone 94 345 King St. $3.50 to 6.50 $4 Wea are leather experts and 'back our judgment. - :4 will convince you.. boots, from .

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