Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Nov 1914, p. 2

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& "McKay's Custom Made Furs. Made in Kingston The Finest Furs In Kingston This is the verdict of those who know, and have looked through our magnifi- cent stock of furs. "You have no coin- petitors on Hudson | Beal,"' wrote one of our customers yester- day, in acknowledg- ing receipt of an Or- dered Garment trim- med in Fitch. We would to have you come in and investigate. Our values are the most -eonvineing you can find in town, MINK STOLES and MUFFS ' From the best Easter Canada Mink, in-all the new shapes Mink Muffs, that were $90. 00, for Mink Muffs, that were $80.00, for Mink Mus, that were $75.00, for Mink Muffs, that were $55.00, for Stoles, that were $100.00, for . . .. Stoles, that were $75.00, for . .. Gloles, that were $65.00, for . a Persian Lamb Muffs, reguiarly $45. 00, for ... Persian Lamb Muffs, regularly $40.00, for . .. Persian Lamb Muffs, regularly $25.00, for ... Perdian Lamb Muffs, regularly $18.00, for . .. Persian Lamb Stoles, regularly $40.00, for . .. Persian Lamb Stoles, regularly $30.00, for . ...$22.00 Persian Lamb Stoles, regularly $17.50, for . .. $13.00 Handsome Mole Capes, Shawls, Scarfs and Muffs made from the very best Scotch mole. Many new de- . A splendid assortment of Isabella Fox, Alas- ka Sable, Civit Cat, also in many new designs beauti- fully finished linings of first quality of guaranteed silks and satins. Colors to match furs. 25% Off Regular Prices John McKay, Ltd. 1%; "sac ee be glad . $45. 00 .$35.00 .$30.00 $18.00 .$13.50 .$31.00 (New Carpets) Rugs for the Fall Trade Signs That Are Passing Away Science has taken the pro. fession of optics beyond the sphere of the old time "side line" man. The strain mod- eern civilization places upon the eyes demands the attention of a specialist, We are Optisal Specialists. We devote our entire time to examining wyes and correcting their defects with proper glasses. 1 1.3. Asselstine,D.0. Eyesight Specialist. 843 Klug St, We have passed into stock sixty-sevem bales of Rugs. Designs are smaller and prices as low as last season. Every make of sfair and hall fo mafek. R. McFAUL| Phone 1019 Xmag: is Not F ar Away: Very soon you will be 3a the hustle | of holiday bu ying. Why not, at once, get busy and make" your selection while stocks are large and" shopping | is comfortable? We will store your purel at our risk until needed. This year you will buy the useful and durable and not expensive. i 3 Ci Easy chairs and rockers make a fine gift. lings good tion, ehoice locality, we rented. Paying over per 'cent. net on an in- vestment of .00. Only part cash re- quired. We have some choice bargains in detached "dwellings. : Desks, tables, cabinets, chiffoniers afe all useful, ornamental and dur- able, Rugs, Curtains, Table Covers, Screens, Carpet Cleaners, would bring pleasure both giver and receiver. ~, House furnishings are the' most ac- ceptable Sin you i ive. to Sweapers, Vacuum | THE Hi a. QUEEN'S] SERMON BY 'ARCHDEACON "PAT- ERSON SMYTH, MONTREAL, In Convocation Hall on Sunday Mor. ning---Meeting of the Alma Mater Society. Paterson-Smyth, rector Montreal, and Archdeacon of st. George's church, one of the foremost "preachors of the Anglican ¢hurch in Cinada, cond, ted the service at convocation hall on Sunday morning.' He touk his text from Romans ix, 20, 21 "Nay but, 0 man, who are thou ti rephiest against God ? Shall the thing form: ed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the day, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honor, and another unto dishoner In opening his sermon the preacher said that these verses were more per plexed to fmquiring minds than any others in the Bible. Thies is clearly a parable of nations; said St. Paul when speaking about the nation lsra: el, as the clay is in the hands of the potter, so are ve in the hands of God. The duty and purpose of * our clmrch and nation at this terrible time espe- cially is to make the people tum to God as their loader and helper. When the very patient potter made a failure of the first vessel he did not throw it away, but tried again and again, and ab last was successful in making it into a vessel for washing the king's feet. "This illustrates the potter's never-failing faith in God, and God's irresistable power over the clay. Never has there been so much mter- est taken in the nation's affairs as at the present time. We do not get the under news of the terrible conflict, but only the news at the surface. God's inspired words to us through the ih (ble sink in far deeper than the sur face. As Paul and Jeremiah learned that a lump of clay cannot decide its | own destiny, neither 'can a nation de | cide her destiny by any brute force, | but that their fate' is in the hands ol God. We find throughout the Bible | that no righteous nation has ever been destroyed and that no evil nation has | ever emerged. victorious in any way, Ng We see the people crowding into the | churches to-day,' a thing we mever { saw before. The reason of this is | because the people are beginning to realize that God is their leader and that 'their destiny is in His hands. At the time of the French revolu- tion the people '-thought that France was down and out but she is grad- ually being turned into a new nation just like theipotter's vessel. No na tion will be 'the same after this ter: rible war is over. Germany has be- come the very curse of every na tion because of her adversity. She is losing faith in God. The ques tion is: "Will God break her into atoms ?"' "Her issue is in God's hands. We do not know why 'Britain should be the foremost nation of the world During the last fifteen centuries of Christianity there has grown into our nation's hearts a semse of Chuis- tianity. Does not this parable of the nations. appeal to the people also'? Their character is moulded * by the keen edge of circumstances. In con- clusion, the preacher said, he hope- ful, be grateful, as ye think of the lowig- patience of God. If through your-fault - your vessel has been mae red by sin, God will not give you up but He has plenty of patience and will give you a chance to redeem yourself some The Alma Mater society met in Con | vocation hall on Saturday evening. J D. McCrae tendered his resignation as general convener of the Conversat | committee on the grounds that as he {was not in favor of social functions Hsing etd ut the university this year he could not put his heart into the work. His resigmation was accepted | and Fred. S. Milliken was appointed to fill the vacancy. The final yem asked for the use of Granl hall for their annual dance on Dec. 4th. This | was granted. ! The music and drama committee asked for the use of Grant hall for their patriotic concert to be held on Wednesday night This was also granted. | The Alma Mater executive advised that a Belgium relief fund commitlee | composed of F. R. Robb, J. W, | North, Mr. Stackhouse, R. P. Patter ison, J. MeNab, C. H. Pilkie, B. W. | Pilkie and J. D. McCrae, with Mr | Chambers as convener, be appointed {to eanvass the students for subscrip tions to help the suffering Belgians. debate was held between arts and arts '16. Messrs. Graham [and Erb, arts '15, were on the affi- mative, and Messrs Beechy and Sinp- igleton were on the negative. The | subject was : "Resolved, that capital | punishment , should be abolished." Arts 15 emerged victorious. Killed Bear Near Lavant. The Westport Hint club, which goes annually into camp on Robin- |son Lake mear Lavant, was success- ful this year. 8. Sully found a bear, (coming down a hill tewards him {when he only hdd a .2 rifle with him. | A bear hunt then took place and jn was followed far mere than two 'miles. It offered fight again but | C. J. Speagle quickly disposed of it {with a shot from a 8.51 rifle right through the head. Carrying a 250 | pound bear two- miles through the | brush is no picnie. They made a sling and four men brought it out, {and it was transferred to the stage i at Godfrey. { Met Death At Iroquois { Charles Redmond, of Iroquois, me. other war good WORST ¢ GALE OF YEAR Has Been Raging On Lake Ontario Past Few Days. The worst' gale of the year béén raging on Lake Ontario past few days. Marine men say that of forty.five miles an hour. pateh from Oswego states that steambarge A. D. Davidson, well known at Kingston, left thére at nCon Sunday and after fighting her way ap the lake fo: ty miles was compel led to return to port. The sea washed over the pilot house. The Stevemsen and Cgroey, barges of the Ogdepsburg Coal and Transportation company, ave sunk in about sixteen feet of water at the Lackawana «trestle. The Witbeck, another tow barge, owned by the same compauy, 3s in the harbor dis- abled with a hole yn her side Wolves Of The ! Underworld. Here iz a two-veel photoplay abound- ing in tense situations, thrilling emo- tibnal parts and heart interest. Shows the current of life in the underworld of one of our large cities. ~ A splendid "Broncho" fentiute Strand War Ser- vice, Nb, 6, destruction and burning ering he town Ter- monde. Over two thousand of the inhabitants, who took refuge in their cellars, were burned to death. Many incidents and a rattling I'hanhauser vomedy complete | Monday s and Tuesday's bis at at the Wonderland Theatre, . A 'des. tow Ladies' and Gent's Suitings below cost. Lambert's. William Gilsean, «Southampton, for a serious oNence will spent four years "in° the -penitentiary. He is aged twenty-four years: "Carbolic soap" at Gibson's Red C s Drug Stose. >a . E RM } - Kingston's Famous Fur Store { ! < | Bargains Brought Crowds. OPENING DAY Of Executors' Sale 3 Record One | Ses Saturday was the bus- | iest day in all our 37 | years' experience. At | | times our doors were locked and hundreds of | people were turned | | away. The one day has | | already made a big re- | duetion in our $75,000.00 | { stock of furs," hats and | . ladies' wear. Early | choosers get the best. | | Bargains like these |] {should bring you here early to-morrow. Ladies' Furs | Blue Wolf Setts for bo, . $26.00 up Blue Bear Goat Setts for . $7.90 up Fine Persian Lamb Muffs for .. $21.00 Mink Muffs for $21. 75up Mink Marmot Muffs for . $3.25 up LADIES' _ WEAR Sweater Coates, all shades $1.15 up Suits reduced to $5.00, $7.50 and ; $10.00 Trimmed Hats for $2.18 Cloth Coats at big re-, duections. has | H the | the wind at times reached a velocity | the | TAcciived Gave Magistrate Men's Hats and Caps All $2 felt hats for . .. All $2 . $ All 82.50° Stiff Hats for | and $2.50 winter .$1.00 Stiff Hats for death near G. T. R. 'station at that {town on Sunday merning. The {early mérning express from Toren. | {to had slowed down to let him off after five o'clock. ISeveral hours later his body was picked up by a eight train. 'He had evidently fal- len: on hig head, and met instant death. The deceased was a brother, of Russell Redmond, lately a clerk ih the Montreal bank, of Kingston. } He was on his way home from| Brighton. "Tooth brushes," Tt pa It to them at Gibson's Red ners Dray a . $1.65 | New smart st vies in soft hats for young men $1.50 Caps, Gloves, Raincoats and umbrellas at sweeping reduetions. N ree Patriotic Music Latest English Numbers, 35¢ per copy-- Your King and Country Want You (the grent recruiting song of England) . Who's For This Flag? * 15¢ Per Copy-- Sn National A Soldier And a Man The Marseillaise 'Be Britis For King. and Country The British Lion Is Angered, So Beware . With the British Colors, March Under the Banner of - Victory, ; March MILITARY BOOKS Latest Military Books, authorized by the Department of Militia and Defence. The College Book Store, 160 PRINCESS ST. OPEN NIGHTS For anything in up-to-the-| minute wearables for Misses} and Ladies. Blouses, Skirts, Underskirts Suits, Coats] These garments are new, stylish } and moderately priced. To see them will please you { NEWMAN & SHAW "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE" | Gourdier SAD- CASE REVEALED "= MAN GAVE LIQUOR TO WOMAN ON THE LIST. Name of Man, and He Will be Called to Pe- fend Himself In the Police Court. "I was rather cold, get a drop." Looking very pale and trembling from 'the effects of the strong drink she had been indulging in, a woman of middle age made this reply to Magistrate Farrell in the police court on Monday morning, when she was arraigned on a cha of being un- der the influence of liquor when a member of the "prohibited list." Following the usual emstom the magistrate had the woman sworn to find out where she secured the li- quor. She was questioned and sta- ted that a man, mentioning his name, had secured the for her. "1 will i the case for a day in order that we might make some inquiries about this man," said the magistrate. The woman's life bas been made miserable as a result of her love for st drink. Some time ago Children's Aid society secured "pos- reasion her children owing to the fact Bhat she was not in a position to care for "Itfs 'the first time in a long, time." This was the way another drunk expressed himself to the ma- gistrale when with over sar, and I had to i a primed. §S.ANGLIN&CO. | charged indulgence.; He said he had heen "half-sick™ as he termed it, und ook a little brandy. His little eink wns too mmch for him, however, it put him under. The penalty os ei Siow wpe ot t was given a ilar fine. It was Monday ven a vinilr and light fines were in order. Fall And Winter Imporatations. any of the si ers, we have ti Prevost, Brock street. has received his fall for his bie P of jauaiey, but if youykant the lent sweeper, lot SASH NOW sonnei. BB Delay means. extra 5 coal bills. We make the gd complete sash, glazed § Conl and Wood Yards BAY & WELLINGTON STS. Phone 66, Of course, if you want a breom or te kind of carpet sweep em, at the cheapest . rh Des pos Intent pa ow yu the Ba and dust. 0 To Rent PHONE 919 Oddly cased clocks. Clocks to match mod- ern furniture. Old Country designs mostly. Clocks are going up rice. elect yours before that happens. in Smith Bros, Jewellers issuers of Marriage ord : D This is the time to buy your furs You have a betier assortment to choose ol Rurrier 78-80 Brock St. ALFRED ST. A handsome, 'medium, sized dwelling, on this attractive street is offered for sale at a low price. The house is solid brick, con. tis every convenience, and is in excellent condition. Large lot with stable. A complete list of homes and investments nt office, SISO win frame dwelling, conveniences on (near Clergy). buy un detached with medern Queen Street ALL KINDS OF 'REAL ESTATE ohnnon and Division Sts. Phones 330 and 1458 ZS SE RCs 2 IP we Vr XA vr a Ph u Rd " tod | The Whole Show From the first "ring-up" of the curtain to its final drop, yom are asked to inspect the work- ings of THIS LAUNDRY See how we attain perfect sanitary, cleanness; see things come in grimmed and solled-- see 'em go out with shiting faces, Observe every stage of the transformation. Ask questions. oor. Princess ana renin

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